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Chapter 383 Poisonous

After October, when the weather cleared up, Albert left Fred, George and Lee Jordan who were immersed in homework, and took his Tom out for a walk alone.

Some people say that walking a cat is not a good choice, but Albert has sneaked past the cat several times. When Tom goes out with him, he will follow him closely. If he runs around, he will be hit by flying curses.


After several experiences of being recalled by flying spells, Tom knew not to run around after following him.

When a man and a cat passed by the fourth floor, they met Professor Quirrell.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's face was far less beautiful than when he first came to Hogwarts. Maybe it was because he was possessed by Voldemort, or maybe he was tortured by Voldemort because he was unable to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

"Good morning, Sir."

"Good morning."

The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor responded dryly.

"Professor, I have a question about female ghosts." Albert didn't wait for Professor Quirrell to refuse, and quickly talked about the female ghost choir at the first grade Halloween banquet.

Professor Quirrell opened his mouth. He really didn't want to meet Albert now. Every time he met him halfway, as long as he was not in a hurry, the other party would come up with questions that seemed strange, but made you reluctant to do so.

I don’t admit it, this is a very high level question.

"The voices of female ghosts are deadly because there is a curse in their screams. I think that choir should start from this aspect. As for other reasons, I have no clue at the moment." Quirrell said slowly,

He hesitated, "I'll tell you when I find out the reason!"

After saying that, Professor Quirrell slipped away, fearing that Albert might ask some weird questions again.

Looking at Professor Quirrell's retreating back, Albert picked up Tom and scratched his chin, whispering, "Tom, you are so incompetent!"

Maybe Principal Dumbledore asked the professors to set up a mechanism to protect the Philosopher's Stone. Maybe Quirrell himself was still waiting for the best opportunity to avoid being discovered by the professors in the school when he took the Philosopher's Stone away.

In short, Quirrell is still lurking, and his efficiency is really shockingly low.

Of course, it could also be that students from Ravenclaw Academy are more cautious!

If Quirrell had been a student of Gryffindor House, he would have probably acted rashly when something happened. He wouldn't have had so much free time to slowly inquire about information and find out one by one what the mechanisms arranged by the professors were.

Although the efficiency was very low, it was undeniable that Quirrell did a good job and successfully passed the trap set by the professors. However, he did not find out how to crack the trap set by Dumbledore.

If Harry hadn't happened to appear, Albert even doubted that Quirrell would never have been able to retrieve the Sorcerer's Stone from the magic mirror.

Well, yes, Albert felt that there was a possibility that letting Harry Potter face Voldemort was most likely a trap set by Principal Dumbledore.

Halfway through, Albert encountered a little twists and turns.

Tom and Mrs. Norris faced each other, one was fat and the other was thin, forming a sharp contrast.

The two cats looked at each other as soon as they met, and even showed their teeth in protest. Albert thought they were going to fight, and when he was about to take away his cat, he saw his Tom raising his paw and swiping at Mrs. Lollys, who was struck by Lolly.

After Mrs. Silk escaped, Tom quickly ran to Albert's feet, as if I had someone to back him up.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

This scene made Albert want to laugh. He took out the dried fish from his pocket, placed it in front of Mrs. Norris, and left with his Tom.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s been exercising recently, but Tom’s physical fitness has become much better than before. At least when he went downstairs, he didn’t lie down on the floor tired enough.

On the way, there were still many girls who wanted to pet Tom, but they were all rejected by him. This guy was still complaining that Albert had given his little fish to other cats.

Albert took Tom out of the castle and walked towards Hagrid's hut.

He didn't let Tom mess around in the surrounding grass. It had just rained yesterday and the dirt on the ground was very dirty. If Tom made himself dirty, Albert would have to spend time bathing him. Bathing a cat

But it's a physical job, even if it's for a cat that bathes frequently.

Tom was floated in the air by Albert's levitation spell. It had become accustomed to the feeling of floating in the air. It was not as panicked as it was the first time. It kept paddling with its four legs off the ground, as if it was taking a space walk.

Albert raised his hand and knocked on Hagrid's wooden door. After a while, there was a scratching sound inside the door, and Fang Ya was scratching the door inside.

After a while, the door opened. Hagrid was wearing an apron, humming a tune, and seemed to be preparing lunch.

Tom was startled by Hagrid and meowed.

"Your cat?" Hagrid glanced at Tom and made way for Albert to enter.

"It's really fat."

