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Chapter 1215 Meeting the Riddler Again

"This weather...is really bloody!"

Albert walked out from the corner of the street, looked up at the gray sky above his head, and suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction. His eyes penetrated the thick fog and fell on the roofs not far from this street. Several people

An employee of the Ministry of Magic is holding up his wand, blowing up the wind and snow to obscure the sight of passers-by.

Over the city of London, Aurors riding broomsticks were using the cover of wind and snow to summon their respective patron saints to drive away the dementors entrenched in the sky above London.

Albert breathed hot air into his palms, rubbed them vigorously, tightened his windbreaker, walked along the dim street, and finally turned into a steaming coffee shop.

As soon as I opened the glass door, a hot air filled with the strong aroma of coffee came to me. Probably because of the bad weather, there were not many customers in the store.

His eyes swept across the store and fell on a customer in the corner. He was a red-haired middle-aged man who was drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!" Albert walked over and greeted the other party.

"No, I just arrived!"

Scrimgeour put down the newspaper, smiled and asked Albert to sit down, "What would you like to drink? I'll treat you today."

"A cappuccino," Albert said to the waitress.

After the waitress left, Scrimgeour lowered his voice and said, "I heard Kingsley say that about Snape."

They didn't use magic to cover up their voices, because that would make it more suspicious.

"Oh, it seems Kingsley is very upset about this!"

Albert understood what the other party meant. He was obviously also concerned about whether Snape would stab Dumbledore in the back.

Although Scrimgeour is becoming more and more of a politician, he has never forgotten Albert's death warning. In fact, anyone with a normal mind will realize the importance of Dumbledore, although it is not to say that the mysterious man and the Death Eater

I don’t dare to act rashly, but the deterrent is there.

"Is this true?"

Scrimgeour risked his life to meet with Albert. He needed an answer to judge the future situation.

"That's true, but it could change."

Albert nodded slightly to the waitress, took a sip from the coffee cup, "You know, it's hard to say what will happen in the future."

"Can you rescue me?" Scrimgeour asked directly.

"You mean Snape?"

Albert was very surprised at Scrimgeour's decision. This was the time to prepare to kill Snape!

However, this is not surprising, because Snape was once a Death Eater, and Albert predicted that he might be harmful to Dumbledore.

Putting the two together, doesn't it mean that he is still a Death Eater, and the Ministry of Magic's policy towards Death Eaters is generally to kill them directly.

If killing Snape could save Dumbledore, Scrimgeour would certainly not mind doing that.

He's just a Death Eater. If he dies, he dies. It's good for everyone.

"I don't know, it's hard to say this kind of thing. I think what will happen in the future depends on Dumbledore. You know, the older a person gets, the more stubborn he becomes. It's hard for others to convince him." Albert shook his head slightly and said.

Not optimistic about Scrimgeour's plan, "Maybe you can take the time to go to his place and you can chat slowly."

"We talked about it and he doesn't think it's Snape's problem."

Scrimgeour actually didn't understand why Dumbledore wanted to protect Snape, especially when Albert predicted that Snape would kill him. It was obviously a bit suspicious to do so.

As for the reason, Scrimgeour had not thought of it for the time being, but he always felt that Albert should know something. The guy in front of him knew many secrets.

"You have to ask him yourself."

Albert put down the coffee cup with a smile, shrugged and said, "I don't like Snape anyway. I support you if you want to kill him. As for Dumbledore doing that, there must be some reason."

"Kingsley thinks so too."

Scrimgeour still felt that Albert must know something, but just didn't want to tell him, and Dumbledore had never intended to tell him these secrets from the beginning.

In fact, anyone who is not blind can tell that Dumbledore was running around during this period, definitely to target the mysterious person, but he never planned to tell anyone, just like the guy in front of him, which made Scrimgeour very angry.

I have no choice but to ask him, a dignified Minister of Magic, so untrustworthy?

"Mr. Principal is probably preparing some secret weapon." Albert seemed to see through Scrimgeour's thoughts, and smiled and suggested, "The less people know about some things, the higher the probability of success, and I don't think he will

It’s right to let you know.”

