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Chapter 1350 The third generation of defeated Death Eaters

When the Death Eaters tore apart the false disguise, a silent panic completely enveloped the entire British wizarding world. Everyone felt confused and at a loss due to the sudden change. They were worried that one day their home would suddenly be visited by Death Eaters, and they were afraid.

Your family will be harmed by this.

For a time, Albert's previously published "Self-Defense Guide" suddenly became popular again, along with Fred and George's latest dark magic defense tools.

Everything seemed so normal and yet seemed inexplicably weird.

The dark cloud of panic and uneasiness has been lingering over the UK.

If you insist on saying that one place is not affected, it must be Hogsmeade. Not only is it not affected, but it has become more lively.

This former wizard village has now become the most famous black market in Europe, and more and more dark wizards like to come here to conduct illegal transactions.

Of course, they will inevitably discuss the situation in the British magical world. Many people are interested in the chaotic situation in the British magical world today, because that means there is an opportunity to get a large amount of Galleons.

Originally strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic, now the shackles have almost all disappeared, and many powerful dark wizards have made a lot of galleons during this period.

It is not difficult to see this from the pending orders on the trading column in the Pig Head Bar.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be here talking about this."

Abforth, who was wiping the wine glass with a cloth, looked up at the guest in front of him who was discussing the previous public execution, and had to interrupt the other person's unbridled speech.

Recently, many outsiders have had conflicts with Death Eaters because of this matter, and the old tables and chairs in the bar have been renovated for this reason.

"Discussion is prohibited here?"

The outsider who smelled of alcohol spoke broken English, raised his eyebrows and looked at the old man on the bar, with a strange tone of mockery.

"It's not forbidden, but not recommended. Many people got into trouble because of this." Abforth paused when he saw the man walking towards the counter, and said helplessly, "Oh...I said you guys

Can’t you go outside and solve the problem?”

As soon as he finished speaking, someone grabbed the drunk outsider from behind and slammed his head on the bar.

There was a "bang", and all the guests in the Pig Head Bar turned their heads and looked over.

"Damn it." Aberforth put his hand to his forehead and complained, "In the past few days, you have damaged five of my tables and eight chairs."

"I'm just giving him a little lesson."

The Death Eater spoke to Abforth in a casual tone, while reaching for something from the outsider's pocket, looking at the few coins left in his hand, and angrily taking the man's

He hit his head hard on the bar, spat on the man, and then threw him out of the bar. He even knocked over a table and drew the glares of several dark wizards.

"What a poor man."

The Death Eater noticed the angry looks from the two outsiders and said in an unapologetic tone, "Oh, sorry guys, the guy lying on the floor helped pay for all the expenses in the bar today."

"Maybe I should ban you from the Pig's Head Bar."

Abforth would never allow anyone to refuse to buy into it.

"They'll pay, I promise."

While he was talking, the fallen outsider actually struggled to get up from the ground and punched the Death Eater's ugly face hard, flattening his face and knocking him to the ground.

This time, the roles of both parties were reversed.

A one-sided beating started without warning.

The guests who didn't take it too seriously started to scream excitedly when they saw this scene, and some even applauded them.

However, the duel did not continue because the outsider knocked down the Death Eater, hurriedly snatched the Galleons from him, and then used Apparition to escape.

"I didn't expect him to be a coward again!"

People who originally thought they were watching a good show started to curse, and the Pig's Head bar suddenly became noisy.

"It's so lively here!"

Another outsider sat down at the bar and ordered a glass of hot whiskey from Abforth.

"I'd rather it wasn't so busy here."

Abforth drew out his wand and restored the overturned tables and chairs to their original positions.

"Maybe it's time to replace the tables and chairs here."

"If you are willing to help pay for it, I would be happy to replace it with a new batch of furniture, but if you don't want to, please shut up, Percival."

Abforth placed the hot whiskey in front of the wizard and asked curiously, "What good things did you get this time?"

