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Chapter 1038 Its time to take medicine

"I heard that Toad invites people to drink tea every day?"

Shanna copied the content on the blackboard, glanced secretly at Albert beside her, and casually mentioned what happened recently.

Since the introduction of the rule that "students must be questioned about suspected illegal activities", Umbridge has been very keen to invite others to her office for tea, causing panic in the entire school.

Since the Cedric incident, everyone knew that the toad would add veritaserum to tea, and no one wanted to be tortured with the drug.

"Not surprisingly."

Albert rested his chin on his hand and listened to Professor McGonagall explaining the transformation spell to everyone on the stage, and by the way, he compared the difference with his own knowledge of the transformation spell.

Summoning out of thin air, banishing summons, human body transformation and appearance magic are all relatively common knowledge points in N.E.W.T. The other is detransformation magic.

In fact, there are more advanced transformation magics, such as water, fire and other ethereal things to transform and control. Just like Albert once used mist to create chains, trapping the fire dragon is magic in this area, but Mag

It seems that the professor has no intention of teaching these things in the deformation improvement class, maybe it is out of scope.

No, it should be said that the content of the N.E.W.T exam is not easy for most students. It is even more difficult to get excellent results. Otherwise, the requirement for Aurors is not to pass 5 N.E.W.T. exams, and the score must not be lower than E (beyond E).

expected), but it was O (excellent).

When the bell rang, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After Professor McGonagall completed the homework of practicing the Transformation Spell, everyone took their packed backpacks and left the classroom.

"You look tired?" Shanna walked to the hall with Albert, and next to her was Fred who was chatting with Angelina.

"I went to bed late last night."

Although using the time turner to catch up on sleep and staying up late still made Albert feel tired, it was all worth it. The astronomy and astrology of the centaurs gave Albert a lot of inspiration.

Last night, Albert quietly visited Firenze, and after communicating with him for several hours, he successfully mastered the astrology of the Centaur.

Firenze's astrology level is very high. Every time I communicate with him, my astronomy and astrology will improve slightly.

What made Albert even more excited was that as long as he changed the wand to a special wand made of white fresh branches, he could really use the centaurs' healing magic. He was so excited that he didn't sleep well all night.

It is a completely different treatment method from that of wizards. The centaurs' healing magic is more suitable for healing wounds, eliminating toxins and improving physical conditions than the wizard's healing magic. Albert feels that Isobel's beauty magic may be better than the centaurs' magic.

It's settled.

The healing magic of wizards is actually more inclined to cure various spells and curses. This may be related to the environment in which they live. Centaurs living in the forest rarely come into contact with spells.

It's a pity that Firenze didn't intend to go into detail about healing magic. It seemed that he didn't intend to teach Albert, or that he thought it was impossible for wizards to master the magic of centaurs.

Therefore, Albert never revealed that he mastered the centaurs' healing magic.

Of course, maybe it's the magic panel that has the effect.

This incident gave Albert an inspiration. Can he also learn the magic of goblins and house elves? Although the magic systems of the two sides are different,... maybe he can give it a try.

"Albert, do you have the compound potion?"

On the way back to the Gryffindor common room, Hermione caught up with him from behind and asked about the Poly Potion.

"There should be some left." Albert stopped, turned to look at Hermione who was panting, and asked, "How much do you need?"

"That's enough for one person."

Hermione found out that Albert didn't ask her what she planned to do with the compound potion, and she felt a little disappointed for some reason.

"I'll go back and look for it, and I'll give it to you tonight." Albert said.

"That's great." Hermione thanked Albert and turned back to the hall, obviously to share the good news with her friends.

"Aren't you curious about what bad things Hermione plans to do with the compound potion?" Fred asked, blinking.

"What bad thing?" Albert asked, tilting his head.

"Don't be stupid Fred, do you really think Albert doesn't know?" George couldn't help complaining. He even suspected that Albert secretly hinted to Hermione.

"I think this has something to do with Hermione accidentally using the compound potion by mistake." Albert indeed guessed what Hermione wanted to do with the compound potion.

George's guess was only half correct. It was not Albert who gave Hermione a hint, but Albert who gave a hint to the three of them, and the three of them gave Hermione a warning.

It's no wonder that George thinks that way. Albert deserves at least half of the credit for the toad being so miserable now.

There was no other way. It was Albert who suggested that they help Harry form a "Defense Association" and suggested that Hermione use the "Self-Defense Guide" to teach everyone about the defense against dark arts.

Peeves would cause trouble for Toad, which was basically guided by Albert. Although most of the time it was the Weasley brothers who were in contact with Peeves, the Galleons who funded it came from Albert, which directly made Toad a

Hogwarts jokes.

