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Chapter 1075 Their respective Easters

Since the Easter vacation began, Albert has been staying at Rose Manor, living a world of two with Isobel.

As for why he didn't stay in Hogsmeade Village, the main reason was that as a secret keeper, Albert would be prone to safety risks if he stayed there for a long time.

As for the upcoming N.E.W.Ts exam, Albert doesn't care. Isobel has experienced it personally, and her exam experience can be of great help to Albert. What's more, Albert is not afraid of exams at all. With his

His own level is definitely no problem in practice. As for the theoretical exam, he has to thank the skill panel for providing him with a strong memory.

However, Albert was not as relaxed as he seemed on the surface. He had never despised the mysterious man and the Death Eaters, and he did not want to become an unlucky guy like the Potters.

There is nothing wrong with clinging to life.

"What are you busy with?"

As soon as he came out of the laboratory, Albert saw Isobel directing the house elves to be busy in the kitchen, seemingly making Easter eggs. The shells made of chocolate and icing looked like dragon eggs.

"Easter Egg!"

Isobel showed the results of the busy morning in front of Albert, and gave him an expression that said she was going to praise me.

“Looks great.”

Albert looked at the Easter eggs, picked up a scrap and chewed it in his mouth. He smiled and hugged the girl's slim waist and said, "But it always makes me feel a little weird when you make Easter eggs for me."

"Strange?" Isobel tilted her head and looked at Albert and asked, "No one should send you Easter eggs this year!"

"That's true, but you sending me Easter eggs makes me feel like I'm still a little kid in need of Easter eggs." Albert bit into the icing and suggested: "How about giving this Easter egg to me?"

Easter eggs for Katrina.”

"You don't want Easter eggs!" Isobel said a little disappointed.

"I just need you." Albert said softly: "Let me help you, what kind of candy do you plan to add to the Easter eggs."

"If it were for Katrina, I would put chocolate balls and sizzling honey candies in the Easter egg." Isobel knew her sister's favorite candies fairly well, and the two sisters had similar preferences.

"I'll ask Dobby to go to Honeydukes Candy Store to buy some candies later." Albert looked at the Easter eggs in front of him. He actually liked it quite a lot, but asking Isobel to make Easter eggs for him would make him

I feel very childish.

"I won't dislike you for being naive." Isobel leaned into Albert's ear and blew gently.

"You are not allowed to use Legilimency." Albert deliberately made a serious face and pinched Isobel's nose gently.

"You didn't hide it, it's easy to guess your thoughts." Isobel said with a smile.

"Then... let's keep this for ourselves. After all, you spent the whole morning making it." Albert hesitated for a moment and continued: "We will taste it together later. As for Katrina's Easter eggs, let

Kara, please help make another one!”


Isobel smiled even happier and asked Albert to help her take off her apron.

Sure enough, it's not important that my sister has a boyfriend.

Ravenclaw common room.

Katrina was staring at the Easter egg with a complicated expression. This was the owl package she had just received, and the sender was Isobel.

To be honest, Mrs. McDougal was so busy all day that the sisters almost never received Easter eggs, and sometimes they even forgot their birthdays.

Katrina looked at the envelope in the package, then stared at the candy in the easter egg, and fell into a brief silence.

She had already guessed how this thing came about.

It was probably when Isobel was making Easter eggs for Albert that she made one for her, and judging from the appearance of the egg, it was probably made with the help of a house elf.

She took a deep breath, opened the envelope and read the contents of the letter carefully. Most of the parchment contained Isobel's experience in the N.E.W.Ts exam, as well as areas that might need attention, to relieve her exam stress.

Since the Easter holiday, the exam atmosphere in Hogwarts has become even stronger. Everyone knows that before Umbridge recovers and returns to school, it is the best time for everyone to review.

Katrina picked up a chocolate ball and put it in her mouth to chew it gently. She didn't know why the custard inside felt a bit sour, and she didn't know if someone had added lemon juice to it.

