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Chapter 1042 Toad on the Christmas Tree

"Where have they been occupying lately!"

Katrina, who was rushing to do her homework in the library, did not forget to complain to Albert about the "Defense Association" always occupying the Room of Requirement.

As Christmas approaches, Katrina becomes busier and busier. Not only does she have to deal with a large number of holiday homework, she also needs to lead her prefects to help professors decorate the castle.

Recently, she wishes she could stay in the Room of Requirement and do her homework quietly without being disturbed all the time.

She really didn't know why the student union president had so many things to do. She suspected that the reason why she was so busy had to do with the fact that the guy next to her was always fishing.

Of course, part of the reason is that Umbridge is still hospitalized, and the professors all hope to have a happy Christmas, otherwise they will probably just deal with it.

"They don't have enough time."

Albert stared at the notebook without raising his head and said calmly, "After Umbridge recovers and is discharged from the hospital, Hogwarts School will probably be unrest again."

"I don't think so. God knows if Umbridge will get sick again and be hospitalized!" Katrina glanced at Albert next to her and continued: "By the way, I plan to stay at school for Christmas and take the holidays by the way.

I have done my homework, and by the way..."

"Isobel asked you to go back for Christmas." Albert interrupted.

"I have already signed the list of students staying in school." Katrina reminded with a glance at her mouth.

To be honest, she has no interest in asking for trouble.

"It's just a small matter, just tell Professor McGonagall." Albert could actually guess why Katrina didn't want to go back for the Christmas vacation, but he still reminded her, "Mrs. McDougal will also come to join us.

spend Christmas."

"Are you at home?" Katrina asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No, somewhere else." Albert had prepared many safe houses, and he didn't want to take risks.

"Forget it, I'll be fine if I stay in school."

"Isobel said that if you don't go back, then..." Albert looked away from the notebook, reached into his pocket and took out a piece of letter paper and handed it to Katrina.

"She always likes to do this kind of thing in the name of doing good for me, without caring about my feelings at all." Katrina complained without looking at the contents of the envelope.

Even if she didn't look at it, she could probably guess what the content was.

"It's really annoying." Albert nodded in agreement.

"That's right..."

Just when Katrina wanted to denounce Isobel, she heard Albert say again: Although I often do this too.

She was left speechless.

At this moment, a girl hurriedly walked over and said to the two of them: "Toad is missing in the campus hospital. Professor McGonagall hopes that you can lead people to search for her whereabouts in the castle."

"Umbridge is missing?" Katrina repeated with a strange expression.

"Yes, she is missing. Professor McGonagall is in the campus hospital." The girl glanced at Albert secretly and said, "I really hope she can disappear until the end of this semester."

"I understand, let's go over there right away." Albert closed the note and stood up.

"Could it be your roommates again?"

After the girl left in a hurry, Katrina cast a suspicious look at Albert. She felt that there was a high probability that Albert had instigated his bold roommates to do this, in order to make the toad temporarily

Disappear for a while and solve the problem directly at the source.

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is already cursed." Albert didn't care about the other party's accusation. "It's only normal that something will happen."

"What a waste of time."

Katrina had to put down her quill and went to the campus hospital with Albert, "I dare say you know where the toad is."

"Who knows?" Albert raised his hand and gently knocked on the door of the school hospital, and then walked in with Katrina.

Professor McGonagall was talking to Madam Pomfrey, and the prefects of each house were also here, whispering to each other about Umbridge's disappearance.

"As you can see, Professor Umbridge suddenly disappeared." Professor McGonagall looked around at the two student union presidents and prefects and said, "We suspect that she is "hiding" somewhere in Hogwarts Castle.

, prepare to give everyone a surprise, I need you to mobilize other students to help find Professor Umbridge."

"Professor, what if I can't find it?" Ernie MacMillan raised his hand and asked: "I heard... there were also cases of missing Defense Against the Dark Arts professors before, maybe..."

"Regardless of whether Professor Umbridge is missing or not, we will try to find her."

In fact, Professor McGonagall's meaning is already very obvious, that is, just pretend.

