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Chapter 1113 The Dark Mark

In the northern part of Scandinavia, the waves caused by the cold seawater crashed heavily on the rocks. There was a dilapidated shack on the edge of the island. There was a strong smell of seaweed in the house. Igor Karkarov

With the only candle in the room, he was carefully reading a crumpled copy of the Daily Prophet, which showed the collapsed remains of the Brockdale Bridge.

Ever since the Dark Mark on his left arm became more and more obvious last year, Karkaroff realized that Voldemort had returned.

This bad news caused Karkaroff to spend the past year in fear. He was afraid that the Death Eaters would come after him and that Voldemort might appear outside the house at any time.

Get away from Europe and escape somewhere else?

Someone once reminded Karkaroff through a note to flee to the United States and use the Fidelity Charm to hide himself so that he could survive the pursuit of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

However, Karkaroff was worried that he would die on the way to the United States, because he knew very well that Voldemort had a way to track him, perhaps through the Dark Mark, or other means. Very few Death Eaters who betrayed Voldemort survived.

One month.

Therefore, he gave up staying away from Europe and instead tried to protect himself with the help of the Loyalty Charm.

Karkaroff immediately found his former "old friend" and used all his wealth to form an unbreakable vow with him.

With the help of the other party, he completely hid himself.

Facts have proved that this method is very effective, Karkaroff spent a year safely.

However, not long ago, Karkaroff discovered that the dusty looking glass actually sounded an alarm. This was undoubtedly not a good sign, because it was a Muggle village, and there were usually no wizards at all, let alone the looking glass.


Perhaps the secret keeper betrayed him, even if Karkaroff paid most of his wealth for it and concluded an unbreakable oath with the other party.

No matter what, the Secret Keeper is probably dead, and the Dark Lord is on his trail.

In short, Karkaroff escaped in a hurry, escaped from the hut protected by the Red Loyalty Charm, and moved into this shack full of seaweed smell. This was the temporary safe house he had prepared for himself before, a building located in Scandinavia.

On a remote island in the northern part of the Navia Peninsula, Karkaroff planned to stay for a few days again. After the Durmstrang school holidays, he would sneak back to get a broomstick, and then fly directly to North America. Europe was no longer there.

It's safe.

Maybe he shouldn't have stayed in the first place.

It started to rain outside, and the rain became heavier and more unbridled. The strong wind blew out the candles in the room. Karkaroff's mood was like the white smoke slowly rising from the candles. He grabbed his burning left arm with all his strength.

, a deep uneasiness spread in my heart, just like the night Voldemort was resurrected.

Karkaroff grabbed his wand, and his intuition told him that it was not safe here and it was best to leave immediately. The uneasiness became more and more intense.

He wants to escape, but where can he escape?

The huge speculum in the room suddenly lit up and began to rotate, emitting a piercing whistle that made Karkaroff feel uneasy in the back of his throat.

This looking glass can detect movements within a one-mile radius, and this is just an island. Within a one-mile radius there is only the sea, but the looking glass is sounding an alarm, which means that danger is approaching.

When Karkaroff was about to Apparate and escape from here, the door of the shack was suddenly knocked open, and a spell flew towards Karkaroff, leaving behind Karkaroff who was trying to use Apparition to escape from here.

It’s over!

Karkaroff's mind went blank.

Why did I hesitate, why didn't I escape immediately?

When he saw August Rookwood's group who had entered Azkaban because of his betrayal, his face turned pale.

The looking glass in the room kept making noisy sounds, which seemed to be Karkaroff's last cry.

A red light flashed in the darkness, the looking glass hit by the spell exploded completely, and the surroundings returned to silence.

"Karkaroff, where are you going?"

A hoarse voice like a demon sounded outside. Karkaroff raised his head with difficulty and looked into those terrifying eyes. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a voice in his ear.

"Drill the heart out and dig out the bones."


The painful screams penetrated the rain curtain and echoed across the dark island.


Karkaroff suddenly collapsed to the ground and screamed in horror: "I don't want to betray you, but they used veritaserum on me. They used veritaserum. I didn't..."

"Lie!" Voldemort's scarlet eyes looked at Karkaroff indifferently, "Shameful betrayal, you should know the consequences of betraying Voldemort!"

"Master, I didn't want to betray you." Karkaroff groaned painfully: "Snape, Severus Snape is the real traitor, ah..."

"Drill the heart out and dig out the bones."

Karkaroff's painful screams spread far and wide, and a large amount of tears and snot flowed from his mouth and nose.

The Death Eaters around him all smiled happily. They hated Karkaroff as a traitor, especially August Rookwood. He stayed in Azkaban for more than ten years because of Karkaroff's betrayal.


No one here hates Karkaroff more than he does.

"Master, Snape, Severus Snape is the real traitor. He has completely surrendered to Dumbledore." Karkaroff cried bitterly and reached out to grab Voldemort's robe, trying to obtain the Dark Lord.

of forgiveness.

"Severus Snape?" Voldemort repeated softly.

"Yes, Snape." Karkaroff nodded wildly.

