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Chapter 1545 Everyone was deceived

"I lost, I really lost completely."

Yaxley didn't pay attention to the Death Eater grabbing his collar. There was bitterness that could not be concealed under his lowered head.

"That Mudblood named Albert Anderson is so powerful that we are unwilling to accept the cruel fact of failure." Yax murmured in a voice that could be heard by everyone around him, "As early as when we stepped on

Before entering this castle, you have already fallen into the enemy's trap."

"Hey, Yaxley, cheer up!"

Several slaps in a row were unable to wake Yaxley up. The guy still had a bad expression on his face, making the Death Eaters around him feel deeply uneasy.

There is no way, the current situation is not optimistic.

No, it’s not too optimistic to describe it, it’s simply terrible.

The corridor with the body of the dark wizard lying on the ground, and the faintly audible crying became the best proof of their incompetence.

"What should we do now? Should we retreat directly?"

Several Death Eaters looked at Yaxley uneasily, waiting for him to make a final decision.

It's not that these new Death Eaters trust Yaxley, but they subconsciously want to put the blame on Yaxley.

What happened previously has caused serious psychological trauma to the remaining people who survived.

No one wants to lose their life for no reason.

No one wants such an unfortunate ending to happen to them.

They should retreat, immediately, leave this damn castle and stay away from this damn wizard war.

But no Death Eater dared to propose retreat rashly.

Even now, anyone who is not a fool can see that they have actually lost, and they have lost miserably.

However, due to the pressure brought by Voldemort, no Death Eater dared to mention retreat, so the final choice was given to Yaxley.

To retreat or not to retreat?

It's time for Yaxley to make the right choice.

"Perhaps, I should have stopped the Dark Lord from the beginning, preventing him from stepping directly into the enemy's trap without preparation, otherwise I wouldn't have lost so miserably!"

Although Yaxley said that, he knew very well in his heart how determined Voldemort was to attack Hogwarts. He couldn't stop it at all, and he couldn't even say it, unless he wanted to seek death.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. To withdraw or not to withdraw?" a Death Eater urged.

There was nothing I could do, the looks from the dark wizards around me were getting worse and worse.

You really can't blame the dark wizard for this.

Who asked Voldemort to lead everyone into the castle and directly tricked everyone? He simply asked them to come to die.

"Contact the Dark Lord first. We must tell the Dark Lord the specific situation here. If we still want to win this wizard war, I'm afraid we have to use the last resort."

In the end, Yaxley did not respond directly, but planned to leave the choice to Voldemort.

"How to do it?"

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although they didn't want to admit it, Yaxley was relatively reliable at the critical moment.

After making so many sacrifices, it is important that they cannot lose.

"Let the Dark Lord duel Harry Potter."

Yaxley directly spit out the advice he had given to Voldemort.

"Now only the Dark Lord himself has a chance to make a comeback." The expression on Yaxley's face suddenly became particularly sinister, "I believe that as long as they threaten the lives of their relatives and friends they care about, Harry Potter

I will definitely show up to fight the Dark Lord."

Several Death Eaters exchanged glances with each other and finally accepted Yaxley's plan. They also believed that the dark wizards around them should be able to accept this decision. After all, there was no better way.

As for blaming Yaxley?

They all knew in their hearts that that was not necessary at all, because as long as Yaxley was alive, as the architect of the entire plan, he was destined to bear most of the blame.

After making the decision, several Death Eaters exchanged glances with each other, opened their sleeves and pressed their wands on the Dark Mark to urgently summon the Dark Lord.

However, the Death Eaters' call failed to receive an answer.

At this moment, Voldemort, who temporarily gave up searching for Ravenclaw's diadem in the rubbish, realized that he could not find the diadem in a short period of time, and then hatched a plan to leave the Room of Requirement as bait in an attempt to ambush nearby.

, Harry Potter, who intended to enter the Room of Requirement and set fire to it, was lured out.

However, for some reason, even though Voldemort had pretended to leave the Room of Requirement, used a very powerful spell to hide himself, and prepared to stay around and wait, he still couldn't wait for Harry Potter to appear, as if the savior had suddenly appeared.

I knew from the beginning that he was ambushing me nearby.

Voldemort naturally didn't know that someone was secretly monitoring the personnel movements of the entire Hogwarts Castle through the Marauder's Map, and that he himself was the target of the other party's key surveillance.

The most important thing is that the Horcruxes originally hidden in the Room of Requirement had been taken away by Dumbledore, so there was no need to take the risk of setting a fire inside again.

So, Voldemort was tricked by someone from the beginning.

Fortunately, he didn't know that he was being played like a fool, otherwise he would have been so angry that he would kill people everywhere to vent his anger.

When the Death Eaters touched the Dark Mark and tried to summon Voldemort, this man was still squatting around the Room of Requirement. But as time passed, the Death Eaters' summons still showed no sign of stopping, which made Voldemort frown slightly.

There was no doubt that something had happened, otherwise the group of Death Eaters would not have summoned him so boldly.

According to Voldemort's speculation, it is likely that the Mudblood was slaughtering his servants wantonly, intending to lure him away and create an opportunity for Harry Potter to set fire to destroy Ravenclaw's diadem.

To be honest, Voldemort doesn't actually care much about the casualties of dark wizards, but staying here to ambush is not an option. He can't stay here forever and wait for the Death Eaters to win this wizarding war!

It turns out that Voldemort did have such an idea, but judging from the Death Eaters' desperate calls, those guys were indeed in big trouble.

This may be an opportunity.

Voldemort looked at the entrance to the Room of Requirement, waved his wand to destroy the stone wall, and placed an extremely vicious curse on the stone wall, making anyone who tried to enter the Room of Requirement pay a heavy price.

Although doing so was indeed a bit of a cover-up, since Harry Potter already knew the whereabouts of the Horcrux, he could only take the risk and try, maybe there would be a chance to lure Harry Potter out and kill him.

However, little did Voldemort know that all his efforts were in vain.

This chapter has been completed!
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