If Umbridge really disappeared like Rowena Smith, there was nothing she could do. Anyway, she had already mobilized the entire school to help find someone.

As for finding someone, that's not her concern.

"I really hope the toad suddenly disappears."

"Is it really the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's curse?"

After walking out of the campus hospital, Albert cleared his throat and said to everyone, "Ahem, as you can see, Umbridge is suddenly missing."

Everyone stopped and looked at Albert.

"It is obviously unrealistic for us to find Umbridge." Albert said to all the prefects, "So I hope that all the prefects will tell the students in their respective houses about this news and mobilize the whole school to help find someone."

Whether others are willing to help is another matter.

Just as Katrina guessed, Albert did know where the toad was "hiding".

Last night, Fred, George and Lee Jordan told Albert the big news that the anti-toad alliance decided to launch a heavy attack on the toad.

They planned to turn Umbridge into a toad and decorate it on a Christmas tree in the hall.

Yes, the toad was in the hall, cast a holding spell, and placed on top of the Christmas tree to serve as the star of the Christmas tree.

There is a toad on the Christmas tree, which is really weird, so someone cast a disembodiment spell on the toad.

That night, when everyone was enjoying dinner, the effect of the illusion spell on the toad gradually disappeared.

"what is that?"

I don’t know who pointed at the toad on the Christmas tree and shouted.

With this shouting, more and more students noticed the toad on the Christmas tree.

I don't know who did it, but the toad on the Christmas tree suddenly reverted to Umbridge's appearance, causing the student who was eating to almost spit out the food in his mouth.

However, an even stranger scene happened.

Umbridge actually stood on the top of the Christmas tree like a light feather, and began to spin in circles, while people around her slowly sang "The Toad's Song" to the tune of Merry Christmas.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the professors all stood there blankly, letting the ugly-looking Umbridge spin on the Christmas tree, with no intention of stepping forward to save each other.

Suddenly there was a sound of fireworks exploding under the Christmas tree, and above Umbridge, a sentence suddenly appeared: The Anti-Toad Alliance presents "The Song of the Toad" to everyone.

"Anti-Toad Alliance?" Professor McGonagall read softly.

I don't know who sang "The Song of the Toad" along with the music, and the atmosphere suddenly became joyful.

After the students in the hall came to their senses, they sang "The Toad's Song" to the cheerful Christmas tune.

That night, Umbridge's deeds spread throughout Hogwarts and became a hot topic of discussion. Many students suddenly discovered that the "Anti-Toad Alliance" that they thought did not exist had actually done such a big thing, and they all asked about the Anti-Toad Alliance.

Alliance news.

At this moment, members of the Anti-Toad Alliance, no, I should say DA, are holding a celebration party in the Room of Requirement to celebrate their first victory.

That's right, what happened just now was caused by Harry and the DA members.

They first used quick-acting candy to create a cold to hold off Madam Pomfrey, and then used the Disguise Charm to secretly knock out the toad. Then Cedric, the best at transfiguration, turned Umbridge into a toad and took her out of the school hospital.

, the prefects who decorate the Christmas tree place the toad on the Christmas tree.

Umbridge can spin slowly because she stepped on a wooden disc cast by the Disguise Charm, and the songs are even simpler.

There is no doubt that the persecution plan devised by the evil-minded Weasley brothers brought a lot of joy and laughter to everyone.

It also brought unprecedented confidence to the Anti-Toad Alliance, and at the same time led everyone into the trenches against Umbridge.

At first, Hermione actually didn't agree with the twin brothers' plan.

"Fighting Umbridge together is conducive to the unity of the entire DA. If Harry wants to confront the mysterious man in the future, he needs to have his own supporters. He cannot fight against the mysterious man and his minions alone, even if he adds

There are not enough of us, and Harry needs more support." George said meaningfully, "Albert realized it, so he gave you the book to help form the current DA."

Hermione was finally convinced by George.

Harry needs supporters, not isolation.

In order to prevent Umbridge from spending the Christmas holiday alone in her hospital bed, Professor McGonagall asked Hagrid to move a Christmas tree to the school hospital and place it next to Umbridge's bed.

