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Chapter 180 Gossip

As soon as Albert left the principal's office, the portraits who were still pretending to be asleep became active and discussed what had just happened.

"That boy looks...smart." The bald wizard in the portrait on the upper right side of the desk suddenly spoke, "The way he talks and behaves is not like that of a twelve-year-old boy. Adult wizards are not as calm as him when encountering such things.


"Mr. Anderson is very smart and very... special." Dumbledore said softly, the lenses of his glasses flashing with unusual light, "Of course, he is also very confident."

Yes, Albert is very confident.

"I also think he had expected such a result." The curly-haired witch next to the portrait of the bald old wizard said, "He obviously knows the value of the gold membership card and knows that Hutok will not give it up easily.


"Obviously," Dumbledore said.

Albert naturally knew the value of the gold membership card, and he also knew that Huttok would not give up. That thing was too important to the pharmacist.

An old wizard with a goatee and wearing silver and green pajamas said without hesitation: "I don't like him very much."

"It really surprises me, Phineas, what makes you dislike that boy?" A shrewd-looking witch raised a thick wand made of birch strips and asked, "Muggle wizard's

Identity, or his last words?"

"What did I just say?" Phineas covered a yawn, pretending that he had just woken up and had forgotten what he had just said.

It would be very detrimental to him to continue this topic.

"That boy has a strong magical talent and is very talented, but he doesn't look like a Muggle wizard." A weak old wizard said.

"He is a Muggle wizard, Armando." Dumbledore said calmly, "However, if you go back several generations, he should be a descendant of Smith."

"Is it the famous Smith family?" The former principal was a little surprised. He had some knowledge of the mysterious Smith family.

"Well, I think so." Dumbledore said, "Last semester, I specifically checked his information. Anderson's grandfather was a Squib and his father was a Muggle, but Anderson himself is indeed a rare magical genius."

"It's rare to hear you use the word genius to describe a person," the curly-haired old witch said.

"Dumbledore wants to say, that boy will become him next?" Phineas said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "A griffon full of wisdom and courage?"

"Mr. Anderson is better than me." Dumbledore did not hesitate to praise him.

"This must be the funniest joke I've heard in this century." Phineas covered his stomach and laughed exaggeratedly.

However, he was the only one laughing in the principal's office, which made the former principal feel very bored, and the laughter gradually subsided.

"Mr. Anderson has surpassed too many people in the study of ancient runes." Dumbledore recalled what Brod said about Albert when chatting with him:

Albert is a genius.

Especially in the study of ancient magic texts, he has an almost natural instinct, and he can master knowledge that many people may not be able to master in a lifetime without any effort.

Later, Albert searched for books in the library and helped McDougal revise his new book. Naturally, Dumbledore also knew about these things.

To be honest, he didn't even fully understand McDougal's book.

Ever since Albert went deep into the Forbidden Forest and rescued Fred and George a few months ago, Dumbledore had a higher opinion of Albert and also admired Brod's vision.

Without extraordinary courage, wisdom and strength, it is very likely that you will not be able to come back after going deep into the Forbidden Forest.

The outer reaches of the Forbidden Forest are not dangerous, but the depths are very dangerous!

"There are always some geniuses emerging from the Smith family. It's not surprising." Phineas curled his lips and said.

Although Black is unwilling to admit it, the history of the Smith family is indeed older than that of Black. It is a very mysterious family.

As for, why is the Smith family said to be mysterious?

Even the Smith family doesn't know the mystery of the Smith family.

Very few outsiders know about these things.

Only wizards who live long enough and are wise enough can discover some clues over the long years.

Rumor has it that someone in the Smith family will inherit the so-called secret.

As for, who is this person?

No one ever knew.

Anyway, this is what was said.

However, it is through this weird inheritance method that the secrets of the Smith family are preserved.

However, no one knows what secrets the Smith family hides.

What if you ask Smith's direct successor?

He could only say helplessly, I don’t know either!

"That family has indeed produced many outstanding wizards." Dumbledore nodded in agreement with Phineas. Rowena was Smith's direct descendant. "I remember... Brod and Rowena had a good relationship.


Hutok would say that Brod's circle is very wide, which is actually not wrong.

The more famous wizards in the wizarding world in Britain and even Europe all know them and maintain friendly relations with them.

However, this is a relatively loose group, and most people usually remain neutral. The rules for entering this circle are to show amazing talents in certain aspects, be favored by them, and maintain contact through correspondence.

As for, why did Dumbledore know?

That's of course because he is also a member of this circle.

Before Dumbledore graduated from Hogwarts, he met many very famous wizards, received help from them, and maintained friendly correspondence with them.

It wasn't until Dumbledore entered the Wizengamot that he vaguely saw the terrifying influence of this loose and huge circle.

If they were willing, these people together could directly determine the verdict of the Wizengamot Supreme Court, or make a certain Minister of Magic step down who had done a poor job.

Although they have never done this, perhaps because they have never done this, no one has ever discovered this problem.

But, Dumbledore discovered it.

Because he maintains good relations with most of the members of the Wizengamot.

The topic discussed by the portraits of the principals was brought back again.

"The boy seems to dislike the Ministry of Magic very much."

"This matter is indeed a problem of the Ministry of Magic, Evra, if it were me, I would be angry too."

"I thought you were the sweetest among us, Delis."

"A good temper does not mean weakness." Dai Lisi said, "I very much support his approach. I guess the director himself has problems."

"But he seems to be ready to let the director of the Office for the Abuse of Magic step down directly." This is what Evra doesn't like.

"No, he just asked Huttok to tell the truth." Dumbledore smiled, "She will agree to apologize. Just like Anderson said, this is the cheapest solution."

This chapter has been completed!
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