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Chapter 1228 Son of Death Eater

Stopping at the entrance to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of the castle, Malfoy used the cover of the Disillusionment Curse to look up and look around. After making sure that no one was around, he quickly opened the door to the Room of Requirement, ducked in and closed the door again, removing the quilt.

The illusion of people peeping is isolated outside the door.

In the past few days, Draco had felt inexplicably irritable and always felt like he was being watched. However, no matter what, he couldn't find anyone watching him, and the feeling of being watched still lingered.

Even using a speculum didn't work, the thing kept making noises.

Of course, this may also be a psychological effect. Since it was completely exposed that his father Lucius was a Death Eater, many Hogwarts students would look at him with strange eyes and even like to point fingers behind his back.

Be careful, say some ugly words, but Draco doesn't really care about the looks and content of these people's conversations, because he knows very well that only after the Dark Lord regains power will these nasty people close their eyes like frightened rabbits.

A disgusting mouth.

As for arguing with the other party, he might not be able to help but beat the other party.

Moreover, for Malfoy, who has an important mission for the Dark Lord, it is really not suitable to attract other people's attention. Silently completing the Dark Lord's mission like a transparent person is the most correct approach for him at the moment.

Deftly walking through the mountain of rubbish cut from piles of discarded items, Malfoy finally stood in front of a cupboard that was as tall as a person. He didn't understand why Snape thought he could fix this thing.

Did he have a seizure in his head?

He took out Borgin's maintenance notes from his robe pocket and read the contents word for word. This note had been read by Draco countless times, and he could almost recite all the contents inside. However, this was still a big problem for the maintenance person before him.

The disappearing cabinet is of no use at all.

Draco could only do his best to repair the disappearing cabinet in front of him again and again, but the broken cabinet was still the same as before, with no sign of being repaired at all.

Each test was enough to kill any user on the spot. The apple that was put into the cabinet for testing always became broken as if someone had chewed it.

"Damn it, if there is a blessing elixir, he might be able to successfully repair this broken cabinet with luck!"

Malfoy couldn't help but think of the reward Professor Slughorn gave out in his first class.

It was actually taken away by Harry Potter.

What made him even more regretful was that the old man seemed to have no interest in Death Eaters and instinctively rejected him. Even if Malfoy deliberately tried to establish friendship with the other party many times, he was dealt with perfunctorily by the other party.

As long as Malfoy wasn't crazy, he wouldn't have done such a stupid thing as stealing the elixir of happiness from Professor Slughorn. As for letting his mother get it from the black market.

Not only is there no way, but even if he does get the blessed elixir, he may not dare to use it.

Once something like the elixir is not brewed properly, it will completely turn into poison, otherwise Malfoy would try to brew the elixir himself.

As for asking Snape for help!

He also thought about it, but failed!

Snape obviously did not stock up on the Felixir, had no time to help him brew the Felixir, and had no way to purchase the Felixir.

Thinking of these troubles, Malfoy couldn't help but sigh heavily, feeling that he might need to find another way. It was unreliable to sneak into the academy through the secret passages of Hogwarts.

He was not sure whether this method would be noticed by others, at least it would be easier to expose than using a vanishing cabinet to quietly send people to Hogwarts.

Dragging his tired body out of the Room of Requirement, on the way back to the Slytherin common room, he heard the whispers of the students around him again. He thought those people were pointing at him behind his back again, but he slowed down and did it.

Understand what is going on.

Everyone is discussing Defense Against the Dark Arts, and this topic seems to be very popular recently.

I heard that many people want to join the Defense Association, the organization founded by the Mudbloods.

Do they think that mudblood is really capable of protecting them or teaching them ridiculous defense against the dark arts?

He always thought Defense Against the Dark Arts was a joke. At least Malfoy never thought he needed to learn the so-called Defense Against the Dark Arts?

"What the hell are you doing!"

As soon as he entered the lounge, Malfoy saw a struggling student hanging in the air. He couldn't help but frown and looked at the culprit of all this.

"This guy is a traitor," Crabbe muttered.

"You shouldn't cause trouble, at least not recently, you know," Malfoy glared at Goyle and Crabbe irritably, and warned in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I'm doing something very important recently.

Things are not suitable for others to pay attention to, so don't cause trouble."

With that said, Malfoy used the Forgetting Curse to erase the man's memory and put him down.

After sending the unlucky guy away, he sat on the sofa, looked at the two of them and asked impatiently: "Tell me, what is going on."

"You are really thinking about..."

"Don't try to inquire about some things." Malfoy interrupted impatiently. "It's not the right time for you to know, otherwise you will get into trouble."

"Oh." Gore seemed regretful.

"Have you ever heard of the Defense Association?" Crabbe asked.

"I know...many people have joined Scarhead's DA organization." Malfoy was silent for a moment, indicating that he knew about this.

"No, it's not Scarhead's DA, but the Defense Association founded by Albert Anderson, that damn Mudblood." Crabbe gritted his teeth with hatred for Albert.

"So, that guy also wants to join?" Malfoy looked very strange, "But, I'm curious, is that guy willing to accept Slytherin students?"

"I don't know, I saw that mudblood discussing this matter with people from other colleges." Crabbe gritted his teeth and said, "He..."

"Oh, I probably guessed what's going on." Malfoy raised his hand and interrupted, "I know you are angry, but there is no point in doing that. Now I have a lot of things to do, and I must finish my work before the end of the semester.

I don’t want you to cause trouble for me.”

He showed a strange expression and continued, "If the plan succeeds, believe me, the entire magical world and even Hogwarts will change. Before that, you need to be patient and wait for the results. Don't tell me this.

I don’t even have the patience.”

Goyle and Crabbe looked at each other and nodded to express their understanding.

"very good."

After dismissing the two of them tiredly, Draco took out his homework from his backpack. He hated this stuff, but he had to take the time to complete it to avoid being suspended by the professor for not doing his homework.

Draco stared at the parchment in front of him for a long time, but he still didn't start writing. His thoughts had drifted far away.

Now Draco has completely lost the enthusiasm he had when he took over the task. He just wants to complete the almost impossible task so that he and his family can continue to live.

He once gave up the mission of the Dark Lord and took his family into hiding, but the traitors who betrayed the Dark Lord all had bad consequences, and he simply did not have the courage to risk the lives of his whole family.

However, he was not gambling now, he was just placing all his hopes on Snape.

If Snape failed, they would all die.

Both Snape and their family will die!

Why did things become like this?

It's all because of being dark...no, it's all because of that damn mudblood.

Yes, it's all his fault.

This chapter has been completed!
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