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Chapter 289 Foul


Charlie, who was chasing the Golden Snitch, was almost knocked off his broom.

"Sorry, I didn't see him!" There was no apology on Flint's face. As soon as he finished speaking, a bludger flew over and Fred and George raised their wooden sticks.

, surrounded Flint.

This game turned out really dirty, and even the spectators on the field were not surprised. Every year the game between Gryffindor and Slytherin always causes a lot of trouble.

However, Charlie's tough attitude exceeded everyone's expectations.

Once the Gryffindor players were attacked, they would fight back immediately, and the game began to turn into a brawl.

Mrs. Rolanda Hooch, who acted as the referee, was shaking with anger and kept blowing her whistle. She also called the two teams over and gave them a severe scolding.

Charlie admitted his mistake and apologized immediately, but he himself said that his players just had not fully mastered the Transylvania fake move, which led to frequent accidents.

If it was last year, before winning the Quidditch trophy, Charlie might have considered these issues. However, their trophy was forced to win, which directly made Charlie change his strategy towards the Slytherin team.

If the other side doesn't intend to follow the rules of Quidditch, then our own side has no intention of following the rules. Watching players being bullied without fighting back is definitely not Charlie's style.

There were constant violations from both teams, and Mrs. Hooch's whistles and angry shouts echoed over the court.

The commentator Lee Jordan also decisively favored the Gryffindor team and strongly criticized the Slytherin team because they were the first to violate the rules, which caused the game to fall into chaos.

However, as long as you don't touch a certain line, the fight is still a Quidditch match, it's just that players on both sides are constantly breaking the rules.

In international Quidditch competitions, similar fights have occurred more than once, and there have even been cases of people shooting arrows at opponents with wands, let alone this time it was just a simple school game.

After the game entered the middle period, Gryffindor took the lead in attrition. Angelina was sapped by the Slytherin team and was sent off.

At this moment, the scores between the two sides have been completely separated, 140:40, and the Gryffindor team is at a disadvantage.

"Is Angelina okay?" Fred asked worriedly.

"Mild concussion." Charlie's face looked ugly.

"Charlie, if we can't catch the Golden Snitch as soon as possible, the opponent will soon be far ahead of us in points. No matter who catches the Golden Snitch, we are destined to lose the game!" Wood's face was filled with emotion.

Worrying, but still not forgetting to remind.

No one wants to lose the game, and Wood is no exception.

"We don't have to care about the outcome of the game. Let's teach those guys a lesson." George said, waving his fist.

"Avenge Angelina!" Fred added. The two of them had just been surrounding the Slytherin team's Seeker, preparing to send each other off the stage first.

Due to the lack of a pursuer, it is difficult for the Gryffindor team to regain the points. Catching the Golden Snitch is their only way to win at present.

"But... is this really good?" Wood looked at Charlie uneasily and suddenly asked: "Charlie, are you planning to join a professional Quidditch team after graduation? I remember..."

"No, I don't plan to enter the professional team. I have already talked with Professor Kettlebo, and he will give me a letter of introduction." Charlie shook his head. He refused the invitation of the England Quidditch team and prepared to study

Fire dragon.

Charlie is one of the few students who attends the Advanced Class on Conservation of Magical Biology, and has a good relationship with Professor Kettlebo and Hagrid.

In fact, Wood was worried that this would affect Charlie's reputation for joining a professional team in the future, but since Charlie had no intention of joining a professional team, he would not object to Charlie's decision.

The game lasted for two hours and ended with Gryffindor's defeat at 310:70.

Afterwards, most of the players from both sides were sent to the school hospital.

Professor McGonagall was so angry that her whole body was trembling. She called Charlie over and scolded him severely, but Charlie said that it was not their fault. The Slytherin team struck first and was aggressive.

Moreover, both parties only violated the rules of the game, that's all, it's not a big deal!

"It's a violation of the rules of the game. There are hundreds of fouls in a game. You tell me this is a violation of the rules of the game." Professor McGonagall finally angrily locked Charlie up. Charlie shrugged, it didn't matter, he didn't regret today's decision.


"Professor, if the Slytherin team is willing to have a good competition with us, of course everyone will be willing to compete with each other. But aren't they unwilling?"

Before leaving Professor McGonagall's office, Charlie stated this fact in a calm tone, "Since the other party is unwilling, how can you blame me?"

Professor McGonagall was speechless and finally canceled Charlie's confinement.

Charlie silently praised Albert in his heart. His remarks were really sharp, and he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

If Mrs. Huo Qi could really help solve the problem, he wouldn't have to do that, but the problem is that he can't!

"are you OK?"

When Charlie came out of Professor McGonagall's office, he was surrounded by the team members.

"Ok!" Charlie said, "I got scolded by Professor McGonagall. However, what Albert said was very effective. Professor McGonagall originally wanted to put me in confinement."

It would be really unlucky if he was imprisoned for this.

Afterwards, everyone went to the school hospital. Many players were injured. When Albert first entered the school hospital, he saw George and the Slytherin student opposite each other staring at each other, as if they were studying how to hurt each other with their eyes.

"It seems that you are in good spirits." Fred chuckled.

"It's very bad." George doesn't plan to leave the hospital yet.

"Okay, Mr. Weasley, you can leave the hospital, and you guys, don't be crowded here!" Madam Pomfrey was treating other injured students.

"Are you okay!" Albert looked at Angelina and said.

"It's not good. My head still hurts a little. Madam Pomfrey said she has to stay in the hospital tonight." Angelina was very depressed. They lost again, and it was a miserable defeat.

"Don't worry, I've already avenged you!" Fred whispered, nodding towards a certain bed.

"I really don't understand how it could be like this when it was just a Quidditch match!" Madam Pomfrey babbled angrily, "Are you going to have a group fight?"

No one answered, and there was dead silence in the room.

However, the truth was that Madam Pomfrey was right. They did have a fight, but it took place on the Quidditch pitch.

This chapter has been completed!
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