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Chapter 1178 Finished Together

British Ministry of Magic, in the high-level conference room.

Minister Scrimgeour frowned and listened to the recent report from Crisis Response Team Director Kingsley. The Death Eaters and their minions were causing trouble all over the UK, which had seriously affected the normal operation of the Ministry of Magic.

A large number of wizards were sent to deal with the mess left by the dark wizards, causing the Ministry of Magic's manpower to be stretched thin, and everyone was exhausted physically and mentally from the large amount of work and overtime.

Even if Scrimgeour generously provides an overtime subsidy, it still cannot solve everyone's overtime fatigue. Some departments have even been working overtime at high intensity for two consecutive weeks.

"This is a conspiracy of the Death Eaters. They are forcing us to spend a lot of energy on solving the problem." After listening to Kingsley's report, Scrimgeour looked around the other senior officials of the Ministry of Magic in the conference room, "

As for the reason, I think everyone should have guessed it. They want us to expose our weaknesses so that we can better infiltrate the Ministry of Magic."

"They are succeeding." Gadwin Robards said with a tired face, "Everyone is very tired during this period, and I am very worried that the Death Eaters have quietly controlled some employees of the Ministry of Magic.


The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly froze. Everyone was worried about this matter and that their families would be threatened. Even though Scrimgeour had been on guard against Death Eaters' infiltration of the Ministry of Magic since he came to power, there was no one present.

Several people had to admit that there were still employees in the Ministry of Magic who were controlled by Death Eaters from time to time, or whose families had their lives threatened.

"How's that protection plan going?" Scrimgeour asked his assistant, turning his head.

"It's progressing steadily, and I'm afraid it won't be completed until after Christmas this year at the earliest." Percy opened the folder in his hand, took out a document and handed it to Scrimgeour.

"Protection plan?"

Everyone cast inquiring glances at Minister Scrimgeour, wanting to know what kind of plan this was.

"This secret must be kept secret for the time being!"

Scrimgeour handed the document to the director of the Auror Office next to him, "Adhering to the voluntary principle, I will ask Dumbledore to act as the secret keeper when the time comes."


After everyone read the so-called protection plan, they all looked at Scrimgeour, surprised that the minister actually planned to do this.

"This is the worst-case scenario, but we have to admit that it is necessary. No one wants their family to be threatened. The families of Aurors and crisis response team members will be given priority."

"One day I died in the line of duty, and the Ministry of Magic was controlled by the Death Eaters. It could also be a safe house to avoid the Death Eaters." Minister Scrimgeour's tone was very calm, and he did not shy away from talking about his own life.


Everyone looked at each other, and they had to admit that Scrimgeour was definitely the toughest and most ruthless minister in history.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the conference room, and the original solemn atmosphere inside was shattered by the knocking.

Everyone exchanged glances with each other and picked up their wands.

Percy Weasley, with Scrimgeour's permission, walked over and opened the door.

A young employee was standing outside the conference room holding a letter. He probably noticed that everyone was staring at him and suddenly became a little restless.

"What's the matter?"

Percy moved his steps, blocking everyone's gaze, and looked at the somewhat frightened young employees.

"Sorry, an urgent notice from the International Confederation of Wizards."

After the wizard came to his senses, he quickly handed over the letter in his hand.

He also knew that he shouldn't disturb him at this time, but there were some extremely urgent matters that needed to be handled by the director.

"give it to me!"

Percy reached out to take the letter, closed the door of the conference room again, and handed the urgent letter from the International Federation of Wizards to Lufkin, Director of the International Magical Cooperation Department of the British Ministry of Magic.

"The International Federation of Wizards severely criticized and warned that British wizards have violated the International Statute of Secrecy, causing the wizarding world to be exposed to Muggles." Lufkin handed the letter to Scrimgeour and laughed at himself, "

They actually asked us to attend an emergency meeting of the International Federation of Wizards in the afternoon and asked us to provide a reasonable explanation."

"A reasonable explanation?"

After reading the contents of the written notice, Scrimgeour had a sneer on his lips: "Why didn't they say that the large influx of dark wizards from other countries into the UK caused the current chaos?"

The gray area wizards living in Britain simply cannot support the current chaos.

Don't forget, there have been several waves of dark wizards who were either executed or imprisoned in Azkaban Prison after being severely attacked by the Ministry of Magic.

"This time, I personally went to Paris to explain to them. Gavin, give me the latest report. I think it is useless to just let them blame, protest, and warn. Maybe they should send Aurors to help solve the problem.

