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Chapter 1345 Public Execution

The news that Hagrid was about to be publicly executed had already spread in the British wizarding world through newspapers and radio. Almost all wizards were silently paying attention to this matter.

This was the first public execution in hundreds of years, and it was a brutal and brutal beheading, which was almost impossible to watch.

Anyone with knowledge of the matter knew that this public execution was a retaliation against the Order of the Phoenix and a deterrent to the entire British wizarding world.

The reason was that the Order of the Phoenix had previously raided the Death Eaters' lair and rescued all the imprisoned wizards.

The Death Eaters obviously couldn't bear to suffer such a loss, let alone the deterioration of other wizards, so they carried out this execution.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

However, ordinary wizards always account for the majority in this world.

Except for a few newspapers and broadcasters who were convinced that Hagrid had colluded with the giants and hated him because the description of this incident was too realistic, most people were actually dubious.

This is thanks to Lee Jordan of Wizards Watch Station, who insists on analyzing the truth in newspapers every day, so that the Ministry of Magic does not completely control all channels for speaking out.

As for the whole story, Wizard Lookout Station also gave a reasonable explanation:

A few years ago, Dumbledore sent Hagrid to persuade the giants to remain neutral in the Wizarding War. The giant who lost his head was a neutral giant who did not want to follow the mysterious man. The Death Eaters asked the giants under his command to kill the giants.

The traitor was used to discredit Hagrid's collusion with the giants.

I have to say that Lee Jordan's explanation was very good. It not only helped clear Hagrid's reputation, but also made everyone ignore the fact that Hagrid and Graup are half-father.

A lie is a lie.

"The Death Eaters were afraid, so they used such despicable methods."

Lee Jordan's excited voice came from countless announcers, "However, I can guarantee that they will not succeed. I can't say the specific reasons, but please believe me, believe Harry, believe the Order of the Phoenix, and believe all those who resist the mysterious man."

People, we will not give up our partners easily, let alone let the enemy's conspiracy succeed."

Lee Jordan Kang's impassioned words touched the hearts of Harry's supporters. On the one hand, they were worried about Harry's safety, but on the other hand, they did not want Hagrid to become a victim.

They want to do something, but they dare not do anything, or even talk nonsense, for fear of causing trouble for themselves.

In the end, I could only stare at this matter silently and pray in my heart that Hagrid could be successfully rescued.

Of course, no matter where you are, there is no shortage of people who enjoy the excitement and are not afraid of big troubles.

It is said that Ludo Bagman opened the market in the Hog's Head Bar, asking everyone to hold down whether the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters would start a head-on war, whether Hagrid would die, whether Harry Potter would appear, and whether

How many people will die from this.

It's just that Ludo Bagman's reputation in this area is so bad that no one is willing to bet on him, for fear that the guy will cheat and run away without paying.

But there are always people willing to be the banker. According to the owner of the Pig Head Bar, because a Death Eater revealed that the Dark Lord would appear at the execution ground, the dark wizards unanimously believed that the big Hagrid would definitely die, causing the banker to be forced to lower the payout.

The rate was so high that there was even news that the banker was preparing to run away overnight.

For this reason, everyone also controlled the opening few people in the Pig's Head Bar, waiting for the execution day to make a lot of money.

On the day of the execution, in order to show how seriously he took the matter, Walton McNeil, the director of the Auror Office, personally took several Death Eaters to Azkaban to escort the prisoners.

After arriving at the tightly guarded Azkaban prison, McNeil met the big man Hagrid who was imprisoned here.

"Hey, big guy, are you dead?"

Walton McNeil kicked the iron gate a few times, and after Hagrid slowly looked up, he threw the newspaper through the fence in front of Hagrid.

The latter raised his head and glanced at the people outside the room, then continued to lower his head and remained silent.

"Why, you don't look down on the good things I brought you?"

Walton McNeil looked at Hagrid who ignored him and sneered, "You will be publicly executed today."

Hagrid reached for the newspaper and looked at the photo in the headlines,

"No, that's impossible, that's not true."

