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Chapter 1321 The Troublemaker

The news that a group of Harry Potters appeared on the Hogwarts Express was spread throughout the British wizarding world overnight through newspapers and letters. Even if the reporter of the Daily Prophet tried to distort the facts, most wizards still

They can see part of the truth they want to believe through newspapers.

British wizards are not fools, they are just a group of ordinary wizards who seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and like to protect themselves by acting as wallflowers.

What's more, there were many pairs of eyes on the Hogwarts Express.

They witnessed the arrogant and domineering Death Eaters forcing the train to stop and running onto the train to arrest Hogwarts students. They also saw the famous Harry Potter riding a broomstick to drive away the Dementors, subduing the Death Eaters and saving him.

The captured Hufflepuff girl.

Now that the savior Potter is willing to stand up against the mysterious man, the British wizards are happier than anyone else.

If possible, no one wants to live under Voldemort's rule. They can continue to persevere because they are forced by life. As long as it does not involve their interests or endanger their lives, most people will not support Harry even if they say so.

, but in my heart I will support Harry in defeating the mysterious man.

Of course, their support only goes so far.

Compared with the complicated wizards, the little wizards at Hogwarts don't have so many thoughts. What they see is that the savior Harry Potter is on their side to help everyone defeat that group of people.

The disgusted Death Eaters helped them make a big fuss.

That is your true self.

As for the "Daily Prophet" that tried to distort the facts, it also succeeded in attracting enough hatred for itself. It is said that some wizards who could not stand the ugly face of the "Daily Prophet" even sent them shouting letters, mocking the "Daily Prophet"

》The ugly truth that twists the facts and turns Death Eaters into employees of the Ministry of Magic.

Harry, who had always paid attention to outside news, found out that his depression about practicing the Fire Curse was swept away. He also disliked the ugly face of the Daily Prophet.

As for the content in the newspaper, Harry didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He was just curious about what Albert wanted to do. After contacting the Wes brothers to get an overview of the situation, Harry stopped paying attention to the matter.

Just because Harry doesn't care doesn't mean that others don't care either.

"Albert asked me for some hair before, but I didn't expect him to use it for this." Harry's calm look made Ron not know what to say for a moment.

"Well..." Ron thought about his words, "Will this incident attract the attention of the mysterious man and the Death Eaters to our side?"

Harry was already enough to attract hatred, but Ron really didn't want to be given special attention by the mysterious man and the Death Eaters.

"We have no special actions for the time being, and there is no need to worry about being specifically targeted." Hermione said with relief. She did not think that Albert would deliberately cheat Harry. On the contrary, if the operation continued like this, Harry would become more popular.


"We can even use the fake Harry to distract the Death Eaters in the future."

Anyway, after using compound potions, most people can't tell whether they are real or not.

When the fake three-person team appeared at the same time, Hermione believed that the Death Eaters would be confused because Albert did not have her and Ron's hair, and the "smart" Death Eaters would definitely notice this.

point, you will be sure that only Harry, Hermione and Ron appear at the same time, and then Harry will be real.

While the three Harrys were discussing what happened yesterday, the entire British wizarding world was also discussing it. Especially the students at Hogwarts were even more enthusiastic about it. The appearance of more than a dozen Harrys last night had become a

The most popular topic today, and also the emblem mark of the shield and wand, was discussed.

Now the students already know that it is the badge of the Defense Association, and they also know what kind of organization the Defense Association is, but yesterday's action made everyone re-understand the Defense Association, and they are full of curiosity about this magical association.

Taking advantage of everyone's curiosity, Neville's private reorganization of Dumbledore's Army went more smoothly than expected, and many original members of Dumbledore's Army were willing to return.

After all, the Defense Association looks really powerful. From their overwhelming defeat of the Death Eaters, it can be seen that they all have a superb level of defense against dark magic. The Aurors in the Ministry of Magic are probably at this level.

However, it is rumored that the members of the Defense Association are all recent graduates.

So can they do it too?

Of course, everyone is also full of curiosity about the famous Harry Potter. They want to know why Harry appears there and what does he want to do?

