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Chapter 189 A Potions Class Full of Flavor

On the ceiling of the auditorium, there were large dark clouds surging, and drizzle was falling in the sky. At the Gryffindor table below, Albert, Fred, George and Lee Jordan were gathering together and whispering.

The latest issue of "Incredible" magazine is placed in front of the person.

Professor Smith's Boggart research was published in this issue of "Incredible" magazine, and Albert also took a place at the end of the article.

However, that's all.

No one will pay special attention to this matter. It is like a grain of sand thrown into a lake, making no ripples at all.

Although this result is a bit unexpected, it is actually expected. There are only so many people in the British wizarding community, what else can we expect?

"What's the significance of such a discovery?" George stared at the pictures in "Incredible" magazine and looked at Albert in confusion, "Is it going to solve a thousand-year-old mystery?"

"It should be... that's right!"

Albert didn't know what to say.

"What thousand-year-old unsolved mystery are you talking about?" Shanna sat across from a few people and asked casually.

"This..." Fred handed the "Incredible" magazine to Shanna, who raised her head after reading it and looked at Albert in surprise.

"Are you in a magazine again?"

Albert's mouth twitched, he changed the subject and asked, "Are there any classes in the afternoon?"

"There are two Potions classes in the afternoon." Shanna asked puzzledly, "By the way, why are you not happy at all? If it were me, I would definitely find a way to collect books and magazines that mentioned me."

"I don't have that habit." Albert said.

"By the way, I asked the Hufflepuff students at noon, and they said that herbicides will be taught in Potions, and they also said that there will be unexpected surprises."

"Herbicide? It's unbelievable."

"What's wrong?" Several people looked at Albert in confusion, not understanding why he was so surprised.

"The smell of herbicides is disgusting." Albert frowned and said, "Can you imagine what it would be like to prepare smelly herbicides in the underground classroom?"

"It shouldn't be... right?" After hearing this, everyone began to think about it automatically.

"It's probably quite disgusting." Albert felt that this was probably Snape's bad taste. It was impossible for him not to know about the smell of herbicides.

George and others began to discuss whether they could escape by asking for leave, while Shanna flipped through "Magic Potions and Potions" and began to preview the textbook.

"You're not worried at all." Fred admired Shanna's calmness.

"What's the use of worrying?" Shanna turned around and asked.

The three of them were speechless.

Yes, since you can't escape, what's the use of worrying?

After chatting with Albert for a while and marking a few key positions, Shanna suddenly said: "Can you lend me the paper?"

"That's no problem." Albert took out the parchment from his bag and handed it to Shanna, who began to read it intently, still comparing it with his own copy to look for deficiencies.

Ever since he discovered that completing homework seriously can greatly increase his experience, Albert's attitude towards homework is no longer as casual as before.

At least, for the sake of skills and experience, I will complete the homework carefully to speed up the upgrading of skills.

"What homework?" Fred turned and asked.

"Thesis report on the slime of the caterpillar Flobber." Albert said.

"Merlin's beard! I actually forgot about it." Fred's expression froze for a moment, and then he stood up in horror. It was not difficult for him to imagine that if he could not hand in a qualified paper, he would be killed by Sneezy.

Picture of general confinement.

George blinked at Fred and said calmly, "I'm done."

"When did you finish?" Fred's eyes widened.

"Last night, I asked you to work with me all night long." George reminded, "At that time, you said you still had time at noon tomorrow."

"Now hurry up and copy a copy!" Albert asked Shanna to give her copy of the paper to Fred, and asked him to copy some from his own paper, and then collect some from Shanna's paper, and make a copy.

The paper that I pieced together will be finished quickly.

Fred picked up the quill and began to immerse himself in the parchment.

Before Potions class, Angelina brought bad news.

"There's Quidditch training in the evening?" George repeated, "But isn't it training time for the Hufflepuff team today?"