Ignoring Scrimgeour's gloomy expression, Albert continued, "Don't blame me for speaking harshly. You are his target yourself, and you have no intention of hiding it. Problems will arise sooner or later in the future. How dare you let him tell you?"

, isn’t this a leak?”

Scrimgeour's face became even more gloomy, but what Albert said was true.

Moreover, what happened to the Minister of Magic? In the eyes of those extraordinary wizards, he was just like that.

Especially in someone's eyes, he may die in the line of duty at any time.

Dumbledore never took the Minister of Magic seriously, and he didn't even care about the position. Voldemort also didn't take the Minister of Magic seriously. He would just kill him and replace him when necessary. But what about Albert Anderson?

It seems like another Dumbledore.

However, he is not as gentle as that old man, but he is even more frightening.

He knew better than anyone how those dark wizards and Death Eaters died.

"Secret weapon? How sure is he, you know..."

"The guy who almost has no nose," Albert added.

"Okay, the guy who almost has no nose." Scrimgeour didn't care about Albert's nickname for Voldemort and continued, "I mean...wait, and whether he should...I still don't think he should.

You are already old enough to take risks, so it is more important to be steady."

"You have to tell him about this yourself, but I don't think your probability of success is high." Albert actually sympathized with Scrimgeour, at least a little bit with the person in front of him. To a certain extent, Scrimgeour did too.

Being implicated, if Dumbledore suddenly died, he would soon become Voldemort's target.

It's a pity that there are no what-ifs in this world. When he chose to become the Minister of Magic and planned to confront Voldemort head-on, many things were already doomed.

"Actually, you already knew that, right!" Scrimgeour exhaled and asked suddenly, "You didn't want to change from the beginning. What on earth are you thinking? It's really confusing."

"For the final victory."

"Can you really win?"

"You have to ask him about that." Albert shrugged, and when he picked up the coffee cup, he found that it was empty.

"I hate the Riddler!" Scrimgeour sighed.

"You actually still have a chance." Albert said, "It depends on your choice."

"Forget it, I already know my ending anyway!" Scrimgeour became more and more convinced that these two guys were planning something secretly. How on earth was Dumbledore worth risking his own life? This made Magic

The ministers are somewhat doubtful about life.

However, the answer is actually not difficult to guess. It is definitely for Voldemort. It is estimated that only the famous Dark Lord is qualified to enjoy such treatment, and the person in front of him may be the insider or... the executor.

"There is still time, you can think about it slowly, don't make a decision in a hurry." Albert put down the empty coffee cup and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"The hotel has been completed. I would like to invite you to check it out and help me with a little help." Scrimgeour sent an invitation to Albert. This was also what they had discussed before. Albert would keep the shelter secret.


Looking for someone else won't make you feel at ease.

Albert was a little surprised. He originally thought it would take longer to complete, but he didn't expect the Ministry of Magic to be so efficient.

"Well, everyone is working overtime during this period."

Scrimgeour folded the newspaper and put it in his briefcase, then went to the counter to pay.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the coffee shop, a gust of cold air blew in their faces. Albert stretched out his hands to tighten his windbreaker and followed Scrimgeour to a nearby public toilet.

"Let's go."

He pointed to the briefcase in his hand.

Albert recognized this thing as a door key at a glance, put his hand on it, and was pulled away by a force.

When he regained his footing, he found himself in an abandoned place, with a tall dilapidated hotel in front of him.

That's right, it's a hotel.

Scrimgeour converted an abandoned hotel into a shelter for the families of Ministry of Magic employees.

"Shelter No. 1." Scrimgeour introduced, as he led Albert through the defensive magic on the outside.

"Hmm." Albert was stunned for a moment when he heard the name, and asked: "Are you still building other shelters?"

"According to the original plan, there are Shelters 2 and 3, but I'm not sure if there is enough time." Scrimgeour stopped, turned his head and said to Albert, "Okay, I have already given everyone away.

Now that I've been transferred, I'll be in trouble for you next time."

"It seems that you invited Dumbledore."