Everyone's enthusiasm for reorganizing the DA was higher than Albert expected. On the first day of school alone, three people led by Neville, Ernie and Luna successfully reorganized Dumbledore's Army.

Of course, they did not use the name Dumbledore's Army rashly, and even used the name DA sparingly. That would attract too much hatred and easily attract the attention of the Death Eaters led by Snape.

At Luna's suggestion, everyone agreed to use the Wizard Card Club as a cover. Anyway, Luna is the administrator of the club, so there is no problem even if the frequency of monthly gatherings is changed.

As for organizing illegal gatherings?

Let's just play cards together, why did it become illegal?

The impact of the Harry Potter incident actually goes beyond these things.

It is said that someone discovered a mysterious figure and a Death Eater near another Muggle wizarding asylum, and even two unlucky guys who went out were killed.

The reason is also very simple. Albert asked everyone to place the looted loot in another house protected by the Loyalty Charm near the Muggle Wizarding Asylum to prevent anyone from bringing items with tracking spells back to the headquarters, and this

Being cautious undoubtedly saved many lives, and taught the members of the Defense Association a hard lesson, forcing the little wizards to suppress their excitement.

Countless people were horrified to discover that once the mysterious person found their lair, the peripheral defensive magic could not stop the mysterious person at all.

When they were attacked at night, they didn't even have enough time to take refuge in the association's headquarters, which was protected by the Loyalty Charm.

"Everyone is freaking out!"

George observed Albert's expression carefully and asked in a low voice: "Did you predict it a long time ago?"

"Some guesses."

"Guessed it?" Everyone was surprised.

"You have stripped other people of their valuables, don't you allow them to use them in return?" Albert threw down the piece of nonsense "The Prophet" and ordered: "Continue to send it to the "Daily Prophet"

Yelling letter, and remember to mention in the Wizarding Lookout that the content of the Daily Prophet has always been controlled by the Ministry of Magic. Whether it was before or now, it is best to label the Daily Prophet as untrustworthy.

, lest others continue to be misled by the newspaper.”

"The Daily Prophet itself can't be trusted!" Lee Jordan couldn't help but remind him as he put down his fork.

"As long as you keep repeating the reminder, it will be easy for people to subconsciously label the Daily Prophet as untrustworthy." Cedric understood Albert's intention and asked directly what happened next: "Put Harry...

Is there really no problem taking Potter to Hogwarts?"

"That's what Harry meant," said Albert.

"Yes, Harry did say that." George nodded to Cedric and said, "Don't worry, Harry will definitely not cause you trouble."

"I think he has caused enough trouble in recent years." Kenneth complained sharply.

Anyway, he doesn't support Harry's adventure in Hogwarts.

George pretended not to hear and continued, "He has been practicing the Fire Spell recently and wanted to ask you if you have any tips for controlling the Fire."

"No. It is actually a slow process. It is similar to practicing transfiguration. It requires more precise control of one's own magical power." Albert took a sip of the milk tea, looked at the guys who were whispering, and warned.

Said: "Don't try the Fire Spell rashly. There is no shortage of unlucky people in history who were burned to death by their own fire for the first time using the Fire Spell. I don't want to find that one day I come back and find that this place has been burned to ashes. Those

Guys who lack respect for dark magic usually die miserably."

"You can teach us!"

Kenneth was very interested in this spell. If it were in the past, he would definitely not have the courage to practice the Fire Spell, but it would be different with Albert by his side.

"I don't have that much time, and it's useless to learn so many black magics. It's better to play a few practical spells and you will find that they are more reliable than those black magics that require a long time to recite spells."

Albert raised his hand and pressed it, shutting up the others who wanted to say something, then turned to Fred and said: "Let the people from the Order of the Phoenix go and calm down the panicked wizards and see how many there are.

People are willing to join, and if they are still unwilling, then continue to recommend packages to them to leave the UK. It is better to send people abroad than to stay in such a shabby place."

As for it, it is really difficult to recommend black magic defense items to them and make them willing to pay for them.

