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Chapter 1180 Rescue

After Albert returned to the suitcase, Isobel was keenly aware of the subtle changes in her husband. She reached out and grabbed Albert's hand and asked softly: "What's the matter, dear, what happened?


"We encountered a little trouble." Albert said lightly.

"A little trouble?" Isobel raised her eyebrows slightly, "I don't think it's a little trouble."

She knows her husband too well. If she really encounters a small problem, she will probably leave the matter to others to solve.

"My dear, you are still as careful as ever."

Albert reached out and hugged Isobel, kissed her forehead, and comforted her, "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, I will be back soon. By the way, prepare paella for me for dinner."

As he spoke, he looked over Isobel's shoulder and looked at Katrina, who was pretending to read the newspaper, "Help me take care of your sister."

"I will. When you come back, remember to bring me some pearls along the way. They may come in handy when brewing the potion."

Katrina put down the newspaper and said to Albert with a smile.

"It depends."

Albert helped Isobel sit on the sofa, placed the parchment given by Mrs. Daisy and Mrs. Mary on the table, said hello to Mrs. McDougal, and went to get ready.

"I hate this." Isobel looked at Albert's back disappearing through the door and muttered in a low voice, "He always likes to go out for adventures, and this is not good."

"He is more cautious than anyone else, so don't worry. What you should do now is give birth to the child first instead of worrying about other things, my dear sister." After Katrina ate a piece of apple, she brought the plate to

In front of Isobel, he said with a smile, "Come on, eat a piece of apple too. The next few months will be the development period of the child in your belly. You need to exercise properly and replenish your body."

"I hope this bad era will end soon."

"You should know very well that someone doesn't necessarily want this bad era to end soon." Katrina ate another piece of apple.

Yes, Katrina is right. Albert really does not want this era to end like this. An era of chaos is also an era full of opportunities.

After arming himself to the teeth, Albert hurried to the headquarters of the "Defense Association" to join others.

Fred, George, Lee Jordan and Shanna were also fully armed and ready to go with Albert to rescue Cedric.

"Tell me, what's going on? I don't think Segrik will suddenly be targeted by Death Eaters!" Albert glanced at the four people who were relieved to see him, and then threw his weight at Zannah.

Inquiring eyes.

"Half an hour ago, we received an alert from Cedric and learned from Truman that Cedric was suspected of missing. We suspected that when Cedric was recruiting members, he encountered a soul-stealing person being used by Death Eaters.

The unlucky guy controlled by the curse, after the Defense Association's affairs were exposed, he was captured by the Death Eaters."

Zannah quickly told Albert about the current situation. It was impossible for Cedric to send the alarm for no reason, something must have happened.

"You must be able to find Cedric, right?"

"Well, there is a way."

Albert took out a crystal ball from his seamless stretch bag and divined Cedric's specific situation.

Cedric naturally wants to save him, but he must not act recklessly to avoid being ambushed. Ever since the Ministry of Magic started to play tricks, the entire magical world has become sinister.

After the fog in the crystal ball dissipated, everyone quickly saw the results they wanted to know from the crystal ball. Cedric was indeed attacked by several dark wizards, and he was being locked up in a hall somewhere at the moment.

The whole person looked dying, as if he had been tortured by the Cruciatus Curse.

All four of them looked unhappy.

"Is there any way to find Cedric's location?" George asked.

"I hope he has the pocket watch I prepared for you!" After Albert put away the crystal ball, he took out a special map of Britain from the seamless stretch bag.

"I think there should be, we all carry it with us at all times!"

"That's good. There's a spell cast on that thing. If necessary, I can lock the approximate position of the pocket watch."

Albert recited a spell and tapped the map of Britain with his wand. Several red dots appeared on it, and Cedric's position was marked on the map of Britain.

"That pocket watch can still be used like this?"

Shanna looked at her pocket watch with some surprise. She originally thought it was just a dark magic detector.

"There are many functions hidden inside. I never told anyone else, lest it fall into the hands of Death Eaters one day and cause them to know the effect of the pocket watch."

"Why don't we have our names?" George stared at the map and asked in confusion.

"A strong shielding spell has been cast here to ensure that mysterious people and Death Eaters cannot use spells to lock our location." Albert explained.

"Shall we save Cedric now?"

"No, we need to confirm how many people are there first to avoid being ambushed after we get there."

