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Chapter 1412 Just Murder

"What a bunch of misers. I really don't know how those losers got the approval of the Dark Lord."

Zack, who had just finished working for the Death Eaters and still had a bag of galleons in his hand, muttered dissatisfiedly that he was originally a member of a certain hunting team, but since those damn Mudbloods hid, the hunting team

It would be difficult to make money by arresting people.

Fortunately, those group of Death Eaters were going crazy and were actually producing inferi in large numbers, which gave them another good income.

The only problem is that it used to cost one Galleung to create an Inferi, but now it requires several Inferi to be given just one Galleung, which makes Zach start to consider whether to give up this damn job.

However, even if he returned to the hunting team, it would be difficult to earn Galleons by capturing mudbloods.

Stopping on the street near his home, Zach seemed to feel something and suddenly raised his wand and pointed it in a certain direction, but quickly lowered it because there was nothing there.

"It seems that I am too sensitive."

Although Zach said this, he still walked over there cautiously with his wand raised, and used the lighted wand to probe into the darkness ahead, but found nothing.

"It's really too sensitive."

He muttered and turned back to the door of his house.

Well, this house doesn't belong to Zach at all, but to a young couple.

Of course, this place belongs to him now.

When Zach took out the key from his pocket, opened the door and walked into the entrance hall, he saw something flashing past in the darkness, and an unexpected voice suddenly sounded in his ears that made his heart beat faster:


Zack had just opened the door to go home, and as soon as shock appeared on his face, he was hit by a sudden stun spell, and fell down hard, unconscious.

"Solved it, easier than expected."

There was another voice in the darkness, and then someone reached out to take away the wand that had fallen on the ground, and shook it outside through the glass.

After a while, the door was opened again, and someone walked into the house from the outside, helping to lift the man's feet and carry him into the hall.

The wooden door creaked and was closed again, and the surroundings of the house fell into an eerie silence again, as if the attack just now had never happened.

"It must be this guy!"

"Yes, this guy is Zach. He not only followed the search team to arrest many Muggle wizards, but also followed the Death Eaters to slaughter Muggle villages wantonly and create them into Inferi."

Fred turned the man over, moved closer to George's wand, and looked at the photo to confirm the man's identity, with a malicious smile on his face.

According to the information provided by Percy, after careful preparation, Fred, George and Lee Jordan found this scumbag named Zach, intending to turn him into their first prey.

"Hope everything goes well for Sirius."

Lee Jordan first reached out and groped in Zach's pocket for a while, then confiscated all the belongings on him. Then he took the suitcase he borrowed from Albert, opened it, and removed the scumbag who was tightly bound by ropes in front of him.

Pack up the box and take it away.

The meeting they had agreed with Sirius was in a safe house built by Albert. When Fred, George and Lee Jordan hurried over, Sirius's team had already arrived first, and he was talking to Lupin

As he spoke, there was another unconscious guy lying at his feet.

"I thought you would be faster than us." Sirius raised his hand to greet the three of them and asked with a smile, "How is it? Is everything going well?"

"Zach, that scumbag, didn't come home until midnight. We've been waiting for a long time."

"Of course, the harvest is not bad!" Li Jordan said with a wink.

Fred took the suitcase from Lee Jordan and moved the tightly tied man out of the suitcase.

"Yes, it's that scumbag Zach." Sirius took out the photo to confirm the man's identity again.

"Actually, I think..."

Just as Lupine was about to speak, he was interrupted by Sirius raising his hand.

"There's no way you can give up."

"No, I just think we are doing a loss-making business." Lupine sighed and reminded, "The compound potion is not cheap either, and this guy's life is only worth 10 Galleons."

"Then think of it as doing good deeds or avenging those he killed."

Lee Jordan remembered Albert's words, took out the compound potion from his pocket, and with the help of George, pried open Zach's mouth and poured it into him directly.

Zach's body soon underwent drastic changes and he became an unlucky Hufflepuff Muggle wizard.

Lupine raised his wand and with a flick of his wand, he changed Zack into a suit of clothes that fit him.

Sirius, who was next to him, used the Imperius Curse to control the member of the search team they had just captured and let him use the Avada Kedavra to kill Zach.

Yes, it was the dark wizard who killed the person, it had nothing to do with them.

"By the way, it only takes ten galleons for us to work so hard!"

After the green light of death completely disappeared, George looked at the unlucky guy who was confirmed dead by Lupine and murmured: "This life is really worthless!"

"It's really worthless. A life is only ten galleons." Fred also had the illusion of losing money.

They also spent a lot of energy on this just murder, and the result was ten galleons, and the money has not been received yet.

"Actually, we didn't just gain ten galleons." Li Jordan shook his previous harvest and said, "This is just an attempt."

"If the Ministry of Magic recruits dark wizards, the bounty will definitely be more than this, but now the Ministry of Magic recruits Muggle wizards." Sirius shrugged, "But it is valuable. From now on, there will be less scum in the world.


"By the way, will your Imperius Curse be noticed by people from the Ministry of Magic? I think this guy looks a little stupid." George knew that Sirius' words were to reduce their guilt, even though they did not do it themselves.

hands, but they participated in this just murder after all.

"It doesn't matter, this guy is one-time use anyway, just use this guy next time!" Sirius didn't care about this. As long as the galleons were obtained and the method they used was confirmed to be feasible, it would be of no use if others doubted it.

As for guilt, I really don't have any, because the people they picked were all extremely vicious people who didn't want to die without mercy.

That is to say, death would be good for everyone.

In order to avoid long nights and nightmares, Sirius ordered the member controlled by his search team to take the body to the Ministry of Magic to collect the reward. As for the excuse, they also made up an excuse.

The person left behind at the Ministry of Magic was a little unhappy to be woken up, and the two parties obviously knew each other. After a brief exchange, they had no doubts. After all, there was a corpse as evidence, and they paid the money easily.

Of course, the reason for being easy to talk about is that he doesn't value this credit at all, so he won't cause trouble for himself at all.

The people in the search team are not easy to mess with, and you have to pay a price for stealing food from others.

This chapter has been completed!
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