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Chapter 1207 Dance Invitation

At this moment, Harry was on his way back to the Gryffindor common room. His steps were light and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Just a few minutes ago, Harry just came out of Professor Slughorn's office. Since the last time he took Felixir and ran to Professor Slughorn's office, Harry's relationship with the Potions Professor

Became much closer.

Of course, this is also related to Professor Slughorn's desire to "collect" the Savior Star.

Although both parties had their own thoughts, the exchange was quite pleasant.

In order to prevent Professor Slughorn from suspecting that his motives were impure, Harry took the initiative to reveal his purpose of coming to see him: hoping to obtain beneficial potions such as Felixir, and learned about it from Slughorn by the way.

Things related to your parents.

This approach undoubtedly made Professor Slughorn relax his vigilance, and he was also willing to provide Harry with the help he could.

After all, Professor Slughorn could make a lot of Galleons if he sold Felixir. In fact, he did so. The two parties have reached a preliminary cooperation on the Felixir transaction. Phoenix

The community does not need to worry about not having enough Fuling Lingqi for the time being. With Fuling Lingqi, life safety can be further guaranteed.

To be honest, Harry has never taken anything as seriously as he does now. Even the last time he participated in the Triwizard Tournament, he had never prepared as seriously as he does now.

All this is to destroy Voldemort, and all the efforts are worth it.

"How's it going, Harry?"

As soon as she returned to the Gryffindor common room, Hermione put down her quill and came over to care about Harry's latest progress.

"It's going pretty well."

Harry looked around the busy common room and didn't notice that Ron was a little surprised.

"Lolo is over there, with Lavender." Hermione pointed to the sofa by the fireplace and said to Harry, "Let's go over there and talk!"

Harry followed Hermione to a corner of the lounge and talked about what he had learned from Professor Slughorn today.

"Professor Slughorn has agreed to sell some Felixir, but Dumbledore took a batch from him last time. He needs to brew it again, and we need to pay a deposit to buy the medicinal materials. Of course, there are

Compound potions, I feel like stocking up on more potions will help you be prepared."

"That requires a large sum of Galleons, and it will take at least half a year to brew the elixir!" Hermione reminded with a frown.

"I know that Sirius and the others still have some elixirs in reserve, but they can't withstand consumption." Harry knew very well the magical effects of elixirs. If used at a critical moment, it might be a good thing that can save his life.

Although the amount of Felixir used needs to be strictly limited, after learning Albert's method of using Felixir, there is no need to worry about the dosage, and the reserve of Felixir in the Order of the Phoenix is ​​obviously insufficient.

Harry actually didn't mind using part of the Gringotts inheritance left to him by his parents to buy Felixir, but Sirius once told Harry that Dumbledore was not short of money.

"I learned a lot about my mother from Professor Slughorn, and I can see that he really likes my mother. I think starting from this aspect, the probability of success should be greater." Harry knew very well.

What should he do to gain the trust of Professor Slughorn? Although he doesn't like to go out of his way to please someone, in order to achieve certain goals, he knows that he has no choice.

After all, figuring out the specific number of Horcruxes was more important than anything else, and that was the task Dumbledore had given him. Harry had to complete it no matter what, and he didn't want to disappoint Dumbledore.

"By the way, this Christmas, I plan to give Slughorn a box of pineapple preserves. You know, he likes gifts from others." After Harry finished speaking, he looked at Hermione and saw that the other party was listening carefully to what he said.

, then lowered his voice and continued.

"Next, I plan to continue to get some information about my parents from him, and then wait for his birthday to bring a bottle of wine to visit him. I think with the help of Felixir, the probability of success should not be too low."

"Any suggestions from Albert's side?"

Hermione also thought there was nothing wrong with Harry's plan, but plans often failed to keep up with changes, and Harry obviously didn't have much time to try, so it was best to succeed in one go.