"Yeah, Tom is indeed a little fat. I'm trying to think of ways to lose weight for him recently." Albert put Tom on the table, and Yaya came over curiously, put his paws on the table, stretched his head and sniffed at Tom.

, but Tom was startled and ran to squat next to Albert.

"Hagrid, what are you doing?" Albert asked, looking at Hagrid who was stirring the spoon.

"Would you like some mushroom soup? Fresh mushrooms are very delicious." Hagrid said excitedly.

"Fresh mushrooms?" After Albert fed Yaya some dog food, he came to Hagrid's side, looked at the mushroom soup in the pot, then looked around, and his eyes fell on a basket in the corner.


"Where did you get the mushrooms? Did you buy them?" Albert walked towards the basket and asked casually.

"Bought? No, no, there are always a lot of delicious mushrooms in the Forbidden Forest on rainy days. I went into the forest in the morning and brought some back."

"Can it be eaten?"

"Of course it's edible." Hagrid raised his finger and pointed at the strange-looking mushroom that looked a bit like an animal's brain and said, "It grows when it rains. Do you want to stay and taste my craftsmanship later?"

Albert raised his eyebrows, it looked a bit like a deer flower fungus?

If it is deer flower fungus, it must be cooked before eating. Eating it raw will cause poisoning.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, Albert quickly expressed doubts about Hagrid's statement that it was edible.

"Hagrid, I have to remind you that according to common sense, most brightly colored mushrooms are highly poisonous." Albert saw a bright red mushroom with unique white spots on it, which looked like

Red cute mushroom from fairy tales or cartoons.

Well, poisonous...mushrooms.

"What do you mean? I call it drunken mushroom. It's a good thing. If you eat a small amount, it will make you feel a little tipsy, just like drinking too much wine." Hagrid said casually, obviously having eaten it.

Albert recalled it carefully and seemed to have seen similar records.

Well, a poisonous mushroom can be used to make potions in small amounts. If used directly, it is likely to cause hallucinations and make you insane.

Albert looked into the basket again and felt that most of the mushrooms that Hagrid brought back from the Forbidden Forest were poisonous. Perhaps Hagrid himself was more resistant to poison, but if Albert ate some poisonous mushrooms, he would be intoxicated.

Tang, you may need to be carried sideways into the campus hospital later.

"Hagrid, I have to remind you..." Albert was about to speak when he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

He walked over and opened the door. It was Harry and Ron.

The two looked at Albert who opened the door in surprise.

"Harry, Ron, do you want to eat at my place for lunch and try the mushroom soup I just made?" Hagrid turned his head to look at the visitor and greeted with a smile.

“Mushroom soup?”

The two people's attention was attracted by the cat on the table and the dog lying on the edge of the table. After hearing Hagrid's words, they were stunned for a moment.

"Albert, you really need some, these mushrooms are really delicious." Hagrid scooped a big spoonful for himself and put it in a bowl. The strong aroma of mushrooms filled the room.

"It smells really good," Ron said.

"Give me some."

Harry walked over and looked at the mushroom soup that looked pretty good.

Albert's mouth twitched. If the famous Harry Potter ate poisonous mushrooms and died, it would really become a joke.

"what about you?"

Hagrid served Harry another bowl.

Before Harry started eating, a hand was put on his shoulder, stopping his movements.

"Weasley, if you don't want to get poisoned, you'd better not touch that thing." Albert reminded.

Ron shivered in fright and almost dropped the wooden spoon in his hand.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can I be fine if I eat it?" Hagrid was stunned, took a spoonful and stuffed it into his mouth, smashed it twice, and looked at Albert in confusion.

"Just because you are fine, does not mean that others are fine." Albert shook his head and said, "Of course, if you don't believe it, you can go and see the mushrooms Hagrid collected from the Forbidden Forest. Eighty percent of them are poisonous mushrooms."

Harry looked at Albert suspiciously. He felt that the other party would not tell nonsense, and there was no need for it.


Ron looked at Harry in confusion, then at Albert, and walked towards the basket. Of course, he couldn't actually tell which mushrooms were poisonous.

"As long as they are brightly colored mushrooms, they are usually poisonous." Albert reminded.

"Ron's expression really doesn't look good."

"Really?" Hagrid asked suspiciously, "Those mushrooms taste quite delicious. He has already eaten less than half of the bowl, but nothing happened."

"If you don't believe it, just eat it." Albert shrugged, indicating that he had said everything he needed to say, and if you didn't believe it, there was nothing he could do.

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