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Chapter 1666 A War without a Winner (One Hundred and Eighteen)

Chapter 1668 A War without a Winner (One Hundred and Eighteen)

The radio was playing a broadcast from the Wizard Lookout Station, and the familiar announcer was repeating what he said last week and continuing to educate everyone about werewolves.

Most listeners thought the announcer was noisy, but very few wizards actually reached out to turn off the radio. Because today is the full moon, patients infected with lycanthropy will transform into werewolves without human reason during the full moon.

Although there have been some rumors in the magical world before that everyone felt were alarmist, but now that the Ministry of Magic has chosen to strictly guard against it, there is no harm in believing a little.

Especially since the last full moon, the announcer at the Wizard Lookout has taken one day every week to give everyone information about werewolves.

This is the main reason why everyone is willing to stay in front of the radio at this moment and listen to the announcer on the radio talking endlessly to popularize science.

Moreover, even if there is no werewolf attack today, there is always no harm in learning more knowledge about werewolves and more methods of self-protection.

At least when you encounter a werewolf unfortunately, you won't be in a hurry or at a loss. You can calmly deal with this crisis that may endanger the life and safety of yourself and your family, and you can completely avoid the sad tragedy.

In the words of Lee Jordan: When facing a werewolf, you can never be too careful.

"As we all know, the necessary condition for becoming a werewolf is to be bitten by a werewolf that transforms into a wolf during the full moon. Once the werewolf's saliva comes into contact with the victim's blood, infection will occur, which is the so-called lycanthropy."

"Before the werewolf transforms under the full moon, the danger to wizards is not high, and it is not even dangerous. At least if you are bitten by an untransformed werewolf, there is no risk of contracting lycanthropy, nor will you become a wolf during the full moon.

Werewolves will only leave an ugly permanent scar... Well, it is undeniable that they are indeed very dangerous."

"If one day the werewolf before the transformation suddenly pounces on you and bites you, then you'd better kill him. Because a normal lycanthropic patient with some sense will never bite anyone before he transforms and loses his mind.

Desire and wanting to bite you means that he is probably out of his mind or a psychopath himself.

Never try to sympathize with lunatics and perverts, they may very well be the next Fenrir Greyback, and killing any werewolf who shows signs of that will help reduce the number of werewolf bite victims in the wizarding world."

Lee Jordan was still chattering about werewolf-related topics.

"... If you hear wolves howling, it means that there may be werewolves active near you. It is normal for those monsters to howl during the full moon, but you cannot always rely on their howls to judge whether there are werewolves around you. So be prepared to take a peek.

Mirrors or similar black magic protection props with detection properties are still very important.”

"Of course, if you don't have a similar detector on hand, it's best to use the method I mentioned last time. Releasing early warning protection magic around the house can effectively prevent your home from being attacked."

It sounds like a lot of nonsense, and in fact it is indeed a lot of nonsense to most wizards who have heard it.

But for ordinary wizards who don't know enough about werewolves, these nonsense still have great value, and most ordinary wizards have very limited knowledge of werewolves. The constant repetition is actually to those who have not heard the broadcast.

This caused many wizards to think that Lee Jordan was very noisy, but no one hated the Wizard Watch Station broadcast or Lee Jordan who was chattering incessantly, and they were even willing to turn on the radio and listen to it again.

If you are unfortunate enough to encounter a werewolf, or hear wolves howling around you, I suggest you use the parchment prepared in advance to send a letter to the Ministry of Magic through an owl as soon as possible. However, this letter is not used to ask for help from the Ministry of Magic.

Yes, but inform the Ministry of Magic that there are traces of werewolves here as well.

So don't expect to be rescued by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic immediately. Generally, if there are traces of werewolves near your home, it probably means that there are traces of werewolves everywhere in the Ministry of Magic.

In this case, you need to make sure your doors and windows are closed first. It is best to use magic to strengthen the doors and windows. I remember I taught you a similar spell last time.

Of course, this cannot ensure your personal safety. It can only bring you psychological comfort. If the guys who turned into werewolves really want to bite you, it may be difficult to stop them from breaking into your house, but they can

Help you buy time.

Therefore, you need to prepare a broomstick in advance, use doors and windows to buy yourself time, and escape through the broomstick or Apparition.

Never risk being bitten to fight a werewolf. Not everyone has the courage to face a werewolf, and never overestimate your courage.

If you are brave enough and try to stand up to protect your home, you can try to ride a broomstick to maintain a sufficient height with the werewolf, and then use magic to carry out a long-range high-altitude attack on the werewolf.

Don't think this is something shameful, because you are responsible for your own life and safety.

Believe me, no one wants to be bitten by a werewolf, otherwise even if they can successfully kill the werewolf, they will not be able to save a completely ruined life.

Next, Lee Jordan talked about a bunch of spells used to deal with werewolves, and reminded everyone not to underestimate the werewolves' resistance to spells, reminded them to remember to last-hit after defeating the werewolves, and reminded them to kill on the full moon.

It is not illegal to kill a werewolf that has posed a danger to one's life, and even as long as you cooperate with the Ministry of Magic, you can get a small amount of Galleons as a reward.

Even if you can't bear to kill the werewolf, don't approach it rashly after defeating it, because you can't tell whether it is pretending to be dead. You can wait until dawn, wait until the werewolf returns to its human form, or notify the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic to come and deal with it.

Although many people were impatient, they still patiently listened to the radio and checked their homes to see if there was anything missing.

After all, safety is the most important thing. Even if it is likely to waste their time for a night, it is better than becoming overwhelmed after encountering it.

In the words of Li Qiaodan: A little faith never hurts.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted the chattering voice on the radio, followed by a burst of whispers.


After two dry coughs, Lee Jordan's voice sounded again.

"Here is a piece of bad news for everyone: I just received the news that a wolf howling was heard nearby. I think this is probably not an accident. After discussion, we decided to go out for a patrol and deal with the werewolf to avoid them.

Harm other people, so tonight’s broadcast from the Wizard’s Watch Station ends here.”

"Everyone had better be alert to the surrounding situation. I believe this will not be an accident. Remember the key points I mentioned just now and pay attention to safety. Let's meet again tomorrow. I will tell you about my battle with the werewolf.

A heroic story.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was only a dead busy tone on the radio.

"it's over."

Sirius handed the broomstick to Lee Jordan.

Lee Jordan took the broomstick and asked curiously: "How many werewolves are there?"

"I don't know, but I guess there will be no fewer than three werewolves." Sirius' face didn't look good.

"Are those guys completely crazy?"

This chapter has been completed!
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