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Chapter 1012 Who is more sinister?

"What are you looking at?"

Isobel hugged Albert's neck from behind, rested her chin on his shoulder, and her eyes fell on the strange metal book in Albert's hand. Years of experience in getting along told her that there must be something hidden in this book.

What's the secret?


Albert put the metal book on the bedside table, stretched out his hand to cover his yawn and said: "Go to bed early tonight. I will go out with you tomorrow. It must be boring to stay at home all the time."

"Hogsmeade is no fun place either."

Although Isobel said this, she did not refuse. It was really boring to stay at home all the time, especially being alone was even more boring.

"Where do you want to go on a date tomorrow?"

"It's such a nostalgic date."

The lights in the bedroom quickly went out, and scattered voices came from inside.

On the metal pages on the bedside table, the outlined lines are gradually disappearing.

If someone opens the metal book and looks carefully, they will find that the page Albert just turned is a map. There are various ink dots on the map, and one of the ink dots is marked: Lucius Malfoy.

It is actually not too difficult to find the whereabouts of Voldemort.

All you need to do is find where Voldemort is hiding. As Voldemort's most loyal servants, the Death Eaters must know where Voldemort is hiding.

As long as a certain Death Eater is tracked, Voldemort's whereabouts can be found.

Albert happened to know that there was a Death Eater in Hogwarts, a Death Eater who could be easily tracked, Professor Snape, the Slytherin Head of Hogwarts.

Snape may be a clever wizard, but that doesn't mean he's so clever that he can see through the traces left by magic at a glance, let alone think that someone is following him.

A tie, a thread sewn into a piece of clothing, or something else less noticeable.

These gadgets that have been pre-cast with tracking spells can help Albert locate Voldemort's lair so that he can inherit the Dark Lord's legacy after Voldemort's death.

If he has an inheritance.

Okay, this is purely a joke.

However, it is definitely a good thing to be able to grasp Voldemort's whereabouts to a certain extent and gain more advantages in intelligence.

At this moment, the Dark Lord, who was meeting with Death Eaters in Voldemort's lair, did not know that his inheritance was being targeted.

Although Voldemort had already cast a spell to block this area so that his lair could not be displayed on the map, it still could not block the human trace spell.

It is true that Albert couldn't draw Voldemort's lair on the map, but that didn't mean that he couldn't locate the approximate area, and all the wizards active in this area would be marked on the map.

The area where Death Eaters are concentrated in large numbers is naturally the location of Voldemort's lair. Probably no one thought that the Trace Curse could be used in this way.

"...The giants have promised to fall to us, and it is not difficult to command them to do things for us to a certain extent." McNeil bowed slightly to Voldemort, told him what happened during this period, and patted his chest to ensure that if the dark

If the devil needs it, he can bring those giants to England through the channels prepared in advance.

"Severus told me." Voldemort looked at McNeil and said, "Dumbledore sent that stupid Hagrid to contact the giants."

"Yes, we found them and brought the giants to raid their hiding place," McNeil lowered his head, "Unfortunately, I couldn't leave them there forever. The witch beside Hagrid is Bu

Olim Maxim, the principal of Sparton, after she knocked down several giants, she slipped away with Hagrid."

Voldemort did not blame McNeil for this, but said calmly, "I just need you to ensure that your channels can bring those giants to Britain when I need them."

"No problem, Master." McNeil couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very good, you can go. Call Yaxley."

McNeil quickly left the room, and soon a Death Eater named Yaxley walked into the room cautiously.

When Yaxley met Voldemort's scarlet eyes, he couldn't help but lower his head, not daring to look Voldemort in the face. The notorious Death Eater in the past was like a docile cat at this moment.

"Have you found the whereabouts of the traitor Karkaroff?" Voldemort looked at the wizard below and asked.

"Master, not yet." Yaxley lowered his head lower.

"You really disappoint me." Voldemort said softly.

"Master, I have received accurate information. The traitor Karkaroff is hiding in the north. I need more people to search for the traitor's whereabouts." Yaxley said quickly, fearing that he would be punished by Voldemort for not doing things well.

"Then keep looking. Karkaroff must die, and the betrayer must die." Voldemort stared at the wizard below, "Don't let me down, Yaxley, go find Lucius."

Yaxley couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After bowing respectfully to Voldemort, he slowly exited the room, and soon Malfoy walked in.

"Lucius, I hope you can bring me some good news." Voldemort stared at Malfoy and said softly.

Ever since he knew that the diary entrusted to Malfoy had been destroyed, Voldemort had no intention of forgiving Malfoy, but he could not kill him at once, as doing so would cause the Death Eaters to leave him.

Voldemort has many ways to punish a person.

If Malfoy fails to complete the task, Voldemort does not mind giving him an unforgettable punishment.

"Fenrir Greyback has attracted most of the werewolves in Britain and is trying to attract other werewolves from all over Europe. I don't think he will let his master down." Malfoy said in a low voice.

"You know, I don't care about this."

Voldemort really didn't care about those hairy beasts. He knew that those guys had no choice, because the magic world would not accept them, and turning to his side was the best choice.

"The Order of the Phoenix probably already knows that the master is eyeing the prophecy ball in the Department of Mysteries. They sent people to watch the entrance of the Department of Mysteries. I once used the Imperius Curse to control Stooges Podmore to break into the Department of Mysteries, but it failed.