The risk that the wizarding world may be exposed!" Scrimgeour's tone was full of yin and yang.

There is no way. Ever since that idiot Fudge caused Dumbledore to lose his position as President of the International Confederation of Wizards, the British Ministry of Magic's status in the International Confederation of Wizards has declined rapidly, and the relationship between the two parties has become worse than before.

When the mysterious man was wreaking havoc in the UK, the International Federation of Wizards not only did not send Aurors to help, but instead stood by and looked on, and even blamed the British Ministry of Magic for its faults.

The last wizarding war was like this, and the former minister Millicent Bagnor was very unhappy with the International Confederation of Wizards because they actually accused the British wizards of violating the International Statute of Secrecy by celebrating their victory.

"Can it succeed?" Lufkin asked worriedly: "If not, I will go."

"No, it is necessary for me to go there in person. The matter must be resolved. If those dark wizards continue to cause trouble, the Ministry of Magic will definitely be unable to hold on." Scrimgeour recalled the conversation with Albert a few days ago and said firmly.

Said: "You may need to follow up on this matter later."

"I know." Lufkin sighed.

"Let's adjourn the meeting. I need to prepare some documents first."

"Rufus, how sure are you?"

After the meeting, Lufkin stayed to discuss the matter with Scrimgeour. He knew about the minister's plan to seek help from the International Federation of Wizards, but he felt that the success rate of this plan was not high.

In order to make the minister subject to unreasonable accusations in the past, it would be better for him, the director of the Department of International Magical Exchange and Cooperation, to argue with them in the past.

"We need support, I have no choice." Scrimgeour knew very well that the probability of success was very low, and he believed that no one was willing to interfere with this matter, but after a brief exchange with Albert, he found that this was the only chance they had now.

choice, and now the International Federation of Wizards has issued a stern warning, allowing him to see an opportunity.

That afternoon, Scrimgeour, under the cover of two teams of Ministry of Magic Aurors, quietly used the Floo network to leave the UK and appeared at the Ministry of Magic in Paris to attend a meeting of the International Confederation of Wizards.

President Babajide Ajinbade, who presided over the meeting, was very surprised by Scrimgeour's personal arrival.

Without giving the members of the International Confederation of Wizards a chance to criticize the British Ministry of Magic, Scrimgeour spoke first.

"I know that the International Federation of Wizards is very dissatisfied with the chaotic situation in the UK, but do you really think this is just a problem with the British Ministry of Magic?"

"...It is not easy to persuade the International Federation of Wizards to help."

Scrimgeour did not forget the conversation with his special adviser. Although Albert had never acknowledged this position, he had to admit that Albert helped him reduce a lot of trouble. At least he was more reliable than the other special adviser Fudge.

Much more.

"Since the resurrection of the mysterious man, a large number of dark wizards have been recruited by him and have poured into the UK from all over Europe to become followers of the mysterious man, including those extremely dangerous giants who have appeared in the UK and caused serious damage.

Although we have successfully killed a small number of giants, there are various signs that there are still a large number of giants staying in Britain."

Scrimgeour ignored the words of other members and continued to use his strong voice to overwhelm the others and said to himself: "You can think that Britain is a powder keg now... Honestly, can you stop those nonsense?

Nutritional nonsense, hear me out."

"Minister Scrimgeour, maybe you should calm down, this is not in line with your gentlemanly demeanor." One member sarcastically said.

"If you were like me and worked hard for a month, instead of just coming up with those nutritious nonsense, I don't think your temper would be much better than mine." Scrimgeour told everyone present unceremoniously.

Show what it means to have a bad temper.

“The situation in the UK is very bad?”

Babajide Akinbad frowned, he found that the situation seemed worse than expected.

"I'm very worried now that it may explode at any time." Scrimgeour bluntly stated his purpose of coming here. "I think that in order to prevent the wizarding world from being completely exposed to the eyes of Muggles, the International Federation of Wizards should immediately organize

Luo went to England to help deal with the mysterious man's problem, in order to prevent the British wizarding community from exposing the situation that could no longer control it to people."

Everyone present was stunned.

They originally planned to severely criticize the British Ministry of Magic, but were deceived by Scrimgeour's operation.

"What is Dumbledore doing?"

It was okay for Babajide Akinbad to change the subject and let everyone issue stern warnings verbally, but no one wanted to get into the big trouble of the mysterious man.

