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Chapter 1558 A war without a winner (8)

After the three of them separated from Harry, Albert used the cover of the Disillusionment Curse to quietly go to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor.

After he pushed the door open and walked inside, many people on the sofa on the right stood up and waved to him.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting."

As soon as Albert sat down on the empty seat that everyone had vacated for him, familiar voices of complaints sounded around him: "Where were you before? We have been waiting for you!"

"I'm going to take care of some personal matters temporarily."

Albert smiled and greeted everyone. As for some complaints, he didn't care at all. He believed that no one would complain about waiting for a while. More often, he just wanted to complain about being late even though he was always punctual.


"Why did you summon us all here?" Cedric asked knowingly.

"Well, there is indeed something wrong."

Albert raised his hand and pressed it to keep everyone quiet, then briefly talked about the main reason for calling everyone here.

"Now that Voldemort is completely dead and the war is over, it is time for the Defense Association to disband."

"So urgent!"

Most members still have a sense of belonging to the defense association formed by Albert.

"I just tell you about this in advance so that everyone can be mentally prepared."

Albert was very pleased that everyone did not want to dissolve the Defense Association, but he did not intend to continue to maintain the Defense Association.

Just like the Order of the Phoenix, everyone came together to fight against Voldemort and dispersed because of Voldemort's death.

Even if you keep it reluctantly, it will fall apart in the future. It's better to just do it, leave an unforgettable memory for everyone, and pave the way for another thing.

Albert didn't give everyone too long before he mentioned another thing.

"By the way, I told you before that I plan to build a wizard village."

Everyone looked at each other and soon started whispering.

"A village like Hogsmeade?"

"Are we going to rebuild Hogsmeade?"

"Sounds very good."

"Ahem, the village will be built on the site of the former Defense Association headquarters." Albert said softly.

"It shouldn't be possible to build a village near the headquarters."

"They say it's a ruins, it must be the headquarters that was destroyed by Voldemort's men!" Kenneth couldn't help but rolled his eyes at the man.

"If any of you want to settle in a new village, just sign up with Shanna. However, when building the village, you have to go and help."

Albert did not go into details, but asked Shanna to handle the matter, and she will be responsible for managing the village in the future.

After getting Albert's signal, Shanna stood up from the sofa and led everyone to a blackboard to explain many things about building a village.

"You're really good at calling people," Fred complained.

"If you weren't already married, I would have suspected that you two were having an affair." George had always been curious about how Albert persuaded Shanna to willingly lay hands on him.

Cedric looked at the crowd gathered around Zannah and asked curiously: "How many people do you think will be willing to settle in the village?"

Kenneth couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this. He felt that Cedric had asked a stupid question.

Who would be stupid enough to refuse?

As long as you are not a fool, you will definitely realize that this is actually a benefit given by Albert to the members of the association who join the association and are willing to fight Voldemort together.

"Who knows, if you are willing, just stay. If you don't want to, forget it. There is no need to force it." Albert didn't care much about this.

"Actually, I'm more worried that our reserves of pounds are not enough." George said suddenly.

Albert raised his eyebrows slightly and asked: "About how many are there this time?"

"Anyway, it's much less than expected. According to Shanna's estimation, not counting the change and jewelry, it will be about 130,000 pounds."

George actually had no idea how much 130,000 pounds was, but after getting this data from Shanna, who looked extremely depressed, it was not difficult to guess that "130,000 pounds" was not a lot.

At least far less than expected.

"I've seen the records from Shanna. With the few pounds we have in reserve, it's not enough to buy the raw materials to build a house, let alone build a village." Qiu Zhang frowned deeply, also expressing concern about this.

"This is actually normal. Muggles mostly store their money in bank cards and don't carry too many pounds with them. The same goes for wizards in this regard. No one would walk around with a pocket of Galleons all day long."

Albert never worried about the issue of pounds. Letting everyone collect pounds is more of a sense of participation for everyone.

Everyone will know how to cherish the village that we have worked hard to build together.

"Can't you think of something from that card?" Kenneth frowned slightly. Although he didn't know how much it would cost to build a village, it would definitely exceed his imagination.

"Even if we get a bank card, if we don't know the password, it's just a worthless card."

Albert briefly introduces the situation of bank cards to everyone.

In fact, even if there was a chance to get pounds from his bank card, Albert would not do that because it is a taboo thing and may leave hidden dangers.

