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Chapter 1527 You were cheated

"Perhaps, you have already guessed the reason why I asked you to come here."

Halfway to the Shrieking Shack, Voldemort suddenly stopped and looked sideways at the man following him.

"You are a smart man after all, Severus."

The moment Voldemort turned around, all his attention was directly focused on Snape, "You have always been a good and loyal servant. I am sorry for what had to happen."


Snape seemed to have noticed something and looked very uneasy.

"The Death Stick still doesn't work well for me, Severus." Voldemort gently touched the wand in his hand and murmured: "Because I am not its true master yet, so it has never refused to be like the legend.

Work wonders for its rightful owner."

"Perhaps, that wand is not the death stick that the owner is looking for at all." Snape couldn't help but take a step back, but still tried to persuade Voldemort to give up that ridiculous idea.

"That wand cannot be the death stick that the owner is looking for." He repeated, "Because with Albert Anderson's character, how could he allow the owner to easily obtain such a powerful wand to threaten his life?

What about safety?”

"Don't forget, that guy is very good at divination, and it is impossible for him to be unaware of the legendary death stick. If it were me, I would definitely take the death stick before the owner, without leaving any chance to the owner.


"Also, that wand once belonged to Dumbledore. If he really owned the Death Stick, he would definitely prevent the owner from obtaining his wand."

"The old guy also stopped me from getting this wand. They even hid Grigovitch."

Voldemort's movement in his hand paused slightly. After thinking about the difficulty of obtaining the Death Stick, he did not think that the wand in his hand was fake, nor did he want to believe that it was fake.

"For this reason, the old guy even left an insurance policy."

As he spoke, he stared at Snape and narrowed his eyes slightly, "There are very few wizards who have access to the secrets hidden in the wand."

"The death stick belongs to the wizard who killed its previous owner. Even if I get the death stick without knowing it, I will only get an ordinary wand. I may even doubt it and completely lose the ownership of it."


"Because... as long as you live, Severus, the Death Rod can't truly be mine?"

"There must be another way."

Snape tightened his grip on the wand in his hand, and the uneasiness on his face became even more intense.

"I don't want to be with..."

"There is no other way, Severus." Voldemort had already raised his wand, "I must conquer this wand, conquer the group of people in Hogwarts Castle, and lead other dark wizards to win tonight.


"No, no! This is all a conspiracy of Albert Anderson. That guy just wanted to use my death to cause chaos within the Death Eaters."

"If even I am killed by the master, how can others be sure that they will not become the next person to lose their life inexplicably? How can they be loyal to the master with peace of mind?"

Snape was still making his last effort, trying to dispel Voldemort's crazy idea, but Voldemort was indifferent.

Even if he kills by mistake, so what.

After all, Death Eaters are just his servants.

Realizing that persuasion was useless, Snape completely accepted this cruel fact and raised his wand in protest, showing Voldemort that he would not sit still and wait for death. However, the latter did not seem to care about this and seemed to have no intention of saying more and was ready to speak.

The tone sent Snape on his way.

But Snape, who had already had a premonition, reacted faster and suddenly waved his wand to launch a sneak attack at Voldemort, hoping to create some chaos and delay Voldemort for a moment so that he could use Apparition to escape.

After Snape suddenly launched a sneak attack, Voldemort, who was well prepared, immediately trapped Snape and prevented him from using Apparition to escape.

The failure of Apparition left Snape stunned for a moment. Before he could recover, a green curse came into view.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Snape almost subconsciously used this spell.

The two green lights collided directly in mid-air. Snape's magical power was far inferior to Voldemort's, and he soon fell into a one-sided crushing situation.

Looking at the green light that suppressed the approaching death, Snape's expressionless face suddenly smiled strangely.

He no longer resisted and allowed the green light to completely engulf him.


After being hit by Avada Kedavra, Snape fell to the ground, completely lifeless.

"I'm sorry, but only I can live forever."

Looking at the body on the ground, Voldemort waved his wand and used fire to destroy Snape's body, killing Snape directly.

At least tonight no other Death Eaters would find out that he had killed Snape.

As for after tonight, Voldemort has no worries.

After having the wand that absolutely obeys his orders, no one can be his enemy anymore.

Now, he should go and clean up the situation.

"I can't hold it anymore."

In front of the main entrance of Hogwarts, Professor Flitwick, who was looking up to watch the fireworks being set off on the protective barrier, suddenly said.

"How about setting up another protective barrier?"

Professor Slughorn took out the bottle of Felixir from his robe pocket and drank it in one gulp.

"No need, Voldemort is here, I guess the protective barrier can't stop him."

Albert pulled out his wand and released the Order of the Phoenix's mark into the night sky, as a warning to everyone in the castle.

The battle begins.

"We are no match for Voldemort."

"Don't worry, that guy will definitely let the cannon fodder come in at the beginning."

When Albert said this, the protective barrier above their heads finally could not withstand the dark wizard's bombardment and gradually collapsed, with countless burning powder falling from their heads.

One after another, the black magic penetrated directly through the broken protective barrier and fell outside the Hogwarts castle, triggering a series of big explosions that shocked everyone.

There was nothing I could do, the large-scale bombing was really scary, and those who didn't know better thought there had just been a big earthquake.

To be honest, if Voldemort hadn't ordered the Death Eaters to attack, I'm afraid most dark wizards would have preferred direct long-range bombing instead of risking their lives to attack a well-defended castle.

But Voldemort's orders cannot be disobeyed.

After the order to attack was passed on, the dark wizards rarely swarmed forward. Instead, according to Yaxley's original plan, a large number of Inferi that had been mobilized in advance poured into the school from all directions, causing this group of dark creatures to

Help everyone in the front to avoid the mines, so as not to step into the enemy's carefully prepared traps again.

This chapter has been completed!
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