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Chapter 1150 A Fire

Seeing that the summer vacation is coming to an end, Draco, who originally wanted to kill Dumbledore and restore the glory of the Malfoy family, has gradually lost his initial confidence.

At this moment, Draco Malfoy was sitting at his desk with a gloomy face, flipping through the murder plans he had racked his brains to come up with, and using a quill to cross out the plans in his notebook one by one.

When his eyes fell on Bojin Bok - the opal necklace, he frowned slightly.

Buying a horribly cursed opal necklace from Borgin Burke's shop as a gift to Dumbledore wasn't exactly a smart idea.

Even Draco, who was inexperienced, knew this. Just trying to sneak an opal necklace into Hogwarts was not an easy task.

Not to mention giving it to Dumbledore and causing his death.

This just looks like a joke.

Maybe, this stupid assassination would make Dumbledore relax his guard?

Or, expose everything?

Draco Malfoy didn't cross it out in the end. He had no choice but to give it a try.

What if it succeeds?

Draco Malfoy suddenly felt stupid again for actually overriding Dumbledore's negligence?

As far as he knew, a certain person had never opened a package sent by a stranger, and yet he still had illusions about it.

When he thought of Albert Anderson, that Mudblood, Malfoy felt a surge of hatred in his heart. If it hadn't been for that Mudblood, how could his father have become a loser that everyone despised, and how could the Malfoy family not have fallen into ruin?

This is how it ends now.

If possible, Draco Malfoy would prefer that he receive the task of killing the mudblood.

Compared with Dumbledore, Albert Anderson is actually easier to kill.

Because his weakness is obvious.

Yes, they are some of his good friends.

As far as Draco knew, the Mudblood had a very good relationship with the Weasley twins, and even funded their dream of opening a store with a large amount of Galleons.

Normal good friends can't do this.

As long as you go through the Weasley brothers, there is a high probability that the Mudblood will be tricked and killed.

In fact, Draco also considered killing Albert as his preliminary plan, especially after discovering that it was very difficult to kill Dumbledore, and he needed to leave an escape route for himself and his family.

According to Aunt Bella's information, the Dark Lord really wanted to kill the Mudblood. If he could kill the Mudblood, he would not only be able to wash away the shame left by his father, but also allow the mysterious man to let the Malfoy family go.

Of course, Draco had never underestimated the Mudblood. Having seen Albert single-handedly defeat all the Aurors, Draco knew better than anyone how powerful that Mudblood was, even if he found a bunch of people to surround and kill him.

, it is estimated that it will be difficult to kill him.

However, Aunt Bella's words about trash that can be solved with a killing curse reminded Draco.

That mudblood is indeed very powerful. It is difficult to kill him head-on, but you can use despicable and insidious methods, such as using the Weasley twins as bait.

After Draco told his mother and Aunt Bella his thoughts, he received support from them.

After some discussion, and based on their mother's suggestion, the Malfoy family first admitted that the reward of 10,000 Galleons proposed by Lucius last time was still valid, and handed over another sum of Galleons to Bella, asking her to recruit those greedy and...

Go deal with that Mudblood without your life.

Anyway, the Malfoy family is not short of galleons. The most important thing is that this can maintain the reputation of the Malfoy family.

Although Draco also knew that the probability of letting those greedy guys kill Albert was really low, but what if it was a trap set for weaknesses?

Maybe it will be successful?

After all, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he is just a human being and will be killed by the killing curse.

Those who live in the gray area are obviously better at it than they are.

No one can resist the temptation from Galleon.

However, what Draco Malfoy didn't know was that as soon as his plan was implemented, someone couldn't resist the temptation of Galleons, causing the entire plan to be on the verge of bankruptcy.

The worst thing is that the other party's revenge has already come.

When Draco put down his quill, he suddenly heard the family's swallow-tailed dog barking crazily.

He quickly reached out and grabbed his wand, observing the situation outside the manor through the window of the room, trying to figure out what was going on.

At this moment, the door to the room was violently knocked open, and two figures rushed into the room, shouting, "Draco, my son, where are you!"

"What's wrong with mother?" Draco looked at his mother hugging him and asked warily, "Is the Ministry of Magic coming to arrest us? Someone has invaded the manor."

