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Chapter 1414: Underhand

That night, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny gathered together to discuss the matter.

They had heard Fred and George talk about going to the Ministry of Magic to collect their bounties before. Although they didn't know how they did it, they all thought it was a really good idea and even wanted to participate in it, but they were stopped by Sirius and

The twins ruthlessly refused.

Tonight, Harry finally understood the method they used.

Although the method of killing people after using compound potions on dark wizards is indeed a bit cruel, none of the four Harrys thought that Sirius did something wrong. After all, those heinous dark wizards were all murderers.

In a contemporary world where the Ministry of Magic is controlled by Voldemort, there is no way for them to get real sanctions.

It is undeniable that what Sirius did was indeed a bit beyond their expectations, but if you think about it carefully, there is really no problem.

After all, people are not killed by themselves, so there is no psychological burden, especially since the people who died were guilty of serious sins, it is even more unjust.

Although it does sound like he is consoling himself, Sirius's actions did bring retribution to the group of murderers. It could also effectively reduce the casualties of Muggles and get some money back to make up for the shortfall.

Regardless of whether it is the Order of the Phoenix or the Defense Association, if it wants to continue to maintain it, it will always need financial support.

After all, everyone has to eat.

It would be really funny if we were forced to disband because we had no money to eat.

When he was in school, Harry didn't have to worry about money at all, but after staying at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix for a long time, he also figured out many things.

It's not enough to resist the mysterious man with enthusiasm, especially after Dumbledore's death and the Order of the Phoenix losing its source of funding, it is almost unsustainable. Even if it really persists, there may not be much left.

The only regret for Harry and the others was that they were unable to participate in person.

A few days later, people read the "death news" of Sirius Black in the "Daily Prophet".

The front page of the newspaper was even filled with photos of Sirius' death, as if to tell everyone that Sirius Black was really dead.

The Death Eaters were all excited about killing the first important member of the Order of the Phoenix.

After all, since Voldemort took control of the British wizarding world through the Ministry of Magic, members of the Order of the Phoenix have been hiding like mice. It has been extremely difficult to suppress them many times, or they can't find the target at all.

So far, there is still only one successful case like Sirius Black.

According to detailed reports in newspapers, the search team that surrounded and suppressed Sirius suffered heavy casualties. In the end, they relied on Avada's life-threatening sneak attack to successfully kill him.

However, the "Dark Wizard" who successfully killed Sirius Black was not happy at all, because the large bounty promised by the Ministry of Magic had been severely reduced.

The excuse given is also very simple. There is a process to receive the bounty, and it’s hard to say how long this process will take. If you don’t set an example for others, it’s really not certain how many galleons you can get!

For this reason, Sirius Black was so angry that he jumped out of his grave. He personally took people to visit the home of the senior official of the Ministry of Magic. After learning about the whole incident in detail, he still couldn't get it.

Get that Galleons back.

The reason is also very simple, the bounty money was divided up layer by layer.

So, the "lucky guy" in the eyes of the dark wizard began to spread the good news everywhere and prepare for his sudden disappearance.

As for why he disappeared suddenly?

Naturally, the Death Eaters from the Ministry of Magic were silenced.

This is true whether everyone believes it or not.

It can be regarded as completely removing the fig leaf from their faces, allowing all wizards to see clearly the ugly faces of the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters.

The dog bite incident soon spread.

As for the "news" of Blake's death, it was also proven to be false on the radio.

"So far, we have contacted the Order of the Phoenix and confirmed that Sirius is still alive. As for the latest news in the Daily Prophet, we think it is a trick of the Death Eaters."

That’s right!

What does Blake have to do with him?

However, not many people care about whether Sirius Black is really dead.

People prefer to believe what they think.

There are countless people who are happy to watch dark wizards and Death Eaters go at each other.

As a result, this incident spread in the British wizarding world at a shocking speed.

Almost no one discusses Black's life and death, and everyone is more concerned about the shady story in the Ministry of Magic.

How dare the Ministry of Magic or the Death Eaters reduce the bounty to only 30%.

Of course, there are many dark wizards who take pleasure in this misfortune. It is human nature to be envious and jealous.

However, this "lucky guy" who had just made a huge contribution to the Death Eaters disappeared inexplicably a few days later. Many wizards suspected that he had been ruthlessly killed by people from the Ministry of Magic or the Death Eaters.

This simply poked the dark wizard in the ass, causing the dark wizard's circle to completely explode.

Everyone rejoices in schadenfreude, but killing people and silencing them is another matter.

Even though many people have expected that such a day might come, they still have to stand up and express their dissatisfaction to avoid becoming a pitiful victim one day.

It can only be said that Albert's move was very cruel, and it directly caused the credibility of the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters to plummet.

Although they had little credibility, after experiencing this incident, many dark wizards became wary of Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic.

Most of the original search team was disbanded in one fell swoop, leaving no one with a reason to continue following others' footsteps.

The funniest thing is that the senior official of the Ministry of Magic who handled this matter was robbed by multiple groups of people in just a few days.

As for who did it?

Of course it can't all be the Order of the Phoenix.

Although it was indeed done by Sirius in the beginning, the power of example is powerful. With Sirius as an example, everyone will naturally seek revenge if they have a grudge, and take the blame for those who have no grudge and continue to take revenge.

No one knows if there is anything wrong with the bounty money they received.

Without this group of profit-driven dark wizards, the Death Eaters soon realized that something was wrong.

After all, the number of Death Eaters was very limited, and many things had to be done by relying on the British dark wizards, but after they staged protests, many things could no longer continue.

After learning the news, Yaxley was so angry that he smashed up the office. He really didn't care about the reputation of the Ministry of Magic, and he didn't care about the opinions of other dark wizards, but this incident also ruined their reputation, even though they

He didn't have much reputation, but this stupid thing of opening his wounds for everyone to laugh at almost made him crook his nose with anger.

The worst thing is that the guy actually disappeared. This is simply saying that people from the Ministry of Magic sent people to kill him and silence him.

Looking at the group of idiots in front of him who were still trying to quibble, Yaxley also realized what a stupid thing he had done, so he directly raised his wand and used Avada Kedavra to kill the most noisy guy among them.


Anyway, the one who died was not a Death Eater, so he would just kill him.

Looking at the trash with fearful faces, Yaxley was quite satisfied with his intimidation.

On this day, the employees of the Ministry of Magic once again recalled the horror of being ruled by Voldemort.

However, as the culprit of all this, Sirius Black had no guilt at all and even told the whole thing as a joke, completely ignoring the cruel fact that he was "dead".

This chapter has been completed!
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