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Chapter 1297 A good helper for Death Eaters


A slightly timid figure stood outside the office of the Director of the Muggle-born Registration Committee. She hesitated for a moment before raising her hand and knocking on the wooden door.

"What is it, Mafalda?"

Umbridge gave her assistant a fake smile.

"That..." Mafalda Hopkirk hesitated.

"Just tell me if you have something to say!" Umbridge raised her eyebrows.

"What you are particularly concerned about is... that, there is news from the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic, saying that a large number of Hogwarts students have violated the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards" recently.

Mafalda seemed deeply uneasy about reporting this matter to her superiors. She knew very well what dire consequences it might have, but... if she wanted to continue working at the Ministry of Magic, there was no other way.

s Choice.

"You think it's the students who were expelled from Hogwarts?"

Umbridge seemed to realize something, and her eyes shone with a captivating light.

"It seems that those people do not intend to accept the goodwill of the Ministry of Magic and come to the Muggle-born Registration Board for interviews." She looked up at her assistant and asked, "Can the Office for the Misuse of Magic track their location?"

"I, I don't know, I rushed over as soon as I got the news."

Mafalda looked disturbed, she obviously knew what Umbridge was planning to do.

"I need the Office for the Abuse of Magic to keep track of their whereabouts. If Fudge asks, just say it's my request." Umbridge stood up from her seat and went directly to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to find Yaxley and talk to him

Talk about this.

"You think those Muggle-born students are on the run."

Listening to Umbridge's report, Yaxley frowned slightly. After spending several months with the woman in front of him, he had a new understanding of Umbridge's ruthlessness.

"I think the search team should be allowed to solve the problem." Umbridge reminded kindly: "Since Scrimgeour's death, most Aurors have become unreliable and may deliberately let go of the search for Muggle-borns.

The fact that the prisoner escaped last time is the best proof."

"You are right. Those Muggle-borns have violated the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards" many times. Their destiny is to break their wands and send them to Azkaban." Yaxley said sinisterly,

"However, the Ministry of Magic is fair. I hope there will be a fair trial after catching them."

As far as Yaxley knew, many of the wizards who received Umbridge's "fair trial" were finished as soon as they entered Azkaban.

The woman in front of me likes to use the Cruciatus Curse to torture prisoners to obtain evidence before trying them. Those unlucky ones who are tortured to death by the Cruciatus Curse will find it difficult to survive the terrible environment in Azkaban Prison.

Sometimes, Yaxley was surprised that Umbridge was not a Death Eater.

"I will, they will receive the fairest and most just trial, I promise." Umbridge showed a hypocritical smile.

The two of them walked out of the office together and headed towards the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic, intending to go there and pay attention to this matter in person.

After all, since the Ministry of Magic established the Muggle-born Registration Committee and began to try Muggle-borns, not many idiots would go to the Ministry of Magic to be tried.

"Rufus, I wish I could hear some good news from you."

Yaxley looked at the grassroots in front of him. It was a helpless move to appoint Rufus Fudge. The Death Eaters suffered heavy losses and they had to absorb some fresh blood. The addition of the Fudge family, who had resisted them, was considered a Dark Lord.

New signal released.

In fact, Cornelius Fudge, who was controlled by the Imperius Curse, also worked for the Ministry of Magic.

Rufus Fudge looked at his immediate superior and said in a flattering tone: "It's Apparition. Those students who react to traces use Apparition."

"Oh." Yaxley raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "What did you find?"

"There is a dense reaction somewhere in the traces."

Rufus Fudge raised his finger and pointed to a certain place on the map, and handed a piece of parchment recording the information to Yaxley, "There is no doubt that the group of underage wizards were gathered together. This kind of thing is almost impossible."

Might happen, unless..."

"They are those students who have just been expelled. Someone plans to provide them with asylum." Umbridge smiled brightly. "Perhaps, we should send someone to invite them to the Ministry of Magic to be interviewed by the Muggle-born Registration Committee."

"I'll let Delis lead the team there, and send two search teams to help him." McNeil frowned and asked, "If necessary, I can lead the team myself."

