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Chapter 1658 A war without a winner (one hundred and ten)

Chapter 1660 A war without a winner (one hundred and ten)

While several people were talking, Professor Flitwick had already led the new students into the auditorium.

Cedric looked at the group of freshmen behind Professor Flitwick and turned to Albert: "There are much fewer freshmen this year than in previous years."

"There is nothing we can do about it. Many wizards born in Muggle families have been harmed by Umbridge. Those who did not escape in time were imprisoned in Azkaban. You can imagine what their fate will be."

Albert said the cruelest words in a calm tone.

The teacher's chair suddenly fell into a dead silence, because everyone knew that all the Muggle wizards imprisoned in Azkaban died in it. This is undoubtedly a very heavy topic, and people are not willing to talk about it at all.

"It's all thanks to your preparation and backing up the birth records of wizards in advance, otherwise the number of people might be even smaller." Professor Sprout changed this heavy topic.

Today's Hogwarts is also a mess, and Principal McGonagall's situation is not much better than Kingsley's. Her only advantage is probably that she has a few years to slowly deal with this mess.

The whispers of several people were quickly interrupted by the beginning of the sorting ceremony. They listened to the Sorting Hat's new song, which was nothing new, and watched the students whose names were called by Professor Flitwick come forward one by one to put on the Sorting Hat.

, and then were dispersed to the long tables of various colleges amidst the shouts of the Sorting Hat, giving Albert the illusion of dreaming back to the past.

After knowing that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter, Albert had been working hard to become stronger and secretly planned to get rid of the big boss Voldemort to prevent himself and his family from being threatened by the dark wizard.

Just a few months ago, Albert finally killed Voldemort with his own hands, accomplished his long-term goal, and allowed his life to take off due to cheating. It felt like a dream!

The sorting ceremony didn't last long. Professor Flitwick rolled up the parchment, picked up the sorting hat and left.

Principal McGonagall stood up from her seat, spread her hands with a smile on her face and greeted the students in front of her: "Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start the new school year."

She obviously knew that everyone was already hungry, so she didn't say any more nonsense and directly announced that tonight's entrance dinner had officially begun.

Although the food at the welcome banquet for new students is still as sumptuous as before, the types of food seem to be different from before.

At least in Albert's limited memory, the fried pork chops at Hogwarts are definitely not as crispy and delicious as they are now, and the house elves' cooking skills have undoubtedly become better than before.

"It's really surprising that the recipe at the banquet has actually changed." Slughorn took a small bite of the potato omelette in front of him and sighed softly, "This is much more delicious than boiling or frying potatoes before.


Not only have the recipes changed, but there are several more delicious dishes on the table, and they are no longer all simple meat dishes.

This is undoubtedly good news for professors who are older and don't have very good appetites.

The students were no less surprised than the professors at the changes in the food at the banquet. They all whispered about which food was more delicious, thinking that this was a change made by Principal McGonagall after taking over as the new principal.

Compared with the students who were whispering, Hermione looked a little lonely. Her acquaintances in the same class had either graduated from school or dropped out to work in the Ministry of Magic. There were no acquaintances around her.

As for the curious inquiries from the students around her, Hermione just felt inexplicably irritated and echoed their questions casually.

"Why do I feel that the two professors on the right are so young? I feel like they are not much older than us."


A new student looked at the two young men at the teacher's bench and whispered to others around him for information.

It is actually normal to encounter this kind of situation. Both Albert and Cedric are too young.

"That's Albert, Albert Anderson, the pride of Gryffindor. I didn't expect that he would actually be willing to go back to school to teach." A Gryffindor girl proudly told the new students of Gryffindor

Popularize the story of Albert.

The evening banquet ended with such whispers. Albert did not enjoy the meal very happily because many students secretly cast curious and scrutinizing glances at him, but he, who was very perceptive, had to pretend not to know anything.

Chatting with colleagues around you while eating is not a wonderful thing.

After the last piece of pumpkin pie disappeared from the golden plate, Principal McGonagall stood up from her chair, cleared her throat to quiet everyone down, and then spoke to many students.

"Administrator Filch asked me to tell everyone that students are absolutely prohibited from bringing in any joke merchandise purchased from the Fun House this year."

"Students who want to join the college's Quidditch team should submit their names to the dean as usual. We are also looking for a new commentator for the Quidditch match. Those who are interested should also sign up with the dean."

"This year, we are honored to welcome two new teachers, Professor Anderson and Professor Diggory. Professor Anderson will fill the vacancy in the Defense Against the Dark Arts course!"

After Albert stood up from his seat, the auditorium suddenly burst into unprecedented warm applause.

"Professor Diggory will serve as an assistant teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts, responsible for the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom for grades one to five." Principal McGonagall announced again.

"No, that's not fair!"

What greeted Diggory this time was not warm applause from the students, but overwhelming dissatisfaction and complaints.


Albert cleared his throat and raised his hand to suppress all complaints.

"Due to some reasons, I regret that I cannot stay in the school to teach you. During this period, Professor Diggory will be responsible for teaching you this knowledge. Please don't worry, Professor Diggory is teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts."

They are very experienced, and we have already prepared everyone’s class plans in advance.”

Although Albert's words still failed to completely suppress everyone's dissatisfaction, they still silenced the students in the auditorium, because no matter how dissatisfied they were, they could not change what happened next.

After Principal McGonagall told everyone to go back to the dormitory and sleep, the students in the auditorium dispersed in confusion.

"I believe that it only takes one lesson to make them change their view of you." Albert had confidence in Cedric.

"hope so!"

The latter forced a smile, as the previous incident had hit him quite hard.

"You should have confidence in yourself." Principal McGonagall comforted her.

After saying goodbye to Principal McGonagall, the two separated and returned to their respective offices.

"Aren't you going to go back and rest?"

When Albert saw Hermione waiting for him in front of the office door, he asked in surprise.

"Come here and talk to you. I feel like there aren't many acquaintances in school anymore."

Hermione seemed a little lonely. Ever since Harry and Ron dropped out of school, she basically had no friends at school.

"Go in, but not too late."

Albert took out the key from his pocket, opened the office door and invited Hermione into the room.

This chapter has been completed!
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