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Chapter 367 Salamander

As soon as he opened the door to the dormitory, Albert saw a black shadow running past his feet, which startled him. He thought that his Tom was going to sneak out when the door opened, so he instinctively put his hand into his pocket.

Inside, he was about to take out his wand to summon Tom back, but he found something fluffy rubbing against his ankle.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare lunch for you."

Albert bent down and picked up Tom, then raised his feet to close the door.

He opened the drawer, which was filled with cat food and canned cat food. He reached out and pushed Tom's head away, took a canned cat from it, opened it, mixed it with cat food and put it in a bowl. Then, he waved his wand and emptied the other canned food.

The water in a bowl was replaced with new water.

"Looks like I need to ask how other people keep cats in school." Albert waited for Tom to finish eating, then picked it up and bumped the weight, but it was still as heavy as before.

"It's time for you to lose weight. Let's go and take you to the common room. That will be your activity space for a long time from now on."

After Tom becomes familiar with the dormitory, Albert will let him move around in the Gryffindor common room, and then slowly expand the space for activities, so that he can gradually become familiar with the environment of the castle, contact more students, and distinguish between others.

Be careful about its good and evil qualities so as not to suffer disadvantages in the future.

There were not many people in the Gryffindor common room at noon. Albert found an empty seat and sat down. He took out his pocket watch from his pocket and checked the time, preparing to let Tom move around in the common room under his supervision.

, but he soon discovered that his cat did not seem to intend to wander around, but instead jumped onto the table next to Albert, and just lay there and took a nap.

"Sleep after eating, you are really good at it!"

Albert raised his hand and rubbed Tom's head, and sighed softly, "If you don't exercise, you will become a fat ball."

Someone next to him was covering his mouth and laughing, looking at the fat cat curiously and whispering in a low voice. Albert turned his head and saw that the ones speaking were two young girls, whom he did not recognize.

Well, he must be a freshman in the first or second grade. When the other party noticed that Albert turned to look over, he felt a little embarrassed and quickly turned around and walked away.

Albert looked away, took out a cat teasing stick from his pocket, and tried to make his cat move.

After staying in the common room for nearly an hour, Albert sent Tom back to the dormitory, and then used the time turner to go back to an hour ago.

He went directly to the school library, only to find that Fred, George and Lee Jordan hadn't arrived yet, so now he had to take a seat for the three of them.

Not long after, the three of them entered the library one after another, still surprised that Albert arrived at the library before them.

On the first day of school, the school library was as full as ever, with a bunch of people rushing to do their holiday homework.

Fred was still a little gloating about this incident, and he completely forgot that he was once one of them.

In the afternoon, the first class was the Care of Magical Creatures class, which was held in the open space on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Professor Kettlebo had a very good reputation in the school, and many students signed up for this class.

This old professor has been teaching at the school for many years and he knows exactly how to arouse students' interest in protecting magical animals.

With the help of Hagrid, Professor Kettlebo prepared a bonfire for everyone and told them about the pile of salamanders inside. Understanding salamanders is today's content.

Everyone sat around the campfire, observing the salamanders in the campfire, and listening to Professor Kettlebo explain the magical animal salamanders.

The way the class was taught was very interesting, and it immediately aroused everyone's interest.

Professor Kettlebo pointed at the salamanders in the bonfire with a branch and told everyone: Salamanders are born in flames and feed on flames. As long as the bonfire in front of them does not go out, they will continue to live.

"What if the fire goes out?" a Ravenclaw girl asked, raising her hand.

"After being removed from the flames, the salamander dies quickly."

"Are they too pitiful?"

Sooner or later, the campfire will burn out, which means that the salamanders in the campfire will soon die.

Professor Kettlebo raised his hand and pressed it, signaling everyone to quiet down.

"If you feed the salamanders that leave the flame an appropriate amount of chili powder regularly, you can delay their death, but they can only live for up to six hours." He told everyone, "I will kill the salamanders here after the campfire is extinguished.

Take them back, they usually need wizards to create a special environment to survive."

Albert knew this, because salamander represents the number 6 in the runic alphabet.

"Of course, when feeding salamanders with chili powder, you can't feed them too much." Professor Kettlebo showed everyone why you shouldn't feed too much chili powder to your salamanders.

The skin of a salamander that has eaten a lot of chili powder will become more colorful, and sparks will continue to spit out from its mouth, setting Professor Kettlebo's white beard on fire.

