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Chapter 133 Unexpected

"Stop making trouble." Lee Jordan interrupted the twins' play and turned to ask Albert, "Can it be fixed?"

"It's hard to say. You have to try to know." Albert put the "Biography of Ulric" into his backpack, looked at the twins who were still bickering with each other, and reminded, "If this book is revised,

If it’s not good, there’s no need to return it.”

"Why?" George looked surprised.

"It goes without saying that if you let Mrs. Pince know about your behavior, you will definitely not be allowed to enter the library again." Albert said angrily, "If you don't return the books, at most you won't be able to access the library again.

Borrow books from the library."

Many of the homework assignments assigned by Hogwarts professors require students to find information in the library. If they are prohibited from entering the library, the consequences can be imagined, and they will not be able to complete their homework properly.

"By the way, you haven't finished your History of Magic homework yet. It will be handed in tomorrow." Albert reminded casually, "Don't forget this."

"Ah! Don't mention this!"

The three of them seemed to have suddenly remembered this matter, and they all let out a cry of grief, and had to rush back to the library to continue their boring homework.

Albert looked at the three people leaving and shook his head inconspicuously. He glanced at the so-called treasure map in his hand and turned directly back to Gryffindor's dormitory.

"It actually failed?"

The damage on the pages of "Uric's Biography" was not repaired by the repair spell.

Albert thought his spell failed at first, but he tried it with other papers and found that he could still successfully repair the paper, but... why did he fail when repairing this book?

"I really don't understand." Albert stared at the book in front of him and whispered. He picked up the book and flipped through it carefully, trying to find what was unique about it.

"The Biography of Ulric" was written by Radolfo Pittiman. Albert also read this book a while ago: Ulric came from Ravenclaw College and his behavior was very strange. In order to commemorate him

His bizarre behavior led people to publish a short biography of him on a chocolate frog picture.

According to the description in the book, Yurik himself behaves very strangely.

Moreover, for a period of time, Yurik tried to prove that the chirping of the evil bird was good for human health. He listened to the chirping of the evil bird for three months in a row... As we all know, the chirping of the evil bird can make people hear

people lose their minds.

There is nothing special about this book. Albert still can't figure it out. Why does the spell fail?

He put the book on top of his cabinet, and suddenly remembered something. He took out the parchment from his pocket, stared at it for a long time, and prepared to put it back into the book.

However, Albert paused, took out the wand from his pocket, touched the map lightly, and said: "Show your secret!"

Nothing happened?

"Well, it's true that I'm overly concerned." Albert picked up the parchment, read the contents on it, and fell into a brief silence.

"Sure enough, after staying with Fred and the others for so long, even I became a little amused." Albert laughed at himself, stuffed the parchment back into the book, turned around and left the dormitory.

Little did he know that when he just left, the piece of parchment that was stuffed back into the book had undergone some subtle changes.

As soon as he entered the common room, Albert found someone waving to him.

"Anderson." The person who called him was a very large girl, who stood in front of Albert very impressively.

"Is something wrong?" Albert was already considered very tall among children of his age, but compared to the girl in front of him, he was half a head behind.

"It's really annoying. I've been looking for you for a long time." The girl seemed to be complaining and said, "Here is your letter."

"Letter?" Albert looked confused, but he still took the note handed over by the other party, and did not forget to say thank you.

"Professor Broad asked me to tell you that if you are free, you'd better go to his office before eight o'clock in the evening."

"Oh, I see, please have some candy." Albert casually took out a few candies from his pocket and handed them to the other party.

The girl was looking at Albert curiously, as if she wanted to see something.

"What's wrong?" Albert also noticed the other party's scrutinizing gaze and frowned slightly.

"I quite like the flavor of chocolate." The other party did not refuse Albert's candy. He peeled one off and threw it in his mouth. "Everyone says you are a genius, lucky Albert."

Albert's hand paused just as he was about to open the note. Hearing this, he raised his head and looked at her in astonishment.

"It's not a genius, I just work a little harder than others." Albert raised his hand and made a little gesture with his thumb and index finger.

"Haha, you are so interesting." The girl reached out and patted Albert on the shoulder, "Come on, you must push Isobel McDoug down."

Albert grinned in pain, feeling as if his shoulder was about to be dislocated.

"Thank you for the candy, it's very delicious." After she said that, she turned and left.

"Why, you actually hooked up with Cragg." Albert, who was rubbing his shoulders, suddenly heard a voice in his ears, and the violent batsman Eileen appeared behind him without warning.

"Krag?" Albert was stunned when he heard the name. Then he realized what was going on and explained, "She sent me a letter. Professor Brod seems to want to see me for something."

Albert opened the note, and the content written inside was similar to what Cragg said. He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. Albert said hello to Eileen and left in a hurry.

"What does Professor Broad want to do with me?" Albert was confused, but he was still going to go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office to see what was going on.

A few minutes later, in front of the Defense Against Dark Arts office, Albert took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock on the wooden door.

"come in."

The person who opened the door for him was a middle-aged wizard in his fifties, wearing glasses, with messy red hair, and a gentle smile on his face.

Albert was stunned. He looked past the middle-aged wizard's body and landed in the office. However, he did not see Professor Brod's figure, so he asked doubtfully, "Where is Professor Brod?"

"He just went to the library and will be back soon." The middle-aged wizard said with a smile, "Brod told me that if you come, let you go inside and he will be back soon."

"Professor Brod has something to do with me?" Albert secretly looked at the wizard in front of him, and then glanced at the messy parchment on the table.

"Yes, it's related to ancient magic texts. Brod thinks you can provide us with some help." The middle-aged wizard sat on the sofa opposite Albert, "I have read the ancient magic texts you translated, honestly.

Say, it’s amazing.”

There was a moment of astonishment on Albert's face. He had never thought about this before.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Mog, Mog McDoug." The middle-aged wizard suddenly introduced himself, "Please give me your advice."

This chapter has been completed!
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