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Chapter 1173 Dark Magic Defense Potter

In the early morning, countless owls flapped their wings and poured into the castle hall of Hogwarts. After hovering over the heads of the students enjoying breakfast, they landed next to the recipient one after another, fulfilling their duties as postmen.

Harry picked up the newspaper dropped by the owl and began to read the contents. Compared with the "Daily Prophet" controlled by Fudge, Harry found that he preferred the "Daily Prophet" controlled by Scrimgeour, at least in the newspaper.

The content always makes people feel happy.

A few days ago, the news that the Ministry of Magic once again smashed the mysterious man's conspiracy and successfully killed several Death Eaters spread throughout Hogwarts. The only one who was unhappy about this was probably Harry in Slater.

Lin's nemesis: Draco Malfoy.

It's no wonder that Malfoy's face has been so gloomy recently that he's about to burst out of water. Bella is his relative.

Harry looked away, took a sip of pumpkin juice, looked at today's headlines, and soon discovered a surprising piece of news.

When a reporter was interviewing family members who were persecuted by Death Eaters, he was beaten by the victim's family because of his excessive words. He is currently hospitalized with serious injuries.

The Ministry of Magic expressed regret for this incident and has comforted the families of the victims. Minister Scrimgeour claimed that they will not receive any punishment because their relatives died heroically in the recent war.

The Ministry of Magic sternly reminds the general public that Barty Crouch Jr., who was sympathized by people back then, is the culprit that caused the return of the mysterious man. He believes that people should put aside their ridiculous sympathy for Death Eaters and dark wizards.


Harry squirted out the pumpkin juice he had just drank. He was sure that this was definitely intentional. It was probably because the reporter said something extreme that completely annoyed the Ministry of Magic, causing Scrimgeour to arrange for him to be "interviewed"

Victim's family.

"What's wrong, Harry."

Hermione, who was flipping through "Advanced Magic Text Translation", raised her head and cast a puzzled look at Harry, who was smiling.

"Today's newspaper headlines, I dare say that Scrimgeour definitely did it on purpose." Harry handed the newspaper to Hermione and asked casually, "How is your investigation going?"

"I have searched through many books and even went to the restricted book section, but I still haven't found any clues. I suspect that some books have been removed."

Hermione suspected that Dumbledore had taken away all the books containing Horcruxes.

"You really gave me a problem!" Harry muttered.

"Don't worry Harry, Dumbledore will stay with you for a long time. I think you need to establish a good relationship with Professor Slughorn in advance."

"You think I should go to the Slug Party?" Harry was a little depressed. It wasn't that he didn't want to go to the party, but that he felt that leaving Ron behind was not a good idea.

"That party wasn't as bad as you thought." Hermione whispered, "It was actually quite fun."

"Perhaps, I should drink some Felix Felix and try my luck. No, it would be better for Dumbledore to drink Felix Felix and try his luck."

Harry actually tried it, and the Felixir could indeed make things go smoothly. However, his intuition did not tell him to go to Professor Slughorn, but to go to Dumbledore, because Harry thought he could find one.

Albert predicts divination, or persuades Dumbledore to use Elixir to try his luck with Professor Slughorn.

Later, Harry learned that Dumbledore had actually asked Albert to predict the number of Horcruxes, but they had to get more accurate information to prevent any accidents.

After all, their enemy is Voldemort, and any mistakes will make their efforts in vain.

Therefore, Harry gave up for the time being. The dosage of Felixir was limited and he did not dare to waste it carelessly. He planned to save it for the critical moment before using it.

"Can you contact Albert?" Harry turned to Hermione and asked.

"Is that okay?"

"Do you really think that guy knows nothing?" Harry said dryly.

"No way." Hermione turned her gaze to Ron.

"Fred and George disappeared recently. It is said that the Death Eaters are now watching them, trying to find Albert through them. By the way, Bill asked us not to write important things in the letter, lest the letter be intercepted."

En took the newspaper, read the headlines, then changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Harry, when do you plan to hold the Defense Association's meeting."

"The end of the month!" Harry said without thinking.

"No Harry, we promised we would join the Wizarding Card Club."

Although Albert handed over the management of the club to Luna, Hermione still hoped that the relaxed atmosphere could be maintained.

"I found that there were so many things going on this month." Harry sighed helplessly, took out his quill and wrote down the contents.

When there are too many things, it is easy to forget them if you don't write them down, or you may forget the homework of a certain course.

"By the way, Harry, have you heard?" Ron suddenly said, as if something sounded, "Malfoy seems to have voluntarily quit the Quidditch team."

"That's unusual," said Harry.

"I think it's normal. If his father is a Death Eater, probably no one would want to deal with the son of a Death Eater." Ron was in a happy mood. No one wanted to see Malfoy suffer more than Weasley.


"Most Death Eaters are from Slytherin. Do you think they really care about these issues?" The reason why Harry wanted to find Albert was not only to ask about Horcruxes, he also wanted him to help with divination. Let's see.

See what Draco Malfoy is up to.

He had an indescribable feeling that Harry suspected Malfoy was a Death Eater, but he didn't think this suspicion could convince his two good friends, because it sounded really ridiculous.

"I always feel that that guy is brewing some terrible conspiracy."

"Okay Harry, forget about Malfoy's conspiracy. When do you plan to start the party, everyone can't wait." Ron turned his eyes to Hermione: "Are you ready?"

"I suggest this weekend." Hermione suggested, "You should be free, right?"

"Okay!" Harry nodded in agreement, "It's only once a month anyway, what do you think is better for us to talk about this month?"

"Choose from the Self-Defense Guide, so that everyone can have a book." Hermione suggested: "You can teach everyone how to use spells to build a safe temporary camp. I remember that there is relevant content in the book."

"I think these things may not be of much use to everyone. After all, it is impossible for everyone to have a seamless stretch bag, and it is impossible for everyone to have a tent." Ron reminded kindly, he was very suspicious of most students.

There is no need for this part of the content, because no one is stupid enough to wander around, even if Albert once said that Muggle wizards will have a harder time in the future.

"We can use a party to explain it. It never hurts to learn something. After all, we have also learned a lot about defensive magic!" Hermione advised.

"Quite a bit, no, we only learned some superficial things." Ron obviously disagreed with Hermione's words. "In Fred's words, he is a little fool who only learned a few superficial things and then thought he was arrogant. This is also the "Self-Defense Guide"

This is the reason why most of the time people here are running away instead of fighting back."

"Albert deliberately put this part of the content in it. There must be his reasons. I think it is necessary to master this part of the skill."

Looking at the two people who were about to argue, Harry quickly interrupted: "I plan to take some time to review the magic I have learned before, and review the Patronus Charm again. Nowadays, Dementors are everywhere. I think

It is necessary to master the Patronus Charm skillfully."

"As for learning how to build a safe camp in the wild, we can wait until next month to talk about it. At least I have to figure it out myself first, otherwise how can I teach others!"

In fact, Harry felt that what Hermione said made sense. Nothing in Albert's "Self-Defense Guide" was superfluous, and everything in it was very useful.

The news that Harry planned to hold the DA party again spread quickly throughout the castle as if it had wings. After hearing the news, everyone ran over to say hello to Harry and inquired about what Harry was going to teach everyone at the party.

What magic.

This chapter has been completed!
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