"Dumbledore can't help it. He has helped the Ministry of Magic to fight against dark wizards more than once, but Britain has also paid a heavy price. Now the British Ministry of Magic is really powerless to control the situation in Britain." Scrimgeour said unceremoniously.

Produced a document, "I have here a list of the latest dark wizards executed by the Ministry of Magic. There are nearly two hundred people in total. The number of dark wizards currently operating in the UK is far more than this, and these dark wizards come from

European countries, so you will find that the security in your country has improved, because those bedbugs have all gone to the UK to follow the mysterious man."

"... They must be made to feel that this matter is no longer a problem for Britain, but a problem for the entire European wizarding community. They must be made to understand that Britain is no longer able to handle the current situation. If the International Federation of Wizards is unwilling to send Auror reinforcements

If so, we will have to help clean up the mess when the time comes. We must let them understand that the reason why the wizarding world was completely exposed to the Muggles was not because of Britain's problems, but the consequences of them sitting idly by."

Scrimgeour had to admit that such a threat would probably damage the reputation of the British wizarding community, but the current situation could no longer care about that much.

Moreover, when Gellert Grindelwald was wreaking havoc on the entire world, the British Ministry of Magic finally sent Aurors to help. Now that the second generation Dark Lord is wreaking havoc in the UK, it is really infuriating that the International Federation of Wizards is sitting idly by.

Scrimgeour looked around the crowd with sharp eyes and threatened unceremoniously: "If the International Federation of Wizards is unwilling to send Aurors to the UK to help capture these bugs, maybe I will wait for the mysterious person to kill me and completely control the Ministry of Magic.

After the situation gets completely out of control, I'm afraid you will have to talk to the mysterious person about this matter."

"This is a shameful threat." Someone at the meeting roared dissatisfied.

These words immediately received a response, and many people criticized Scrimgeour, but this man was indifferent to it.

"I'm just telling the facts. Don't look at me like that. My last British Minister of Magic was murdered by a mysterious man before he took over as minister. I took over the position of minister urgently. According to reliable information, we now know that the mysterious man

is trying to kill me, and when I die, no one in the whole of Britain can stop him.

"Isn't there Dumbledore?"

Someone ridiculed Scrimgeour's self-righteousness.

"I think Dumbledore will not just watch the British Ministry of Magic being controlled by a mysterious person."

"Yes, actually I think so too."

Scrimgeour's words stunned everyone.

However, before others could react, he continued: "But there is only one Dumbledore, and more than fifty vicious incidents occur in Britain every day. Do you know what this concept is? So far, there have been

Over a thousand Muggles were mercilessly slaughtered, and the International Confederation of Wizards did nothing."

"This is a British problem."

"No, this is no longer a problem in the UK, but a problem in the entire magical world, because the people who massacred them were dark wizards from all over Europe. This matter can no longer be suppressed, so I am here today.

Asking for help from everyone.”

"Ask for help?" Many people think this is ridiculous.

"If you have noticed, you will find that I have sought help from the International Federation of Wizards after taking office." Scrimgeour threatened unceremoniously: "If the vicious incident continues, the entire British wizarding community will be unable to cover it up.

For the problems caused by Death Eaters, it will be a matter of time before the wizarding world is exposed to Muggles. When Britain is completely plunged into chaos, no matter how severe your warnings and accusations are, it will be meaningless. Those dark wizards will not pay attention to you.

From the number of Muggles who died in the last wizarding war, it should not be difficult for you to guess their attitude towards Muggles, and don’t expect them to help cover up the existence of the wizarding world. In fact, their actions have seriously violated the International Wizarding Secrecy


"We need to discuss this matter with the Ministry of Magic of each country." Babajide Akinbad's face twitched slightly. Faced with Scrimgeour's threat, they really had no good solution.

Who made Scrimgeour look like he was not afraid of death and was ready to fight the dark wizards at any time, plus the list of dark wizards who had recently been executed by the Ministry of Magic, everyone realized that the man in front of them was no joke.

If the situation in Britain really collapses, they will have to come out to clean up the mess. We can't let the wizarding world be completely exposed to Muggles.

This really makes many members of the International Federation of Wizards feel extremely aggrieved.

"You'd better hurry up. Our people have been working overtime at high intensity for several weeks. I don't know how long they can persist." Scrimgeour reminded kindly: "If we can get rid of these dark wizards,

, I think it will help maintain the stability of the European magic world."

This chapter has been completed!
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