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Chapter 1091 Hogwarts Riot

"So, you gave that old witch Umbridge a severe whipping, hung all the Aurors who captured you on the corridor wall, and then ran away?"

Isobel tilted her head and looked at Albert, who was yawning beside her, and couldn't help but reach out to cover her forehead, with an expression as if she had really been defeated by you.

"If you don't run away, is it possible to stay and challenge the entire Ministry of Magic?" Albert buried his head deeply into the pillow and yawned again, looking very tired.

"It's rare to see you angry."

In Isobel's view, Albert was definitely furious, otherwise Albert, who had always remained calm, would never have been so reckless.

Hanging Aurors on the wall and beating the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic until he was beaten half to death is completely offending the Ministry of Magic to death.

If Albert really wanted to, there must be other solutions, or even kill the whole thing in the cradle.

"I'm not angry, but sometimes you can't back down, otherwise others will think you have a good temper and are easy to bully." Albert said vaguely, "Sometimes people are just so mean and need to be taught a lesson by others before they feel comfortable.


Of course, those words were just one of the reasons for doing that.

The main reason is to complete the panel task, reap the benefits, and also give the toad a good beating to vent his emotions. He was originally planning to establish his power by stepping on the Ministry of Magic and win over Hogwarts.

students and get their recognition.

As for the consequences, they are actually not serious.

After all, it was very close to the official news of Voldemort's resurrection.

There are few disadvantages and a lot of benefits, why not do it?

"So, you dropped out of school early, what are you going to do next?"

In fact, the last sentence is the key point. Isobel is a little worried that Albert is planning to cause a big event by dropping out of school, and the current big event is probably related to the mysterious man.

"I haven't dropped out. It won't take long before Professor Dumbledore will return to work at Hogwarts. I will go back and take the N.E.W.T. exam. Then I can graduate from Hogwarts smoothly." Albert turned over.

He stood up, buried his head in Isobel's arms, closed his eyes and murmured: "So, I'm actually just taking a few days off temporarily."


Isobel's voice gradually lowered and she slowly closed her eyes.

While Albert was in a state of gentleness, Fudge, who was waiting for news in the minister's office, became increasingly grumpy.

Fudge has been waiting for a long time, but still hasn't received any news from Umbridge.

No news at all!

How could this not make Fudge think more?

No matter how hard-working Fudge was, he still realized that something might have happened to Umbridge, otherwise the news would not have been sent back.

Even if the arrest plan fails, Umbridge will definitely come and report to him, but what does it mean if there is no news now?

So Fudge sent his best assistant, Percy Weasley, to Hogwarts to find out what was going on.

As you can imagine, Percy, who had just come out of the fireplace, was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Umbridge's office seemed to have experienced a big explosion. There were scorch marks everywhere, the dishes with cats printed on the walls were blown to pieces, and the only window in the office was blasted with a big hole.

Deafening rumbles were heard from all over the castle, and the dark night sky was illuminated by colorful fireworks, as if they were celebrating some festival.

Percy suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and hurried out of the office, only to find a toad made of fireworks jumping in the corridor, and some strange firework sticks writing insults to Umbridge in the air.

No one there?

Percy looked around for signs of other people. Although the students should have returned to their respective lounges at this time, it was unusual for no one to be in this situation.

Along the way, Percy saw all kinds of fireworks that kept making noises. They flew almost all over the school. There were also several magical fireworks, such as fire dragons, lions, eagles, and badgers, but he never saw a snake.

No, it should be said that the snake was replaced by the frog.

These fireworks were probably set up by Fred and George, but that's not the point. The point is where did the Aurors and Umbridge go?

With Umbridge's character, she would never allow Hogwarts to fall into chaos, and there was a high probability that something would really happen.

Don't tell him that Auror and Umbridge have been settled?

Although there are similar precedents, it is... it is hard to imagine that Fred and George can do it. Aurors are elite among wizards and are better at dealing with wizards.

However, there are various signs that the speculation may be true.

The castle was deserted, even the ghosts had disappeared.

Percy hurried to the school hospital, and most of the time, Madam Pomfrey would stick to her post.

Seeing that the lights were still on in the school hospital, Percy couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly walked into the school hospital and found Madam Pomfrey flipping through a magazine in the cubicle.

"Ma'am, what happened in school? Where did everyone go? Where is Principal Umbridge? Where are the Aurors?" Percy spit out all the doubts in his heart like a barrage.

"Everyone is attending a banquet in the Great Hall. As for Professor Umbridge, she is lying there." Madam Pomfrey raised her finger and pointed to the hospital bed and said, "I heard that she was whipped hundreds of times and is still unconscious. But.

