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Chapter 1105 The Ultimate Wizard Exam

Voldemort's resurrection and the Ministry of Magic scandal completely detonated public opinion and set off a turmoil in the British wizarding world. The entire wizarding world was clamoring for Fudge to resign.

This incident has not affected Hogwarts. Everyone is still focusing most of their energy on the upcoming final exams. The entire castle is shrouded in a tense atmosphere. The library, common room and room of request are always crowded.

Due to the students who were nervous about reviewing, Albert also opened the wizard card club's activity room and lent it to his acquaintances. It should be said that most of the seventh grade students except Slytherin came to join in the fun.

"You're really not nervous at all!" Li Jordan's tone showed unconcealable envy. The guy in front of him didn't take the N.E.W.T. exam seriously at all.

"Didn't you see that I'm also reviewing now?" Albert tapped his fingers on the notebook on the table. He was currently reviewing the so-called key points to strengthen his memory so as not to fail in the written exam.

Different from the O.W.L. exam (Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination), the N.E.W.T. exam (Ultimate Wizarding Test) does not actually test the basics, but the knowledge points learned in sixth and seventh grade. In addition to the most basic written test, it has a lot to do with the actual level of the candidates.

High demands.

"Tell us the key points, and maybe we can get good grades in the exam." Li Jordan was the first to express everyone's thoughts. This is why most students came to join in the fun. They all hoped that Albert could take the time to tell everyone.

Talk about the key points of the exam.

Albert's Defense Against Dark Arts tutorial last time benefited them a lot.

"The important point? The professors have all mentioned it in class." Albert raised his eyebrows and said.

"Then what do you think is more important?" Angelina asked.

"Silent spell, this is almost a must."

Albert noticed the students gathered around him and knew that Lee Jordan was being tricked. He closed his notes and casually talked about the key points of the N.E.W.T. exams in recent years.

"Whether it is the Practical Exam for Charms or the Practical Exam for Defense Against the Dark Arts, silent spells will be involved. If you want to get high scores in these two exams, you must be able to use silent spells skillfully."

"The silent spell is not easy to use," Angelina muttered.

"The examiner will look at the students' lips. If there are obvious traces of whispering the incantation on the lips, the test score will not be too high." Albert reminded. He knew that many students were lazy during the practice and secretly recited the incantation in a low voice.

This pretends that he has mastered the silent spell.

Everyone knows how difficult Silent Spells are. It does not mean that you have mastered the Silent Spells by using one type of spell. Therefore, there are very few students who truly master Silent Spells.

This is the true level of the N.E.W.T. exam.

As for the written test, as long as you put in a little more effort, it is not difficult to pass the written test with a relatively excellent score.

"The N.E.W.T. exam for potions usually tests antidotes." Albert continued, "They will ask students to analyze the poison and then prepare the corresponding antidote."

"It's not easy."

"Antidote is the most difficult and torturous test point in the entire potion science." Albert nodded and said, "The difficulty generally depends on the ingredients of the poison provided by the examiner."

"Of course, it may be possible to configure other more complex potions, but I think this is not a difficult task. As long as you practice carefully, you can usually achieve good results."

"I think the potions in "Advanced Potion Making" are not as simple as that." Alia complained.

This is actually the sentiment of many people.

Many wizards are actually unable to prepare satisfactory potions, and they even dare not drink the potions they prepared. N.E.W.T. difficulty potions are quite difficult to brew.

"That's why antidotes are often configured, because the difficulty of the exam can be adjusted, depending on the difficulty of the poison given by the examiner."

"What about Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

Lee Jordan was more concerned about the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, the only subject in which he could possibly get a high score.

"Defence Against the Dark Arts will examine more silent spells and breaking spells, as well as how to repel the inferi or female ghosts."

"It sounds difficult, I mean it involves silent spells."

"The difficulty is actually to use the silent spell to break a curse or poison you don't know. It may be..." Albert continued to analyze the test questions that may be encountered next. However, there are many things

It seems very simple to him, but it is undoubtedly quite difficult in the eyes of most students.

