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Chapter 1307 An act of justice

Looking at what happened while he was away from the UK, Albert couldn't help feeling that the mysterious man also learned bad things and became more sinister than before.

The current changes seemed to be caused by the flapping of his butterfly wings.

That's right, no matter who is beaten in turn, he will be more thoughtful before he dies.

It seems that it is not incomprehensible that Voldemort became "smart" after being beaten many times.

After all, Voldemort used to rely more on his own strength to intimidate his enemies and subordinates, rather than using his brain.

Although Voldemort does lack intelligence in some aspects, it does not mean that he is not smart.

"The difficulty of defeating the Dark Lord seems to have increased invisibly." Albert murmured, "However, the current situation is not too bad. Judging from the reactions of the three Harrys, it has also been

Things are different now.”

As for Harry, he was not surprised that Hermione and Ron were heading to Godric's Hollow.

It was the place where Harry was born and where his family died. Harry wanted to visit it. It was normal for him to visit the graves of his family members, not to mention where Bathilda Bagshot lived. She knew a lot about Dumbledore.

's secret.


Albert put down Sirius' letter, stood up, opened the window, took out his wand and summoned the Patronus to deliver the message to Sirius.

The three Harrys are safe and are not missing as Sirius said.

Of course, Albert can understand the concerns of the Order of the Phoenix. After Harry and the three went to Godric's Hollow, a large number of Death Eaters appeared near the Order of the Phoenix headquarters. Anyone with any brains can guess what is going on and will be worried about them.

Security is also very unusual.

Voldemort, who almost killed Harry, was probably going crazy with anger.

Not letting his Death Eaters use Avada Kedavra to directly kill Harry was definitely Voldemort's biggest mistake in his life.

The knocking on the door distracted Albert's attention. He turned to look at the figure who appeared outside the door, seeming a little surprised that the other person was still there.

"Didn't you go out to exercise with everyone?"

"Bathilda Bagshot is dead!"

Zannah said as she placed a new book and a piece of parchment on the desk in front of Albert.

"I know, but I don't know Bathilda Bagshot very well."

Albert looked away from "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore", looked up at Zannah and asked: "Are you... angry?"

"A bit, look at that note..."

Zannah pointed to the piece of parchment and said, "I heard that people from the Order of the Phoenix found it when they went to help Bathilda Bagshot clean up her affairs."

Albert reached out and picked up the piece of parchment and softly read the content on the note:

Dear Barty, thank you for your help and a new book, I hope you like it. You said everything, even if you don't remember it now.


"Have you guessed it a long time ago?"

Shanna noticed Albert's reaction and suddenly realized something.

"Well, I have read "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" a long time ago, and I can probably guess what Rita did." Albert put the piece of parchment into the book, "Like

Bathilda Bagshot is obviously not likely to tell someone like Rita Skeeter Dumbledore's secrets."

"Don't look at me like that. In fact, as long as you have a normal mind, you should be able to guess that the guy must have used some kind of illegal method."

"Are you calling me stupid?" Shanna stared at Albert.

"It's not that he's stupid, but he doesn't care, or he's unwilling to think deeply about it." Albert corrected, "Many people are like this. They only care about the unknown secrets Rita dug up to satisfy their curiosity."

"I remember abusing Veritaserum enough to send her to Azkaban," Zannah said suddenly.

"Without evidence, it is meaningless to stand up and accuse Rita Skeeter." Albert reminded.

"Does that parchment count as evidence?"

Zannah felt that Rita should be taught a lesson and get the comeuppance she deserved. That guy was just as disgusting as Gilderoy Lockhart.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. Bathilda Bagshot is dead and was killed by a mysterious man." Albert tapped the book "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" with his finger, "But, you

You can let Lee Jordan talk about this on the radio. By the way, let's mention the note left by Rita. If we defeat the mysterious man one day, there will always be a chance to make what she did to the public. But,

It’s hard to say whether Rita Skeeter can be sent to prison in the end. After all, Scrimgeour’s era has passed, and in this chaotic era, there are too many people doing evil everywhere.”

"No wonder everyone wants to be evil." Zannah sighed softly. She felt that expecting the Ministry of Magic to punish Rita Skeeter would be better off teaching her a lesson herself.

"What the law maintains is never justice, but order." Albert seemed to see through Shanna's thoughts.

"You are like a philosopher, and you should stop prying into other people's thoughts." Shanna looked away and smiled bitterly, "I'm just a little angry, I never thought..."

"Just do what you want." Albert said calmly: "If you are really angry and want to teach Rita Skeeter a lesson, you can also go and beat her up at night.

It doesn't matter if I stay in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries for a few days, no one will pursue this matter anyway, and I bet there will be countless people in the British wizarding community applauding this."

"That's not what you would say." Shanna said in an exaggerated tone, "You actually want to lure me into committing a crime."

