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Chapter 379 Dont want to admit defeat

"Where are the people?"

"Where's Albert?"

"You were behind me just now, why did you suddenly disappear?"

Fred, George and Lee Jordan were all confused. The four of them were about to take a divination class together, but Albert "disappeared" inexplicably.

"Are you too tired to walk?"

"Believe it or not, he will suddenly come out and beat you later." Fred rolled his eyes at Lee Jordan beside him.

"By the way, don't you think the clone spell is weird? I've never heard of such a weird spell." Lee Jordan expressed his doubts, "I checked many books and even asked Foli.

Professor Wei has not found the so-called clone curse."

"Don't be stupid, that clone curse was just said by Albert to deceive us. Do you think I don't know?" Fred curled his lips and expressed doubts about whether his roommate was using his brain.

"We've been together for so long, don't you know him well? There must be some secret hidden from us." George's thoughts were similar to Fred's, "I dare say Percy also knows the reason, but he obviously won't tell him.

We, if you can choose all 12 courses, you will probably know how they managed not to miss a single course."

Yes, the three of them have already asked their classmates from other colleges. Albert and Katrina have never missed a class.

However, no one knows how they did this, and they can only assume that Albert knows the so-called clone spell.

In fact, even if the three of them were curious and wanted to ask, Albert would not tell them.

When necessary, Albert's tone is really scary.

"What are you talking about?"

Albert's voice suddenly sounded, and his figure appeared quietly behind the three of them.

"Where did you go just now?" Fred couldn't help but ask.

"Don't ask, it's a secret." Albert simply said he didn't want to answer, "Okay, let's go."

"What about your Muggle studies?" Fred asked tentatively.

"Of course, let the clone go to class."

On the other side, Albert, who had just walked out of the toilet, followed the flow of people towards the Muggle Studies classroom.

Halfway through, I met Katrina alone in the corridor.

Albert stopped and waited for the other party to come over and asked, "How do you feel about Muggle studies?"

"I'm not used to it. I don't understand many things. What are the batteries and plugs mentioned in the book? What are stamps? Why do you need to affix stamps when sending letters?" Katrina glanced at Albert and said nagging.

She kept talking and talked about it, and she did have a good understanding of the book "Muggle Life and Social Customs in Britain".

However, if you have not been exposed to the lives of ordinary people, you will feel baffled by some common sense.

The two entered the classroom together, and Katrina glared at Albert, who was smiling at the seat, a little dissatisfied.

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing. This is probably the so-called generation gap. To be honest, I don't know some common sense in the wizarding world." Albert shook his head and said, "If you really want to understand the Muggle world, it's best to stay in the Muggle world.

You will naturally be able to understand it in a few months, or even years, instead of taking classes here.”

"I don't have the time, and I don't want to go." Katrina asked, "Why did you choose Muggle studies? You should already know Muggles very well."

"Many people say that choosing Muggle studies is stupid, but I personally think that wizards should know something about non-magical society, otherwise you can't even pretend to be yourself." Albert said with a smile, "As for why I

If I choose Muggle Studies, I naturally want to see from what perspective wizards view Muggles. To be honest, this course is very interesting."

"Interesting? You must be laughing at us in your heart!" Katrina curled her lips disdainfully.

"Many wizards also laughed at those Muggle-born students, and even used insulting words to call them." Albert laughed at himself, "Next time, I will definitely suggest that Dumbledore find a Muggle.

A born wizard comes as an assistant."

Professor Charity Bubbaji, who is in charge of Muggle Studies, is a pure-blood wizard.

Well, he is a wizard who is close to Muggles like Ron's father. However, the disadvantage is that he is actually studying Muggles and does not understand the Muggle world at all, so he often makes some jokes.

At least, in Albert's opinion, those were jokes.

"Albert, tell everyone why Muggles need electricity." The class started soon. One of the things Professor Caredi Bubbaji liked to do was to ask Albert to answer questions in class.


Of course, you will get extra points after answering.

To this end, a task called "Extra Points Madman" also appears on the panel.

