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Chapter 1371 The Light of Salvation

As the saying goes, the smile never disappears, it just moves from your face to my face.

While the Death Eaters were busy cleaning up the mess left by foreign dark wizards, the entire British wizarding world was obsessed with the big event that had just happened.

After the news of the dog-eat-dog fight between Death Eaters and foreign dark wizards, resulting in heavy casualties, spread, many listeners who secretly listened to the wizard's watch station clapped their hands and applauded, wishing that the Death Eaters would die together with those foreign dark wizards.

However, what shocked them the most was the Azkaban robbery that had just occurred.

No one expected that Harry Potter, who had been silent for a long time, would break into Azkaban with like-minded partners who resisted the mysterious man, and rescued the group of people who were persecuted by the Death Eaters.

This good news will undoubtedly greatly boost people's confidence in defeating the mysterious man again.

For this reason, some excited wizards even "accidentally" caused a great commotion in order to celebrate this rare victory.

Of course, only a small number of insiders knew the inside story. This was actually done deliberately by the Defense Association. It was not only to celebrate this great victory, but also to remind everyone that victory is right in front of you. Hurry up and bravely stand up and follow

Harry defeats the mysterious man together!

It sounds a bit sad to say, but it is undeniable that the purpose of doing so many tricks is to awaken the courage of other wizards and guide them to join the great cause of anti-Mysterious Man, rather than just being a wallowing support for both sides.

When Harry first heard this suggestion, he instinctively opposed it, but he still accepted this glorious career under everyone's persuasion.

A well-known savior wants to persuade more wizards to stand up bravely and resist the mysterious man, and no one is more suitable than Harry.

Listening to the details of the Azkaban siege being played on the radio, Harry, who had just completed the rescue work, looked embarrassed.

no way.

Who asked Lee Jordan to directly transfer all the credit for Albert to Harry?

"No need to be sorry Harry."

Ron put the newly uncorked Butterbeer into Harry's hand, raised his own bottle and touched Harry's bottle lightly, took a big sip directly into his mouth, and said calmly, "

Think about it for yourself, how dangerous the situation will become after everyone knows that you are the organizer behind the scenes. I dare say that the mysterious person will probably be eager to kill you after this incident."

Although Harry thought Ron's words made sense, he did not accept the words. Instead, he asked, "How many people were rescued from Azkaban Prison this time?"

He was involved in the resettlement of the rescued prisoners from the beginning to the end, but Harry really didn't know the specific situation. He only knew that there were a lot of people, more than planned, and the originally prepared supplies were almost not enough.


"I heard that there are more than a hundred people, about one-third of whom are willing to join our cause and fight against the mysterious man and his minions."

Ron, who had just been talking to Harry, had sharp eyes and seemed to see something. He quickly stood up and waved to Hermione who was walking over: "This way."

"There are more than expected." Harry was quite surprised and murmured, "It seems that Albert is right. The hard life in Azkaban is conducive to making those fools see the reality clearly.

, stand up bravely and resist.

That is better than dying in agony. As for those who give up resistance and curl up like pangolins, it can only be said that there is no shortage of cowards and cowards everywhere, and they will also completely lose part of the protection of the Defense Association.

"I thought you'd think there were very few people willing to join us."

"Harry, Sirius is looking for you."

Hermione hurried towards this side and reached out to pull Harry's arm.

Harry handed Hermione the untouched bottle of Butterbeer in his hand and asked, "What's wrong, Hermione?"

Hermione drank more than half a bottle of butterbeer, took a breath and explained, "They all thought it would be best for Harry to appear on the radio."

"Do you want me to hypocritically take all the credit?"

Harry was very resistant to doing that. He was not Lockhart, he was not that shameless, and he had no interest in making himself famous.

"It's not Harry, they think you should say that this matter is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Hermione's words made Harry feel relieved. He really didn't want to do too many things against his will, which would make him feel sick.

"This matter is indeed a success of everyone's joint efforts, so we can properly rescue and resettle the wizards imprisoned in Azkaban after rescuing them." Hermione explained to Harry with a smile:

"They seem to think that wizards in the wizarding world should unite against You-Know-Who."

"The possibility is not high." Ron put the finished bottle of Butterbeer aside and said contemptuously, "Many wizards are cowards. They all expect Harry to defeat the mysterious man. They want them to stand up bravely and resist the mysterious man.

People, that would literally kill them."

"Shut up Ron."

Hermione glared at Ron fiercely and looked at Harry again. She also felt that what Albert did was right and that she should take advantage of this rare victory to unite more people.

The more people who resisted the mysterious man, the greater their victory would be. As for destroying the Horcruxes, Hermione was not worried about it. I believed that Albert must be paying attention as well.

Even if Harry fails unfortunately, he will definitely find a way to solve the problem. After all, it is the key to defeating the mysterious man.

"Can't we wait for another day? Everyone is already very tired today."

Despite what Hermione said, Harry still instinctively refused to go on the radio.

"People are celebrating this big victory, and they definitely want to hear what you have to say." Hermione didn't give Harry a chance to refuse, and directly pulled him to the broadcast room.

Then, the British wizards who were guarding the radio heard Harry's slightly tired voice.

"Actually, our trip to Azkaban to rob the prison was not a temporary idea. We had a similar idea a long time ago, but we could never find a suitable opportunity until the recent trouble between the Death Eaters and the foreign dark wizards.

The Queen showed us an opportunity."

"Whether it was risking one's life to go to Azkaban to rescue people, or their resettlement afterwards, it was all the result of everyone's joint efforts. It is impossible for one person to complete it alone. This is everyone's credit. Fighting against the mysterious man has never been possible.

We can't count on the so-called savior. My power alone is limited after all..."

"Death Eaters? No, they are just a bunch of trash who bully others and are afraid of the strong. At most, they can only rely on the mysterious person to bully ordinary wizards who dare not resist. Once they encounter strong bones, their true colors will be revealed."

"In fact, Scrimgeour has killed all the most dangerous and evil Death Eaters. We should thank Scrimgeour for everything he has done for us. These Death Eaters are simply ridiculous.

, the best proof is that we have never lost in a confrontation with Death Eaters."

"Oh, according to the latest news I just got, I heard that some wealthy Death Eaters were robbed by those dark wizards."

Although Harry did not completely agree with the content on the parchment in his hand, at least he was not as opposed to the broadcast as before. It has to be said that a series of speeches (fudge) at this point in time can still have some effect.


Facts have also proved that the current batch of new Death Eaters are just paper tigers, and he needs to directly break them to let more people stand up bravely to resist the mysterious man.

it is finally over!

After the broadcast ended, Harry couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and followed everyone out of the broadcast room tiredly.

Mrs. Weasley has prepared a small celebration banquet, intending to simply celebrate this hard-won victory.

"An unprecedented victory for us!"

Harry looked at the Order members around him and raised his glass of butterbeer.

At this moment, secret gatherings were taking place in the Defense Association headquarters, the Room of Requirement, and the Safe Shelter.

People raised their glasses to celebrate this great victory!

This chapter has been completed!
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