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Chapter 1424 Supervisory Committee

Snape was deeply afraid of Albert Anderson.

Not only because Albert possesses the power of a mysterious man, but also because he can do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

This is very similar to Slytherin students, even more so, because that guy can always disguise himself well and deceive everyone easily.

This can be seen from the ease with which Albert used the Imperius Curse to control Yaxley. The guy obviously used dark magic, and even the Unforgivable Curse, otherwise he would definitely not be so skilled.

This also cannot be hidden from Dumbledore.

However, for the dead old man, Dumbledore did not want to interfere in the world of living people. He only focused on two things now.

Protect the students of Hogwarts and whether you can defeat the mysterious man.

As for that hypocritical guy, Dumbledore thinks he does little harm.

At least that's the case on the surface.

But what about reality?

It's hard to say, who knows what he will do in private.

Snape's idea was quickly confirmed, because Yaxley, who was controlled by the Imperius Curse, did not deny Umbridge's plan and directly strangled Umbridge to death, but chose to discuss the pros and cons of this matter.

Inform Voldemort and let their master make the final choice.

Voldemort was not enthusiastic about this matter, and was even a little impatient, but he finally adopted Umbridge's plan and agreed to use despicable methods to weaken the power of the Defense Association.

As for the chaos this incident might cause, Voldemort was not worried that British wizards would dare to stand up against him.

Yes, those cowards don't dare.

Because someone has already done that.

Because people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"The situation is not as bad as you think. Umbridge is always talented in some aspects. She can definitely help us solve many problems."

When leaving the castle side by side with Snape, Yaxley did not forget to comfort Snape, who looked gloomy. He did not look like he was controlled by Albert using the Imperius Curse.

"Umbridge is not as reliable as I thought. Forget it, I'll leave this matter to you." Snape showed no emotion, "I'd better continue preparing for the Dark Arts Exchange Meeting!"

After receiving the good news brought back by Yaxley, the new minister Piers Thickness immediately summoned his right-hand assistants to introduce new laws as quickly as possible and set up a "targeting whether wizard family members have engaged in illegal activities"

"Monitoring and Review Committee", referred to as: Supervisory Committee.

The committee is headed by Dolores Umbridge, the experienced Deputy Minister of Magic, who also serves as the director of the Oversight Committee. From that day on, it will begin a new review of wizards in the British Ministry of Magic to see if anyone is doing "illegal" things.


As soon as the news of the establishment of the Supervisory Committee spread, it caused a great response.

Because in everyone's limited impression, every time the Ministry of Magic introduces laws or new policies, there are always bad things, and this time is obviously no exception.

Even if you don't understand the headlines in the newspaper for a while, you can understand what the Ministry of Magic wants to do through someone else's explanation.

This means that if you don't want your family to be in trouble, you must explain clearly where you went, where you worked, and what you did.

If you are unwilling to register with the Ministry of Magic within half a month, it means that you will be considered to have committed an illegal act, and your family will be implicated and unlucky.

It must be said that this move really shocked many people. Even members of the Defense Association began to discuss the matter intensely after seeing the headlines in the newspapers.

However, Albert has done a good job in ideological work, and everyone knows that this is the conspiracy of the Ministry of Magic.

Perhaps he wanted to use this opportunity to arrest them and dismantle the defense association.

"what to do?"

This is undoubtedly an issue that everyone pays attention to, and no one wants their family to be affected by this.

"Of course I ignore it. If that doesn't work, hide it."

"If they are really right..."

"Don't be stupid. How many people are we here and how many people are hiding in the two shelters? Can the Death Eaters still arrest everyone in the British wizarding world?"

The debate did not last long, everyone was waiting and watching to see how the British magical community would react.

There are very few wizards who are willing to take the initiative to register with the Ministry of Magic. Except for the employees working at the Ministry of Magic, everyone else is also waiting and watching, and no one wants to rush forward.

After all, this inspection committee is much more ruthless than the last Muggle-born Registration Committee.

Most wizards are extremely disgusted by this.

In the following time, because many wizards did not take this matter seriously, Umbridge, the director of the Board of Supervisors, could not continue her work, so she and her newly recruited thugs began to visit the famous people from house to house.

Wizarding families, determine if anyone in their family is working against the Ministry of Magic.

What shocked everyone was that Umbridge actually arrested the man and published a newspaper asking his family to register with the Ministry of Magic in person, otherwise they might be fined heavily and imprisoned for engaging in illegal work.

"Is the Ministry crazy?"

After hearing the news, this ridiculous idea came to everyone's mind. They really couldn't understand why the Ministry of Magic was so crazy, but that's what the Ministry of Magic did.

"I think they want to use strong tactics to attack the groups that resist the mysterious man, especially the Defense Association on Albert's side."

"Many people are hiding, and the Ministry of Magic seems to be planning to force them out."

At the Order of the Phoenix meeting, Kingsley mentioned the latest ridiculous policies of the Ministry of Magic, which was why they held this meeting.

"I think this should be a counterattack by You-Know-Who. He intends the Ministry of Magic to make people surrender to him and use this to attack the groups that resist You-Know-Who."

"The Defense Association established by Albert has always been a thorn in their side, and Yaxley has wanted to solve it more than once." Percy briefly analyzed the matter for everyone based on the intelligence he collected while working at the Ministry of Magic.


"Because we have been under the protection of the Loyalty Curse, the mysterious man and the Death Eaters are helpless, so they want to use their families to threaten those who try to resist the mysterious man into submission."

"I don't think other people will give in." Harry shook his head. "Is it possible that some people will foolishly believe in the Ministry of Magic and take the initiative to go to the Ministry of Magic and surrender themselves?"

"It's hard to talk about this kind of thing Harry, as long as someone does that, the Ministry of Magic will not lose." Hermione reminded, "Not everyone is strong-willed, let alone their own family members, being forced to defect in battle is not


"Yes, the situation is similar to what Hermione said. There will always be people like that." Percy turned his head and looked at Fred and reminded, "I think you should be careful about traitors over there. This...


"Albert has considered this issue from the beginning." Fred raised his hand and interrupted, "If someone in the association wants to betray everyone, we don't mind their betrayal because we don't think anyone will be stupid enough to betray us.

We, and what benefit we can get from it, as long as we have some brains, we will not be stupid enough to believe the nonsense of the mysterious man."

As for the Ministry of Magic, whether it is to temporarily avoid the edge or other methods, it is time for them to make a choice now.

"Should we continue to remain neutral, or should we join us in resisting the mysterious man?"

Many people feel that Umbridge's bad idea is a good opportunity for them, which can completely force more people to their side, forcing them to stand up and follow them to resist the mysterious man.

I'm afraid it's difficult. Most people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, especially since we are doing a good job against the mysterious people now. Most people are more willing to wait until this wizard war is over, rather than risking their lives to personally participate in this war.

"Because many people don't have the courage to stand up if they are not pushed to their limit, and there are many such people in the British wizarding world."

Percy didn't think this incident would force many wizards to join the great cause of fighting the mysterious man.

This chapter has been completed!
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