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The man named Percival took a sip of wine and proudly took out a bottle from his pocket, which seemed to contain some kind of liquid.

"What is this, some kind of venom?" Abforth asked after picking up the bottle and looking at it.

"The venom of the Acromantula." The outsider said happily, "There are a bunch of those things in the nearby forest. The previous rumors are indeed true."

"This is a good thing. It looks like you are going to make a fortune."

Abforth took out a quill and parchment from the drawer under the counter and handed them to the wizard in front of him.

"However, I heard that the Dark Lord asked the Death Eaters to recruit those big spiders. If I were you, I wouldn't keep an eye on those big spiders and be careful that the Death Eaters come to trouble you. After all, this thing is very valuable."

The outsider heard the implication of Abforth's words, shrugged disdainfully, and handed the written note to Abforth.

"I just went into the woods to try my luck, and it's not a Death Eater's yard."

As for the Death Eaters, he didn't really care. The worst he could do was stop coming here. The black market in Europe didn't stop here.

If Hogsmeade's reputation is too bad, no one will want to come.

"I just heard that someone punched that idiot Roll to the ground."

A blond and burly Death Eater walked towards here, skillfully took out his wand and pointed it at the person just behind him.

On the heads of Abforth's chatty outsiders,

"Good afternoon, Robert." Abforth greeted the visitor.

"I just heard that."

The man named Robert narrowed his eyes and looked at the owner of the Pig Head Bar, and warned coldly, "If I were you, I wouldn't be so talkative, Abforth."

"I just want to prevent you from ruining my business." Abforth didn't care about Robert's threats.

"Hand over the Acromantula venom, sir."

Robert ignored Alforth and instead stared at the stranger in front of him and warned, "Those big spiders are currently our allies. Private killing and selling are not allowed here. If it happens again, I'm afraid I won't be the one to remind you."

, but those group of dementors."

"You shouldn't rob my guests." Abforth curled his lips disdainfully, "If you have any private problems, it's best to go outside and resolve them privately."

"Shut up, Alforth." Robert glared angrily at the bar owner who was making trouble, and turned his gaze to the guy in front of him who was controlled by his wand. "Do you need me to say it again, sir?"


The outsider shrugged and directly reached out and handed the bottle to the Death Eater named Robert.

The latter was very satisfied with the outsider's knowledge. When he was about to reach out to pick it up, the other person actually let go of the bottle in his hand and let the medicine bottle fall from his hand to the ground.

The bottle of spider venom didn't break, it just rolled on the ground a few times.

The expression on Robert's face was completely frozen, because a wand was pressed against his body, and the next second, the poor Death Eater flew backwards, making a loud noise in the bar.

"Are all Death Eaters like this?"

Percival slightly straightened his messed up clothes, looked at the guy struggling to get up from the ground with disdain, waved his wand, and pushed the guy back to the ground again.

The patrons in the Pig's Head Bar became excited again, and everyone knew that damn Robert had hit the wall this time.

Listening to the cheers, applause, and cheers in his ears, Abforth behind the bar reluctantly reminded the outsiders.

"Don't kill people, or you'll definitely be in trouble."

"What kind of trouble can it cause? At worst, I won't come here. The black market in Europe is not just here. He wants to steal my things. Is he worthy?"

Percival stepped forward, looked down scornfully at the Death Eaters who were looking at him with hatred, raised the corners of his lips and sneered: "Do you know? What I hate most in my life is being robbed."

After saying that, the outsider raised his foot and stepped hard on the back of Robert's hand, twisted his ankle and crushed it twice, causing the other person to scream in pain.

"What a waste."

After using the magic spell to immobilize the opponent, Percival raised his foot and stomped on the opponent's face, stamping all the anger and hatred under his feet.

"I said you should stop it. I don't want dementors to come to my place and scare away all the guests."

Abforth frowned, feeling that the outsider in front of him had gone too far, and he was a little worried that something would happen if he couldn't contain himself.

"Good luck to you."

The outsider squatted down and began to take his loot from the Death Eaters. He had already decided to leave Britain directly later.

