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Chapter 1556 A war without a winner (6)

After finally getting rid of the annoying group of students' families, Albert went directly to Professor McGonagall's office on the second floor of the castle. Because he wanted to pick up the students who had been sent away, he needed the help of the professors, otherwise he would have graduated from the school.

Even if you go there in person, it may not be easy.

After Albert gently knocked on the half-open wooden door, and after getting a response from inside, he pushed the door open and walked in. His eyes swept over the professors on the sofa and landed on the person who was talking to Professor McGonagall.


Percy Weasley?

Oh, that’s right!

It was impossible for Kingsley to leave the mess of Hogwarts to Professor McGonagall, so he sent everyone's old acquaintance Percy to Hogwarts, probably to see what help everyone needed.

After Albert walked into the office, everyone stopped talking and looked over. Even Percy greeted Albert in a very familiar tone and formally mentioned Kingsley (Interim Minister) to Albert.

) hopes to invite him to serve as Senior Advisor to the Minister of Magic.

"This matter is not urgent. You have to talk about it in advance."

After Albert nodded to Professor McGonagall, he sat on the sofa where the professors rested under everyone's gaze.

"Would you like some hot cocoa?"

Professor Flitwick raised the cup in his hand and gave Albert a tired smile.

"No, thank you," Albert really had no appetite.

After seeing such a large number of dead people in one night, I believe most people would lose their appetite. But if they don't forcibly supplement themselves with some food, it may be difficult for the professors to continue to persevere.

"Has the matter over there been resolved?"

Professor Sprout asked in a low voice.

She actually felt sorry for leaving the difficult group of family members to Albert to deal with directly, but they really didn't have the extra energy to deal with that group of family members.

"It should be considered resolved."

Albert briefly talked about the demands of the family members, and did not forget to ask which professor was willing to make a trip to bring the students back to Hogwarts.

Professor Sprout readily expressed his willingness to take on this task. It might be more appropriate for the dean to go there. After all, the students who were woken up were not very good-tempered, but she hoped that Albert could find time to help repair the viaduct.


After talking about the business, everyone started talking about the school's plight.

Although the overall situation is developing in a good direction, there are still many problems, such as the repair of the castle. Take the bombed viaduct as an example. Professor Sprout alone will probably have to spend a lot of effort.

, it is possible to completely restore it to its original state.

Of course, what worries the professors the most is actually the disposal of the corpse.

Although Professor Flitwick cast a large-scale freezing spell on the pile of corpses of dark wizards to ensure that the corpses would not rot and produce odor in a short period of time, it was hard to say how effective the spell would be.

It is imperative to dispose of it.

Many professors actually agree with Albert's solution, but they can't do it, at least not directly.

To this end, the Ministry of Magic will publish a message in the newspaper and ask the family of the deceased to come and collect the body. The unclaimed body will be burned and buried.

There is no way, there are too many enemy corpses to deal with, and there is no such time and energy.

Of course, the bodies of our own war dead will be properly disposed of. Professor McGonagall had discussed this with Percy just now.

Maybe, heroes can't get the treatment of heroes, but everyone knows that Kingsley has tried his best.

After all, the current Ministry of Magic is also in chaos, and Kingsley definitely needs to stabilize the situation in the Ministry of Magic first.

Fortunately, Voldemort is dead, and the Ministry of Magic will remain in chaos no matter how chaotic it is.

When Albert expressed that he wanted to talk to Kingsley, Percy readily said that after Kingsley stabilized the Ministry of Magic, he would personally come to Hogwarts to deal with the mess, and then they would have time to talk privately.

This short conversation was quite pleasant.

After Albert got up and left the office, Percy quickly followed. The two walked side by side in the messy corridor, briefly chatting about trivial matters that happened in the Ministry of Magic.

Just as Albert expected, although Kingsley was appointed as the interim minister and received a lot of power, it was only temporary. If he did not do well, he might become the one who took the blame. Kingsley, who was politically qualified

Apparently he was aware of it, so he tried to win over Harry and Albert.

As long as you get the support of these two people, you can basically secure the position of Minister of Magic. After all, Kingsley is still relatively popular, but reality is often more magical than fiction.

"In other words, the captured remnants of Voldemort are currently being held in a temporary prison, waiting to be tried by the Ministry of Magic?" Albert did not express any opinion on this.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Ever since Albert did not directly agree to serve as Senior Advisor to the Minister of Magic, Percy has been secretly observing Albert, hoping to learn some of his thoughts so as to help Kingsley obtain strong support. He knows too well about killing

How important was Voldemort's Albert's support to Kingsley.

"no problem."

Albert was very calm and couldn't see anything strange at all.

But in Percy's eyes, Albert was by no means as unconcerned as he said verbally, but he didn't have much choice if the other party didn't tell him.

"Do you think there was a problem with Kingsley's handling of Voldemort's remnants?" Percy asked tentatively.

"Whether there is a problem or not, what does it have to do with me?"

Albert still said unpredictable things, which really troubled Percy.

To be honest, talking to Albert was really tiring, but he had probably found the problem. Albert probably thought there was a problem with Kingsley's follow-up treatment of Voldemort's remnants. No, it should be said that there would be a problem.

