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Chapter 1353 The Missing Professor

Parkinson is missing?

After Snape received the news and hurried back to Hogwarts, and listened to Amycus Carrow talk about Parkinson's disappearance, his face became even more gloomy.

"When was the last time you saw Parkinson?" Snape asked with a frown.

"On Friday afternoon, he taught the fifth grade students normally, and no one saw him again after that." Amycus called Vincent Crabbe, the captain of the special operations team, and asked him to teach Snape

Report the news just collected.

Whether it was a portrait, a ghost or a student in the castle, no one had seen Parkinson after Friday, so it was impossible to determine whether the black magic professor disappeared in the school or outside the school.

The main reason is that Parkinson often leaves school on weekends. Except for black magic gatherings, Parkinson basically does not appear in front of students on weekends. Unfortunately, this weekend's black magic gathering was cancelled.

"Continue to investigate."

After Snape asked the members of the special operations team to leave, he turned to Amycus and said, "I will get in touch with Yaxley and send someone from the Ministry of Magic to teach the students."

"You seem to think something happened to Professor Parkinson?" Amycus was quite surprised by this.

"I just assumed the worst."

Snape looked expressionlessly at the stirred dark clouds outside the window, as if it was going to rain again.

"worst plans?"

"You must have heard some bad rumors about the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"What rumor?"

"That position is cursed. Something happens to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor every year and he cannot be re-elected." Snape said expressionlessly, "In fact, this is not a rumor, because this kind of thing does happen every year.

But no one knows the reason, I..."

"So, do you think Parkinson's disappearance is related to that ridiculous curse?"

Amycus interrupted impatiently. He thought Snape's statement was quite ridiculous.

"No, I'm just in case."

Snape explained, "Because there was a similar case before, and it never appeared again after disappearing."

"Could it be someone from the Order of the Phoenix?"

Amycus's meaning was already self-evident, he just had to directly say that he doubted Professor McGonagall and his group.

"We don't have any evidence, and Parkinson just disappeared," Snape seemed to see the uneasiness of the woman in front of him.

"When did you need evidence?" Amycus said grimly. "Use Veritaserum."

"Because based on my years of understanding, they won't do such stupid things, but if you insist." Snape did not refute, but took out a bottle of Veritaserum from the drawer and placed it on the table.

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"This is the last bottle. I don't have time to brew this stuff recently."

"You can ask Horace Slughorn to help you cook it!" Amycus said without thinking.

"Then you will have to wait at least another month." Snape said impatiently, "Go and do what you have to do. Remember, you only need three drops. I don't want to have to find a new Transfiguration Professor when I come back."

"Where are you going?"

"To find out if Parkinson is really missing."

All the evidence points to a dismal outcome. Professor McGonagall obviously did not do this, so Amycus's "torture" was just a process.

"It's probably a curse because there have been similar cases before."

After Professor McGonagall drank the black tea mixed with Veritaserum, she said something that made Amycus extremely angry.

In just one afternoon, the entire Hogwarts students knew about Parkinson's disappearance, and many students also believed that their dark arts professor Parkinson had disappeared due to a curse.

As if to celebrate Parkinson's disappearance, some students set off fireworks late at night.

Neither Filch nor the Special Operations Group could do anything about it.

Where Parkinson went has become another mystery in Hogwarts.

However, no one expected that their dark arts professor was actually in Hogwarts, but was locked up.

Yes, Parkinson was turned into a mouse.

Now he was put in an iron cage and taken into the Room of Requirement, and he finally got his wish and entered the gathering stronghold of Dumbledore's Army.

"It's best not to let more people know about this!" Ernie said, looking at the mouse cage covered with black cloth.

"How about giving it to me!" Michael suddenly said.

"Are you planning to kill it?" Seamus suddenly turned his head and looked at Michael with horrified eyes.

"No, no, I just want to keep raising it. Letting him continue to live as a mouse is the biggest punishment for it." Michael was in a very good mood.

"Maybe we should turn those Death Eaters into rats. They are really not suitable to continue living as humans."

Ernie and Seamus both saw the uneasiness in each other's eyes, and both felt that Michael seemed to have changed.

"So, you turned Parkinson into a mouse?"

Albert raised his eyebrows and looked at Fred, who was a little embarrassed, and asked, "There shouldn't be any evidence left!"

"No, Parkinson is often away from school on weekends. I still drink compound potions and show up in the Leaky Cauldron. I believe no one will suspect that it was the professor at Hogwarts who murdered him. They will only think that Parkinson is out there.


