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Chapter 1341 The thief shouts to catch the thief

"What's wrong?"

In the dark dormitory, Yin Zebel opened his eyes sleepily and looked at Albert who suddenly woke up and turned over and sat up in bed.

"I just had a nightmare."

After Albert took a breath and calmed himself down, he recollected the dream that had become vague in his mind. He always had a bad feeling in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

He didn't believe that his divination was so good that he could have prophetic dreams, but Albert was willing to trust his intuition.

Yin Zebel rolled over and sat up in confusion, hugged Albert from behind, gently leaned her head on his back, and murmured: "I didn't expect you to have nightmares too."

"I didn't expect to have nightmares either."

Albert pulled the warm sheet to cover Yin Zebel's fair arms and half of the body that were exposed to the air, and said gently, "Be careful if you catch a cold."

Albert raised his hand and summoned the wand beside the bed table. After leaving a short note, he helped Yin Zebel lie back on the bed and continue to sleep.

Tonight is still very long.

The nightmare just now made Albert feel physically and mentally exhausted, but he had no sleepiness.

He still vaguely remembered that dream, which was a version of himself without any panels. Although he had worked hard to practice magic, he was still affected by the Second Wizarding War, and his family was killed by Death Eaters.

Because of his appearance, Harry Potter ultimately failed to defeat Voldemort, the British wizarding world fell completely, and he himself died in the encirclement and suppression of Death Eaters.

Yes, he had nothing in the dream. In the end, he failed to avenge his family and died under Avada Kedavra.

It is sad to have no power.

However, the person he is now is not the person he was in the dream.

As if he noticed something, Yin Zebel leaned over and murmured: "Let's sleep a little longer, there is still some time before dawn."


I won't lose!

Looking down at his wife in his arms, Albert said to himself in his heart.

When he woke up the next day, Albert only felt physically and mentally exhausted.

"Are you planning to have another child?"

Katrina looked at Albert with a tired face and asked with a strange expression.


Albert didn't react for a moment.


Katrina withdrew her gaze and continued to flip through the magazine in her hand.

Albert put the coquettish and cute Tom aside, picked up the cup of strong tea on the table to refresh himself, took a sip, and looked at Katrina who was flipping through the magazine: "Have you seen today's newspaper?"

"Maybe it hasn't been delivered yet!" Katrina raised her eyebrows slightly: "Why don't you go back and sleep for a while?"

"No, what happened?" Albert suddenly asked.

"What?" Katrina asked confused.

"If your Occlumency is not good enough, it will be difficult to hide from the master of Legilimency." Albert reminded kindly, "Even if I don't use Legilimency, I can still tell whether a person is lying. This is the case with most powerful people."

All wizards have this skill."

"You guys are really annoying!"

Katrina muttered and threw a newspaper in front of Albert. After the latter picked up the newspaper, his hand movements suddenly froze because the front page of the Daily Prophet was clearly about Hagrid’s final verdict.


The summary of the content is: Heroin blatantly colluded with the giants, posed a threat to the students of Hogwarts, and was sentenced to death.

It seems that in order to prove to the general wizarding public that the Ministry of Magic's judgment is fair and based on solid evidence, they even brought out the head of Hagrid's half-brother Grawp, and through extensive interviews, gave Hagrid and

Graup puts various labels on it.

"Is this true? I mean that's really Hagrid's brother."

Katrina looked at the changes in Albert's expression and already had some guesses.

"What's true?"

Yin Zebel and Mrs. McDoug came over pushing a stroller.

"it is true."

Albert looked at the entire page of photos, comparing the giant head in the photo with the face in his memory.

"That was indeed Hagrid's half-brother Grawp. During the semester when Umbridge came to Hogwarts to serve as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Hagrid secretly brought Grawp back to England from the giant camp and hid it in

In the Forbidden Forest next to Hogwarts, Dumbledore knew about this and acquiesced, so part of the content in the newspaper was correct."

"Are you going to save him?"

Yin Zebel picked up Alice and looked at Albert expressionlessly.