"Albert also agrees with my plan. As for the suggestion, he thinks that if the plan fails completely, he will forcefully drag Professor Slughorn into the water." Harry looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, then lowered his voice and said: "Let

I told Slughorn that Voldemort was close to death and they needed that part of his memory. He believed that as long as he made good use of the Elixir, he would be able to succeed."

When Harry mentioned Albert's suggestion, he couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

"It's really simple and crude." Hermione was also a little surprised, and she couldn't help but doubt the feasibility of Albert's suggestion. After all, if a direct showdown had worked, Dumbledore would have persuaded Professor Slughorn to hand over that part of his memory, instead of

Send Harry to contact the other party to try to get this part of the memory.

But sometimes, Hermione actually believed in Albert's judgment more than herself, because that man almost never made mistakes, which was why many people were willing to believe him.

"By the way, Harry, have you found a dance partner?" Hermione suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"No, you know, I'm not really interested in the Yule Ball."

Harry noticed that Hermione had changed the subject, so he took the initiative to continue the topic. When he looked up, he saw several girls around him walking towards this direction. They were the ones trying to get Harry to invite them to the dance.


Harry stood up and wanted to leave, but Hermione stayed behind.

"What about you?" Harry looked at Hermione accusingly, knowing he couldn't escape.

"I haven't yet." Hermione shrugged and said, "You know, I originally planned to bring Ron, but he is now close to Lavender. If I invite him, I might let Lavender

The misunderstanding made them very unhappy."

"I think we can go together." Harry deliberately raised his voice and said to Hermione, "That way we can save the trouble of finding a dance partner."

However, this obviously still cannot drive away those enthusiastic girls.

"It seems that you have been very impatient with those girls recently." Hermione smiled as she watched Harry decline those girls, "I told you to find a dance partner in advance."

"Well, Hermione, maybe we can pretend to go together, since you don't have a dance partner anyway."

"It depends on the situation, if you really can't find anyone." Hermione hesitated, still feeling that it would be a waste of the dance partner quota for the two of them to go together, and...

"What are you worried about?" Harry asked in confusion after confirming that the girls had left.

"Nothing." Hermione shook her head.

"Okay Hermione, don't make me guess. Just tell me. Albert the Riddler is annoying enough." Harry urged.

"We have to consider that idiot Ron." Hermione reminded helplessly. She actually didn't mind going with Harry, since she didn't find a dance partner anyway, but Hermione had to take care of other things.

Harry fell silent for a moment. He actually saw that Ron liked Hermione, but Hermione obviously only regarded Ron as a close friend, just like her relationship with him.

"You're right, Ron is such an idiot!" Harry sighed softly, "Then are you going to invite him to the Yule Ball?"

"Forget it, I don't want to be entangled with Lavender." Hermione shrugged, "If I have no choice, I would rather invite Luna."

"You take good care of Luna. I thought you hated her." Harry looked at Hermione in surprise, but he knew that Hermione and Luna had nothing in common.

"I don't hate her." Hermione denied it directly, "It's just that it's hard for us to have common topics, but recently we have common topics again."

"I know you Hermione."

Harry knew that Hermione didn't really like Luna very much and that they were not compatible. He even felt that Hermione would be willing to take the initiative to help Luna with her relationship with Albert.

"You can take Ron with you, and I'll take Luna with you." Harry suggested.

"Oh well."

Hermione hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed to Harry's suggestion, "I'll go tell Luna about this, and you can take care of Ron yourself."

"It's very simple!" Harry was very confident about this, "I'll go find Ron right away."

"Are you going to invite me to Professor Slughorn's Yule Ball?"

Ron seemed to suspect that he had heard wrongly. He frowned and reminded: "But Harry, no boy would invite another boy to be his dance partner. If this matter spreads in Hogwarts..."

"I know." Harry interrupted Ron impatiently: "I just wanted to ask if you would like to attend Professor Slughorn's Yule Ball."

"Of course I want to." Ron shrugged. "No one doesn't want to go to the Christmas party, but I don't think it's appropriate to be your dance partner. It will make us the laughing stock of the entire school."