Ignoring the noise around her, Katrina refocused her attention on the textbook, planning to review it seriously and prepare for the next N.E.W.Ts exam.

Although she has completely lost in some aspects, she is not ready to admit defeat in the N.E.W.Ts exam. This is Katrina's last stubbornness.

She didn't want to live in Isobel's shadow all the time. Even if Albert said that they were different and there was no need to always compare and they should not live in the shadow of others and should do what they wanted to do, she still

Not wanting to lose, that's what Katrina wants to do.

"It's so noisy, let's go to the library!"

Katrina looked at the noisy common room, sighed softly, and started packing her books to go to the library to review.

However, before going to the library, Katrina planned to bring some chocolate balls to the library to help improve her review efficiency, as long as she was not discovered by Mrs. Pince.

In fact, there are quite a few students who do this. Only those stupid people will take it out to eat openly and then be kicked out of the library by Mrs. Pince with a feather duster.

At this moment, in the library, Fred and George were whispering with depressed faces. Because the surprise easter egg they invented earlier was not popular, it directly led to a backlog of inventory that could not be sold. Fortunately, they only launched a trial version to test the market.

According to the feedback, the actual loss was not large, but this failure still affected their self-confidence.

"This is actually normal. It's impossible for everything to be welcomed by everyone." Li Jordan didn't think there was any problem with this. "After all, the Easter eggs we receive are more about the candies inside. You use Easter eggs.

It’s really not that big of a surprise.”

"I think the idea is right. We should make surprise Easter eggs, but what's the problem?" The Weasley twins didn't think there was anything wrong with their idea.

"You can write it down first and ask Albert later. He might have some good ideas!" Lee Jordan suggested. "As for your surprise eggs, remember to leave one for Albert and the rest."

Get rid of it."

"I thought you were going to say give those things away," Fred muttered.

"Unless you're going to refund the money to the people who bought the Easter eggs, don't do it."

The three of them packed up their things and walked out of the library. There were too many people here and it was not suitable to talk about some more secretive topics.

"I really envy Albert, that guy can always think of a lot of ways to make money." Fred lowered his voice after making sure there was no one around.

"We really need to talk to Albert," George closed the note, nodded and added, "And our curtain call."

"What curtain call?" Lee Jordan looked at the two of them doubtfully.

"It's just to leave a deep impression on everyone before leaving!" George explained to Lee Jordan: "If you graduate like this, the publicity effect for the joke shop will definitely not be as good as leaving directly to do something big, and it just so happens that Umbridge

It’s just a good goal.”

"You guys have talked about this with Albert." Lee Jordan found out that these two bastards actually wanted to sneak away, which really made him jealous.

"I have said it, and he agreed." Fred shrugged and explained: "Anyway, if we take the N.E.W.Ts exam at our current level, we will probably only get a bunch of shitty results. This result

What's the use? It's better to just recycle the waste and advertise your own shop in Hogwarts. I dare say this matter will definitely make people talk about it for many years."

"Use waste?" Lee Jordan repeated with a strange expression, "However, this seems to be a good choice, and it can be regarded as squeezing out the last bit of Umbridge's use value before leaving."

As long as Umbridge remains at Hogwarts, people will miss the heroic deeds of the twins.

"Then what are you going to do?" Li Jordan suddenly looked forward to the curtain call between the two of them.

"We have made a lot of fireworks. We can use all of them when the time comes. Those are our special fireworks and they will definitely impress everyone." Fred and George looked at each other and said with a smile, "I hope Wu

Mrich can bring some surprises to everyone when she comes back. However, even if she wants to pretend to be innocent now, it's too late. Since the last time, no one is willing to believe her lies."

Lee Jordan couldn't help but mourned for Umbridge for a second in his heart.

At the same time, Harry Potter had just come out of Professor McGonagall's office with a small package in his robe pocket. It was said to be an important item that Sirius asked Professor McGonagall to deliver to Harry.

As soon as he left the Transfiguration Office, Ron and Hermione immediately walked towards him and asked Professor McGonagall what he wanted from Harry.