The N.E.W.T. exam is much more difficult than the O.W.L. exam. If you don’t listen carefully in class and don’t study hard, it will be a bit difficult to pass the next practical exam, especially when Umri is tested this semester.

Strangely, the professors did not have strict requirements, which resulted in many students not paying much attention to their studies.

However, it is a good thing for them to listen to Albert talking about the test points here, at least they can review in a targeted manner.

"If I had known, I would have dropped out of school along with Fred and George." Lee Jordan said gloomily, "I feel like the N.E.W.T. exam is going to be over."

"Generally, not many students get high scores in the N.E.W.T. exam. As long as they pass the N.E.W.T. exam, they can get a certificate." Shanna comforted her.

"There is a lot of difference between passing, good and excellent in the certificate, but many good positions will require at least a few courses to reach 'E'." Cedric is relatively easy here except for Albert and Katrina.

"You're not talking about Aurors, right?" Lee Jordan muttered, "To work as an Auror in the Ministry of Magic now is to act as cannon fodder."

"Forget it about Aurors. As for whether to join the Ministry of Magic, it depends on the situation at that time." Cedric shrugged.

"For other positions in the Ministry of Magic, you must have connections in the Ministry of Magic, otherwise you won't be able to get any good positions." Albert reminded.

"The Ministry of Magic is not peaceful right now."

"I know this. Gabriel mentioned this to me." Cedric said with a smile, "Actually, I am also quite interested in coming to Hogwarts to be the Transfiguration Professor."

"You want to drive Professor McGonagall away?"

"I can wait until Professor McGonagall retires and then apply."

"You have a chance. Professor McGonagall won't be able to teach Transfiguration for a few more years." Albert nodded and said, "You can talk to Professor McGonagall about this first. As long as you accumulate a few years of experience, it should be fine. The premise is

It is you who must ace the N.E.W.T. Transfiguration exam, which will help you get this position."

"Is it true?" Cedric asked in surprise, "Professor McGonagall is retiring?"

"You'll know later." Albert said with a smile.

"Oh, what the hell."

"Albert, what about you?"

"I haven't thought about it for the time being. I definitely won't join the Ministry of Magic anyway." Albert made no secret of his disgust for the Ministry of Magic: "Maybe I will write a few books. Well, I also have a plan to travel around the world. Anyway, I have previously

The pile of bonuses I received is enough for me to spend several years without having to worry about work for the time being."

“It’s so enviable!”

"Where's Katrina?"

"After graduation, I may open a beauty shop jointly with others. We will see what happens then." Katrina glanced at Albert and said calmly.

Perhaps because we just memorized the so-called key points, everyone was in a good mood and gathered together to talk about their future job plans.

Some pure-blood girls plan to get married after graduation and do not worry about future problems at all. Some pure-blood wizards have rich families or have connections in the Ministry of Magic, and plan to find a job in the Ministry of Magic after graduation.

The most miserable ones are actually those wizards born in Muggle families. Their families cannot provide any help, so they can only struggle alone in a strange place like the magical world to find a good job for themselves.

Originally, joining the Ministry of Magic was a good choice. At worst, you could do Muggle liaison work that many wizards looked down upon. But now that Voldemort has been resurrected and the wizarding world has been involved in the turmoil, working in the Ministry of Magic is very risky.

"Zannah, what are you going to do in the future?" a Hufflepuff boy asked.

Zannah is, besides Albert, the best-performing wizard born in a Muggle family in their class.

"If possible, I would like to try my hand at being a therapist. I heard that this position pays well." Shanna muttered.

Among all professions, Aurors and therapists have the highest requirements for N.E.W.T. certificates, but they are also high-paying positions in the wizarding world and are respected.

"The requirements for this position are the same as those of Aurors, which require at least an 'E' in Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Yeah, I'm not sure." Shanna is not as confident as Albert.

"This position is not bad." Albert nodded and said, "You can definitely give it a try. With your level, it shouldn't be difficult."

"The salaries of therapists at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies are indeed good, but they are very busy every day." Katrina knows therapists better than many students here. She has actually thought about being a therapist, but... gave up for the time being.