"Look," Voldemort spread his hands and showed a terrifying smile, "Our traitor seems to be planning to continue betraying others in exchange for a chance of survival."

All the Death Eaters around him laughed coldly.

"Severus is my spy."

Voldemort's scarlet eyes became hollow and cold, and he pointed his wand at Karkaroff again.

He continued to use the Cruciatus Curse to torture Karkaroff until Karkaroff could no longer scream. Then he raised his wand and used the Avada Kedavra in front of the Death Eaters to end Karkaroff.

husband's life.

Voldemort used Karkaroff's chicken to remind other Death Eaters of the price of betrayal.

As for Snape, Voldemort did not completely trust him from the beginning, even though Snape brought him a lot of useful information.

No, it should be said that Voldemort never believed in anyone, he only believed in himself.

A dark mark rose above the shack.

Voldemort left the island with his Death Eaters, because they knew very well that the Nordic wizards would soon come looking for them, and it would not be wise to conflict with them, at least Voldemort had not planned to do that.

At the same time, when Voldemort used the Avada Kedavra to end Karkaroff's life, Harry Potter, who was far away at No. 4 Privet Drive, suddenly opened his eyes, pressed his hands tightly on his face, and stepped out of the bed.

He sat up.

Harry closed his eyes tightly and carefully recalled the scene he saw in his dream. Voldemort seemed to have murdered another person.

Although because of the green light, he didn't see clearly who the person was.

"This thing is quite effective." Harry caressed the scar and said to himself. He planned to contact Sirius through the double-sided mirror later and tell him about it.

Speaking of Sirius, Harry turned his attention to the magazines on the table. Since Voldemort was resurrected, Sirius's "Defense Letters" could finally be sold normally, and it was also widely welcomed by everyone.

Of course, there is also Albert's "Guide to Self-Defense", which is said to have been sold out, and the book only costs two galleons.

Harry turned his gaze to the newspapers under the lamp on the table. The title of the top newspaper was very eye-catching: Harry Potter: The Savior?

The Ministry of Magic really has no shortage of shameless guys.

The same goes for the Daily Prophet.

They seemed to have forgotten, but Harry had not forgotten that it was the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet who had constantly ridiculed and slandered him.

Bullshit savior.

After his last experience, Harry had already taken these things lightly.

The only regrettable thing was that he read the news in the newspaper that Fudge planned to resign early.

It was really hard for Harry to accept that such a thing could escape unscathed.

Why should Fudge not be punished for committing such a mistake, just because he is the Minister of Magic?

How can the Daily Prophet ridicule and slander itself like that and then pretend as if nothing happened in the blink of an eye?

"If you actually think that I am the savior..."

Harry glanced at the notebook in front of him, with a sneer on his lips, and picked up the quill to continue recording the memories of last semester.

If that's how they like it, Harry doesn't mind adding a little more fuel to the fire!

Make good use of your reputation and the name of the savior to expose their ugly faces.

After doing that kind of thing, they actually wanted to take advantage of me.

How ridiculous.

What's a good name?

Perhaps, Rita Skeeter should be the one to write it. That woman can always catch everyone's attention and let everyone know that the so-called savior is actually a deranged madman.

Unfortunately, Harry didn't dare. He was not sure that Rita Skeeter might make a mess.

If Albert is willing to help... It's a pity that Harry can't contact him, not even Fred and George can do anything.

He also heard that Albert will get married soon.

Get married!

Harry thought about Cho Chang, but he knew he had no chance.

Cho Chang and Cedric are together, as can be seen from their patronus. Harry admitted that he was once very jealous of Cedric.

But since the last conversation with Dumbledore, Harry's thoughts about Cho Chang have become much less intense.

He gave up.

Because there are more important things to do.


Harry called Sirius's name into the double-sided mirror, but received no response.

Sirius seems to be very busy recently, and he doesn't know when he will be able to move in with him.

Ever since Sirius and other members of the Order of the Phoenix ran home and severely threatened his Uncle Vernon, Uncle Vernon and his family basically regarded him as nothing.

Harry also felt that staying here was boring. He would rather go to No. 12 Grimmauld Place to live with Sirius and Lupine.

However, according to Dumbledore, he must stay in this home for a period of time so that the magic can continue until he reaches adulthood at the age of 17.

I will be 16 in more than half a month, and it will be just over a year since I turned 17.

Although he is almost an adult, Harry is still unhappy because he still doesn't know how to face Voldemort?

What does Dumbledore plan to teach himself?

Harry lay back on the bed and turned to look at the photo of his parents on the desk. They seemed to have gotten married just after graduation.

He failed to receive Albert's invitation.

It is said that Hermione received the invitation, Hagrid also received the invitation, many people in the school received invitations from Albert, and the professors even agreed to form a group to attend the wedding together.

Although Hermione mentioned the reason why he failed to receive the invitation in the letter, Harry was still very depressed. It was not that he wanted to attend the wedding. He just wanted to chat with Albert, who could always give him useful advice.

This chapter has been completed!
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