Albert understood the meaning of Scrimgeour's words, and apparently planned to let Dumbledore use the Fidelity Charm and then let him act as the secret keeper.

"Yes, he should be arriving soon." Scrimgeour took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

After a while, Dumbledore appeared out of thin air, nodded slightly towards the two people here, said hello and said with a smile, "It seems that I came at the right time!"

"I hope we can talk later," Scrimgeour said suddenly.

"Of course there is no problem, but I still stick to my opinion." Dumbledore had already guessed what Scrimgeour wanted to talk to him, so he changed the subject and said, "Let's start now."

He actually didn't feel strange. Albert was enough to cast the Loyalty Charm. He came to him at this time obviously because he wanted to talk, but there were some things he couldn't tell Scrimgeour.

"here we go!"

Dumbledore raised his wand and pointed at the hotel in front of him, murmuring a spell in his mouth, and then waved his wand. The hotel in front of him began to blur, as if a layer of fog hung in his eyes, and then the hotel disappeared out of thin air.

It should be said that he was hidden.

Dumbledore pointed the wand at Albert, who seemed to feel something, and his body trembled slightly. Some memories about Shelter 1 became clear again, and Shelter 1 in front of him also appeared together.

"Okay, it's done!"

Dumbledore looked at the hotel that had completely disappeared before his eyes, nodded with satisfaction and looked at Albert.

"No problem." Albert said softly, "Welcome to Shelter 1, located in the suburb of Biddeford, Devon!"

When Albert told Dumbledore and Scrimgeour the specific location of Shelter 1, Shelter 1 reappeared in front of Dumbledore and Scrimgeour.

"Oh, by the way, this thing is for you."

Albert seemed to have thought of something. He waved his wand lightly, conjured parchment and a quill out of thin air, wrote something on it and handed it to Scrimgeour.

"What are you giving me this for?"

Scrimgeour glanced at the content on the parchment, which was what Albert had just said.

"With this thing, you can use it to transfer residents here without my presence." Albert explained.

"Don't you need to come here in person?"

Scrimgeour was a little stunned. Of course he knew the Loyalty Charm, but what was going on with this parchment?

"No, you just need my permission. The parchment must be kept well. This thing is equivalent to me personally telling them the specific location of Shelter 1. It is recommended that they be destroyed with fire after use." Albert said kindly.


"Indeed, it is a more clever usage." Dumbledore explained to Scrimgeour. He was actually very familiar with this usage, and it was not surprising that Albert would use it.

"Now that the matter has been completed, I will leave first. You two, see you another day." Albert nodded slightly towards the two of them and apparated away directly.

"Wait..." Scrimgeour originally wanted to take Albert to chat with Dumbledore, but Albert actually ran away first.

There was a brief silence.

"Have you talked?" Dumbledore suddenly asked.

"Well, we've talked about it, and I suspect you're planning something." After Scrimgeour and Dumbledore walked into Asylum 1, they talked about some very sensitive issues.

He actually didn't expect to get any useful information from Dumbledore, but he was still a little unwilling, so he asked directly. Whether Dumbledore answered or not was up to him.

"Some things are not suitable for too many people to know." Dumbledore said after a moment.

"Where's Anderson?" Scrimgeour asked.

"Mr. Anderson guessed it himself." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "And it's okay for him to know because he is also involved and can keep it completely confidential, so I'm not worried."

"What about Snape, do you just believe him that much, or do you think letting Snape kill you is an essential part of the whole plan?" Scrimgeour couldn't help but sneer, but he still couldn't help it.

He was angry because this matter was related to his own life.

"You can think of it as part of the plan. Severus has always been mine."

"He is a Death Eater and a double agent. You actually believe him and put your life in his hands. Don't you think this is ridiculous?"

"No, I believe he has reformed."

"It's incomprehensible!" muttered Scrimgeour. "You're like crazy."

"You have to pay something."

"Enough, I've had enough. You are just like that Anderson, you always like to be mysterious." Scrimgeour left angrily. He knew very well that the other party would not tell him anything. He hated these Riddlers.


This chapter has been completed!
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