, the injury is not serious.”

"Hundreds of lashes."

Percy quickly found the mummified Umbridge and opened his mouth slightly.

"I don't know the specific situation." Madam Pomfrey shook her head and said, "If you have any doubts, I suggest you go to the auditorium to ask someone."

Seeing that Madam Pomfrey didn't seem to want to say anything, Percy could only rush to the Great Hall to try to figure out what was going on.

Going down the stone steps to the first floor, Percy immediately spotted Filch holding up a firework and being held in place by a spell.

This poor administrator has education orders all over his body.

Percy quickly noticed the situation on the first floor. It seemed that a fierce battle had taken place here. What was even worse was that Percy already knew where the Aurors were.

Yes, he got it.

Because Percy had already seen the group of Aurors, they were neatly hung like pieces of clothing in the corridor leading to the foyer.

This scene shocked Percy.

This... who did this?

Percy tried to put the Aurors down, but the spell failed and could not break the spell on the Aurors.

There was constant noise in the auditorium hall next to it. Percy sneaked over to take a look and found that, as Madam Pomfrey said, the students of Hogwarts were attending the banquet. Except for some Slytherin students, most of them

All Hogwarts students are here.

Percy didn't dare go in.

After all, Aurors are all hung on the wall, so maybe everyone will hang him on the wall, which is definitely not an interesting experience.

Rushing back to the Ministry of Magic, Percy immediately told Fudge the shocking news.

"You mean there's a rebellion at Hogwarts." Fudge put his hands on the table and stood up, knocking down the chair behind him.

"It's probably not a rebellion." Percy considered his words and analyzed, "The arrest operation probably failed."

"In short, the situation is very complicated. All the Aurors were knocked unconscious and hung on the wall of the corridor on the first floor. I can't remove the spell on them. It's best to send a spell-breaking team to put them down."

"As for Mrs. Umbridge, Madam Pomfrey said that she was severely whipped hundreds of times and is still lying in the school hospital receiving treatment."

Fudge's face twitched and he didn't know what to say, but he had a premonition that something serious was going on.

"Notify Scrimgeour, and dispatch the Curse Breaking Team and Crisis Management Team to follow me to Hogwarts." Fudge immediately gave the order, "This matter must not be known to reporters."

"It's the minister, I'll go right away." Percy hurried to inform the others.

"Is this true, Fudge?"

Scrimgeour looked at Fudge with a gloomy face. He regretted helping these scammers. Now, the entire Auror office will become a laughing stock in the wizarding world.

"The situation is not optimistic." Fudge said gloomily.

"Not optimistic?" Scrimgeour's lips moved slightly.

"Something must have happened that we don't know about." Fudge sighed heavily, "We will figure out the specific situation soon."

Fudge used the Floo network to appear in Umbridge's office. After seeing the scene here, he couldn't help but frown.

It was like a festival outside, and the roar of fireworks exploding could be heard everywhere.

"Follow me." Percy led the way.

More than a dozen members of the curse-breaking team and the crisis management team began to try to clear the fireworks along the way, but they all found that the effect was very poor. Once, a toad hit by the spell expanded in a large circle and rushed directly towards them and exploded.

After the violent explosion, I didn’t try to clean up those damn fireworks anymore.

When they went through all the trouble to reach the first floor of the castle, they were once again stunned by the corridor filled with Aurors.


Fudge was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Put the person down."

Scrimgeour had a chill all over his body and looked like he wanted to kill someone.

"It's difficult. A very strong spell has been cast on the Aurors. It's not easy to break it."

After the Curse Breaking Team tried to remove the spell from the Auror, they reported the current situation to Fudge.

"Anyway, put them down." Fudge said angrily. He handed the place to Scrimgeour and walked towards the noisy auditorium with some members of the crisis response team.

Now Fudge just wants to find out what happened at Hogwarts.

He walked to the door of the hall and looked at the noisy people. He didn't know what everyone was celebrating, but they seemed very happy.


Fudge put his wand to his throat and shouted into the Great Hall.

The noise in the auditorium gradually disappeared and fell into dead silence again. People all turned to look at Fudge.

"Ministry of Magic, those bastards from the Ministry of Magic!" someone in the crowd shouted.

"They want to judge us again."

Countless students took out their wands and threw stun spells and disarming spells at the entrance of the auditorium.

After seeing the indignant students, the members of the crisis response team suddenly felt bad, and they all clenched their wands to block Fudge. However, this was not a good idea, because there were too many students, and they were knocked away by the spell.