,I think……"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Let's get to the point." Voldemort interrupted.

"I used the Imperius Curse on the silent man Bode. I think he should be able to get the prophecy ball." Lucius told his plan and controlled a silent man to get the prophecy ball, so that he would not encounter even mysterious incidents.

The embarrassing problem of not being able to get in is over.

The only regrettable thing is that the silent person cannot reveal the news, otherwise the situation would not be so bad.

Malfoy was hesitant. He knew that if August Rookwood could be fished out of Azkaban, his work experience in the Department of Mysteries would definitely be of great help in obtaining the Prophecy Orb.

It's a pity that Malfoy can't do this, he can't let himself lose value.

"I got some news about Albert Anderson's life experience." Malfoy took a deep breath and changed the subject.


Voldemort was very impressed by the Mudblood named Albert Anderson. Especially after the duel competition, he would never mind killing the opponent if given the chance.

"According to my investigation..." Lucius paused for a moment and continued, "Albert Anderson is probably a descendant of Squib."

"Descendants of Squibs?"

"According to the torture of Anderson's neighbors, Albert Anderson's parents should be Muggles, and his ancestors are probably Squibs." Malfoy glanced at Voldemort secretly, and after confirming the other person's expression, continued, "Dozens

Years ago, a Squib was born in the Smith family, and they were roughly the same age. It is said that he was secretly disposed of later. I think the Squib was not dead, but was exiled to the Muggle world to fend for himself."

"Later he changed his last name to: Luke Anderson."

"Few people know about this, and I doubt that even the Smith family knows that the mudblood named Albert Anderson is related to them.

"He is a descendant of Squib?" Voldemort said softly.

"I think so. I got the name of the squib from someone who knew about it: Luke Smith." Malfoy also found this matter strange, but this was the result of his investigation.

Voldemort also fell into a brief silence. He could not understand why the descendants of Squibs had such powerful magical power.

"There is also a master of information." Lucius continued to show his value. "That mudblood named Albert Anderson can use the crystal ball to predict. I think the master of prophecy that Dumbledore wants to invite should be him."

"Any more? Lucius."

"There is no master."

"Very good, you can go. Call Avery." Voldemort didn't know what he was thinking, but he actually ordered, "Look for an opportunity to kill the mudblood named Anderson."

"Yes." Lucius lowered his head with a very bitter expression.

Albert Anderson is not easy to kill, otherwise he would have been killed long ago.

Not long after Lucius left, Avery, who looked slightly pale, walked in.


Since the failure of his plan to murder Albert, Avery's status among the Death Eaters has declined significantly.

There was no way, someone had to take the blame for whoever let Wormtail die.

"Avery, I need you to be ready at any time." Voldemort said directly, "At the most appropriate time, help other captured Death Eaters escape from Azkaban."

"Master, this is not difficult. If all the Dementors turn against us, we can directly release the prisoners imprisoned in Azkaban." Avery said respectfully.

"It would be unwise to expose him now, so he can only escape from prison." Voldemort reminded.

Voldemort knew very well that it was not time to reveal that he was alive yet.

Now that Fudge is causing trouble for Dumbledore and providing cover for them, it is undoubtedly the most suitable time to regenerate and regain strength. He also knows very well that Dumbledore hopes that the news that he is still alive will be completely exposed so that he can draw on the power of the entire British wizarding community.

Fight against yourself.

Therefore, Voldemort chose the latter between releasing the prisoners of Azkaban and hiding temporarily. What's more, after Avery negotiated with the dementors, the guards of Azkaban could switch to their side at any time, and there was no need to

Too anxious.

Before his minions reunite and have the power to fight against the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore, Voldemort will hide himself and wait for the opportunity to come. Voldemort will let people rescue the Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban.

Among them Rookwood is the most important.

That man has worked in the Department of Mysteries and must know the problem of the Prophecy Ball better than anyone else.

Although the silent person cannot reveal information, he can still help.

He asked Lucius to do it because he needed someone to try it so as not to waste the last few months, and Malfoy was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

If he could succeed, it would be best. If he failed...he would have an excuse to punish Malfoy.

After that, Voldemort met with all the Death Eaters, listened to their reports and gave them tasks.

He knew that he needed to speed up his pace, because Fudge might leave next summer. Even if Voldemort didn't want to believe those damn prophecies, but... he had to prepare in advance.

Of course, there is another reason.

Ever since Voldemort was resurrected and regained all his strength, he had been vaguely aware of a special connection between himself and Harry Potter.

Voldemort was trying to strengthen the connection between the two parties, trying to get into Harry's mind. As an expert in Legilimency, Harry Potter's brain was undefended in front of Voldemort.

At that time, you can do many things, such as controlling Harry's mind, or using Harry to spy on Dumbledore, or trying to control Harry to deal with Dumbledore.

In Voldemort's eyes, Dumbledore was undoubtedly more difficult to deal with than Harry Potter, and that was his biggest enemy, while Harry Potter was nothing more than an insignificant existence.

Voldemort wanted to deal with Dumbledore more than dealing with Harry.

So Voldemort has been trying to invade Potter's mind.

Unfortunately, it was not successful. For some reason, his power was weakened.

Voldemort suspected that the ancient protective magic outside Hogwarts was at work, weakening his power.

However, even if he cannot directly control Potter, he can still do many things, such as misleading Harry Potter, which is not difficult.

This chapter has been completed!
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