The teams from the four major houses of Hogwarts will book the Quidditch pitches in batches, and Gryffindor's training time is always Wednesday and Saturday.

"Charlie said that the Hufflepuff team had something to do temporarily, so he switched places with us." Angelina said, looking at Fred and asking in confusion, "What is he doing?"

"Do your homework."

"Is it in time?" Angelina couldn't help but shook her head, "I remember that I have a Potions class later."

"It's definitely too late!" Lee Jordan looked gloating.

"Shut up, I'll definitely be in time." Fred complained dissatisfiedly while copying his homework, "Can you please be quiet? I can't concentrate."

"However, Quidditch training is really hard. We have to go out to train in such bad weather." Shanna looked up at the dark clouds and rain curtains above her head, then looked sideways at Albert, and suddenly asked, "

Isn’t that why you don’t want to join the Quidditch team?”

Albert noticed many pairs of eyes staring at him, and shrugged helplessly: "I'm very busy and don't have time to train."

"It's really weird coming from your mouth." Lee Jordan couldn't help complaining.

"Every day I read books, do homework, practice magic, join clubs, write letters to others, and occasionally go to other professors' offices to drink tea and chat." Albert raised his palm and counted them one by one.

"If I continue to participate in Quidditch training, even if I am split into two people, it won't be enough. Besides, human energy is limited after all."

"No matter how you look at it, you live a more comfortable life than us." Shanna looked at Albert suspiciously, "I've never seen you busy."

"I'm busy every day."

This sentence was ignored by everyone.

"By the way, did the glowing spell you practiced last time work?" Shanna asked again.

"Barely mastered it." Albert thought about the spell he practiced a while ago. It was already level one, but it was only level one.

"Okay!" Fred suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two and shook the parchment in his hand excitedly.

"Is this really possible to get through?" Zannah took the parchment and looked at it, obviously not believing that this method could fool Snape.

"Definitely not, but Snape won't say anything. There are a lot of worse papers than Fred's." Albert took the parchment from Zannah's hand, glanced at the papers on it, and casually

I picked up a quill and helped him modify a few places.

Before the bell rang, several people hurried to Snape's underground classroom. It was even colder than the castle above, and there was a hint of chill in the air.

Of course, the eerie chill could also come from Snape's gaze on the podium, especially since he had just glanced at the homework that he had put away before his eyes fell directly on Albert.

"Today, we are going to prepare a very common potion, a herbicide." Snape withdrew his gaze and introduced the herbicide to everyone. "This potion is used to kill or remove plants and is not drinkable. Of course, I also

I have never seen a fool drink herbicide. As for why, you will soon know."

At that moment, Albert felt a malicious smile appear on the corner of Snape's mouth.

"...Note: If you put the ingredients carelessly, it will happen during the cooking process...So you need to pay attention to your steps, ingredients and cooking time..." Snape explained while using his wand to write on the blackboard

What you should pay attention to when preparing the medicine is to turn around and say to everyone, "You have an hour, let's get started!"

The herbicide does not have a disgusting smell at first, but if the ingredients are added to the crucible in strict order and quantity, during the cooking process, the crucible will begin to smell, and many people will reach out to cover their mouths.


As Albert said, the herbicide Snape asked them to prepare was not malicious at all, and the potions classroom was soon filled with a disgusting smell.

"This is simply killing a thousand enemies and damaging yourself eight hundred." Albert took out his handkerchief, wetted it with water, covered his mouth and nose, and muttered softly.

I really don't understand how Snape could stand the smell of herbicide.

Alas, why didn’t I learn the head soaking spell?

"Ah! It's so disgusting. I feel like vomiting." Fred retched toward his cauldron.

Lee Jordan muttered, "No one's going to want to use this thing."

"Hasn't anyone tried to get rid of this smell?" George followed Albert's example and covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief while stirring the potion in the crucible clockwise with a spoon.

"Eliminate the smell?"