As for revenge?

He's not worried.

Death Eaters were sure that they were indeed very influential in the British wizarding world, but they were just like that abroad. He didn't believe that Voldemort would pursue him abroad to cause trouble for him. As for this guy, he wouldn't even dare to do it if he had a hundred courages.

In the final analysis, these so-called Death Eaters are just trash who flaunt Voldemort's reputation everywhere and are not even worthy of shining his shoes.

A spell suddenly hit the outsider, sending Percival flying out and knocking over the wine table next to him.

The wolf crying and howling in the bar suddenly stopped, and everyone looked at the door. A Death Eater responsible for the safety of Hogsmeade hurried over with two dark wizards.

However, the guy who had just successfully attacked was suddenly hit by a dazzling green light. The original pride on his face disappeared in an instant, and was randomly replaced by silent terror.

The Death Eater was dead, killed by Avada Kedavra. The fear even remained on his face. As for the two guys around him who were frozen in place, they were immediately taken care of by black magic.

"That blow just now really hurt!"

Percival got up from behind the table, waved his magic wand to control the table legs and directly stabbed the unlucky guy he had just put down to death.

This scene shocked the wizards who were watching the excitement in the bar.

They couldn't understand how this guy dared to do that, but he just took away valuables from the Death Eaters in full view of the people, and calmly used Apparition to disappear in front of everyone.


The Hog's Head Bar exploded on the spot instantly, and everyone was in the lobby. Who was that guy? He was so brave. He killed two Death Eaters in one breath without even twitching his eyelids. This was big news. From Hogmore

Since Germany became a black market, such a bad incident has never happened, and no one has ever dared to challenge the majesty of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

However, just today, some Death Eaters were mercilessly slaughtered. Not only were the Death Eaters' faces swollen, but their false positions were also torn apart, as if to tell people that they were a bunch of trash who took advantage of Voldemort's reputation.

The news spread quickly in Hogsmeade like a plague, and many dark wizards chose to leave to avoid this storm. They all knew that the Death Eaters would not give up easily.

Yaxley knew about this incident already the next day, and he was quite annoyed about it. If they didn't use each other's corpse to deter the dark wizards who came here, similar things would still happen in the future.

However, the guy named Percival had already run away, and he didn't know where to look for anyone.

Yaxley deserves to keep the news in the lobby and ask the Ministry of Magic to issue a wanted bounty, trying to use Galleons to kill him.

However, he did not know that this moment completely exposed the true and false nature of the Death Eaters.

Outsiders may be afraid of Voldemort's majesty, but they are not afraid of Death Eaters.

Moreover, once something starts, it can no longer be stopped.

Since Hogsmeade turned into a black market, the arrogant and domineering Death Eaters have offended many people.

Now that the water has been completely muddied, everyone is seeking revenge and complaining. Hogsmeade, which was previously peaceful, has begun to become turbulent. Both sides seem to be getting more and more obsessed with this matter, and there is a tendency that they cannot hold it back.


This made Yaxley's nose crooked with anger.

He did not dare to trouble Voldemort on these matters, and he hesitated because a large number of people were searching the Order of the Phoenix. As a result, the Death Eaters had no way to distinguish their personnel and had few reasons to confront the outside dark wizards.

Those guys who dare to take risks and join the black market are real tough guys.

A dark wizard in the true sense of the word.

This is not something that can be compared to the current group of guys who bully the weak and fear the strong.

Of course, this is related to the death of several Death Eaters in the past two days, which makes people not only wonder if someone is deliberately targeting Death Eaters.

Yaxley's guess was indeed correct. Someone was indeed creating conflicts for them in Hogsmeade.

But what even Albert didn't expect was that the situation turned out to be one-sided at the beginning. He originally thought that both sides were fighting back and forth.

Is this the result?

The Death Eaters actually gave in.

How can this be done?

If Hogsmeade cannot be completely detonated, how can the next plan continue?

This chapter has been completed!
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