"What are you going to do?"

Qiu Zhang was curious about how Albert planned to solve the problem of deficit.

If they really build a house according to the design drawings provided by Albert, the pounds they currently have in reserve will definitely not be enough.

"As far as I know, the Death Eaters massacred many Muggle villages, and we should still be able to get a lot of... pounds." Cedric felt that he had guessed Albert's thoughts, "Sooner or later, the Ministry of Magic will need to clean up the remaining ones.

Damn it, we will still have other pounds coming in by then."

"Don't be silly Cedric, the few pounds can't fill this hole, otherwise Zannah wouldn't complain about not having enough pounds all the time."

Qiu Zhang, who does not fully live in the magical world, understands the current situation better than most people present.

"Let's talk about it then, we will definitely have enough time to build that village." Albert stopped everyone from continuing to discuss this topic.

By this time, Shanna had already explained the specific situation to everyone. When everyone was queuing up to register their names, they were all complaining that Albert only told them now.

"Albert mentioned it a long time ago, but you never paid attention to it." Lee Jordan trembled his lips, as if he wanted to argue with others, but he failed in the end because Albert raised his hand to stop it.

People who originally planned to say something.

Then, in front of everyone, he waved his magic wand, and a whole table of sumptuous and delicious food appeared out of thin air.

Not only that.

With Albert's slight wave, the entire Room of Requirement suddenly became wider, and some small tables and chairs for people to rest appeared on the walls, giving everyone the feeling that they were at a banquet.

"We finally won the victory. I think everyone should be at least a little happy now and celebrate this great victory happily."

Albert talked about the third reason for calling them here.

When he waved the wand again, soft music suddenly sounded around him.

Everyone was surprised by this sudden celebration banquet, but no one would refuse such a banquet that should belong to them.

What's more, Albert also thoughtfully provided everyone with a large number of delightful desserts and butterbeer to solve the problem of everyone's lack of appetite.

"To our fallen companions."

Albert raised the wine glass that had been filled since then on the table, and in a voice that everyone could hear, he mourned those comrades who died in the war not long ago.

"To our fallen companions."

Everyone stood up one after another to mourn their lost companions as Albert did.

In fact, no one was too sad. When participating in the final battle, everyone was mentally prepared to die in battle.

Albert knew very well how much psychological pressure they were under after the Felixir completely expired, so it was necessary to have a good meal to relax the tense nerves.

For this reason, he asked the house elves to help prepare this private celebration banquet, and provided enough desserts, candies and butterbeer to fill everyone's stomach.

Just as he expected, this was more successful than any other celebration banquet.

"Aren't you going to dance? The girls are all waiting to dance with you?"

After the cheerful music started playing, Shanna sat down next to Albert with a glass of butterbeer.

Albert looked at the people dancing on the dance floor and said softly: "I am not the protagonist tonight."

"Everyone is the protagonist, right!" Shanna looked at Albert with a smile and said, "Actually, you have done a very good job, at least most of the people survived."

"I'm not as fragile as you think." Albert was a little dumbfounded.

"No, I'm just telling the truth. Thank you very much for leading us to victory." Shanna didn't care if her words were sensational, this was her true thought.

Because in the British wizarding world ruled by Voldemort, there was no future for her.

Albert smiled and raised his glass, touched it lightly with Shanna, drank the remaining butterbeer in one gulp, and then changed the subject.

"Don't let them be noisy for too long, there are other things to be busy with tomorrow!"

"you are leaving?"

Cedric held Qiu's hand and stepped back from the dance floor, just when he heard these words.

"Yeah, I have to go home."

Albert took out his pocket watch and looked at the time and said: "Let everyone rest in one hour. After all, there is still a lot of mess waiting for us to deal with tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

"Is that guy gone?"

Fred held Angelina's hand and walked over. Looking at Albert's leaving figure, he couldn't help but complain, "Are all people like this after marriage?"

"I guess so."

"Marriage is terrible!"

"Then it's over?"

Angelina rolled her eyes at Fred, she was actually still hesitating whether to agree to his proposal.

"Oh, you agreed?" Fred reacted suddenly.

"talk later."

Angelina didn't want to give up her Quidditch career.

"You can get engaged first." Cedric smiled and offered his assistance. "After we finish the work here, Qiu and I plan to get engaged first."

"That's a good idea."

Fred looked at Angelina, intending to take her down in one go.

This chapter has been completed!
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