Hagrid reached out and picked up the newspaper. When he saw the headlines of the newspaper, his whole body froze, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

I don’t know if he thought this was not enough fun, but McNeil also deliberately asked people to throw the well-preserved giant’s head in front of Hagrid.

"Group, no, no..."

Hagrid hugged Grawp's head tremblingly and cried bitterly.

When MacNeil and the Death Eaters saw this scene, they laughed unbridled, and one Death Eater even took a camera and took pictures of the crying Hagrid.

"You murderers all deserve to die, you all deserve to die."

Hagrid, overwhelmed with rage, burst into anger, tore off the chains connected to the wall, and threw himself at the Death Eaters outside, preparing to tear these scum to pieces.

There was a "bump", and the huge impact caused the solid fence door to deform, but Hagrid was still unable to tear the scum apart as he wished.

McNeil, who was well prepared, easily suppressed the rising Hagrid with the help of the Dementors.

"Here, take another photo for me."

McNeil took the wand and stepped on Hagrid's head, asking the Death Eaters with cameras to take some photos of him, in order to show everyone that they had stopped the big guy's escape again.

"How about letting the dementors suck his soul first to avoid any accidents during the process?" suggested a Death Eater who wanted stability.

"No, no, that's too cheap for this big guy." McNeil decisively refused, "He should be executed by me in front of everyone. Before that, I should let him taste the hatred and fear before death. I believe that he is dying.

The expression on his face would make everyone understand what would happen if he disobeyed the Dark Lord.

The Death Eaters had no objections. Although letting the dementors suck Hagrid's soul would indeed reduce a lot of trouble, McNeil's words undoubtedly made them more excited. They were more willing to watch Hagrid die in despair.


With the Dementors helping to subdue Hagrid, Walton McNeil personally shackled Hagrid and asked him to take some photos with a camera. He planned to sell them to others later.

Among those newspapers, who can afford it more?

"Okay, I hope you don't let your guard down because of this. The people from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix may come to save people at any time, and that Mudblood is even more difficult to guard against. Once they really succeed, I miss you."

I certainly don’t want to feel the Dark Lord’s wrath.”

After beating his Eaters, McNeil led the Eaters and escorted the furious Hagrid to the execution ground.

During this period, the Floo Network was not used. Instead, after leaving Azkaban on a sea ship, several Death Eaters used Apparition to escort him to the execution ground.

"How about it?"

MacNeil asked the Death Eaters and Dementors who came to meet them.

"The Dark Lord has arrived."

The Death Eater who had just joined the Auror office reported to McNeil, "The dementors patrolling around have found no trace of the enemy for the time being. I suspect that the people in the Order of the Phoenix have guessed that this is a trap and have given up on this big guy.


"Don't let your guard down," McNeil warned again.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, Hagrid was finally led onto a pre-built execution platform and was roughly pressed on the beheading rack by a Death Eater.

The whispers below became denser, and countless flashlights suddenly lit up. The reporters frantically pressed the shutter to take pictures of this scene, without being affected by the surrounding dementors at all.

"You think the Order has given up?"

Listening to Yaxley's report, Voldemort frowned slightly. They originally thought that the Order of the Phoenix would rob the prison and rescue Hagrid, but now it seems that they may have completely given up on the big man on the stage from the beginning.

"Yes, Master." Yaxley said respectfully, "The probability that Harry Potter would come here to die knowing that it was a trap is not high."

In fact, no normal person would do that.

Voldemort fell into silence for a short time. Based on his understanding of Potter, the guy would definitely not give up easily.

However, Porter did not take any action during this period, as if he had completely given up on the big guy.

Maybe I don't know Harry Potter as well as I thought.

"Since the Order of the Phoenix has completely given up on that guy, there is no need to wait any longer. Let's declare the crime and put him to death!"

Voldemort sentenced Hagrid to death.

Despite this, Voldemort still did not leave directly. His intuition told him that Potter would not give up easily, not to mention that there was a more difficult Mudblood.

On the execution platform, Umbridge looked at Hagrid, who was being thrown by countless people, with a pleasant smile on her lips. She had already wanted to do that when she was working at Hogwarts, and now the opportunity has finally come.