As one of the few surviving veteran Death Eaters, MacNeil also got a big piece of the cake in this power-sharing game. He was promoted several levels from the Executioner of the Commission for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and was directly transferred to manage the Aurors.


"Let Delis lead the team. I bet that this matter is probably related to the Order of the Phoenix."

Yaxley put down the parchment in his hand, stared at the large map of Britain in front of him, and asked Umbridge beside him.

"Is it really true that there are no records of Muggle-borns now?

"Unfortunately, according to the report from Percy Weiss, all relevant records of the Ministry of Magic have been destroyed by Scrimgeour." Umbridge said.

"Can that Wesley be trusted?" Yaxley asked with a frown.

"It should be credible. Percy Weiss had a falling out with his family a few years ago. He was a young man who liked power."

Umbridge has an impression of Percy and has been in contact with him. He is a very ambitious man.

Yaxley fell into a brief silence, and the records of Muggle-borns were destroyed. Although the Dark Lord's mission was indeed completed, it became more difficult to search for Muggle-borns hidden among Muggles.

There is no doubt that it is necessary to pull mice out of their holes.

"Perhaps, we can consider starting from Hogwarts. Snape can be considered an old friend of ours." Umbridge glanced at Yaxley and suggested, "Hogwarts should

There will be relevant records, after all, they need to send letters to those people every year."

Seemingly sensing the relationship between Yaxley and Snape, Umbridge took the initiative to take the job. "Leave this matter to me. Even Snape can't do anything. We can also use magic."

With the power of the people, they can always think of a way. Maybe Scrimgeour can indeed hide or destroy the list, but the person who recorded those things in the first place cannot be killed as well. As long as the person is still alive, he can always use some means.

We can get what we need from their brains."

"You are always so reliable, I will leave this matter to you."

Yaxley looked at Umbridge in surprise, who took the initiative to take on the task, and nodded in agreement. He liked this kind of subordinates who made people worry-free.

That afternoon, they received a report from Delis.

The Auror team found no trace of any other Muggle-borns near the designated location.

However, they used tracking magic, and there were various signs that the group of people was nearby and might be hiding. However, the cracking team of the Ministry of Magic did not find the hiding place of the group of people. They suspected that the group of people were hiding under the protection of the Red Heart Loyalty Charm.

in the house.

"By the way, I remembered. Yaxley seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said: "That's the headquarters of the Defense Association."

"Defense Association?"

Umbridge wondered where she had heard that name before.

"The organization established by the Mudbloods?" McNeil frowned, suddenly feeling that this matter was a bit tricky.

"That place must have been protected by the Loyalty Charm, so the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic used traces to show the location, but Delis couldn't find their whereabouts,"

Yaxley guessed why.

"So, is that Mudblood providing shelter to those Muggle-born wizards?" Umbridge couldn't help but frown after hearing the name. She had a really bad impression of Albert.

"It should be true. When my people captured Diggory's son and tortured him to find out the location of the Defense Association headquarters, I sent people there at that time, but found nothing. I didn't expect that guy didn't lie.

If that was really the headquarters of the Defense Association, it wouldn't be a surprise to be protected by the Red Loyalty Curse. With that guy's level, he could definitely do it.

"Do we need extra manpower to monitor the place?" McNeil asked Yaxley for advice.

To be honest, he didn't really want to provoke that mudblood. After all, there were already so many unlucky people as precedents.

Although Scrimgeour is dead, Albert Anderson is still an opponent that cannot be underestimated. Even the Dark Lord failed to kill him many times.

Many people suspect that he is the next Dumbledore.

Maybe, that mudblood is not as good as the old immortal now, but even if it is not, it is not something they can deal with, not to mention that the opponent is a master of prophecy, and that kind of guy is even more dangerous.

Now Albert has used the lives of countless Death Eaters to tell everyone that he is not easy to mess with at all.

"Send a few random people over to monitor them and see how they react. Also, we need to speed up the search for the families of those Muggle-borns who were expelled from Hogwarts. It's best to act before they take them away."

Whether it's controlling and exploiting, or throwing people into Azkaban, they need to act as soon as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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