"This is not a good place to talk. Let's find another place." Harry looked at the student walking towards him and said to the two of them in a low voice.

Seeing Harry's mysterious look, Hermione and Ron both realized that something important might have happened, so they stopped asking any more questions and went directly to the Room of Requirement, only to find that it was already occupied by someone else. They had no choice but to

Next, Harry had to take Ron and Hermione back to the dormitory.

After closing the dormitory door, Harry took out the package given to him by Professor McGonagall, which contained a bottle of golden potion.

"This is... a blessing elixir."

Ron and Hermione suddenly raised their heads and looked at Harry.

"Why did Professor McGonagall give you a bottle of Felixir?" Ron asked in confusion.

"If this bottle is really a blessing elixir, I'm afraid it can...bring good luck for a long time." Hermione was a little confused about this. She felt that there must be something she didn't know.

"There seems to be something inside the package." Ron picked up a bracelet and handed it to Harry, then pointed to the parchment inside and said, "That should be the letter Sirius left for you."

After Harry picked up the letter and read the contents carefully, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and put the rough bracelet on his hand.

"This is an emergency communicator. It has the same effect as the magic coin created by Hermione." Harry explained to his two friends.

"Sirius, who is this?" Hermione looked at Harry and asked, "Are you hiding something from us?"

"I just didn't have time to tell you." Harry simply said what he had discussed with Sirius before.

At that moment, he saw the panic and anxiety on the faces of Ron and Hermione.

"Harry, I think..." Hermione grabbed Harry's hand, but was interrupted by Harry before she could finish her words.

"It's useless. Some things are unavoidable. And I think this is also an opportunity. Obviously other people think so too. With the help of the Blissful Elixir, I think there shouldn't be any big problems. The members of the Order of the Phoenix will also be there on the first day.

Come immediately to reinforce me."

With that said, Harry raised his wrist. The bracelet on it was the communicator. As long as it was triggered, the other members of the Order of the Phoenix would know that the plan had begun.

"Call me when the time comes. I haven't tasted the wonderful taste of Felixir." Ron's voice had a tremor in it, but he did not flinch.

"Isn't this too risky?" Hermione still felt that it was very dangerous for Harry to use herself as bait, and the Felixir was not a panacea, nor could it bring real luck.

"I think this is worth it. Not only can it solve Voldemort's peek at the prophecy ball, but it can also solve Voldemort's influence on my brain. It can also bring Voldemort to the surface and help Dumbledore and I clear our reputations. Then Fudge will step down.

Get out, which will also allow Umbridge to get out of Hogwarts." Harry really couldn't find a reason not to do this. "With preparation, the probability of success of the plan is very high.

We can also deal with a group of escaped Death Eaters."

Hermione and Ron looked at each other, and they suddenly realized that they couldn't find any reason to persuade Harry to give up this plan.

"However, I still recommend that you ask Albert, he..."

"He was the one who hinted me to do this," Harry shrugged. "It was him who gave me a heads up and made me have this idea, so I think Albert must be very optimistic about this plan."

"Okay, count me in when the time comes!" Hermione naturally couldn't let Harry and Ron take risks.

At this moment, someone knocked on the dormitory door.

"Who's inside? Open the door." Neville's voice sounded outside.

Harry carefully put away the elixir, and Ron opened the door after Harry put away his things.

"What are you?" Neville looked at the three of them doubtfully.

"Discussing some personal matters," Harry explained.

"Oh, by the way, there seems to be a package from you. I think it's an Easter egg." Neville didn't ask further, but reminded, "Just put it in the common room."

"Oh, okay, thank you Neville!"

"Harry, can we learn something else first? I think it's a waste of time to continue practicing the Patronus Charm. It's better to let everyone have time to practice it by themselves." Neville suggested with anticipation.

"You're right, we just discussed this matter and planned to teach something else first." Harry said and walked towards the common room, leaving Neville standing alone at the door of the dormitory and watching the three people leaving.

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