"It's more serious than that. We have to get out of here. The devil's flames are about to spread." Bella waved her wand to blow open the window, pushing her sister and nephew to jump out of the window to escape.

"This is...ah!"

Before Draco could finish his words, Bella was pushed out of the window. With a scream, the three of them were suspended in the air for a moment. When he came to his senses, they had fallen to the ground.

"What exactly is..." Draco's words suddenly stopped because he discovered that the entire manor was burning for some unknown reason, and it was spreading at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Quick, quick, damn, run."

Bella drove away the giant flame bird that rushed toward them, picked up the struggling two people, and told them to run away. She was unable to quell the demonic flames that were out of control at all, so she could only take her sister and nephew away from here.

Malfoy, who was rolling and crawling on the ground, had never been as embarrassed as he was today. He looked back from time to time and watched the churning flames transform into various ferocious beasts chasing them behind them.

"Damn, what on earth is going on?" Malfoy asked breathlessly.

"Fire Curse."

After retreating to the entrance of the manor, Bella, who was looking at the roaring fire waves in front of her, finally found the energy to explain to them, "Someone used the Fire Curse to directly destroy the protective magic of Malfoy Manor. They are taking revenge on you. Here

It’s no longer safe, we have to get out of here.”

"how so……"

Narcissa looked at the manor that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, looking like she might faint at any time.

"Damn, how could this happen? Who did it?"

Draco Malfoy seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and suddenly fell to his knees on the ground. Looking at the manor that was engulfed in hellish fire, he beat the ground with his fist reluctantly and roared angrily.

His home is gone.

Late at night, Ministry of Magic.

Ever since Scrimgeour became Minister and declared the Ministry of Magic to be in a state of war, there have been people staying at the Ministry of Magic for a long time, and Scrimgeour would stick to his post every night.

Whether he is handling official documents, sitting in charge of the Ministry of Magic, or even thinking about countermeasures. At least, everyone sees his attitude, and no one dares to complain about working overtime.

There was a knock on the door, and Percy's voice sounded outside.

"Come in!"

Scrimgeour, who was reviewing official documents, put down the quill in his hand and reached for the wand next to him.

After Percy entered, he immediately reported to his superiors what had just happened in Diagon Alley.

After listening to the assistant's report, Scrimgeour frowned slightly and repeated what he had just heard: "More than fifty bugs in Knockturn Alley tried to rob the Defense Against the Dark Arts store?"

"Yes, except for some who escaped, the rest were subdued. Kingsley has already led the emergency team to Diagon Alley to deal with the matter. They have also arrested several suspects and are currently interrogating them. They should be able to obtain the information soon.

latest news."

Percy secretly glanced at his boss and continued: "The shop owner thinks these people are going to the Defense Against the Dark Arts store. The reason is probably because the Ministry of Magic regulates defense against the Dark Arts props, which has caused some businessmen's interests to be damaged... They

I also think that this matter is probably related to the mysterious man. If you are lucky, you might be able to follow the clues and catch some of the Death Eaters who are causing trouble for the Ministry of Magic."

"It seems that I'm pretty lucky." Scrimgeour stood up from behind his desk, obviously planning to go there in person to follow the latest situation.

Everything related to the mysterious person deserves his focus.

As soon as he left the office, Scrimgeour seemed to remember something, turned his head and said to Percy behind him: "Let the Department of Legal Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic reject the appeal of Joko and the others on the grounds of insufficient evidence. After all, they have registered patents with the Ministry of Magic."

, protected by the Patent Act.”

"Yes." Percy thought for a moment and asked, "Will there be a press conference tomorrow?"

"If this matter is related to the mysterious man, then reveal to the outside world that the Ministry of Magic has once again smashed the mysterious man's conspiracy." Scrimgeour thought for a while and then said, "Also, you can secretly leak the dark magic defense items to show that the magic

The Department is committed to protecting everyone’s lives.”

"As for this matter, let Kingsley and Arthur jointly investigate."

Although he knew that Percy was Albert's man, Skrein still used him.

Nothing more than that.

Because of safety.

