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Chapter 1098 Inheriting Voldemorts legacy

Shortly after Dumbledore left, a figure emerged from the void without warning. He raised his wand to alert his surroundings. He glanced at the destroyed house in front of him and looked at the watch on his wrist to make sure there was no one else around.

After walking behind, he slowly lowered his wand and walked towards the entrance of the secret room under the ruins.

The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic failed to break into the Chamber of Secrets, or they were blocked by the protective measures left by Voldemort. Obviously, it is necessary to find a more professional spell-breaking team to break the dangerous spells left by Voldemort and the hidden entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

As for leaving someone to guard this place?

Don't be ridiculous, if any Death Eaters show up, or if Voldemort returns, the Aurors who are left to guard the Chamber of Secrets will be dead.

As for Dumbledore, he naturally guessed what might be hidden underneath, but he urgently rushed to the Ministry of Magic to rescue Harry and had no time or energy to enter the Chamber of Secrets.

As a result, Voldemort's "legacy" was accepted by Albert.

Of course Albert knew that there might be danger in the secret room, but he still had no intention of giving up. After planning for so long, he had to gain something.

Moreover, Fuling Elixir can help Albert avoid most dangers and greatly reduce the risk of entering the secret room.

Despite this, Albert still put on his best dragonhide gloves and walked towards the entrance of the secret room with his wand.

As soon as his front feet stepped onto the downward stairs, Albert stopped and threw a ball of light downwards, completely lighting up the space below.

There were tables and chairs in the secret room, and there was a candle on the table. There should have been some things on the desk that had been taken away by the Aurors.

But these things should be just appearances.

If this is really Voldemort's lair, there must be more than just that. Otherwise, after the Aurors come to the door, Voldemort will definitely leave as soon as possible instead of being exposed to the Aurors.

Albert narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around, looking for traces of magic.

There are traces of magic everywhere here, but Albert still found some clues. He walked to the right, raised his wand and tapped twice on the wall.

Nothing happens.


Albert spoke in Parseltongue to the snake-shaped ornament on the wall.

The next moment, the real entrance to the secret room suddenly appeared in front of Albert.

That's right, the so-called Chamber of Secrets is actually just a cover to cover up the existence of the real Chamber of Secrets, and the real Chamber of Secrets requires the use of Parseltongue to open, which should be regarded as the pride of the descendants of Slytherin.

Albert did not rush to enter, but threw a bright light ball into the secret room, completely illuminating the space inside.

The secret room is very spacious, with an experimental table in the middle and many large cabinets surrounding it. In addition to a large number of books and parchments, there are also various dark magic items, which are undoubtedly gadgets made or collected by Voldemort.

"Looks like you're lucky."

Albert was in a happy mood. He took out a bag from the pocket of his robe and a large box from the bag. He opened it and waved his wand gently. All the parchments and books jumped off the cabinet and neatly jumped into the box.

He swept away all the non-magical books and parchments, and all the results of Voldemort's decades of research belonged to him.

Anyway, Voldemort is going to die soon, and it would be a pity to leave these things here to rot.

As for the dark magic items, Albert would not risk touching them, even if he was wearing dragon skin gloves.

However, he had already dealt with this.

Albert took out a pair of dexterous wooden palms and cast a spell on them, letting these hands take those dark magic items on his behalf and seal them in the box.

"There are so many dark magic items, enough for me to open a dark magic shop." Albert joked, but he actually had no idea how to deal with these dark magic items.

However, these are all his trophies. Instead of keeping them here, it is better to take them all away.

The items in the secret room were sealed by Albert in a box with a strong shielding spell. He planned to find a place to hide them later and deal with them after Voldemort died.

After sweeping away everything here, Albert walked around the empty secret room, looking for any traces of magic.

No one stipulates that there can only be one secret room.

Albert suspected that there might be a laboratory hidden here. At least he had his own laboratory, and Voldemort, who often needed to experiment with dark magic, also needed a laboratory.

It turns out that Albert's guess was right. There are other secret rooms hidden here, and there are two of them.

He found a snake-like mark on the candlestick on the wall of the room. There was also a similar mark on a bookshelf, which seemed to be a revolving door.

"You really know how to hide. Is this influenced by Slytherin?" Albert joked, but also admitted that using Parseltongue was indeed a good idea.

At least except for Voldemort himself, it would be difficult for others to discover the secrets here.

After switching the language to snake language, Albert successfully turned on the switch behind the candle. Inside was a very ordinary room with only one bed and an old cabinet.

There are many historical items placed on the cabinet.

"I didn't expect that Voldemort actually has a collecting habit, but why does he like to use the relics of the Big Four at Hogwarts to make Horcruxes?"