The time is faster than expected. The O.W.L. exam for fifth grade students is coming soon, and the seventh grade students are also starting to prepare for the N.E.W.T. exam.

However, unlike the fifth grade students, the seventh grade students' test location is not in the hall, but in a relatively spacious classroom. This is probably related to the fact that there are not many students taking the N.E.W.T. exam.

Many students at Hogwarts choose a small number of N.E.W.T. subjects. In most subjects, there are only a dozen students in the advanced class. For example, there are only a few students in the advanced class of ancient magic. Defense Against the Dark Arts is probably the subject that most students take.

, this is really thanks to Albert’s tutoring.

"Long time no see, Mr. Anderson." Professor Marchbain greeted Albert warmly: "I heard that you gave Umbridge a good lesson."

"She went too far." Albert said innocently.

"It's really hard to believe that a person like that can actually hold an important position in the Ministry of Magic." Professor Tofty was also very dissatisfied with Umbridge.

"But Umbridge is finished." Professor Marchbain said with a smile, "The matter got so big that the Ministry of Magic was forced to open a court to try her."

"Ask her about the charges of using Veritaserum?"

"There is indeed this plan." Professor Marchbank said, "The Ministry of Magic also wants to find out whether this matter is true. Umbridge's incident has made the Ministry of Magic very passive. Many parents of students have sent howling letters to the Ministry of Magic.


"Although I think you probably don't need to take the exam, well, let's get started!" Professor Tofty said with a smile.

The practical test of magic spells was exactly what Albert expected: he needed to use silent spells to complete three magic spells. (Three were randomly selected from the five magic spells). Albert shook his wand and quickly used the five magic spells to complete the test.

The curse has been used once.

Turn a cup of water into vinegar and use the Anti-Alaho Opening Charm on the small box...

In addition to the silent spell, there are seven other projects. Generally, the exam only requires drawing lots and completing the other two projects.

However, Marchban and Tofodi let Albert do all the work, and then directly awarded him with excellence, which was considered preferential treatment for geniuses.

"How did you do on the exam?"

After Lee Jordan said this, he suddenly reached out and patted his head and said, "I really asked a stupid question."

"It must be excellent." Shanna said without thinking, "I got stuck on the silent spell. There was a spell I hadn't practiced, so I could only recite the spell in a low voice. However, it seems that the examiner discovered it."

"Don't worry, usually you won't be deducted too harshly. The final score is calculated by adding the scores of the practical exam and the written exam together." Albert comforted.

However, if you generally cannot use the Silent Spell, you will basically have no chance of being outstanding, because this area is quite hard to deduct.

"I feel like this is a scam. There are few in the entire magic world like you." Lee Jordan complained, "Many wizards recite incantations in a low voice or silently when using them. Why do they tremble their lips a little?

Points will be deducted."

"Actually, there is a difference. The difference in using magic spells. The fact that we use spells so quickly is actually related to the silent spell." Albert explained.

"Are you sure?" Cedric looked at Albert suspiciously, "I think using the silent spell is slower and requires more concentration."

"That's because you're not skilled enough." Albert said to Li Jordan, "I remember that you can also cast the Golden Bell Charm upside down, right?"

"Yes, that's true, as long as you have a thought in your mind, or say it silently in your mind." Lee Jordan said to Cedric, "I think you'd better not get entangled in these things. Discussing these with Albert is completely

He is looking for trouble, he is different from us."

"You're right," Cedric said.

"I'll tell you some good news." Albert changed the subject.

"What good news."

"After a while, the Ministry of Magic will hold a court to formally try Umbridge."

"how do you know."

"Professor Marchbank told me."

"You guys actually chatted during the exam."

"No, it was before the exam."

"Will the Ministry of Magic be biased towards Umbridge?" Harry said out of nowhere.

"I don't know." Albert shook his head and said, "However, it probably won't be the case. After all, Umbridge's reputation is already bad. There is no need for the Ministry of Magic to favor her."

"How about you take the time to look at the crystal ball." Harry suggested, "We must not let that guy escape."

This chapter has been completed!
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