"Save him? No, no matter what the outcome is, I will not take the risk to save Hagrid. That is the bitter consequences that Hagrid needs to bear. Now I am more worried that Harry Potter will do something stupid." Of course Albert

Knowing that this was Yaxley's revenge for their invasion of the castle to rescue Ollivander.

But so what?

Since the beginning of the Second Wizarding War, as insiders, they could not stay away from the matter no matter what.

The hatred between the two sides is even more difficult to resolve!

Sometimes, Albert would also think about whether he had started too lightly.

He didn't like killing people. Although it sounded like a joke, not many wizards actually died at the hands of Albert. Smith counted half of them.

Most of the time, it can only be considered indirect. As for how those dark wizards died, it was naturally ordered by Minister Scrimgeour to kill them.

Although Scrimgeour was indeed influenced by him, it really had little to do with him.

"No matter what you plan to do, I will support you, but I hope you can be safe, whether it is for me or Alice." Yin Zebel handed Alice to Mrs. McDougal and kissed Albert gently.


"Don't say such unlucky words, things are not as bad as you think."

Albert was a little bit dumbfounded, but he also knew the harm this wizard war had done to ordinary wizards. It was no wonder that most wizards would rather live in silence than be involved.

"Master, I have your emergency communication!"

The house elf appeared without warning and bowed slightly towards Albert to report.

"I understand, don't worry about it for now."

Ever since Albert learned that Hagrid was about to be executed, he knew that someone would contact him to discuss countermeasures.

But what countermeasures can he take?

He would not be stupid enough to go to Azkaban to rob the prison, or directly go to the execution ground to rob people.

After slowly finishing his daily breakfast, Albert went directly to the headquarters of the Defense Association. He knew that everywhere was probably boiling. Those guys who wanted to cause trouble all day long couldn't wait to go to Azka.

Ban Jie Jie, but this is really not a good choice.

The Death Eaters must have prepared a trap for them to fall into.

How confident do you have to be to slip into a trap yourself?

Even if Hagrid is his good friend, even if he has received a panel mission, Albert will not risk the lives of other people who believe in him.

"You are so calm!"

Shanna secretly observed the changes in Albert's expression, and was very surprised that the other man could keep his composure. She knew that Hagrid was Albert's good friend.

"If panicking is really useful, I don't mind panicking in front of you." Albert took the latest report from Shanna: "Besides this matter, are there any other important things recently?"

"Yes, do you remember Nelson Tobin?" Shanna lowered her voice and said, "That's the Slytherin. Hannah said he secretly killed those defeated dark wizards."

"I have a bit of an impression of Nelson Tobin. Both his parents died at the hands of the search team. It seems that he still hasn't been able to let go of his hatred." Albert put down the parchment and said to Shanna: "Not everyone can let go of their hatred easily.

, even Harry Potter can’t do it, so don’t blame Nelson Tobin too harshly. Forget it, I will go and talk to Nelson Tobin about this in person, and inform everyone of the meeting in the afternoon.”

"It seems that you haven't thought about how to deal with Hagrid's matter?" Although Shanna guessed that Albert would not take risks for Hagrid, she was still a little surprised.

"I can't let other people who are willing to believe me pay for Hagrid's mistakes. This is a trap. I think anyone who is not blind should be able to see that this is Yaxley's response to our previous invasion of Yax.

Revenge of Castle Lee."

"Exactly like what you would say.

Shanna couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, turned and left.

Everyone's reaction to the fact that Hagrid was about to be publicly executed by the Ministry of Magic was actually very general. The members of the Defense Association did not have a close relationship with Hagrid as much as Albert and Hagrid. They proposed to save Hagrid, and even more

Most of them want to see their side thwart the Death Eaters' conspiracy again.

As for a head-on battle with Death Eaters?

Whether it is going to Azkaban to rob prison or saving people on the execution ground, it will be a huge counterattack.

When everyone's mouths were dry from the discussion, Albert, who had been silent all this time, spoke unhurriedly.

