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Chapter 294 I spilled the beans

In the corridor on the eighth floor of the castle, there was a faint groan of pain in the wall opposite the tapestry where the troll beat Barnabas silly. After a moment, a door appeared on the wall, and Albert and his roommates pushed the door open and walked out.

come out.

"Next time, if you want to beat Albert, don't call me again."

In the corridor, Fred was rubbing his wrists with his hands, and couldn't help complaining to his companions that the three of them were let down easily by Albert.

"I told you before, I have practiced before, even as an adult, you may not be able to beat me with bare hands." Albert patted Fred on the shoulder and comforted him with a smile.

He said to himself, my skills are not unique, and now it is not a problem for him to bring down one or two adults.

"Why are you practicing this?"

"Of course it's to protect yourself." Albert's tone was very natural, "Only if your fists are strong enough, you won't be bullied!"

The three of them suddenly felt that what Albert said made sense.

Having said that, in Hogwarts, there are really not many people who dare to cause trouble for Albert. Just look at the group of unlucky ones in Slytherin last year. Many of them ended up with their heads stuffed into the toilet.

"Is the Muggle world dangerous?"

"It's safer than the magical world, but there will always be some blind people, just like the guy who just shouted that he wanted to beat me up." Albert said with a malicious smile on his face.

"Who shouted just now?" Lee Jordan asked.

"That's you, bastard!" Fred and George said in unison.

"Really? Why don't I remember!" Li Jordan quickly pretended to be stupid.

"Do you need us to help you recall?" Fred and George approached Lee Jordan.

"No, I've already remembered it." Lee Jordan muttered quietly, causing Fred and George to laugh triumphantly.

"Wizards are not Muggles, so why should they use fists to solve problems and oppose violence!"

"If you don't have a wand, what's the difference between you and a Muggle!" Albert curled his lips and reminded, "You can't guarantee that the wand will always be in your hand?"

"Isn't there wandless magic?" Lee Jordan argued.

"You know how to use it?" Albert asked.

"No, what about you?"

"Wandless magic is difficult. I won't start trying to practice it until the magic power is completely stable." Albert didn't expect to master wandless magic now.

Wandless magic can cast spells without a wand, but it also has a lot of problems.

Because without the blessing of a wand, it is difficult to control magic accurately, and it usually takes a lot of time to practice. Moreover, the power of the spells used will be weak, and usually only less difficult magic can be used without a wand, such as fluorescent flash...

"Even without a magic wand, wizards usually instinctively use magic to protect themselves when they encounter danger, such as when they fall from a high altitude..." Lee Jordan continued to argue.

"Don't be stupid. I can guarantee that if you fell from the roof of the castle now, even if you had a magic wand in your hand, you would definitely fall into a pile of pulp." Albert couldn't help but roll over towards Lee Jordan.

Roll your eyes.

The magic in this world always feels a bit wonderful.

Most wizards only rely on wands to fight. There are basically no magic props, and wizards do not rely on those things. During combat, ordinary spells can be restrained, interrupted, or deflected by chanting spells. Dangerous spells can only rely on nerves.

Reflex dodge.

To be honest, Albert has always felt that the Elixir of Fortune is quite reliable. At least, during battle, it is not easy to be hit by the enemy's spells, and it can effectively protect his own safety.

Of course, it probably won't have much effect on powerful wizards.

As for what Lee Jordan said about instinctively using magic to protect himself, that is even less reliable. To put it bluntly, wizards use magic unconsciously in emergencies, which is the so-called dog jumping over the wall. In this case, magic has lost control.

It is similar to wandless magic. However, neither the power nor the effect is as good as using a wand to cast spells.

If it was really that effective, what else would a wizard do with a wand?

"What if you fall off the castle?" Fred asked.

"I usually don't commit suicide by jumping off a building." Albert continued, "Of course, if you fall from a height, you just need to cast a shock-absorbing spell on yourself. I remember Charlie once said that."

"Have it?"

"The first time we went to the Quidditch pitch, Charlie kept staring at you, afraid that you would fall off the broom."

"Well, your memory is better than ours." Fred couldn't help rolling his eyes. Of course they still remembered it, but they couldn't remember it for a while without Albert's reminder.

"By the way, there's something." Lee Jordan changed the topic, "Professor Smith seems to know that you broke into the Forbidden Forest to rescue Fred and George last year. I think he should have done it because of the Acromantula.


"Oh!" Albert raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this and asked, "Did he say anything?"

"He asked Fred and George if they had encountered an Acromantula in the Forbidden Forest, and I told him I didn't know." Lee Jordan shook his head. "Later... Professor Smith lamented that you also have brain fever."

"Having a fever in your head?" Albert's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but corrected: "I prefer you to describe it as courage."

"I also think it's more appropriate to use courage."

"Does Professor Smith want to target the Acromantula?" Fred suddenly interjected, "After all, the eggs and venom of those big guys are quite valuable."

"Perhaps, he plans to take revenge on those big spiders." George guessed, "Don't forget, he was attacked by the Acromantula."

"Don't be stupid, you believe that kind of nonsense. I was with them at that time, and we were never attacked by the Acromantula at all." Albert couldn't help but complain. He spoke very quickly,

By the time you reacted, it was already too late.

"You guys lied to us again." Fred also reacted and glared at Albert with dissatisfaction. They actually believed his lies last time.

"Ahem, I promised Dumbledore and Hagrid that I would keep it a secret." Albert didn't expect that he almost let it slip. After making sure that no one was around, he explained in a low voice.

However, Professor Smith asked Lee Jordan what he was doing?

Could it be that he is interested in Gryffindor's treasure?

"What is the monster?"

"Hagrid's pet, do you remember the pet named Lu Wei last time? It was a dangerous magical creature. Hagrid kept him in the Forbidden Forest. Later Lu Wei ran away on his own... leaving me

I can't say I promised it." Albert noticed the distrustful looks in several people's eyes, and helplessly spread his hands and said: "I really promised it, and it's useless if you know it, Dumbledore should have sent it back.

It’s Greece.”

Albert naturally knew that Lu Wei was still hiding somewhere in the Forbidden Forest.

After all, he will be used as the guard dog of the Sorcerer's Stone next semester.

Fred and the other three knew that they couldn't ask anything else, so they stopped asking. Even if they continued to ask, Albert would probably continue to deceive them with some things that they didn't know were true or false.

This chapter has been completed!
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