Percy, who has a flexible mind, has already thought of some possibility.

Because similar cases have always existed.

After the last Wizarding War, something similar should have happened.

Although many Death Eaters were imprisoned, there were still a large number of Death Eaters who used the Imperius Curse as a shield to escape.

Maybe, Albert thinks that Kingsley's approach will allow a large number of dark wizards to escape the punishment of the law, and this matter is likely to cause problems?

What could go wrong?

Percy thinks the biggest problem is that Albert is unhappy with this, but that obviously won't be the answer.

"I hate the Riddler," muttered Percy.

"When will Kingsley come to Hogwarts?" Albert suddenly asked.

"Maybe tomorrow morning."

Percy believed that it was necessary for Kingsley to take time to see Albert, and the sooner the better.

Before Percy left, he did not forget to say: "Kingsley is currently the most suitable candidate to be the Minister of Magic. Don't you think so too?"


After Albert said goodbye to Percy, he walked towards the other side. He had just promised Professor Sprout to repair the viaduct.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps from the corner of the corridor. They both stopped and saw Hermione running towards this direction: "Finally I found you."

"What's the matter?" Albert raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I go first."

After Percy said hello to Hermione, he turned and left.

"What happened between Harry and Ginny..."

Hermione looked at Percy's leaving back and lowered her voice and said, "Mrs. Weasley already knows, and both she and Mr. Weasley have been hit hard?"

"Because of Ginny's age?"

"Yes, they all think that Ginny is too young, not even an adult, and it is not appropriate to marry Harry now."

Ginny secretly became pregnant with Harry's child before she became an adult, causing a great blow to the Weasleys.

This made Hermione feel very guilty, because she was the one who had instigated Ginny to become pregnant with Harry's child.

"You didn't do anything wrong. At least, Harry is still alive." Albert said to comfort him.

"What should we do now?"

Hermione looked at Albert expectantly, hoping that the other party could come up with a good solution.

"How did Mr. and Mrs. Weasley know about this?" Albert suddenly asked, "Did Harry and Ginny directly show their cards to them?"

"It seems that Mrs. Weasley happened to hear Fred and George talking about this matter, and then she found out that Ginny was pregnant." Hermione couldn't help but frown when she said this, because she also felt that this matter was too coincidental.


Could Fred and George be so careless?

Or were those two guys just letting Mr. and Mrs. Weasley know about this on purpose?

"They obviously did it on purpose. Anyway, they have to let Mr. and Mrs. Weasley know sooner or later. Telling them now may not be a good choice." Albert briefly expressed his views on this matter.

The war is finally over, and now everyone is just working hard to deal with the mess. It is indeed a good time to show off to the Weasleys at this time.

It's just one more mess that needs to be dealt with. Whether it counts as a mess is another question.

That's all.

No matter how the Weasleys feel now, they must accept it.

What's more, this incident was not Harry and Ginny's fault, and Harry managed to survive in the end.

It's a happy ending for everyone.

"You should go to Sirius now and tell him the whole story. I believe Sirius will help them convince the Weasleys." Albert reached out to hold Hermione who was about to go to Sirius and continued to warn him.

, "Also, remember to remind Sirius why Harry and Ginny did what they did. This is very important."

"See you later, waiting for my good news."

Looking at Hermione's hurried away figure, Albert couldn't help but shake his head.

After Albert used the repair spell to completely repair the viaduct and watched the family members leave with their children who were frightened by the pile of corpses outside, and their faces turned pale, Harry's matter was resolved smoothly.

It was left to Sirius to discuss with the Weasleys, and the main purpose of this matter was to try to save Harry's life through "love".

Facts have also proved that Harry, who was hit by Avada's Kedavra, did come back to life.

The Weasleys had no choice but to swallow all their words and silently helped Harry and Ginny clean up the mess.

As for Sirius, he was happy to help organize Harry's wedding. He didn't care at all that Ginny was underage.

"Look, I just said this is the fastest."

Fred proudly announced to Albert that they had settled the matter, and asked Albert if he would let Harry settle in his village.

"This is no problem." Albert agreed simply, "However, Harry must also contribute to the construction of the village."

"That's definitely no problem."

"But there are only a few months left. Can we build the house?"

"Mum plans to get them married in the near future. She doesn't want Ginny to marry Harry on her belly. That would make her feel very embarrassed."

"It should be no problem." Albert seemed to have thought of something and said to Fred and George: "The Death Eaters seemed to have destroyed a Muggle village last night and used the residents of the village to create the conspiracy to attack Hogwarts.


"I heard that Moody seemed to be planning to transport the Inferi to that village and burn them, pretending that there was a big fire?" Fred and George obviously also received a lot of news.

"We need Muggle money to buy the materials to build the house, so I need you to follow me to that village and take the Muggle money there."

"Is this really good?"

Hermione, who had been eavesdropping, couldn't help but speak.

"Instead of letting those pounds be burned in the fire, it is better to use them as waste. Anyway, we have avenged them, and we will treat it as the reward they paid us."

This is obviously not the first time Albert has done this.

This chapter has been completed!
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