Albert recalled what he had gained after upgrading to a fine potion, and said, "Add some ground daisy roots and nettles, maybe it can eliminate the smell."

"Are you sure?" Fred didn't dare to change the formula at will. Who knows what would happen if he did.

"You will know after you try it." Albert took out the medicinal materials from his medicine box and began to grind the two materials in a certain proportion.

In fact, Albert was not sure what would happen if he did this, but his intuition told him that it should be successful.

As for the mixing ratio, you need to try it yourself.

At this moment, the students in the Potions classroom were all suffocating and their faces were red. They wished they could rush out of the Potions classroom immediately and find a place to take a deep breath of fresh air to avoid suffocating themselves to death here.

Before they could practice, they saw Snape waving his wand and sweeping away the terrible smell in the classroom.

Although the smell in the classroom is still very strong, at least it won't make them suffocate to death.

Not long after, Snape appeared quietly beside Albert, stared at the potion in the crucible, and asked aloud: "Anderson, tell me, what is in your crucible?"

"Herbicide, sir," Albert replied.

"Then why does your herbicide have a very weak smell?" Snape had noticed that Albert's herbicide had a very weak smell, as if it had been diluted with water.

"Well, before I added 2 drops of Florob caterpillar mucus to the crucible, I also added some other things to it." Albert explained, "...to make the smell of the herbicide less unpleasant."

"You want to say that you have improved the herbicide?" Snape's tone was very soft, but it was enough for the students in the classroom to hear clearly.

"I think so." Albert said.

At this moment, everyone looked at Albert and began to whisper. Some people sneered, ready to see Albert's joke.

"Well, since Anderson thinks he has successfully improved the herbicide, then..." Snape waved his wand and got a flowerpot from somewhere with some weeds on it.

Snape scooped up a spoonful of herbicide, diluted it with water, and sprinkled the herbicide directly on the weeds.

After a few seconds, the weeds on the flowerpot turned yellow almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they had been exposed to the hot sun for too long and died quickly.

There is no doubt that Albert succeeded in improving herbicides.

The Slytherin students who originally wanted to see his joke had expressions of disbelief on their faces, and some even pinched their friends around them hard to make sure they were dreaming.

"Very good." Snape stared at Albert fiercely.

I don’t know who took the lead in applauding. Gryffindor students also started applauding, and the classroom was filled with applause.

"Quiet." Snape yelled.

The applause gradually stopped.

"Ten points from Gryffindor." Snape said coldly, "Mr. Anderson, you seem to have forgotten that I warned you last semester not to do your damn experiments in my Potions class again."

At this moment, the Gryffindor student's face was full of astonishment, but it was soon replaced by anger.

If it were any other professor, twenty points would not be too much, but Snape would be fine if he didn't add any points, and actually found an excuse to deduct ten points from Gryffindor.

"I think people don't like to use herbicides, and the main reason is the smell of this kind of medicine." Albert didn't care at all that he was deducted points, and continued, "The improved herbicides will definitely be popular with everyone.

Maybe, someone will be willing to pay for this formula."

"No one will pay for your formula," Snape sneered. "Normally, no one will use herbicides at all."

"Then why do we need to learn how to prepare this kind of magic potion?" Shanna raised her hand and asked.

"Quiet." Snape was very annoyed at the girl's unauthorized question, but he still answered her question, "Sometimes, we use herbicides to deal with some dangerous plants, or to create a clearing. No one would

Spray it in the flower beds and the flowers in the flower beds will be killed by the herbicide."

After Snape announced that get out of class was over, everyone packed up their things as quickly as possible and quickly left the Potions classroom. No one wanted to stay in the smelly classroom.

"Are you really going to sell the herbicide formula?" Fred felt like he was dreaming now.

"Sell, why not sell?"

"You haven't seen the old bat's expression just now." George blinked at Albert and said excitedly, "He was shocked."

This chapter has been completed!
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