The prophecy of the old liar Professor Trelawney was a hole dug by Albert himself. The toad fell and has not yet gotten up. Professor Trelawney's prophecy is still hanging over Umbridge's head. She is here

The school's situation is getting worse and worse entirely because of the prophecy that she will drive away Dumbledore and become the new headmaster of Hogwarts, and that she will leave after this semester.

A nuisance who is destined not to stay in school for a long time is bound to arouse dissatisfaction and resistance from some students. Anyway, she will get out soon, and there is no need to worry about being targeted.

As for Fred and George using toads to test and promote their joke props, it was all Galleons and suggestions given by Albert. They even planned to use toads to build the reputation of the joke shop.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It was Albert who originally gave Lee Jordan the idea to spread rumors. He has not forgotten how the Anti-Toad Alliance was born. The Wizard

The Watch Station and the "Defense Express" magazine are actually related to Albert. The reason why the professors chose to lie down one after another is related to Albert's prophecy.

Sometimes, George even broke out in a cold sweat because of the toad. God knows how many holes Albert had dug for the toad, waiting for her to jump down.

However, George did not sympathize with Toad because he hated Toad very much. Not only was the education order on the bulletin wall related to what she had done at Hogwarts in the past six months, but it was also related to the prophecy made by Albert.

"I think we will receive the good news that Toad is hospitalized soon." George's tone was quite cheerful. They had been disrupting Toad's review recently.

"What are the consequences of using the compound potion incorrectly?" Fred asked curiously.

"Probably... the canary transformed by the canary cookie cannot shed its hair and return to its original state." Albert made a simple and easy-to-understand metaphor.

"That's really bad. It's better if they turn the toad into a real toad." Fred looked very excited and even wanted to see Umbridge's unlucky appearance with his own eyes.

"How long will she need to be hospitalized for?" George was more concerned about this issue.

"Probably after the Christmas vacation!" Albert said without thinking, "About two months."

"what are you guys saying?"

Lee Jordan couldn't understand what riddles these people were playing. Even Fred and George had been influenced by Albert recently.

He hates the Riddler.

"Where did you run just now?"

Harry looked at Hermione coming towards him and asked doubtfully.

"I just went to find Albert. He still has the compound potion." Hermione said in a low voice.

"Compound potion, who are you going to use it to turn into, a toad?" Ron asked in confusion.

"Yes, toad." Hermione nodded.

"Why did you turn into a toad?" Ron was even more confused.

"I mean turning a toad into a toad," Hermione corrected.

"Do you think the compound potion can solve the trouble caused by the toad?" Harry felt that what Hermione was talking about should be related to this matter. They had just been discussing how to solve Umbridge's problem.

"Do you still remember the symptoms I experienced after taking the compound potion in the second grade?" Hermione reminded, "The compound potion cannot be used to turn into an animal, otherwise it will..."

"Otherwise it will turn into a disaster." Harry understood what Hermione wanted to do and said slightly excitedly, "If we can make the toad drink the compound potion with toad added, I think the scene will be quite wonderful."

"I think within two months, she won't be able to teach everyone, and this matter can also be attributed to the curse. It is said that the toad was cursed by the black magic defense position and turned into a toad." Luo

Eun also thought it was a good idea, and by the time Umbridge recovered, they had already had the Christmas break.

"Neville will definitely be willing to donate some of Rifle's skin. We'd better get Umbridge into the campus hospital in these two days." Harry said with a smile. Although Fred and George's method worked, they also

It takes a lot of experience to do this, and everyone can't always keep an eye on the toad.

"We need to clear up the relationship." Hermione lowered her voice and said, "Lest the toad actually learn the news one day, this kind of thing must be prevented."

That night, Harry, Ron and Hermione knocked on Albert's dormitory door.

When they were invited into the room, several of Albert's roommates were in the room. They didn't know what they were talking about. They stopped talking when they entered.

"What are you going to turn Umbridge into?"

Albert opened his potion storage box, took out a bottle of black and sticky mud potion, handed it to Hermione, and asked casually.

"Toad, we got some body parts of Lyford from Neville."

Hermione took out a small bottle, pinched a small piece of toad skin from it, and added it to the compound potion. The potion in the potion began to boil, bubbled a lot, and turned into an ugly brown-black color.

"Let everyone see what she looks like when she turns into a toad, so that she won't dare to continue to be arrogant and domineering and use Veritaserum on everyone." Lee Jordan looked extremely excited, just thinking about Umbridge turning into a humanoid toad,

It must be very interesting. "Albert, you must lend me your camera. I will take some photos of her. Maybe there will be a chance to make it into a wizard card in the future."