If Percy hadn't quickly grabbed Fudge, he would have been knocked unconscious by the spell.

"Stop, stop it quickly, I am the Minister of Magic, you can't do that to me!" Fudge broke away from Percy's hand and shouted angrily.

However, what responded to him was a spell.

"They are crazy, they are planning to rebel." Fudge was going crazy.

"Calm down, Minister." Percy grabbed Fudge's shoulders and shook him hard, shouting loudly: "Calm down, calm down."

"Okay, thank you Weasley." Fudge took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"What on earth did Umbridge do?" Scrimgeour looked furious. From the abnormal and extreme behavior of the students at Hogwarts, it was not difficult to guess that the students at Hogwarts were completely annoyed.

"Maybe, we should talk to them and find out what happened." Percy took a deep breath and suggested.

"Minister, Mr. Robards is awake." A member of the curse-breaking team shouted to them. The team spent a lot of effort to lift the spell on Gadwin Robards.

"What's with those robes?"

Fudge noticed the robe that was still stuck to the wall, frowned and asked the curse-breaker.

"The permanent sticking spells, we can't remove them." The leader of the spell-removing team explained.

"Permanent sticking spell?"

Scrimgeour looked at the robes neatly pasted on the wall with an extremely ugly look on his face. This will forever be a shame to the Aurors.

"Galdwin, tell me what happened here and why you were hung." Scrimgeour asked his deputy.

"Sorry, we messed up." Gadwin Robards lowered his head in shame.

"We don't want to hear an apology, tell us why."

"Let me tell you!"

A sharp voice sounded from behind.

When everyone turned their heads, they saw Professor Flitwick leading a group of professors walking towards them. Behind them were a large group of students holding wands. The wizards around them couldn't help but become nervous. No one liked being pointed at by wands.

No one dares to underestimate this group of students. A few unlucky ones are still lying there.

Flitwick calmly recounted the entire incident, from Umbridge's attempt to interrogate the students, to Fred and George setting off fireworks around the castle, and finally escaping from the Aurors' trap.

Umbridge thought that Albert was helping them. Professor McGonagall tried to reason with Umbridge, but was attacked by the Aurors and was sent to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries for emergency treatment.

The actions of the Aurors completely angered Albert, who knocked down all the Aurors alone and hung them on the wall.

Among them, two members of the Investigation Team tried to intervene in the duel and sneak attack on Albert, and were sent to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries for rescue by the Obstacle Curse. In addition, Umbridge used the Cruciatus Curse to sneak attack Albert, and was sentenced to death.

In retaliation, he was whipped hundreds of times.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Professor Flitwick's words.

What they couldn't accept the most was that the legendary genius actually brought down all the Aurors alone?

Simply unbelievable.

Fudge wanted to refute, but looked at the wand pointed at them and finally swallowed all the words he wanted to say.

"Is everything he said true? Scrimgeour glared at his deputy in annoyance.

A group of people dueled with one person, and they were beaten by the other party. It was a shame for the Aurors.

"We didn't originally intend to arrest Albert, but someone took the initiative..." Gavin Robards did not continue, but Scrimgeour understood everything.

"I suggest you leave here." Professor Flitwick suggested helplessly: "To avoid unpleasant conflicts, everyone is extremely disgusted with the Ministry of Magic now. I think you know what I mean."

"You plan to protect criminals!" Fudge said through gritted teeth.

The next moment, Fudge regretted it. This was definitely one of the worst decisions he had ever made.

"Covering criminals, no, no, Albert is not a criminal, and he is not in Hogwarts now." Professor Flitwick shook his head and reminded.

"Mr. Anderson is not a criminal," one student shouted.

"The Ministry of Magic is racking up charges again."

"Kick them out."

"Damn it, can't you shut up?"

Scrimgeour looked at Fudge angrily, and he saw a large number of stun spells coming towards everyone.

"Oh my God!" Flitwick muttered, "I warned you."

"Throw out this bunch of rubbish from the Ministry of Magic." Lee Jordan stood up and loudly ordered the students of Hogwarts to throw all the Ministry of Magic employees out of the school gate.

Ever since Albert knocked down the Auror and slapped Umbridge hard, the students at Hogwarts seemed to have turned on a magical switch. They no longer feared Umbridge, nor the Ministry of Magic.

According to Albert's prophecy, both Umbridge and Minister of Magic Fudge will step down soon, and even the Ministry of Magic will collapse in the future. There is no need to worry at all, because they will soon be overwhelmed.

This chapter has been completed!
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