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Chapter 1457 Frightened

Now that Babajid has brought this matter up to the meeting of the International Federation of Wizards, we can't continue to be as perfunctory as usual, otherwise we won't be worthy of the position under their butts.

No, it should be said that if wizards all over Europe and even the world knew about this, they would have to get rid of their positions with countless infamy.

So, they need to do something.

As for how to solve the problems in the British wizarding community, that is up to the people here to decide.

In order to prevent themselves from being falsely accused, the International Federation of Wizards formed an investigation team at an alarming speed and secretly sneaked into the UK to investigate whether the things Babajid mentioned at the meeting were true or false.

This matter is so important that it is impossible for anyone to believe other people's one-sided words.

Of course, sending people to the UK to investigate is also meant to delay time.

I don't know how much time it takes to conduct an investigation and summary each time, not to mention the need to find people who resist the organization, which is even more difficult.

God knows how long that investigative team will take.

However, the whole thing went more smoothly than they expected.

The British land was completely undefended, allowing a few French Aurors disguised as dark wizards to easily infiltrate.

In other words, step into this land openly.

The three of them took the lead to go to the most famous Diagon Alley in Britain, trying to peek at what was happening in this land from that once prosperous trading street.

"Oh, damn, it's such a mess in here."

A younger wizard looked at the crowded stalls in Diagon Alley and couldn't help but complain.

"The messier the better, I just don't know if we can make any money here."

Team leader Victor Hugo skillfully helped his colleagues cover up inappropriate remarks.

They stopped in front of a stall selling contraband, picked up the unicorn on the stall and looked at it carefully. After asking about the price, they put the unicorn back on the stall as if it was too expensive and continued in Diagon Alley.

Continue to wander around, occasionally stopping to chat with the stall owner and get some news.

Although the three of them had been told to put their own safety first before coming to the UK, as an Auror with professional ethics, Victor Hugo still hated the group of dark wizards in front of him.

If France encountered him, he would be arrested and severely fined.

"This place is about to become the lair of dark wizards."

"No, it's already the dark wizard's lair."

What shocked the three of them the most was the Leaky Cauldron at the entrance to Diagon Alley, where a group of people were actually invited to rob.

After a few days, the French Auror trio gained a new understanding of today's British wizarding world.

The wizards here live in dire straits and have to worry about being robbed by dark wizards at any time.

Although there is no shortage of rebels in this land, the so-called wizard's watch station broadcast was regarded as a joke by the dark wizard.

In order to avoid exposing their identities, the three of them decided to change their disguises and go to a Muggle restaurant to dine and discuss their next actions.

The situation in the British wizarding world is undoubtedly worse than they expected. There are a large number of dark wizards here, so it's no wonder there is such chaos.

But it is obviously impossible to help Britain deal with the current chaos.

Victor Hugo is not in the habit of helping others fight life and death, not to mention that there is still a famous Dark Lord in the UK who has not yet been solved.

That's the biggest trouble.

In the view of the three of them, as long as Voldemort can be eliminated, the chaos in Britain will naturally be solved, but this is obviously not what outsiders like them should do.

After all, no one wants to die.

The mission they were given before coming to England was to investigate the land and make an assessment, not to eliminate the mysterious man.

"It's been less than a year since Dumbledore died. It's really hard to believe that Britain will become what it is now."

While eating fried potatoes, the three of them lamented the great changes in Britain.

"I'm actually more curious about what the British Ministry of Magic is thinking, actually letting the situation deteriorate like this. Are all their Aurors scared out of their wits?"

"Especially in that damn foggy day outside, I actually saw a dementor."

After seeing the Dementors flying over their heads, all three of them had the idea of ​​leaving England.

"Yes, they surrendered."

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded in their ears. The three of them were startled by the voice and suddenly raised their wands and pointed in the direction of the sound.

"Don't get excited, I don't mean any harm."

Under the stunned expressions of the three people, a brown-haired middle-aged man sat down at the table and introduced himself with a smile: "Kingsley, Kingsley Shacklebolt."

"How did you find us?"

Victor was surprised by the appearance of this guy in front of him. They should have been very secretive when they came to the UK. Why did the other party come to the door on his own?