However, what is placed on this Christmas tree is not a star, but a pink toad.

"Actually, I think it's okay to hang the toad on the Christmas tree for a longer time." Fred felt that letting Umbridge go was too advantageous.

"Do you want to freeze toads into popsicles?" Li Jordan couldn't help but roll his eyes. He felt that the timing was very good at that time. Not only did he let everyone see what the toad looked like, it also established the reputation of the Anti-Toad Alliance. By the way,

He crooked the toad and brought joy and laughter to everyone. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

"Can't you just be quiet?"

George was telling Albert that Harry's teaching progress was much slower than he expected. Although Harry had spent a lot of time on this matter, everyone's learning progress was still very slow.

"Harry is teaching everyone the Patronus Charm." George looked at Albert who was reading a book, raised his eyebrows and asked, "You don't seem to care about this very much."

"What they learn is their own, and I don't care what it does." Albert flipped through the book in his hand, which was a Christmas gift from Dumbledore: "The Tales of Beedle the Bard."

"What are you looking at?"

"The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Dumbledore Edition."

"What's going on with Dumbledore's version?" George raised his eyebrows.

"It's "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" that Professor Dumbledore translated and published. He also added his own comments after each story." Albert handed the book to Fred.

"Dumbledore is going to publish "The Tales of Beedle the Bard"?" Lee Jordan was a little confused.

"I guess not now. This book will probably be published after Fudge steps down. After all, it will save a lot of trouble then."

"I always feel it's different from the version I read before." Fred handed the book to Lee Jordan.

British wizards basically grew up listening to "The Tales of Beedle the Bard".

"Yes, the "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" that you read before was revised. This one is a literal translation. The best part of the book is actually the comments left by Professor Dumbledore." Albert reminded.

"I don't understand. What do you think Professor Dumbledore wants to express?" Lee Jordan handed the book to George.

"Tell us about it." George returned the book to Albert.

After a full circle, "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" returned to Albert's hands.

"Everyone has his own opinion." Albert put away "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" directly, covered his yawn and said, "I'm a little sleepy, go to bed early."

"Good night!"

However, they did not sleep long before they were awakened by a rapid knock on the door outside.

When Lee Jordan opened the dormitory door, he saw Professor McGonagall standing outside.

"Professor, what's the matter?" Lee Jordan asked, covering his yawn.

"Tell Fred and George to wait for me in the common room. Come on, it's urgent." After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, she turned and left to inform Ginny Weasley.

"Fred, George, get up." Lee Jordan looked at Professor McGonagall's leaving figure in confusion, then turned around to wake up the Weasley brothers who were still a little confused.

"What happened?" Fred and George covered their yawns.

"Professor McGonagall said there was an emergency and asked you to wait for her in the common room." Lee Jordan frowned.

"It's an emergency, come to us?" George repeated in confusion.

"Remember to put on your cloak to avoid catching a cold." Albert reminded: "And don't forget to bring the communication bookmark with you. We will contact you when the time comes."

"Do you know what happened?" Lee Jordan looked at the leaving figures of the Weasley brothers and turned to ask Albert.

"Maybe... something happened to their family!"

Albert was curious whether Voldemort made another snake to attack Arthur Weasley after Nagini was killed by Dumbledore, and planned to mislead Harry Potter.

Or did something else happen?

"Because of the Order of the Phoenix?" Li Jordan planned to join the Order of the Phoenix after graduation.

"Probably." Albert covered his yawn and said, "Go to sleep. You can use the communication bookmark to contact them tomorrow."

"Can prophecies really allow us to do whatever we want?"

Lee Jordan glanced at Albert who turned back to sleep, covered his yawn and lay back on the bed to continue sleeping.

That guy's words always put people at ease.


No, the phoenix's tears can heal most injuries, even the basilisk's poison, let alone Arthur Weasley's injuries.

As long as Arthur doesn't die.

However, the price of using the tears of the phoenix to treat wounds may be a bit high, which means that Arthur may lose his job.

No matter how stupid Fudge is, he can guess that Arthur Weasley is Dumbledore's man. After all, the tears of the phoenix are extremely precious.

This chapter has been completed!
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