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Chapter 418 Compromise and Conspiracy

"So, have they compromised?"

When Fred told Albert the good news, he was indeed a little surprised. He originally thought that the group of Slytherin die-hards would grit their teeth and persist for a while.

"One of them came to us and said that they were willing to pay back the galleons they owed, but they were not willing to pay back four times the odds. They were only willing to give half." George added: "That group of people thought four times the odds was too much.

Too much."

Albert was silent for a moment and said to Fred: "Ask other people's opinions and see if they are willing. If they are not willing, then reject them directly."

"Are you ready to agree?" Lee Jordan ate the multi-flavor beans he bought from Honeydukes candy store last time and looked at Albert in surprise, "I think those Slytherin guys have bad intentions."

"I know."

"Since you know, then why..."

Albert raised his hand to interrupt Lee Jordan, and calmly expressed his speculation, "Maybe, they just want to divide this debt collection team. After all, after they pay back the money, they will settle accounts with us one by one.

The other party has suffered a lot and said it doesn’t want to seek revenge from us, but I’m afraid it’s a lie.”

"Then what should we do? If we don't refuse, we can get back four times the bet slowly." Fred was a little anxious. He didn't want to disband this debt collection team. With this group of people here, they won't be afraid.

Those nuisances from Slytherin.

"No, let them make their own choice." Albert shook his head and said, "Even if we don't agree, others will definitely agree. Why do we need to be that annoying villain?"

The three of them were silent. They knew what Albert meant. They formed this debt collection team just to get their money back. It would be unreasonable to refuse.

"Give them the choice and let them suffer some losses. You must be careful next time."

"Suffer some loss?" Fred frowned, "Are you prepared to watch them die?"

"Is your statement too exaggerated? Just tell them my analysis." Albert really doesn't care what happens to those people. Anyway, after the mission is completed and the reward is received, he doesn't care what happens to other people.

"All right."

"Then it's up to you."

Albert continued to immerse himself in studying the research report on the tracking spell in his hand.

If Tom's diary cannot be arranged next year, Albert will prepare to stay away from Ginny Weasley to avoid being taken away by a wave of basilisks accidentally.

It didn't take much time for the two parties to reach an agreement. Fred brought the remaining Galleons to Albert, and the wizards who originally joined the debt collection team also got their money back. Although it was only half of the gambling winnings, it was

The matter was over, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As for other students who are still in debt, it naturally has nothing to do with them.

The Christmas vacation was approaching. Albert packed his luggage and went downstairs with Lee Jordan.

"I really feel sorry for those people."

As the two passed by the hall, they heard a blond boy saying to his companion: "They have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because the family doesn't want them."

When Malfoy said this, his eyes were fixed on Harry Potter, and there was an undisguised sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

Fred, who was helping Albert carry the cat carrier, frowned slightly, and George had an expression of disgust on his face, as if he had seen something dirty.

"Congratulations Potter, you have another supporter."

When Albert passed by Harry Potter, he stopped and put his arm around Harry's shoulders, motioning him to look in the direction of Malfoy, "Get along well with him, he is your loyal supporter. In order to attract your

He took great pains to pay attention."

Ron, who was standing next to Harry, couldn't help laughing when he heard Albert's words.

"What's so funny?" Albert looked at Ron, who immediately tried not to laugh out loud.


"You need to get along well with your new friends."

Albert glanced at Malfoy, who was blushing, took the cat carrier, and walked towards the carriage parked outside the castle, leaving behind a burst of laughter and a surprisingly furious Malfoy.

"I dare say you must have done it on purpose." Lee Jordan kept laughing on the way to the station.

"Isn't it? I see that Mr. Malfoy has been running up and down, obviously to attract Potter's attention." Albert scratched Tom's chin with his hand and said nonsense seriously.

"Isn't it because he is a supporter of Harry Potter and you want to attract his attention?"

"What you said makes so much sense." Li Jordan laughed even harder.

After getting in the car, Tom occupied the table and slapped his tail on the table, as if urging Albert to quickly take out the dried fish.

As for Albert's Sheila, she had already stayed behind when she delivered a letter to her home a few days ago, to prevent the two pets from fighting each other when they met.

The two of them had just played two sets of wizard cards when there was a knock on the door next door. Standing outside the door was their old acquaintance Kenneth Toller. This guy's face was gloomy, as if something bad had happened.


"What's the matter?" Lee Jordan asked while shuffling the cards.

"Flint wanted to take off my underwear." Kenneth Toler's face looked ugly.

"It's not difficult to guess." Albert said calmly, "After all, if you paid someone to take off his pants, it's not difficult to understand that he wants your underwear."

"Then what should I do!" Kenneth Toler was very worried. It was simply impossible for him to prevent himself from being attacked by Flint at all times.

"That depends on what you are going to do." Albert raised his head and glanced at Kenneth Toler, and said with a smile: "You can go and reconcile with him, return the pair of pants to him, and give him a pair of yours by the way.


"You are joking!"

Kenneth Toler stared at Albert dumbfounded, and Lee Jordan next to him had already laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight.

In the end, Kenneth Toller failed to get a better solution from Albert and left with a disappointed face.

"What would you do if it were you?" Lee Jordan asked curiously.

"Use the Forgetting Curse on Flint to make him forget this unpleasant memory. Of course, this is not an easy task." When Albert played the first card, he explained: "Use the Forgetting Curse a lot.

It will also have a bad impact on people. In serious cases, it may even turn people into idiots who don't understand anything."

"It would be great if we could make them idiots!" Li Jordan sighed, looked at the situation on the field, and asked in confusion: "Haven't you not touched the wizard card for a long time? Why are you still so good?"

"After all, I invented the game. Naturally, I know better than you how to play it." After Albert easily won another game, Lee Jordan was not ready to continue playing.

"I feel that the Wizard card still has a long way to go." He sighed as he put away the Wizard card. "Perhaps, we can consider adding some other effects to the Wizard card."

"Everything you think of will be there."

"Really?" Lee Jordan asked happily.

"Really, the Wizard card still has a long way to go."

"That's great. If I can be of any help then, remember to tell me."

"Yes, you can definitely help." Albert said while giving Tom the dried fish.

"It seems like a good idea to have a cat."

"You have no talent for raising pets."

Li Jordan sighed. His bag spider had died a long time ago and was raised to death by him. The body was made into a specimen by Fred and George and seemed to be ready to be given to Ron for this year.

Christmas gift.

This chapter has been completed!
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