"If you think so, we never take the initiative to do evil, but we don't mind doing some righteous deeds." Albert shrugged and hinted, "This is also the reason why I formed the Defense Association. There is a group of people around us who are still...

Considered like-minded companions.”

"I feel like you're not telling the truth."

Shanna felt that Albert didn't really care about these issues, just like he didn't really care about the situation of the students in the shelter, and she also heard something else from the other person's words.

"Oh, I actually let you see through my secret, do you think I should keep silent?" Albert said in a joking tone.

"Thank you, I feel much better." Shanna suddenly said: "What are you going to drink?"

"Black tea." Albert said.

"By the way, let's take some time to deal with the problems that have accumulated during your absence these days." Shanna pointed to the folder on the table, turned and left.

Albert casually picked up the folder and began to flip through the contents of the parchment. They were all problems that the Defense Association would encounter. Some of them were not easy to solve, and Zannah would leave them to Albert to deal with by himself, but the problems were usually not easy to solve.

If there are too many, it will be very troublesome, or he may need to finalize it himself.

Albert picked up the quill and thought about it before writing a solution in the blank space below.

"What are your plans next?"

Shanna asked after reading the solution given by Albert.

"Let's take a look around and reinforce the defensive magic around the village."

After putting down the tea cups, Albert and Shanna walked around the village.

"There are more and more people in the association."

Looking at several more unattractive houses built around him, Albert said softly, "Maybe a wizarding village similar to Hogsmeade will be formed in the future."

"I don't think it's enough to rely on the association to support them," Shanna reminded kindly, "We don't know when this war will end yet."

"Most of them have just graduated. You can't expect them to earn enough to support themselves?" Albert didn't think there was any problem. He looked at Shanna and said calmly, "Besides, I want everyone to follow

When fighting against ferocious dark wizards, you have to let them eat enough to have the strength to fight."

"Although that's the truth, can't you put it another way?"

Shanna was speechless. What she said sounded like she was recruiting cannon fodder.

Perhaps, this is the truth behind Albert's formation of the Defense Association. But the people who are willing to join the association actually just want to contribute their own strength to the fight against the mysterious man.

"What's another way of saying it?"

A voice came from the side, and the entrance to the village was opened. A group of people led by Fred quickly walked in, with Dobby the house elf following behind the group.

"How's it going?" Shanna changed the subject and asked, "Have you found the dementors?"

"Not only were there dementors, we also fought with a search team and rescued two Muggle wizards who had just been captured."

When talking about fighting with the search team, everyone seemed extremely excited. It was obvious that they all enjoyed the pleasure of gaining power after possessing it.

"The search team was very poor. After being shocked by us, they actually surrendered themselves."

Lee Jordan smiled and took out the spoils of their trip from his pocket.

They did not kill the search party, but took away their wands.

Of course, one of the unlucky ones got his front teeth kicked out by the lucky guy they saved.

"You surrendered their wands. What else can you do if you don't surrender?" Angelina couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said, "Those search teams were unlucky when they met you. Not only were they robbed, but they were also brutally raped.

Beat him up."

"I saw one of you greeting his crotch, and that person screamed so shrilly."

In their eyes, the hunting team is the minions of the mysterious man. It is not a pity to sacrifice other people's lives in exchange for Galleon's scum. Even if they are killed directly, no one will think there is a problem. Not killing them is considered a mercy.

The most important thing is that the few people rescued are peripheral members of the Defense Association, which makes everyone feel a sense of accomplishment. For them, it is a great victory.

As for bullying the few with more?

No, no, no, as for the righteous group beatings against villains.

"By the way, we also went to another shelter prepared for other Muggle wizards. It looked very bad there. It's hard to imagine that the Muggle wizards were more like a group of refugees than the students."

George mentioned this matter to Albert casually. It was actually difficult for them to understand what those adult wizards were doing, and they really couldn't understand how they could make the place where they lived look like a garbage dump.

"They are probably frightened and dare not leave the shelter easily, and the help we can provide is limited." Albert stopped and said to the Weisla twins, "If they want to leave the UK, I can help.

If they leave, maybe they'll be better off in other European countries. At least there will be no Muggle-born Registration Board and no raiding parties."

"However, this is not free help. We will charge fifty galleons, and they only need to pay it back within the next ten years."

"Within ten years?"

Not only George, but also others around him were a little confused about Albert's intentions.

"What we want is not their galleons, but we don't support getting something for nothing," Albert explained. "That will make them develop bad habits."

"But you're not providing food to those students?"

"That's because those students have not graduated yet and cannot use Apparition, let alone get rid of traces. They can use magic in other places without being noticed. We can only provide them with help, but the people in the other shelter are all

These adults are not children waiting for food. As adults, they need to be responsible for themselves instead of expecting kindness from others, which is undoubtedly quite ridiculous."

This chapter has been completed!
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