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Chapter 273 The missing pet dog

On weekend morning, Albert was eating in the auditorium. Beside him, Shanna and Percy were chatting about choosing courses for the third grade.

In the second half of the second-year semester, they needed to choose third-year courses. Although this matter would not be announced until the Easter holiday, Zannah learned about it in advance from Percy, who she had a good relationship with, and wanted to hear about it.

Bert's opinion.

"Muggle studies, divination and mathematical divination are the easiest courses for you." Albert said to Shanna after finishing off the jam-smeared bread slices, "Ancient runes are more difficult, it's like learning a foreign language.

, I guess not many girls like Care of Magical Creatures. Of course, if you are confident, you can choose them all, and Percy chose them all, right?"

"Well, the general selection meeting will be very busy." Percy Weasley nodded. "The pressure will be great, and it will probably be even greater in the fifth grade. Of course, it is probably no problem for Albert."

"What about you?" Shanna asked, looking at Albert.

"Select them all," Albert said.

"Then would it be better if I choose them all?" Zannah murmured after hearing this, "Muggle Studies is not difficult for us, so there are only four courses left."

"You have to think carefully." Percy reminded kindly. Although he knew that Shanna was also the best at her age, it was still very stressful to take twelve classes. "Don't compare Albert with yourself. I listen."

He said that he often takes advanced classes in ancient magic texts. It is estimated that there is no need to learn ancient magic texts, and he comes from a Muggle family, so Muggle research must not be difficult. This means that Albert actually only needs to focus on

Just three elective courses will be enough.”

In fact, Albert's mathematics level is very high. After all, he once wanted to work in the financial industry... Hmm, strange, why do you say once?

After graduation, I entered the financial industry just to find a faster way to make money.

Now that he has found a faster way to make money, his financial dream has been kicked out of nowhere.

People, indeed, will gradually change as they age.

However, this did not prevent Albert from reading some books related to economics. He liked reading books very much and believed that this knowledge would come in handy.

After Albert destroyed another golden fried egg and a large bowl of corn soup, the hungry Fred and George finally finished their training and returned to the castle. While eating, they complained to Albert about Charlie's evil behavior.

"I'm going to find Hagrid later, will you go?" Albert interrupted the two of them complaining and asked.

"Forget it, let's finish our homework obediently!" The three of them looked at each other, but after all, they still had no intention of going with Albert.

Their relationship with Hagrid can only be described as average, and they often go into the woods to cause trouble for Hagrid. They always feel awkward when they meet.

"Oh, forget it." Albert didn't force it. When he finished breakfast and was about to go to Hagrid, a group of owls appeared above the auditorium with envelopes and packages, flying around the dining table, looking for each other.

The goal.

Among them, an owl flew towards Albert and brought him a letter.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Albert picked up the envelope and glanced at the sender's name: Adolf.

Well, did you finally reply?

Is it really because France is far away from Scotland?

Now, when Albert sends long-distance letters, he directly chooses the strong owl in the school.

He was reluctant to let Sheila fly long distances, and with the frequency with which he sent letters, one owl was simply not enough. Thanks to the school's owls, which can be borrowed for free, otherwise he would not know how much it would cost just to send letters.


Albert stuffed the letter into his pocket and walked towards the outside of the castle. He crossed the fields and walked towards the hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid was outside the hut, holding a bow in his hand, and Fang was following him, as if he was preparing to go hunting in the woods.

"Good morning, Hagrid." Albert walked over and greeted Hagrid.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I need to go into the woods now." Hagrid looked at Albert, who was rubbing his teeth, and whispered: "Something happened in the woods."

"What's wrong?" Albert asked.

"Lu Wei ran away on his own."

Hagrid looked around and whispered.

"Lu Wei ran away?" Albert murmured, "Sure enough..."

"When Lu Wei grew bigger, he bit off the vines and ran away." Hagrid reluctantly told Albert what happened.

"Have you mentioned this matter to Principal Dumbledore?" Albert frowned and glanced at his task panel. Sure enough, there was a new task.

Find a pet.

Hagrid's pet dog Fluffy ran away, and he needed help finding the dog.

Reward: 1500 experience, Hagrid's favorability level 10, and a special gift from Hagrid.

Pet dog?

Albert really wanted to complain about the name of the mission. Was he really trying to mislead himself?

"No, but..." Hagrid hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Dumbledore seems to be busy with a lot of things recently, and I don't want to cause him any trouble."

"You have already caused trouble for him." Albert sighed and reminded, "Don't be stupid Hagrid, you must tell Dumbledore about this. The three-headed dog is a great threat to the students of Hogwarts.

Da, don't expect everyone to be able to protect themselves when facing Lu Wei like me."

"Once the three-headed dog hurts the students in the school, I dare say that not only will you be kicked out, but Dumbledore will also be unlucky." Albert said quietly, "We are more fragile than you think and cannot withstand it.

It’s a toss-up.”

"I..." Hagrid's face suddenly turned pale. He hesitated for a moment and nodded: "If I can't find Lu Wei today, I will tell Dumbledore about this."

"Well, that's good." Albert suddenly asked. "By the way, what are you going to do, kill it?"

"No... you can't do that." Hagrid shook his head firmly.

After all, magical animals are not humans, and Hagrid does not have the superb abilities of Newt, so it is normal for him to have some troubles. Albert also knew that Hagrid would be tricked by his pets in the future.

"Let me help you find it. Don't expect your bow to be able to stop the three-headed dog." Albert continued before Hagrid could refuse, "If it wants to run away, you won't even have a chance to play the instrument."

"But..." Hagrid hesitated, he didn't want to involve Albert.

"It's nothing, let's go. Do you expect that you can catch Lu Wei in the woods like this?" Albert naturally couldn't give up on this mission.


"Don't forget, I once entered the Forbidden Forest alone, and I still have you with me now. As long as I don't encounter the Acromantula, there won't be much trouble." Albert is not afraid of entering the forest, but

He didn't want to meet the Acromantula.

The spiders that he killed would most likely hold a grudge. They were intelligent creatures anyway, so he would also hold a grudge.

If you encounter an Acromantula, things will probably become very troublesome.

"Thank you, Albert." Hagrid scratched his head, suddenly feeling that it was great to have someone to help him.

Albert is aware of Lu Wei's existence. If he helps cover, he will be able to handle this matter better. Moreover, he really needs help.

"lets go!"

The two of them walked one behind the other toward the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.

This chapter has been completed!
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