"Hermione didn't invite her dance partner either." Harry explained to Ron how to invite him to the prom without becoming the laughing stock of the whole school. "She originally wanted to invite Luna. Hermione will invite you then, and I will help

She invited Luna."

"Hermione wants to invite Luna. It's incredible. I thought Hermione didn't like Luna?" Ron was very surprised after hearing what Harry said.

"Probably because of Albert, Hermione seemed to take special care of Luna." Harry actually felt that Hermione liked Albert, but she just didn't want to admit it.

Of course, it would be useless even if he admitted it. After all, Albert was already married, which was even more disappointing than when he fell in love with Qiu Zhang.

"She actually plans to invite the crazy girl." Ron muttered.

"Crazy girl? I think she's pretty good and very funny."

"You don't like her, do you?" Ron looked at Harry with wide eyes.

"Put away your boring thoughts." Harry interrupted, "Anyway, remember to keep this matter a secret."

After Harry finished telling Ron, he went back to the dormitory to get his homework. Although he hated these things now, Harry also knew that he had to take some time to complete these homeworks.

However, the news that Harry invited the crazy girl Luna to attend Professor Slughorn's Yule Ball was still leaked, and for some unknown reason, everyone in the school knew about it.

Many girls who tried to attend the Yule Ball through Harry were almost made to cry by the news. They really couldn't understand why the famous Harry Potter would choose a crazy girl as his dance partner, so that they were so convinced of his charm.

Suspicions arose.

However, there were some new twists and turns in the news that Ron was invited by Hermione. It is not known who revealed the news. It is said that Lavender had a quarrel with Ron after finding out. It is not known whether they broke up.

"So, you broke up?"

Harry suspected that Ron had deliberately revealed the news to Lavender. If he wanted to get rid of her, this time was undoubtedly a good opportunity.

"Not yet, I hope to be separated from Lavender." Ron was a little depressed and seemed unwilling to talk more about this matter with Harry.

"I thought you liked Lavender." Harry raised his eyebrows slightly and took Ron to the place agreed with Hermione.

"And you?"

Ron was silent for a moment and tried to change the subject.

"Me? Do you mean girlfriend?" Harry asked.

"I remember you used to like Cho Chang of Ravenclaw." Ron said tentatively.

"Yeah, but I don't like it now, and Qiu also has someone he likes, so I simply gave up. After all, I have my own things to be busy with." Harry did not shy away from talking about how he once liked Qiu Zhang.

It's just a trivial thing to him, it's no longer important.

"What now?"

"I don't have time to fall in love now. Killing Voldemort is my first priority at the moment." Harry shrugged, "Although it is difficult, I have no way out. After all, Voldemort has determined that I am his enemy."

, he will definitely find an opportunity to kill me personally."

When he heard about Voldemort, Ron had some unusual reactions and looked a little worried.

"Hermione, she..."

"Hermione is going to help me. We all give priority to eliminating You-Know-Who now." Harry said calmly.

"Harry, this way..."

When they headed to the marble steps, they found Hermione and Luna waiting nearby.

"Thank you for inviting me to the Yule Ball, Harry." Luna, wearing a robe trimmed with silver sequins, greeted Harry cheerfully.

"No, I should like to thank you and Mr. Lovegood for supporting me. I wonder if Hermione has mentioned another thing to you." As he said this, Harry turned his head and looked at Hermione.

"Hermione told me, I have already written a letter home." Luna nodded to indicate that she understood.

"The turbulent times that Albert thinks are coming, and it would be unwise to support me openly now." Harry said to Luna: "Sooner or later, the Death Eaters will cause trouble for Mr. Lovegood, so I think he is very

It is necessary to protect yourself and your safety.”

"You've changed a lot Harry!" Luna looked Harry up and down.

"I know, but some things need to be changed. If you are too naive, you will suffer a lot in the future. This is what I learned from Albert." Harry shrugged and said that he had indeed changed.

This chapter has been completed!
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