"That's it, you need to feed chili powder every ten minutes." Professor Kettlebo wiped away the sparks on his beard and threw the salamander back into the bonfire. "By the way, let the salamander survive in a normal temperature environment.

One hour is one of the final exam questions in previous years.”

In the following time, Professor Kettlebo asked everyone to go to the edge of the forest to collect firewood leaves to make the fire burn more vigorously so that they could observe the color changes on the salamanders.

The color of the salamander will change as the heat of the flame changes. If the flame temperature is high, it will tend to be blue. If the flame temperature is low, it will gradually appear bright red. At room temperature, it will become bright orange-red.


Seeing the salamanders jumping around in the crackling firewood, everyone felt that this was a very interesting lesson.

Albert used his wand to fish a salamander out of the bonfire. After leaving the flames, its skin immediately turned bright orange, and it was still a little hot in the palm of his hand.

Fred and the others immediately came over to observe the salamander's reaction, feeling as if its body was burning with flames.

The salamander quickly broke away from Albert's hand, fell to the ground and ran away into the bonfire, but Fred caught it by the tail.

The poor salamander cut off its tail to escape, and soon disappeared into the bonfire.

Fred looked at the lizard tail twisting in his hand and suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Hey, there is a salamander whose scales are rotten, and it actually lost its tail." Professor Kettlebo said in surprise when he saw the tail in Fred's hand.

The latter's face was a little embarrassed. The salamander's tail had obviously nothing to do with the rotten scales.

"Both salamanders and fire dragons may have rotten scales. Once their scales rot, they will lose their tails. If you raise a salamander and encounter this situation, you only need to apply some chili powder to it for treatment.

That's it." Professor Kettlebo said to the students who were talking and laughing: "Why don't you write it down?"

"Sir, is there anything special about salamanders?" Fred threw away the tail and changed the subject, "I mean why wizards raise them."

"Salamander blood has strong healing and healing properties, and can also be used to make a variety of magic potions. This is one of the reasons why wizards raise salamanders," Professor Kettlebo explained.

"How do we get blood from salamanders?" Albert asked, "They don't look like they have a lot of blood on them."

"Very well, this is something you were supposed to learn next year. Of course, if you want to know." Professor Kettlebo waved his wand, and a salamander flew out of the fire and landed on him.


"We have said before that salamanders will die soon after leaving the fire, so the blood must be taken quickly enough." Professor Kettlebo took out a knife and a test tube and showed everyone how to draw blood from the fire.

Taking blood from the lizard.

The method is very simple, just make a cut on the salamander's hind legs near the tail, and then milk the salamander from head to tail like milking a cow.

Yes, it's that simple and crude.

As for stopping the bleeding?

Well, the blood of the salamander has strong healing power, and the wound will heal automatically in a short time.

"The strength must be moderate, otherwise it will cause the internal organs of the salamanders to rupture. Although this will not kill them, it will make the salamanders very uncomfortable." Professor Kettlebo threw the salamanders that had taken the blood back into the bonfire and continued.

, β€œIt’s best to wear gloves when taking blood, otherwise you may get burned.”

"Of course, if you need to use salamander blood, you can buy it in the pharmacy. A small bottle costs ten sickles."

"..." George didn't know what he was mumbling.

"Salamanders are easy to raise. The only problem is that the process of blood collection is complicated. Many wizards are reluctant to do this work. However, salamander blood is needed in many places." Professor Kettlebo said.

Worried, he motioned for everyone to continue observing the salamanders, preferably how they eat.

Fred and George wanted to "save" salamanders from the Care of Magical Creatures class. Albert scoffed at this. How could he not know Fred's character, so he simply refused to help them make bottles and cans?

Blue flame in a bottle.

In the end, the twins had no choice but to give up and take the salamander away. It wouldn't survive long at all.

"We just want a salamander," Fred muttered. "You have a cat, Lee Jordan has a spider, and we don't have a pet of our own yet."

"I don't think Snape would like you to bring that thing into the potions classroom." Albert reminded, "Also, what do you want to feed it?"

"We just wanted to see what would happen if we gave the salamanders some fireworks." George blinked and said honestly. Fred's words could not deceive Albert at all.

"That's a good idea." Lee Jordan's eyes lit up and he agreed, "We can get a salamander and try it next time."

This chapter has been completed!
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