"This is a trap. It is always extremely stupid to plunge into a trap prepared by the enemy."

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"Are you going to give up Hagrid?" Fred asked tentatively.

"What are you going to do?"

George obviously knew Albert better and guessed that Albert had a way to save Hagrid. It was indeed unwise to plunge into the enemy's trap.

"I have reminded Hagrid more than once, well, probably more than three times. The three Harrys also advised Hagrid to leave Hogwarts temporarily, but Hagrid refused because he couldn't worry about his giant brother Grawp."

Albert calmly explained a fact to everyone, "It's better now. His brother Grawp was surrounded and killed by Death Eaters because he needed an excuse."

He raised his hand to suppress all the noise and said calmly, "I know this is because after we invaded the castle before, we were retaliated by the Death Eaters headed by Yaxley, but this is war, war

People will always die. And I hope you don't forget that our enemies are Death Eaters, and anger is commonplace for them, so don't take any chances. If you think you are safe, then I can only

You are the one who might lose your life next."

After beating everyone and suppressing their desire to commit suicide, Albert brought the topic back again.

"As for Hagrid, we naturally need to take action, but we must not plunge directly into the enemy's trap. Don't think that you are very powerful. Once you are ambushed, you will be no better than the group of dark wizards in the castle. I

We don’t want us to make unnecessary sacrifices because of Hagrid. No one should pay for Hagrid’s choice. I think Hagrid should have been mentally prepared when he chose to stay in school.”

There was a strange silence in the conference room. Everyone no longer whispered, but looked at Albert. No one expressed dissatisfaction, and no one said anything more. They all knew everything Albert had done.

It is to defeat the mysterious man and to lead everyone to survive this cruel wizard war.

"Any plans?"

Lee Jordan broke the silence, continued the topic, and asked everyone's doubts.

"If possible, I plan to let the Death Eaters rescue Hagrid." Albert simply shared his plan with everyone, "Our goal is to save Hagrid as much as possible, not to go to war with the Death Eaters. I

I hope you will keep this in mind.


"We must avoid a head-on confrontation with the mysterious man. It's not the time for a full-scale war anyway." Albert took out his pocket watch and checked the time, and said to other association members, "There is still more time until the Ministry of Magic publicly executes Hagrid.

Time, I will contact the Order of the Phoenix as soon as possible and discuss how to control the Death Eaters to save Hagrid."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, not denying that Albert's idea was actually correct, and it was a method that they had not thought of.

Whether it's to rob a prison or go to the execution ground to save people, it's unwise.

Hagrid has now been labeled a giant by the Ministry of Magic. It would be extremely stupid for them to bump into him head-on.

It is indeed not good to use the Imperius Curse to control the Death Eaters, but it is still much better than letting Hagrid lose his life. If it is really stubborn, then Hagrid will probably be dead.

As for what would happen to the Death Eater, that was not his concern.

Anyway, there are probably not many good people who join the Death Eaters.

After the meeting was disbanded, Albert left Fred and George alone and asked Wes to contact the Order of the Phoenix and arrange to meet in another shelter to discuss a plan to save Hagrid.

"You don't seem to want them here." George had been curious about this issue for a long time.

"I think that will help the safety here." Albert said without hesitation: "This village is not protected by the Loyalty Curse. I am well aware of Harry Potter's ability to cause trouble. Maybe he will come here.

, just say that name in excitement, and our place will be completely doomed. The other shelters I prepared are not as comfortable as here, and are even considered bad."

Fred and George looked at each other, and both felt that what Albert said was indeed reasonable. Harry had caused some trouble every year since he entered school.

They cannot gamble, let alone cannot afford to gamble.

"Will this plan really succeed?" Shanna asked suspiciously.

"Yes, as long as nothing happens, there will be no problem." Albert said.

"What if something happens?"

"If there is an accident, then Hagrid will probably lose his head." Albert glanced at Shanna and said calmly, "He has no choice. This is the best way at the moment. He can only gamble and win.

If you win, you will live; if you lose, you will die."

This chapter has been completed!
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