Albert began to count the contents of the cabinet: a piece of metal that was suspected to be the Eye of Horus, but there was no trace of magic on it; a very old parchment, which also had no trace of magic; a metal plate with words stamped on it, and a

There was a stone plate that looked like a Mayan civilization, and a skull that looked like a human being. Anyway, many Alberts couldn't identify what they were.

The things that can be collected here should be very valuable, and they are not magic items.

All these things became Albert's trophies, and he was naturally not polite and swept them all away.

He quickly found Voldemort's vault behind the cabinet. There was no protective magic on it, so he left it there for Albert to take.

Unfortunately, Voldemort was not rich, and Albert doubted whether there were more than two thousand Galleons in the small vault, and many of them were not Galleons, but currencies of other countries.

"What a poor man." Albert muttered, suspecting that this was the two thousand galleons in the mission reward.

In short, these galleons belong to Albert.

He searched the entire room again, and after taking away all the hidden things, he suddenly understood that Voldemort was unwilling to give up here.

Four large boxes, Voldemort's harvest over the past decades, were washed...and inherited by him.

Albert suddenly looked forward to another secret room.

When Albert used Parseltongue to open the secret room hidden behind the bookshelf, most of his original good mood suddenly disappeared. The secret room was indeed a laboratory.

Various disgusting organs soaked in green solution were stored on the shelves inside, including a mummy that looked like an Inferi. Albert suspected that the thing was still alive, so he conjured a chain and tied it tightly.

The corpses of werewolves, vampires, and various humanoid magical creatures can be found here. Voldemort has obviously studied where wizards' magic comes from.

There is also a unicorn skeleton next to the shelf. The originally holy unicorn has been dyed an unknown black by black magic. Albert suspects that this thing is highly poisonous and may even become a very dangerous black magic item.

The most gratifying thing is that Albert found a lot of magic materials, many of which are even very rare.

After all, those ancient black magic sometimes require the use of potions.

Albert swept away all the materials inside. As for the corpses soaked in the green solution, he had no intention of taking them away, but planned to set a fire later to burn all the remaining things, which would be regarded as destruction.

There are no traces of the corpse, otherwise Voldemort will definitely become suspicious when he finds out that his lair has been evacuated.

No, he might guess that he did it?

However, both sides were hostile, and to the point where they wanted to kill each other. Naturally, Albert would not be polite. After he searched carefully, he stood at the entrance and released the devil's flame, completely burning the place to ashes.


Looking at the blazing devil's flame, Albert waited for ten minutes before extinguishing the flame again, cleaning up the traces left behind, and left quietly.

He planned to find a place to hide the boxes of loot separately to avoid tracking magic on them. Even if they were stored in a box with a powerful shielding spell, Albert still couldn't guarantee whether Voldemort would follow them.

Find it with tracking magic.

After Voldemort dies, it won't be too late to dig out the things. Voldemort doesn't have a few more years to live anyway.

After double-checking that he had not forgotten anything, Albert packed up his things and went home to rest. He had been so nervous and busy all night that he needed a good rest.

Going back to the past through the time turner, when Albert returned to the manor, he found someone sitting in the hall.

"Busy working."

"Well, I'm done." Albert stretched out his hand to cover his yawn and said, "I'm going to take a shower first."

"Did you forget to say something?" Isobel asked expressionlessly.

"Sorry for making you worry."

"Tell me, what did you do tonight?"

"To inherit an inheritance."

"This is not funny at all."

"I found the mysterious man's lair and used a secret method to inform the Ministry of Magic Aurors. The Aurors blew up the mysterious man's lair and drove the mysterious man away. After the Aurors left, I waited for the Aurors to leave.

Inherit the legacy left by the mysterious man." Albert shrugged and said, "That guy collected a lot of valuable books and scrolls, but unfortunately he was poor and didn't find many Galleons."

"You guy...you're not short of money...you probably didn't..." Isobel was stunned by Albert's boldness.

Although Albert spoke in an understatement, she actually understood him completely.

That was when Albert evacuated Voldemort's lair.

"Of course not. I just found a random place and buried it. I planned to dig it up after the mysterious man dies and inherit his inheritance."

"Will there be any danger."

"The two sides have a deadly feud that can't be resolved, so it doesn't really matter. It's revenge for the last duel competition." Albert showed a look of "I am very grudge-bearing" and comforted, "Now there are still

Potter and Dumbledore were causing hatred in front of them, and the mysterious man couldn't tell that it was me who did it. Anyway, I had already burned the place to ashes."

At this moment, Voldemort, who was about to come back to reduce his losses, stared blankly at the ashes in front of him, his expression frozen.

Someone used the devil's flame to completely burn the ruins. Even the secret room below was not spared and was reduced to ashes by the devil's flame.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it all!"

Voldemort's angry roar echoed in the wilderness late at night, and he wanted to kill even more now.

This chapter has been completed!
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