The content of the task is probably to help Gryffindor House gain 1,000 points while in school. The reward is to upgrade the designated skills by one level, 20 points of favorability with Professor McGonagall and 200 points of reputation in the magic world.

Mission rewards are great.

Albert estimates that he should be able to finish it easily before graduation.

After all, with Lockhart next year, it would be no problem to easily score one or two hundred points.

"Electricity is an energy source for Muggles, providing energy for various electrical appliances they manufacture. In Muggle life, there are countless electrical appliances that require electricity to maintain operation in order to make life run better and more efficiently.

A comfortable life." Albert answered the question slowly.

In fact, many students cannot understand how Muggles live without magic. Just like they would say, how can Muggles travel without floo powder? How can Muggles send messages without owls?

All right!

To be honest, if he hadn't already understood the two ways of thinking of wizards and Muggles, when he first came to Muggle Studies, he would have thought that the classroom was full of retarded people.

"So... Mr. Anderson, would you like to introduce Muggle electrical appliances to everyone?" Professor Caredi Bubbaji continued to ask, and Albert was already sitting on the armchair prepared by the other party.

This is the latest one, one question, one answer. Everyone likes this teaching model, and Professor Caredi Bubaji also likes it, because he can learn a lot of knowledge from Albert.

Well, that's right, Albert's position is that of a teaching assistant, an unpaid teaching assistant.

Of course, Professor Charity Bubaji exempted Albert from all his homework. He was only required to write an occasional paper.

“What does a light do, what does a plug mean, what does a television do, what is a telephone?”

After Albert answered a few questions cooperatively, he asked: "Have you ever lived in the Muggle world without using magic?"

"Yes, I once stayed in the Muggle world for a week." Professor Caredi Bubbaji recalled, "It was a wonderful trip. I even wanted to write this story into a book to share with everyone. . ”

At this moment, Albert remembered a sentence from his previous life: Even today's masters of Chinese studies may not be as good as children born into aristocratic families in ancient times.

Can what you have learned and researched be compared to a part of other people’s lives?

The same is obviously true for Professor Caredi Bubaji.

There is such a huge gap between what he thinks and what everyone in the classroom thinks and reality.

"Many people regret not choosing Muggle Studies." After class, Katrina and Albert walked side by side in the corridor, "They want to come and see..."

"Everyone just thinks it's interesting." Faced with Katrina's teasing, Albert remained very calm. "It would be more interesting to tell them using my own experience and knowledge."

"You know what? I have read a lot of books about France, I have traveled to France twice, and I can even speak French fluently." He laughed at himself, "But I never think that I understand that country."

"Differs greatly?"

Katrina understood what Albert meant. Because she once lived in the Muggle world, Albert knew what those things were better than anyone else, and felt that the things taught in class were a bit ridiculous.

Perhaps, this course should be taught by a Muggle-born wizard, or a wizard who has lived in the Muggle world all year round.

Although Professor Charity Bubbaji is indeed as curious about the Muggle world as Mr. Weasley, it is only to this extent.

Research is just research after all!

"I really envy you. The third grade courses are very easy for you." Katrina glanced at Albert beside her and said, "Whether it is divination, mathematical divination, ancient runes, or even Muggle studies. "

She even suspected that Albert's protection of magical creatures could be easily learned.

"Do you regret choosing them all now?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"No!" Katrina shook her head angrily, she would not give up easily.

"My advice is, whatever you want to do in the future, just specialize in whatever you want to do. Just learn those subjects well and throw away the rest."

"It's hard to imagine that such words would come out of your mouth." Katrina curled her lips and said, "Then why did you choose them all?"

For the time turner!

Of course, Albert would not tell anyone about this.

"Don't you think it looks good to have a bunch of o's on the transcript?" Albert asked with a smile.

Katrina had never doubted whether Albert could obtain twelve excellent subjects. The other party was too good. If she could still see the back of her sister Isobel, she could hardly see Albert's gradual progress. The back of the line is getting farther and farther away.

I can’t catch up!

Although she knew this, Katrina just didn't want to give up. She didn't like to admit defeat, and she didn't want to admit defeat.

This chapter has been completed!
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