It sounds ridiculous to say, but it is indeed reality.

If Scrimgeour does not want to die violently like Bones, he must pay attention to his own safety. For example, the place where he lives now is a safe house protected by the Fidelity Charm, and the secret keeper is Albus Dumbledore.

When the two came to the interrogation room, the results of the interrogation had already come out.

Scrimgeour had just received the documents and was about to check the contents of the interrogation when a wizard who had been left behind hurried over.

"Devil's Flame, someone used Devil's Flame to set Malfoy Manor on fire." The wizard panted and reported the latest news to Scrimgeour.

"There are so many things going on today." Scrimgeour handed the document to Percy and walked out of the interrogation room quickly, "How is the situation over there? Is the fire under control?"

It's no wonder that Scrimgeour is so nervous. The Fire Curse is a very dangerous black magic. Once it gets out of control, it will have terrible consequences.

"Director Robards has already led people to control the situation."

"Director Robards asked someone to send back the news that the fire over there is very strong and more assistants are needed." The former assistant gasped: "One more thing, the Aurors saw the Dark Mark over Malfoy Manor.


"The Dark Mark, are you sure you're not joking?" Scrimgeour stopped and looked at his former assistant in astonishment.

A mysterious man set Malfoy Manor on fire?

This is undoubtedly the funniest thing Scrimgeour has heard this century.

"It is indeed the Dark Mark."

"Tell Kingsley to take people to Malfoy Manor immediately for reinforcements. As for the matter at hand. Weasley, you will take people over to take over and take those bastards back to the Ministry of Magic for detention first," Scrimgeour greeted.

Others planned to take them to Malfoy Manor for reinforcements.

"By the way, send someone to inform Dumbledore."

To be honest, Scrimgeour very much suspected that this was a trick done by the mysterious man, intending to use this to weaken the Ministry of Magic's defense force and create opportunities to assassinate him, but when he thought about it carefully, it didn't seem like it.

By the time Scrimgeour and his people rushed to Malfoy Manor, the situation there was already a little bad, and the Aurors could only barely control the situation, preventing the devil's flames from spreading to the surrounding area.

It was only after Scrimgeour brought people in that the situation was finally stabilized. In the end, Dumbledore came to help clean up the mess and completely put an end to this terrible disaster.

"Do you know who did this?" Scrimgeour, after greeting Dumbledore, turned to ask the old man in charge of leading the team.

"I don't know. When we arrived, the devil's flames had completely engulfed Malfoy Manor.

And it has a tendency to spread outside. Fortunately, you arrived in time, otherwise if the devil's flame really spreads, the area around here will probably be completely destroyed." Gadwin said with a bitter smile, he is still confused now.

To be honest, being the head of the Auror Office is really difficult. He was very tired during this period, but Kingsley's crisis response team helped to share a lot of the pressure.

"They saw the Dark Mark. Could this be a conspiracy by You-Know-Who?" Scrimgeour asked Dumbledore.

"I don't know." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Are the Malfoys still alive?"

Scrimgeour looked at Gadwin, who shook his head to express that he was not clear about this.

"It's a hell tonight, one thing is happening one after another." Scrimgeour said, "If you have time, we'd better talk about the situation in the British wizarding community and the safety of Hogwarts students."

"You think you have a lot to do later, so let's make an appointment after eleven o'clock." Dumbledore took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, then said to Scrimgeour with a smile.

"See you later." Scrimgeour did not refuse. After watching Dumbledore leave, he turned to his old buddy Gadwin and said, "When you hold a press conference tomorrow, you can give a little hint to the reporters, Lucius

·It is suspected that Malfoy leaked information about the Death Eaters to the Ministry of Magic and suffered revenge from a mysterious person."

Gadwin was a little surprised.

"Hint, I just need to mention it to your assistant a little bit, he will know what to do?"

As for whether the Malfoy family will suffer from this, it has nothing to do with Scrimgeour.

Only the devil knows whether Lucius's wife and son were still alive after the fire.

Anyway, after this incident, the relationship between the mysterious man and the Death Eaters will definitely become very delicate. Even if the plan fails, the mysterious man will be severely disgusted.

This chapter has been completed!
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