Fred was a little proud when talking about this incident, and he did not forget to suggest to Albert: "In the future, if we defeat those dark wizards, we can actually turn them into mice and raise them. Not only will we not have to kill people, but we can also raise them as mice.

It can also prevent those vicious dark wizards from continuing to do bad things, and achieve many goals with one stone."

"Why, instead of being a joke shop owner, you plan to be a pet shop owner instead?" Albert joked with a smile.

"Is this a bad idea?" Fred asked doubtfully.

"You can do some things secretly, but you can't do it blatantly. If the Death Eaters know what you have done, what do you think will happen?" Albert asked.

"They'll definitely say I did a great job!"

Fred blinked mischievously, knowing that Albert didn't blame him for this.

"It will definitely cause a new round of turmoil. You don't want cases like Hagrid to happen again!" Albert glared at Fred: "The bottom line of the Death Eaters is far lower than ours, so there is no

We have to compete with them to see who has the lower bottom line, but we can’t beat them.”

"Don't make this matter any more public. Remember to remind the three of them. As for Parkinson, let him turn into a mouse and spend the rest of his time. It will be considered as punishment for him hurting the students of Hogwarts. I think this should be able to

Eliminate the anger in the hearts of students."

Albert had similar considerations when Fred mentioned turning the defeated Death Eaters and Dark Wizards into rats. This was actually no different from his plan to turn people into homeless people, but this kind of

It's not appropriate to let too many people know, because most people's level of confidentiality is really bad.

If they were to act so recklessly, I'm sure the British wizarding world would be in chaos.

Both sides will retaliate against each other.

For Albert, not only is there no benefit in doing so, but it will attract fire to himself, which is totally worth the loss.

Therefore, pretending that you don't know anything is the best choice at the moment.

"I heard about Parkinson's disease."

After Snape came out of the burning fire, he looked directly at the man on the sofa and asked straight to the point.

"Old Tom met Parkinson at the Leaky Cauldron at the weekend. He seemed to have gone to Knockturn Alley, and there was no news from him again." Yaxley pushed a folder in front of Snape, "The list you want.

, there are a total of five people who are willing, but you also know that the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor cannot be eliminated even if the name is changed, so they are unwilling to accept this job for a long time."

"Parkinson's matter has nothing to do with the Order of the Phoenix?" Snape opened the folder and took out a piece of parchment.

"Did you hear anything?" Yaxley looked up and asked.

"No, I thought it would be the people from the Order of the Phoenix or the Defense Association. Although similar cases have happened before, Parkinson's disappearance is indeed abnormal." Snape tapped his fingers on the table and said:

"You don't mind if I use your people!"

"You plan to continue the investigation?" Yaxley was a little surprised.

"Yes, I think it is necessary. Just give me a small team and I will pay them enough."

Yaxley didn't object, which was regarded as acquiescing. He was just a little surprised that Snape didn't have any helpers around him, but when he thought about it carefully, it was indeed like that.

"All Aurors?"

Snape read the document in his hand and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Aren't there any Death Eaters?"

"Your treatment is not as good as that of the Ministry of Magic." Yaxley shrugged and said: "It is not attractive to most people. They are more willing to make more money now. The group of guys you have are simply not attractive."

I am willing to work for the Ministry of Magic, so I plan to try my luck with you."

"I need to meet with them to determine who is more suitable to take over the job."

Since it was an Auror who taught students, Snape naturally chose one with a higher level.

After finishing the matter of Snape's substitute professor, Yaxley left the other party to discuss the next private gathering.

Since the Dark Lord is not in the UK recently, the private gatherings of Death Eaters are decided by Yaxley and Snape, the Dark Lord's right-hand men.

This is also the main reason why Yaxley is willing to provide convenience to Snape. In fact, the interests of both parties do not conflict.

"Are you planning to mobilize Death Eaters to suppress the commotion in Hogsmeade?" Of course Snape had heard about what happened in Hogsmeade.

"Yes, it's not the right place to continue the chaos." Yaxley said seriously.

"That's fine with me, but is that really effective?" Snape was not optimistic about Yaxley's decision. "I mean, I'm afraid this can only temporarily solve the problem."

"Problems will always exist, and I never expect to be able to completely solve them."

Yaxley knew very well that he had to solve the problem in Hogsmeade before the Dark Lord returned to England, especially since four or five Death Eaters died in one go. He had to give a reasonable explanation, otherwise he would be unlucky.

This chapter has been completed!
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