"Are you really going to do that?"

Albert ignored the somewhat excited Lee Jordan and looked at the three Harrys and asked.

"Is there any problem?" Harry asked confused.

"If you turn Umbridge into a toad, I think she will go even crazier and desperately try to find out who is behind the scenes," Albert reminded kindly, "The whole Hogwarts will probably be unrest!


"There is no peace now."

The three of them looked at each other and said, "The situation can't be worse."

"makes sense."

Albert looked at Harry and Hermione, quite satisfied with this.

Both of them have undoubtedly grown a lot. Although their growth was cultivated while dealing with Umbridge, they have still grown up after all. They are not as naive as before, and their own abilities have also been strengthened.

Their progress can be seen from the plan to send the toad to the school hospital this time.

No way, the original plot line has been disrupted by Albert. God knows where it will develop in the future. In order to solve Voldemort, he still feels that the trio should be strengthened. Otherwise, God knows how to use Dumbledore's method to grow.

Will the rising savior and his friends be able to withstand the changes in the plot in the near future? If they are accidentally tricked to death, it would be really a scam.

There is no doubt that the effect is quite obvious. Harry and Hermione have indeed strengthened their strength, and they have undergone greater changes than before.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It was Ron's mediocre performance that made Albert a little difficult to judge. He always felt that the other party did not seem to have made any progress?

His delusion?

"When are you going to do it?" Fred asked.

"We'll do it later, but we need someone to help cover us." Hermione looked at several people and said, "To prevent others from discovering that we left the common room at this time."

"Use this." Albert took out the "Book of Origins" from the box and handed it to George.

Creating an alibi is actually very simple, just pretend they are in the dormitory.

As for witnesses, everyone here is a witness.


Before Weasley entered, Albert called to him.

"Is something wrong?"

Ron was very surprised. What did Albert want to do with him?

"Here you go." Albert took out a bottle of medicine and threw it to him. "Take one during Quidditch training. It should allow you to display your skills normally."


Ron looked at the medicine bottle, a little confused, but still thanked Albert.

The Harry trio and Lee Jordan entered the Book of Origins, and George sent them out of the common room. Then they used the Book of Origins to secretly enter the common room.

"Does your medicine really work?" Fred and George were both curious about what medicine Albert gave Ron.

"It has some effects, but it's more of a psychological effect." Albert explained, "His level is actually not bad, but his mentality is too bad, so he has been unable to perform as well as he should. That bottle of medicine can give him

Confidence, when he slowly accumulates confidence in practice, his performance on the court will not be so bad."

"I see."

Both of them understood it, but they didn't expect such a saucy operation.

"What does Albert want from you?" Harry asked curiously.

"He gave me this thing, saying it would allow me to perform at a normal Quidditch level." Ron took out the potion given by Albert and explained to several people.

"Very good." Harry felt deeply about this. He patted Ron on the shoulder and said, "Those weird potions always work well."

Ron stuffed the bottle back into his pocket, turned to stare at the compound potion in Hermione's hand, and changed the subject: "How do we make her drink it? I dare say the toad will not drink the compound potion obediently."

"Use the stun spell and pour it into her mouth."

Harry had already thought of a solution. He had determined through the Marauder's Map that the toad was in the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

After leaving the common room, several people cast a disillusionment spell on themselves and quietly came outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. Ron took out a ball from his pocket, pulled the lid on it, and stuffed it into the office.

, after dry coughs and curses were heard from inside, several people quickly opened the door, went in, subdued the person, and then poured the compound potion into the unconscious Umbridge, while Hermione immediately modified the other person's memory, all in one move.

This is really thanks to the results of previous training sessions.

The compound potion took effect quickly, and the skin on the toad's body began to become rough, more like Leif's skin color, her hands grew webbed like a toad, and her head looked more like a toad, she was like a living creature


"How disgusting."

Li Jordan looked at the unconscious toad, opened his mouth and made a retching gesture.

Then, he raised the camera he borrowed from Albert and took a lot of photos of the toad before leaving the Defense Against the Dark Arts office with no satisfaction.

"Do you think a toad can guess who did it?" Harry turned to ask Lee Jordan.

"As long as you have an alibi." Lee Jordan shrugged and said, "When the time comes, ask Albert for some antidote to the truth serum. It will be useless even if they really target you."

"I really want to see how the toad will react when he finds out that he has turned into a toad." Ron muttered.

"There will be a chance, soon."

Lee Jordan looked at the unconscious toad and said meaningfully.

Before leaving, they did not forget to use spells to erase traces of the presence of several people.

This chapter has been completed!
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