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Chapter 33 Hogsmeade Village

"Who comes first?"

The group of people who had finished breakfast were standing in front of the entrance to the mirror secret passage on the fifth floor.

"No need to ask, of course it will be one of the three of you!" Albert said matter-of-factly, "You have already gone in once, so you have experience."

"Okay, I'll go first." Fred walked down the stairs carefully, and the other three immediately followed. The mirror returned to its place after the four entered the secret passage.

This passage was a bit crowded, the slope was very steep, and it was dark all around. The four people walked down the stairs slowly.

Albert raised his wand and muttered: "Lumos!"

"I hate this kind of narrow and dark place." Lee Jordan complained softly.

"Don't complain, just keep up." Fred was concentrating on maintaining the glowing spell and slowly walked down the stairs.

The passage here was narrow, and it was difficult for the two of them to even walk sideways. It was dark all around, and they walked a long way along the stairs. Halfway through, Fred's wand went out several times.

"I think it's time for you to practice the Luminous Spell. This is the most basic spell." Albert thrust his wand forward and reminded him loudly.

"I hate this feeling." Fred muttered under his breath, trying to get the wand to glow again.

"After walking up this flight of stairs, the area in front will be wider. Albert should lead the way!" George suggested. He was fed up with having to stop every few minutes.


After walking up the stairs, they came to the gloomy passage. The ground was a little damp and made of hard soil. Occasionally, water dripped from above their heads. One drop fell on Albert's face, making him shiver.

, quickly reached out to wipe the water on his face, and continued walking.

Along the way, Albert walked very slowly to avoid accidentally falling. No one else spoke, focusing all their attention on dealing with the uneven ground in the passage.

The four of them stumbled forward. The passage was winding and winding, and they didn't know who dug it.

Having said that, it's a bit strange that they weren't suffocated to death.

Albert raised his wand above his head and looked at the top of the passage.

"What are you looking at?" Fred asked.

"Um, are there vents on the top of your head?"

"Where is it?" The three of them all looked above their heads, but did not find the vent that Albert mentioned.

"Just where we just walked."

After walking for a full hour and 20 minutes, the passage began to extend upward, which meant that the exit was very close. The four panting people began to speed up their pace.

Five minutes later, they could all feel the cold wind blowing from outside.

The entrance to the secret passage is under a very hidden big rock, and the exit is very narrow, so fat people might get stuck.

It's still raining outside, but not very hard.

After Albert walked out of the passage, he took out his umbrella and opened it to block the rain above his head.

The three Weasleys quickly crowded over.

"You didn't bring an umbrella." Albert was speechless for a while.

"No." The three of them shook their heads in unison.

Albert used a copying spell to conjure three umbrellas for them.

"You are still as reliable as ever." The three of them praised shamelessly.

"By the way, this umbrella is so weird?" Li Jordan looked at the umbrella in his hand curiously. It can actually retract?

"This is a new invention made by the Germans a few years ago. It is convenient and easy to carry." Albert used the water and fire invulnerability spell on himself to ensure that his clothes and boots would not get wet when walking through the lush grass.

"Careful?" When he heard George's exclamation, he turned around and saw Lee Jordan falling to the ground, all wet.

"Are you okay?" Fred quickly reached out and pulled the person up.

"It's so unlucky, my clothes are all soaked." Lee Jordan complained softly.

The twins looked at Albert together.

"Why are you looking at me like this? I didn't cause him to fall." Albert was a little confused.

"Have you mastered the drying spell?"

"What makes you think I know this kind of household magic?" Albert asked angrily.

"Ahem, we were just asking casually. I always thought you knew all kinds of magic." Fred coughed dryly to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"I asked you three, can you get out of here first?" Lee Jordan, who was soaked all over, had a bad temper. "I hate rain the most."

They walked through the grass and headed towards the Hogsmeade village ahead.

Probably because of the rain, the streets of Hogsmeade were deserted. Lee Jordan, whose teeth were chattering, suggested going to the Three Broomsticks first. He wanted to drink a cup of butterbeer to warm his body.

The three of them had no objections.

They walked along a road, and after a few minutes, they easily found the bar the three of them were talking about.

Well, there are three broomsticks hanging on the door of this bar, forming a triangle.

What makes Albert want to complain is that the pointed triangular roof on the door is actually crooked. Should it be said that it is really a house built by a wizard?

Total disregard for physical rules and universal visual aesthetics.

Of course, there is a sign in front of the bar that reads: Three Broomsticks.

There were very few people in the bar today. When Albert entered, he only saw a wizard sitting on the counter chatting with the proprietress.

There was a roaring flame burning in the fireplace. Lee Jordan quickly walked over, took off his robe and put it to dry by the fireplace.

"I'm going to order a drink." Albert said and walked towards the counter. After the twins looked at each other, they sat on the chair opposite Lee Jordan.

"Four bottles of butterbeer, warm." Albert said to the bar owner's wife.

The wizard seemed unhappy because his chat was interrupted, and turned his head to glare at Albert.

Albert glanced at him expressionlessly, then ignored him and sat down directly next to the wizard.

"Where did this kid come from?" the wizard muttered in a low voice, and after being glared at by the proprietress of the Three Broomsticks, he obediently shut up.

"Are you students at Hogwarts?" Ms. Rosmerta looked at the four young wizards entering the store in surprise. She couldn't understand how these four little guys slipped out of Hogwarts.


"How much?" Albert asked expressionlessly.

"Eight Sickles." Ms. Rosmerta entered the back room to help them warm butterbeer.

Albert looked at the bar in his spare time.

To be honest, this is much better than the Leaky Cauldron.

The lobby of the bar is very bright, several tables are arranged neatly, and the sanitation is very clean. There is no strong smell of beer inside, but the decoration is somewhat similar to the medieval tavern in the game in my memory.

After waiting for about five minutes, four glasses of butterbeer were placed in front of Albert, and he quickly called for help.

"Eight Sickles." Albert took out eight Sickles and put them on the table, picked up a cup and walked to the table by the fireplace.

The butterbeer exuded a strong aroma of butter. Albert took a sip and felt a bit like a buttery hard candy that was not greasy. It drank smoothly and had no alcohol. It was more like a drink.

"How do you feel?" The three of them all looked at Albert.

"It's very ordinary, just a kind of drink." Albert looked at the three of them, blinked and said, "It's just like you drink Muggle soda drinks. It's not hard to drink, but you're not used to it."

The three of them looked at each other and couldn't help laughing, as if they would really hear such a comment from you.

This chapter has been completed!
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