"Mr. Anderson told me that he is a great master of prophecy, and it is not particularly difficult to find you." Kingsley smiled and explained to the three of them, "I found you on the first day, but it's a pity that I couldn't find the right one."

I didn’t have the opportunity to meet you, so I delayed coming to see you until now.”

These words undoubtedly frightened the three of them, but the biggest problem right now is how to get more help from the International Federation of Wizards through the three people in front of them.

"Mr. Anderson, master of prophecy?"

The three of them looked at each other with confusion on their faces, obviously they had never heard of Albert's last name.

Generally, a guy who can be called a master of prophecy should be very famous, but Albert is obviously an exception.

As for suspicion?

The guy in front of me has appeared on his own, so the possibility of the other person lying is not high, because there is no need to do that.

"Mr. Anderson is still very young. It is normal for you not to have heard of him."

"very young?"

"Yes, younger than you think. Come with me first, I will take you to find the villages destroyed by Death Eaters and the hidden army of Inferi." Kingsley stood up from his seat,

He turned his head and asked, "You came to England to verify the authenticity of the information in my letter, right?"

"Yes, I was shocked to be honest."

“Why is Britain the way it is now?”

The youngest wizard among the three couldn't help but ask, "What exactly is your Ministry of Magic doing?"

"Ever since the last Minister of Magic, Scrimgeour, chose to fight the mysterious man in order to save the lives of the Aurors, the entire Ministry of Magic has been controlled by Death Eaters." Kingsley glanced at the wizard and laughed at himself, "

I know you want to say that Scrimgeour was stupid to do that, but there was no choice at the time. Either Scrimgeour died, or everyone fought with You-Know-Who and his minions and died together. Scrimgeour chose the former, he was a

Amazing guy.”

"It's really amazing. Many people can't do it." Victor said with emotion.

"But those Aurors who were rescued did not continue to resist the mysterious man as expected. Instead, they lost the courage to continue resisting and surrendered to the mysterious man. Only a very small number of Aurors bravely stood up to resist the mysterious man."

The three of them were silent. The situation in Britain was worse than they thought. It had almost become the home of dark wizards.

This is undoubtedly a bad sign.

"Those cowards, this is naked betrayal."

"Yes, but how could Scrimgeour have thought that his sacrifice would be rewarded with betrayal?" Kingsley laughed at himself.

"Of course, the situation is not that bad. We have united those brave people and have a strong resistance force, but we are still unable to fight against the mysterious people and prevent them from killing innocent Muggles, so we need

International Confederation of Wizards’ help.”

Next, Kingsley and his colleagues described the dire situation in Britain in detail, taking them to villages destroyed by Death Eaters and letting them see with their own eyes the poor Muggles who had been turned into inferi.

"Currently, we know that dozens of villages have been transformed into this state by Death Eaters. Once the winter passes, it is impossible for those Muggles to not notice it." Kingsley reluctantly named another person who asked the International Federation of Wizards for help.


"Didn't you try to stop it?"

"Yes, more than once, but the effect was not great. They even used this to ambush us, so we had to give in temporarily." Kingsley said helplessly, "We asked the International Federation of Wizards a few months ago

I mentioned this matter, but they never paid attention to it, and now they finally sent you here."

After Kingsley sighed in his heart about the magical effects of the Felixir, he did not forget to try his best to fool the group of people in front of him.

No matter what, foreign wizards must be fooled. Only in this way can the attention of those dark wizards be diverted.

This is not actually a lie, the dark wizard is indeed very cruel.

Many crimes have been committed on this land.

"Do you think this will really work?"

After Kingsley sent the three members of the investigation team away, Sirius appeared out of thin air, looked at their leaving figures and said, "They seemed to be 'scared'."

"I don't know, but we do need more help." Kingsley said softly, "Even if it's just to help distract the Death Eaters from staring at those poor Muggles."

If he wasn't afraid of trapping them to death, Kingsley would actually like to take them on a tour under the eyes of the Death Eaters so that they can learn more about the Death Eaters.

However, before Kingsley could start planning this insidious plan, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the three people seemed to be in trouble.

This chapter has been completed!
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