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Chapter 1167 Win-win cooperation

An hour ago.

In a remote and uninhabited village in Devon, Sirius and Lupine were performing surveillance missions, because not long after, a decoy named "Kenneth" would come to the village and compete with the prophecy.

Contact Master "Mr. Anderson".

Of course, these two guys were actually fakes, and there wasn't even a man who looked like Albert Anderson in the house.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic believe that Albert Anderson is hiding here.

Why are the Death Eaters who want Albert dead so far unable to find any clues related to him?

Kenneth, who is responsible for "delivering goods" to Joko, must know something. Even if the person arrested this time is not Albert, he must be someone closely related to him. As long as he controls them, he wants to find Albert.

It is by no means difficult.

Since the Ministry of Magic can use Veritaserum, Death Eaters can also use it, and they can also use more brutal torture methods.

Therefore, Sirius was not worried at all that the Death Eaters would not bite the bait, not to mention that according to the information provided by Snotlout, after Lucius Malfoy spent a large sum of Galleons to send himself to Azkaban Prison, what happened next?

The Death Eater tasked with murdering Albert Anderson was the madwoman Bellatrix Lestrange.

Many times, Sirius would not compliment his cousin Bellatrix's bad taste. After all, Voldemort's appearance was... very unique. Just saying that he had no nose... Sirius was actually more curious. Back then, Voldemort looked... very unique.

Why didn't Bella, who admired Voldemort so much, consider marrying Voldemort directly?

Although this was a joke, Sirius really couldn't understand that mad woman's fanaticism for Voldemort. Is this the kind of star-chasing fanaticism that everyone likes singer Celestina Warbeck?

It's really incomprehensible.

Putting away the chaotic thoughts in his head, Sirius turned his attention to the chessboard in front of him, and then looked up at the moony face with wrinkled cheeks.

"I should give this surveillance mission to Tonks." Sirius joked with a smile. He had indeed considered doing this, but as an Auror, Tonks also had his own job, and it was a pity to miss this time.

A chance to be alone with Lupine.

"Stop joking, it's not funny at all." Lupine didn't like this joke very much. Talking about Tonks always made him confused.

"How's your relationship going?" Sirius asked.

"Same old thing." Lu Ping didn't like this topic very much.

"Didn't you take the time to go out on a date with her?" Sirius raised his eyebrows slightly. He hoped that his old friend could find his own happiness.

"I think you should also think about your own problems first." Lu Ping changed the subject.

"my question?"

"You are one year older than me." After Lu Ping put down the chess piece in his hand, his eyes glanced from the large looking glass, and then fell on the demon mirror placed on the wall, but there was still no reaction. He stood up and went to the window

He stood aside and secretly observed the situation outside with the help of the half-closed curtains.

"Is there something wrong?" Sirius asked.

"No." Lu Ping shook his head.

"Then sit down and finish this game. It's your turn again." Sirius was about to use the knight to push Lupin's king to a dead end.

"I thought before..."

"I don't think about getting married." Sirius interrupted coldly, "It's best to let the Black family end like this in my generation. Anyway, I have never considered inheriting this disgusting family."

Lupine fell silent after listening to Padfoot's words.

"You really plan to..."

"Yes." Sirius looked at the Marauder's Map in his hand and said impatiently, "I think you should face your feelings bravely more than my matters. Tonks is a good girl. Don't worry.

I failed her."

"There is no way we can achieve anything." Lu Ping said stiffly, "I don't want to delay her, and besides, I care more now..."

"You've already delayed her."

Sirius glanced at the king who was about to be killed on the chessboard, and said to Lupine who was standing by the window, "Also, I think your worries are completely unnecessary. You will definitely have to wait for Kenneth to come over.

Only a guy would follow him to this place, and I suspect that the ones following him are probably a group of pathfinders who don’t know anything. After all, everyone will become smarter after being tricked once."

"That makes sense."

Lupine used a telescope to observe the vicinity of "Albert"'s home, trying to find suspicious persons. Soon his eyes turned to the safe house of the Ministry of Magic. Bones' case reminded everyone that cooperation can reduce the risk of disaster.

to the risk of a sneak attack.

"Escape is never a good option." Sirius tapped the chessboard with his finger, "Don't think you can use this method..."

"You won." Lu Ping said directly.

"I won in the first place, and it's not a good idea for you to feel sorry for yourself like this." Sirius paused, as if feeling something, he reached out and took out the communication pen from his pocket, and after unfolding it, he found that there was gold on it.

Sly's message.

"What's new?" Lupine asked.

"'Kenneth' has just left the safe house arranged for him by the Ministry of Magic. Kingsley suspects that there are Death Eaters within the Ministry of Magic, but they have never found the suspect. If you want me to say, just use truth on everyone.

Just delete the spies and forget about it." Sirius briefly explained the message from Kingsley, "By the way, Arthur will come over later. They think the Death Eaters will take action tonight, so they should come over in advance to check out the location.


"Tonight? The one who provided the information is still..." Lu Ping put down the telescope, turned around and said, "This whole thing is weird from beginning to end."

"Weird, no, I think it's normal. Isn't that just Anderson? Many of his tricks are incomprehensible to others." Sirius didn't think there was any problem, "That guy's dirty tricks are really hard to guard against.

, sometimes I think we are lucky, Albert is on our side, so now it is the Death Eaters who are unlucky, not us."

"That's a very good and responsible man. I think he would do that more because the mysterious man and the Death Eaters were pressing too hard." Lupine was leaning towards Albert, "If someone did that

, I think I will also go crazy and kill them all."

At this moment, a forest-green flame suddenly burst into flames in the living room fireplace, and a figure walked out of the flames. He smiled and greeted the two people who were chatting.

"How is it going?"

"It's very peaceful. How's it going over there?" Lu Ping asked.

"'Kenneth' should be on his way here, but we still haven't found the person watching him." Arthur came to the window and quietly looked outside through the gap in the curtains. "The Aurors are very dissatisfied with this operation.

Good thing, they think their efforts might be in vain this time.”

"After all, Mr. Toller has already made a bait once. As long as he is not too stupid, he will not be easily fooled." Lupine finished the rest of the words for Arthur.

"I think they just said that when they saw that no one was being tricked." Sirius said contemptuously, "It's probably because the past few months have gone so smoothly that they have become stupid."

"Well, people are forgetful." Arthur sighed helplessly, "The smooth sailing did make some people temporarily forget about the threat posed by the mysterious man."

"Don't worry, since Albert wants to use the Ministry of Magic to retaliate against Bellatrix, this incident was probably predicted." Sirius was not worried that the plan would fail at all. He knew Albert better than the Ministry of Magic.

"Scrimgeour and we are both willing to believe in Albert because his predictions have come true almost 100% of the time." Sirius noticed the glances from the two of them and explained, "A person as smart as Albert

He will definitely not use a plan that will fail to undermine the Ministry of Magic and our absolute confidence in him, otherwise it will not be so easy for him to use the Ministry of Magic and us to take revenge on the Death Eaters in the future."

"Ahem, I think this should be called mutual benefit and win-win cooperation." Lu Ping corrected, he was not worried now, because what Sirius said made so much sense.

"Remus is right, it should really be called win-win cooperation." Arthur also agreed with Lupine's words, and this was indeed the case.

This chapter has been completed!
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