Most Muggle wizards are actually relatively poor, which is a very helpless reality.

Why is it that Muggle wizards have no background and low social status, so it is not easy to find a good job.

This is a social tendency.

"By the way, there is one more thing." George hesitated for a moment: "Do you still remember the Hufflepuff girl we rescued yesterday?"

"Captured by Death Eaters again?" Albert was not surprised at all. After the little girl refused, he had guessed the other party's ending.

"Yes, I heard from Hagrid that when the Hogwarts train first arrived, many dark wizards came from Hogsmeade. Hagrid tried to stop them, but failed. I heard from Kings that Hope

The whole family was arrested."

"Hopkins?" Albert was not impressed by this last name.

"Remember that shelter Scrimgeour made?" George looked at Zannah, who handed a piece of parchment to Albert.

"I remember reminding them to destroy it after using it." Albert knew why Hopkins and his family were arrested.

"No, Scrimgeour gave it to old Hopkins for safekeeping. That guy was also a colleague of Moody. They captured his family just to force him to hand over the access card." George said with a bitter smile, "

If they had destroyed the pass, they wouldn't have had to worry about this."

After all, Albert is the secret keeper of that asylum.

Even if the Death Eaters capture the Hopkins family, it will not help.

"The Order of the Phoenix is ​​worried that the mysterious person will completely control the place. You know, many officials and families of the Ministry of Magic are hiding in that shelter. Once the place is lost, the entire Ministry of Magic will completely fall into the hands of the mysterious person."

Fred and George exchanged glances and expressed the Order's concerns.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Albert was indifferent to this.

To be honest, in Albert's view, it made no difference whether the asylum fell or not, especially after the Aurors betrayed Scrimgeour, Albert had no intention of helping them.

The moment they refused to contact Jinns for any excuse, the mark of betrayal was already imprinted.

Sometimes Albert felt really unworthy of Scrimgeour.

"Are you really going to leave it alone?" George asked again.

In fact, Fred, George and Lee Jordan were not surprised by this result, especially since this crisis was caused by their own suicide, so there was no reason to risk their lives to save them.

"We can't help them. Scrimgeour who can help them is dead." Albert shook his head.

"But aren't you the secret keeper somewhere?" Cedric's family is also staying in that shelter.

"All we can do is provide some limited help, rather than thinking that we can change everything. That would be too arrogant." Albert looked at the confused Cedric and shook his head.

"But, as long as that pass card is destroyed..."

"I reminded them to destroy it, but they didn't do that." Albert shook his head and said, "Besides, it's already too late."


"The Hopkins family has been arrested. What would you do if it were you?" Albert asked.


Cedric's face was full of bitterness, he understood what Albert meant.

How to do it?

Of course, handing over the pass card will save the lives of your family.

As for the other wizards in the asylum, what should they do?

What else can be done?

All I can say is sorry.

The elder Hopkins may be ashamed of this, but he will definitely save his family first.

As for betrayal, that's just betrayal.

Cedric suddenly understood why Peter Pettigrew betrayed the Potters.

"Are they going to be okay?" Cedric asked, trembling his lips.

Albert said with relief: "I can't think of a reason for Death Eaters to kill purebloods on a large scale."

"You are right, Death Eaters are pure-blood supremacists." Cedric murmured as if to comfort himself.

"It's not that I don't want to help, it's just that it's too late, and if you do something, you need to bear the consequences. Don't expect anyone to come and wipe your ass."

Albert continued to say to everyone present, "Just like I have reminded you more than once not to bring the loot directly back to the headquarters, if any of you are lucky enough to bring back items with tracking spells,

As a result, the mysterious man followed the tracking magic to find this place. Think about the terrible consequences that will occur. It is very foolish to expect the enemy to show mercy."

Of course Albert would not tell them that he had cast a powerful shielding spell around the village, making it difficult for the mysterious man to find this place even if he used tracking magic.

But even for him, it is difficult to avoid various accidents that may occur, and the group of guys in front of him who like to jump really need a good beating so that they can continue to receive training in peace.

This chapter has been completed!
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