Albert took out a piece of parchment, sketched Cedric's location on it, and used a footprint spell on it to see how many people were around.

Under normal circumstances, Death Eaters will choose remote places as temporary bases to avoid being targeted by the Ministry of Magic.

The reason is actually very simple, the same as Albert's choice.

In a remote place, a shielding spell can usually be used to block tracking from the Ministry of Magic.

Therefore, most of the people around Cedric are Death Eaters and their minions.

"Thirteen people, I think that place should be the temporary stronghold of those guys." After carefully counting the ink dots on the map, Lee Jordan looked up at Albert, "The number of enemies is twice as many as ours."

"It's twelve, you included Cedric." George corrected.

"It's not too bad."

"Isn't this too bad?" Shanna suddenly raised her head and looked at Albert.

"At least Cedric is alive."

"Perhaps your advice worked."

George remembered Albert's instructions, and now he suddenly understood why Albert let them do that. Saving lives first was the most important thing, and leaking secrets was not a problem at all.

After all, there are two headquarters, both protected by the Loyalty Curse, so there is no need to worry about leaks. As for being controlled by the Imperius Curse, there is no need to worry.

"Life is more important. As long as you are not stupid, you will not kill people directly."

Albert waved his magic wand and conjured four pairs of earplugs out of thin air. "I'll ask you to plug your ears later. Remember to do it immediately."

"Why didn't I?"

Shanna was a little dissatisfied. She had realized that Albert planned to let her stay at the headquarters.

"We need to have a back-up. If the situation goes bad, we can use the other emergency communication double-sided mirror I left in the safe house. It can contact Dumbledore as soon as possible." noticed Shanna's face.

Dissatisfied, Albert reached out and patted her shoulder and said, "Although I don't think that thing will come in handy, I need someone to stay just in case. This is also a very difficult task. Help me by the way.

Keep an eye on the area in case there are reinforcements during the operation and we don't know anything about it."

"All right!"

Shanna reluctantly nodded and agreed to her mission.

"Then it's up to you."

After speaking, Albert led a few people to leave the abandoned village and appeared in a wilderness.

"here it is?"

The three of them were a little confused, obviously not understanding why Albert brought them here.

"Don't stay around the stronghold. That way it's easy for someone to follow the clues and find the approximate location. Especially the door key. It's easy for someone to lock the location." Albert explained while casting the Disillusionment Curse and the Shielding Curse on them. Then, he took it out of his pocket.

After tapping his pocket watch a few times, he motioned for several people to grab the chain of the pocket watch, and then he disappeared by the chain of the pocket watch.

After they regained their balance, they found themselves in the wilderness, with a very remote Muggle village in front of them.

"I think we can suggest that the Ministry of Magic check all the abandoned villages in the UK. Maybe we can find many dark wizards hiding there." George muttered. This kind of place is indeed not easy to detect.

"There are dementors here."

Albert raised his wand to alert the surroundings, feeling the freezing fog floating in the sky, frowning and reminding, "It seems that we may have reached the lair of those guys."

"What should we do now? Do we want to change the plan?" George knew very well that in front of the dementors, no matter how clever the disembodiment spell was, it was meaningless.

If there are a lot of Dementor activities in the place they are going to next, it means that their original plan to sneak in quietly and kill the enemy through a sneak attack may be ruined.

When the opponent's number is three times that of theirs, attacking by force is definitely not a good option. After all, they are here to save people, not to annihilate the enemy.

"According to the original plan, I don't believe anyone would want to stay with the Dementors." Albert made a calm judgment. Even Death Eaters would not be willing to stay too close to the Dementors for a long time.


The three of them had no objection. If an accident happened, it would be a sneak attack instead of a strong attack at most. They trusted Albert's strength.

The four of them cautiously moved towards the village ahead. Albert used his pocket watch to check the location of the enemy. I am afraid that all the residents of the original village had been killed.

It was not difficult for them to find the hiding place of those people, because the group of guys did not hide themselves. The lights were on in the largest and most comfortable house in the village, and screams of pain and the laughter and curses of the dark wizards came from the room.


Albert raised his hand to stop the three of them. He did not plan to sneak in. God knows when they broke into the village, whether the enemy was aware of their arrival, whether they had prepared any traps, and planned to trick them, and they were not in the village.

Seeing dementors was also one of the reasons that aroused Albert's vigilance.

This chapter has been completed!
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