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Chapter 206 Prepare to cause trouble

After all, Percy did not agree to lend his pet Scabbers to Albert, even if Fred said that he would give some cocaine as a fee for borrowing Scabbers. This was also within Albert's expectation. Although the Weasley family was a bit poor,

, but it was pretty good to his family and pets, so he never thought it would succeed.

"What experiment do you want to do with mice?"

On the way to the herbal medicine class, Lee Jordan curiously asked what happened just now. Why did Albert need live mice? The experiments he mentioned were also curious.

"Mandrake." Albert looked around to make sure no one was around and then explained in a low voice, "I used the magic item I showed you last time to record Mandrake's cry and planned to test it with mice.

Check to see if the recorded sound is valid."

George next to him opened his mouth in surprise, while Fred's eyes shone. When they arrived in front of the greenhouse, he asked aloud: "Will the cry of mandrake be tested to make people fall into coma?


"Yeah." Albert nodded imperceptibly, with a strange smile on his face: "The sound is hard to guard against, isn't it?"

"If it works, it really only takes one careless move to get you into trouble." Fred put away his umbrella and walked into the greenhouse. Next to him, George was pretending to rub goosebumps on his hands. Lee Jordan had a look of astonishment on his face and couldn't help it.

Asked in a low voice: "Why would you want to create such a thing?"

"Why?" Albert touched his chin and thought for a long time before he answered seriously: "I always feel that I will use this kind of thing."

"Will it be useful?" The three of them looked at each other, unable to understand what Albert said and his thinking mode.

"I can do without power." Albert said softly, "But I must have power."

When he said this, Albert suddenly wanted to laugh. He knew that Fred and the others might not understand, so he took advantage of Professor Pomona Sprout's class before he started and continued: "

You may not need a lot of Galleons, but you definitely want to have a lot of Galleons, right? It's the same thing."

"I definitely wish I had a lot of galleons." Fred and George looked at each other and couldn't help but murmured.

The Weasley family is not rich, and the pocket money Arthur can give to his children is very limited.

Soon after, Professor Sprout began to teach everyone about jumping toadstools. This mushroom has weak toxins and has weak thoughts. Well, as its name suggests, it also has the ability to jump.

Kind of like a Bowtruckle, but more like a mushroom.

"The professors at Hogwarts are indeed very rich." Albert looked at the jumping toadstools in his hand and couldn't help but sigh.

"Why do you say that?" George reached out and grabbed the jumping toadstool that wanted to jump away, and tried to bury it in the soil.

Jumping toadstools do not live on dead wood, but in moist soil.

Well, there need to be animal carcasses in the soil, which means that this mushroom actually eats meat in a sense.

The rainy season is the best breeding season for jumping toadstools. Professor Sprout is teaching everyone how to correctly deal with jumping toadstools and enable them to reproduce artificially.

"This thing is also one of the main raw materials of Bafa Brain Refreshing Potion." Albert explained casually. "It is a very effective potion. After taking it, it can significantly enhance the brain power of the user. It is a potion specially used for cheating in exams.

.Of course, there is basically no such potion sold on the market, because if the potion cannot be brewed correctly, the user will be seriously injured, and it is as rare as the Fuling Potion."

"By the way, the recipe for Bafe's brain-refreshing potion is: rune snake eggs, dragon claw powder, jumping toadstools and frog brains." Albert muttered, "Okay, the ingredients look pretty disgusting.


"Bafe's Brain Refresher? What is that?" George had no idea what the Baffy's Brain Refresher that Albert was talking about was.

"It's a potion that can make you smarter." Albert simply explained: "You will become very smart after drinking it, and even after the effect of the drug ends, your brain's thinking will be slightly enhanced."

"Good stuff!" Fred's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's a good thing, but that kind of thing is also difficult to prepare. Once the preparation is wrong, the medicine will be harmful to the brain." Albert explained, "By the way, for a thing as big as your hand, one requires three


"Three galleons?" Fred and George's eyes lit up. They never thought that jumping toadstools could be so valuable.

"You know it very well." Li Jordan couldn't help but complain, "Are you planning to make money by configuring the Buffy Brain Refresher? I think those rich guys will definitely be willing to pay for it?"

"You actually guessed it." Albert pretended to be shocked and looked at Lee Jordan.

Actually, it's not even a joke.

If you didn't have this idea a while ago, you already have it now, because Albert found that there were two more task panels on his task panel.

Broaden your brain

You have discovered a magic potion that can make you smarter, why not try brewing it? Although you are already smart enough, taking Baffy Brain Booster will make you even smarter.

Reward: 1000 experience, 1 skill point, and gain the skill of active thinking.

black marketeer

Buffy's Brain Refreshing Potion is one of the potions that the Ministry of Magic prohibits private preparation and use. Buffy's Brain Refreshing Potion is sold to students at Hogwarts to help them better pass difficult exams.

Reward: 500 experience, 1 skill point, 100 galleons.

"You know how to make Baffy's brain-boosting potion?" Fred asked curiously.

"Of course not, I was just joking."

"You are the only one who believes in ghosts." The three of them rolled their eyes at Albert.

"Do you think there are jumping toadstools in the Forbidden Forest?" Fred suddenly asked.

"There should be!" Albert thought for a while and replied, "This season happens to be when jumping toadstools multiply in large numbers, but it is not easy to find jumping toadstools.

Moreover, you also need to know how to preserve them, and most importantly, even if you find them, who are you going to sell them to?"

"This?" The three of them were stunned for a moment.

Yes, who are you selling it to?

It must be able to be sold before it can be considered profitable. If it cannot be sold, even getting jumping toadstools is of no use.

A longer silence.

Yes, this is the most important thing.

If medicinal materials can be processed into finished products, the price will only be higher.

Turning the jumping toadstool into the finished product of Baffy's Brain Refresher, he believed that a bunch of fifth and seventh grade students would be trying to buy Baffy's Brain Refresher.

"How about giving it a try?" Albert looked at the people around him and asked tentatively.

"Try what?"

"Make Baffy's brain-reviving potion." Albert whispered, "But before that, we need to get the jumping toadstool."

"This is a good idea. We believe that with your talent in potions." Fred raised his hands in agreement. He liked Albert to lead them to make money.

All three of them regretted the matter of selecting ministers last time.

"With a little research, we should be able to create a Bafe brain-refreshing agent." Lee Jordan was equally confident in Albert.

"But how can we get other materials?" George asked, "and spend money to buy them?"

"You can't buy rune snake eggs." Albert shook his head and said, "They are prohibited items for sale. They can only be found on the black market, but they can easily be deceived by fakes."

"Snape's private treasury?" Fred suggested. This suggestion was simply audacious.

"Shh!" Albert signaled them not to talk about this matter here, especially if they wanted to break into Snape's private treasury, they simply didn't want to live.

"This is a good idea." Li Qiaodan laughed maliciously, "However, the difficulty is a bit high."

"I don't think we'll fail," Fred said.

In fact, Fred and others believed that Albert could succeed. They all knew that Albert also had high attainments in potions, and he also had a relationship with the famous potion master Hertok Dagworth.


This undoubtedly brought confidence to several people. There was no way, they all knew that Albert never did anything meaningless, let alone a loss-making business.

Moreover, he has the ability and the start-up capital.

This chapter has been completed!
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