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Chapter 1514 Counterattack Horn

Today is definitely a magical day for all the students at Hogwarts.

When they hurriedly finished their dinner, abandoned their half-finished homework, and gathered together in the common room to listen to the daily broadcast from the Wizard's Watch Station, Lee Jordan's shocking declaration of war suddenly came from the radio.

"...We have been waiting for this day for too long. Today is...Voldemort's death day."

This series of high-spirited speeches really shocked the students in the common room.

Probably no one would have thought that the major event mentioned in the wizard's lookout station's previous broadcast actually referred to the final battle with Voldemort, and the location was actually at Hogwarts.

This incident undoubtedly confused everyone.

Isn't Hogwarts still under Voldemort's control?

How can you so confidently turn the school into a battlefield? Have you asked Principal Snape, the professors and all the students in the school for their opinions?

After hearing this earth-shattering news, the common room was in uproar.

Some people screamed with excitement, some were frightened, some thought the Wizard Watch was joking, and some thought they didn't take the students' safety seriously, but... more students were stunned by the news.

The common room, which was filled with noisy noises, soon became quiet due to the arrival of the deans of each college.

"Professor McGonagall, the radio said..."

Some senior students couldn't help but swallowed their saliva and asked tremblingly, "...is it true?"

"It's true, the war has begun." Professor McGonagall admitted directly, "Just now, Snape escaped!"

The common room was instantly overwhelmed by the deafening noise, as countless students cheered to drive away the old bat.

Professor McGonagall had to raise her wand and create a series of deafening explosions to barely suppress the noise in the common room.

"Quiet, listen to me."

The noise in the common room gradually disappeared, and everyone looked at Professor McGonagall.

"The most brutal wizarding war in history will soon break out here. We will send you away before the war breaks out."

After Professor McGonagall talked about the arrangements for the students, he gave instructions.

"Prefect, take everyone to the auditorium to gather. We need to send you out of school as soon as possible."

Professor McGonagall tried to look for the Gryffindor prefect in the common room, but failed to find anyone. She had to say to the person following her sideways, "I'll leave this to you, Longbottom."

"No problem Professor," Neville said loudly.

Today's Neville Longbottom is no longer the young man who was submissive to everyone.

When everyone turned their attention to Neville, a group of Dumbledore's Army appeared out of nowhere and directly took over the task of evacuating the students from the professors.

"Everyone, hurry up and don't need any luggage. We must send you away before the war with Voldemort begins."

Neville directly put his wand to his throat, and used a deafening loud voice to drown out all the whispers, and spoke to the students in the common room who were still in a daze and confused about the situation.

"What if we want to stay and fight?"

The extra asked loudly when Professor McGonagall was about to step out of the lounge.

His words immediately won applause from a group of people.

"If you are old enough, you can stay." Professor McGonagall stopped and turned to everyone, "but other students must evacuate immediately."

"Those who are willing to stay and join us in resisting the mysterious man, pick up your wand and help us evacuate the students in the school."

"Remember, just bring your wands and leave the rest alone." Neville shouted to the crowd, "Because after this wizarding war is over, you will definitely need to come back to class, and the most important thing right now is

The most important thing is to move everyone out safely."

"Can you win?" someone asked in a low voice.

Everyone is very confused about this, the opponent is Voldemort!

That guy is almost immortal.

"Of course we can win. We have made full preparations for this, and finally we have waited for this day." Neville said murderously, "Tonight will be Voldemort's death."

However, this statement is obviously not very convincing, but Gryffindor will never lack brave people.

Many students expressed their willingness to join, but most were rejected because they were not qualified.

"I don't recommend staying if you are too young, because you have not gone through systematic combat training, and we do not agree with fearless sacrifice. If you are in the sixth or seventh grade and want to stay and help, you can."

"Why can they?" someone pointed to the Creevey brothers.

"They have gone through a long battle training, and at least they can be put to use." Neville glanced at the time on his pocket watch and urged, "Okay, hurry up!"

Similar situations occurred at several other colleges.

Of course, Slytherin's situation was an exception, and Professor Slughorn had to personally organize the evacuation.

After a large influx of students, the long tables in the Great Hall were quickly filled with students, and Mr. Filch and Madam Pomfrey were still helping to maintain order.

But the most important thing is that with the help of Dumbledore's Army, the evacuation work was carried out in an orderly manner, with the college as a group entering Albert's suitcase in an orderly manner, and then the house elves sent them to where they had been previously.

At the abandoned defense association headquarters, simple tents had been prepared in advance for them to make do for the night.

Of course, Slytherin's situation was different from theirs. In order to prevent anyone from leaking the secret, they were knocked down directly by the mass stun curse when they entered the suitcase.

"Are we just waiting here?"

Looking at the completely empty auditorium, the new student couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, someone will come to arrange our tasks soon." Neville stood up to calm everyone's anxiety.

Of course, Percy was responsible for this mission. It was originally Kingsley's mission, but Kingsley went to meet his former colleagues, hoping to persuade this group of experienced Aurors to side with them.

As Neville said, they were quickly assigned tasks.

For example, blow up the connecting bridge, or help Professor Sprout transport dangerous plants in the greenhouse to prepare for the intruders.

They also gathered the remaining helpers (students) to create a large number of pits and swamps near the Forbidden Forest to prevent Voldemort from using a large number of Inferi as cannon fodder to attack Hogwarts.

While Hogwarts was in full swing preparing a large number of defensive measures, the battle in Hogsmeade was coming to an end. Fred and George took advantage of their own advantages to directly clear out a large number of people without spending much effort.

The resistance of the dark wizards, that is, the dark wizards, was more intense than they expected.

This chapter has been completed!
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