She walked onto the execution platform, and with the help of the wand light gathered by the Auror, she read the crime she had fabricated for Hagrid:

...colluded with the giants and attempted to murder the students of Hogwarts.

Before Umbridge could finish speaking, a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, followed by a loud "boom", and a thick bolt of lightning struck down, illuminating the surrounding area so brightly that even God couldn't see it.

Accustomed to Umbridge's lies, he turned to anger.

The thunder just now seemed to have triggered a certain switch.

The man who was originally responsible for alerting the Death Eaters around him suddenly raised his wand like a man possessed and struck the Cruciatus Curse on Umbridge who was speaking on the stage, causing Umbridge's voice to be replaced by a scream.

The sudden change stunned the wizards who came to watch.

"catch him!"

McNeil pointed to the guy who said the Cruciatus Curse to Umbridge.

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly blew around him, and it started to rain heavily.

The winter rain was icy and cold, and there was chaos under the execution platform.

Voldemort, who was hiding behind the scenes, also realized that something was wrong. Just when he raised his wand to prevent Albert, a large piece of mist that could not be dissipated came from a distance like a rolling wave, completely engulfing the surrounding area of ​​the execution platform in an instant, leaving only white in front of him.

A vast expanse.

Yaxley didn't expect that the other party would really come. Fortunately, he had already made arrangements. Anyone who tried to use the cover of fog to rescue the big man would not be able to escape the dementors. Such fog would be very harmful to the dementors.

But it's of no use.

"Watch that big guy, don't let him escape."

Yaxley led the remaining Death Eaters towards the execution platform, not forgetting to remind the people on the platform.

"How stupid. Do you think you can save people from under my nose this way?"

Voldemort didn't care about Hagrid's life or death, he just thought this method was ridiculous. Probably only Harry Potter could be so naive.

Die here today!

Voldemort waved his wand, creating a gust of wind in the heavy rain.

However, when he blew away the fog around him, people were shocked to find that Hagrid, who was originally pressed into the stands... actually disappeared out of thin air.

The former head of the Auror Office actually brandished the scythe in his hand and took advantage of the chaos to injure several of his colleagues.

Even Umbridge fell into a pool of blood. This sudden change made everyone present stunned.

So...the Order of the Phoenix sneaked into the Death Eaters?

And Walton McNeil, Director of the Auror Office, is actually from the Order of the Phoenix?

No one knows what happened just now, no one knows how Hagrid escaped, and no one knows what the situation is now.

In short, Hagrid escaped or was rescued, and disappeared under Voldemort's nose, under the surveillance of Death Eaters and Dementors, and in front of countless people.

This was like slapping Voldemort and the Death Eaters in the face in front of everyone.

Voldemort looked at the chaos on the execution platform with indifference, his eyes burning with anger. He had realized who had played a trick on him, and even more aware of how Hagrid was rescued.

He seemed to notice something, and suddenly raised his head and looked at the beam of light passing over the top of the landslide.

A phoenix mark suddenly appeared above their heads, as if silently announcing to people that it was responsible for this chaos.

"Albert Anderson!"

Voldemort forced this sentence out of his mouth through gritted teeth. He did not believe that Harry Potter had such ability. The only possibility was the Mudblood.

"Let's go, he is coming."

Albert said to Dobby the house elf.

"Okay sir."

Dobby the house elf was trembling all over.

It was not fear, but excitement. It was the privilege to face Voldemort with Albert and play him like a fool.

Dobby reached out and took Albert's hand, and Apparated and disappeared.

Not long after they disappeared, Voldemort came towards them with murderous intent.

However, he had lost his target, and the cowardly guy actually ran away.

This is something he cannot tolerate under any circumstances.

"Don't think you can escape."

Voldemort has found the traces left behind by Albert's Apparition. All you have to do is follow the traces.


Voldemort almost lost his balance and fell. He was shocked to find that he was still staying in the same place, instead of following the traces left by the other party, and even the Apparition failed.

The Death Eaters who originally followed Voldemort suddenly felt a little panicked when they saw this scene. After seeing several of their colleagues around them, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This chapter has been completed!
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