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Chapter 1503 Take everyone into the pit

Today, the atmosphere in the British Ministry of Magic is very strange.

The employees who were supposed to be busy with their work all looked absent-minded, and they even lowered their voices when they spoke, as if they were worried about disturbing something.

When they pass through a corridor on the first floor underground, they will subconsciously slow down and secretly observe the conference room at the end of the corridor.

At this moment, two wizards were moving chairs and guarding the door of the conference room to prevent others from approaching. It was said that an emergency meeting was being held in the conference room.

But all employees working in the Ministry of Magic know in their hearts that those who can sit there and hold meetings are all Death Eaters.

No one knows what those bad guys are planning to do. Every time they hold a meeting, nothing good will happen.

But they can do nothing about it and can only passively accept the bad news.

However, the situation in the conference room was different from what most people imagined.

This group of Death Eaters in gorgeous coats were not discussing anything terribly bad. They... they were listening to the radio, or to be precise, they were listening to the broadcast from the Wizard's Lookout Station.

Since Albert asked Lee Jordan to start spreading news on the Wizard's Watch Station radio, the dark wizard responsible for monitoring the Wizard's Watch Station broadcast informed Yaxley of the bombshell news, and then there were Death Eaters

A ridiculous scene of senior executives collectively listening to the radio in the conference room.

In fact, many Death Eaters found it ridiculous that Yaxley made him so nervous that he actually called them over to listen to the radio together.

But they didn't dare to say anything nonsense.

Who makes Yaxley the Dark Lord's right-hand man? This matter also involves that damn Mudblood. You can't go wrong with handling it carefully.

After everyone listened to the broadcast for a full hour, McNeil finally couldn't help but speak.

"You think that mudblood is hatching a conspiracy?"

In fact, as long as you are not distracted when listening to the radio, you should be able to hear some news.

The wizard's watch station broadcast is constantly reminding all listeners that a very important thing will be announced recently. Although the guys are doing it mysteriously and don't say what a big thing it is, most people can smell a hint of the coming storm.


Because they knew very well that this damn wizard lookout was the window to the outside world for those who opposed Voldemort, and it was almost impossible for any bad incident to deliberately play tricks on everyone.

This was also the main reason why the Death Eaters did not complain about Yaxley for wasting them an hour after listening to the broadcast.

"No matter what those guys want to do, we should be more vigilant." Yaxley looked at the director of the Auror Office, MacNeil, "Have our spies sent back any news?"

"Not yet." McNeil shook his head and reminded, "You'd better not have too much hope. Most of the people in that shelter are cowards. I don't think they know anything."

Death Eaters will naturally not give up placing people near the enemy. McNeil started doing this when he took over as the director of the Auror Office, but the results have never been optimistic.

"Do we need to inform the Dark Lord about this?" a Death Eater suddenly asked.

"I told the Dark Lord yesterday. He asked us to pay close attention to find out what the mudblood plans to do?"

Yaxley agrees, but it's not an easy thing.

"I will have the crisis response team on standby at any time and reorganize a new reserve team." As the director of the Auror Office, McNeil will bear most of the burden on him.

"It's not enough." Yaxley said, "We need to mobilize more manpower to monitor those shelters, and we need to keep a close eye on the entire magical world."

"Could this be a bait to attract our attention?" Snape, who had been silent at first, suddenly said.

The meeting room instantly fell silent, because this possibility was not impossible. Everyone present had suffered from the insidious and cunning Mudblood, and Snape had always been recognized by them as a smarter and more reliable guy.

"What did you find?"

Everyone looked at Snape searchingly.

"Although there is no evidence, there are various signs that something is about to happen. From what I know about Albert Anderson, that guy will rarely do anything meaningless unless it was not on his radar from the beginning.

, but this possibility is very low. We all know the importance of this radio station to them, so we rule out the possibility of this being a joke." Snape asked, "Then why did the other party want to spread this news?"

"I think there is probably some important news ready to be announced, but I think this matter is definitely not the main thing. Otherwise, if it is really that important, I don't think they will mention it repeatedly on the radio in recent days."

"Don't tell me they don't know we're monitoring their broadcasts."

No one interrupted Snape's analysis, which allowed them to save some brainpower.

"Now that they know that we are monitoring their broadcasts, they deliberately mentioned this major event repeatedly in the broadcast. The purpose is probably to attract all our attention to it and prepare to use it to cover up another more important thing they plan to do.


"So what does the Mudblood plan to do?"

"Attack on the Ministry of Magic?"

"Attack on Hogwarts?"

Yaxley and McNeil exchanged looks and shook their heads to deny the possibility.

"This is what confuses me the most. I don't think that mudblood would do such a stupid thing."

"What do you think Albert Anderson would like to do most?" Snape asked.

"Probably he wants us all to die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of chuckles in the conference room, but the laughter quickly disappeared because that guy really could do that.

"You don't think that Mudblood is going to call on everyone to start an all-out war with us, do you?" McNeil had a slightly weird expression on his face, "To be honest, I'm more inclined to think that that guy is planning some conspiracy against us.


"Killing with a borrowed knife." Yaxley's face suddenly darkened, "We still have a lot of enemies on the European continent, if they are all persuaded to take revenge on us."

"is it possible?"

"They've already failed once."

"I doubt they would actually do that."

"No, you don't know that Albert Anderson. Believe me, with his character, it is not impossible to convince those people to attack us. Don't forget Scrimgeour. Even if he can't convince them, he can't.

There are other ways to convince them, and believe me, it's easy for the guy."

"what way?"

"The Imperius Curse." Snape sneered: "Don't forget, we didn't even realize that the idiot who was caught by the Dark Lord last time was controlled by the Imperius Curse."

"I think we need to strengthen our monitoring of the movements of European countries to prevent them from catching us off guard." Yaxley looked at McNeil, who nodded and said he would handle the matter.

"As for the Dark Lord, I will talk to him later."

If European countries send Aurors into Britain to encircle and suppress the Dark Wizard, they will have to rely on the power of the Dark Lord.

But, is that really the case?

Snape reserved his opinions on this, especially since Yaxley had skewed the topic of revenge on European countries, and he realized that something was really going to happen.

And the so-called conspiracy was basically the matter they were discussing.

As for the day when a Death Eater did something radical and completely angered the Ministry of Magic in Europe, which was already hostile to them, he was actually not surprised at all.

No matter how you look at it now, it looks like someone is planning to let Yaxley lead everyone and the Dark Lord to jump into the dug hole.

This chapter has been completed!
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