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Chapter 1242 In Action

Harry was running wild.

He has never hated his own weakness as much as he does now.

If he could reach Albert's level, he could fight alongside Dumbledore instead of being an errand boy like he is now.

Harry also knew very well that someone had to inform the professors and let everyone know what was happening in the school so that the professors could rush to the Astronomy Tower to reinforce Dumbledore.

At that time, there were only Harry and Dumbledore in the office. He had to do this after all, and it was unrealistic to expect everyone to discover the strangeness on their own.

However, for some reason, Harry always felt deeply uneasy. He naturally believed that Dumbledore could handle this matter, but he did not dare to underestimate Malfoy's plan. The other party had been brewing for a semester, and it was obvious that he was still rushing

Went with Dumbledore.

Can he really not see it?

A conspiracy against Dumbledore.

If he wasn't even sure, would Malfoy dare to take action rashly?

Harry never thought Malfoy was this stupid, so he must have something to rely on.

No matter how powerful a person is, he is still afraid of conspiracy and being targeted.

Voldemort is the best ready-made case. Look at the once arrogant Dark Lord, but now he is so tormented by Albert that he dare not come out.

With the help of the Elixir of Fortune, Harry's physical strength and explosive power became extraordinary, but he was still exhausted from running all the way.

If he had followed the original plan, he should have gone to the Charms Office on the eighth floor of the west tower to find Professor Flitwick, but that was too far from the principal's office, and he had to go through the corridor on the fourth floor of the castle to get to the west tower.

Elixir reminded Harry that he should go to Professor McGonagall now.

Although Harry didn't know why, he knew that it was best for him to accept the guidance of Felixir. After all, he had used Felixir more than once and knew exactly how to use Felixir.

Staggering out of the secret passage on the second floor, Harry regained his balance and continued running. In the end, he showed no intention of slowing down and crashed into the wooden door of Professor McGonagall's office.

With a "bang", the wooden door of the office did not open, but Harry stopped abruptly and almost fell to the ground.

He held on to the wooden door to catch his breath, took out his wand and used Alajo's Cave to open the door.

Professor McGonagall, who had already fallen asleep, was startled awake by the loud noise and immediately picked up the wand on the bedside table and came out of the bedroom.

"Professor, Professor McGonagall, something happened." Harry shouted in the office.

"Potter, what are you doing!"

Professor McGonagall frowned, dissatisfied with being interrupted from her rest. At this moment, she recognized the voice as her student Harry Potter.

"Death Eaters have invaded Hogwarts Castle..." Harry seemed to remember something and panted, "The Dark Mark appeared on the Astronomy Tower, and Dumbledore has already rushed there... He may need help."

"Death Eaters? Potter, are you sure there are Death Eaters entering Hogwarts?"

Professor McGonagall was shocked. After searching for Potter's location, he waved his wand to lift the Disillusionment Curse on Harry and continued to ask: "How did the Death Eaters break into the castle silently?"

"I don't know, maybe through a secret passage, maybe other ways." Harry took a deep breath and said in one breath: "Dumbledore has sent Phineas to inform Sirius. It may take some time for the members of the Order of the Phoenix to

I need to inform Professor Flitwick immediately,

I suspect that Malfoy may have done this, their target should be Dumbledore, and Snape is no longer trustworthy."

"Wait Potter!"

Professor McGonagall's mind was in chaos, especially after she had just been woken up rudely and heard a bunch of messy things, which made her wonder if she was dreaming.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I have to inform others. You'd better be careful when you pass by. I always have an ominous feeling."

Harry didn't give Professor McGonagall a chance to continue asking, and after speaking, he trotted away.

He did not go to the West Tower to find Professor Flitwick, but rushed directly to the campus hospital not far from here. He remembered that Dumbledore said that Professor Slughorn would stay there for one night, if the old man did not

If he is willing to participate in the next battle, then persuade him to go to the principal's office. Someone must wait for the Order of the Phoenix people there and tell them the current situation, lest they get blinded when they come.

Professor Slughorn was already awake, and was awakened by Harry's banging on the door just now. When Harry hurriedly broke into the school hospital, he was putting on his cloak, obviously planning to go out to check the situation.

Seeing Harry coming in a hurry, Professor Slughorn couldn't help but ask: "Harry, what happened?"

If there was nothing important, Harry would definitely not go to the campus hospital in the middle of the night.

"Death Eaters broke into Hogwarts and raised the Dark Mark in the Astronomy Tower. Dumbledore has passed and he needs help." Harry repeated what he had just said.

"Dumbledore needs help?"

After Slughorn thought about it carefully, he obviously didn't think so. Dumbledore actually needed help?

What a hell.

Moreover, he didn't want to go or get involved in this kind of thing.

"Professor, if your body has not recovered, you can go to the principal's office for help. Members of the Order of the Phoenix will come over later and someone needs to tell them the current situation." Harry turned to Madam Pomfrey, who was wearing pajamas, and said, "Mrs.

, could you please inform Professor Sprout and tell her about the Death Eaters' invasion of Hogwarts and the Dark Mark in the Astronomy Tower. I bet you can't count on the Aurors tonight, Voldemort is very likely

Will go to Azkaban to rob prison."

"Mysterious man robs prison?"

Slughorn was stunned. When he wanted to say something, Harry had already rushed out.

"Poppy, please tell Pomona that I have to go to the principal's office." Slughorn tightened his cloak tightly, took out his wand and walked outside.

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away."

After Madam Pomfrey calmed down, she quickly walked towards Professor Sprout's office.

When Harry ran to the West Tower to call someone, Professor Flitwick had already woken up, and Professor McGonagall had informed him of what was happening in the school through the Patronus.

Harry met Professor Flitwick on the way.

"I already know the matter, Potter. You did a good job. Go back first. I'm going to the Astronomy Tower to meet the other professors now." Professor Flitwick said to the panting Harry.

"No, Professor, I can also fight." Harry shook his head and said, "I have taken Felixir and received combat training, so I will not be a burden to you."

"Okay, then follow up."

Professor Flitwick realized that he could not convince Harry, so he asked Harry to follow him, and they rushed to the Astronomy Tower together.

I haven't been feeling well lately.

This chapter has been completed!
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