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Chapter 420 Full of Malice

"Percy, given your level of wizard chess, don't come up with blind ideas to mislead others. It will only make Harry lose worse." Fred and George walked over to the Gryffindor common room after they had just entered it.

Next to the three people who were lowering the wizard flag, they saw Percy giving Harry advice and couldn't help but say sarcastically.

"I'm much better at wizarding chess than you are," Percy retorted, "and I'm just giving Harry some advice."

"We never give random advice."

Harry next to him agreed with the twins' point of view. He also believed that if Percy hadn't been on the sidelines constantly giving random ideas, he wouldn't have lost so miserably.

"A Christmas gift? Who sent it?"

Ron looked at the package in Fred's hand and asked curiously.

"Albert said in the letter that this was a Christmas present he received."

When George talked about this, he had a malicious smile on his lips, raised his hand and pointed at the package and said, "I heard that it was a Christmas gift sent to him by Snape."

"You are joking."

Harry was stunned, and Ron, who was still placing wizard chess next to him, also froze on the spot. Both of them looked at the package in Fred's hand with disbelief.

"Do you think we are joking?"

Fred put the package on the table and said to everyone, "Who wants to open the package?"

"Isn't this bad!" Percy frowned.

"Albert agreed, otherwise the package would not have been sent. The letter also said that in addition to this toy, he also received an unsigned Christmas gift, which will be sent to the school in a while."

George took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and waved it in front of the three people to show that he was not lying.

In fact, Fred and George were also interested in opening the package, but they didn't want to open the package themselves. Who knew whether Snape would cast some evil spell.

"Why did Snape send this Christmas gift to Anderson?" Harry thought this was incredible. Snape would actually send gifts to others. Was it going to rain candy from the sky?

"Are you sure you won't be cursed when you open the package?" Ron had no doubt that Snape cast a curse on the package. His reputation was not good at all.

"Probably not!" Percy shook his head and said, "Snape is a professor after all. He would not do such a thing. If he really did it, he would not write his name on the package."

However, the more Percy spoke, the less confident he became. It was really hard to believe what he said.

"How about you open the package?"

Fred smiled and handed the package to Percy and asked him to open it.

"All right!"

Percy raised his eyebrows, but in the end he did not refuse the task. He placed the package far away, then took out his wand and split the packaged watch case apart. As a result, nothing happened, no curses, and no traps.

, there were several glass bottles inside the package, which seemed to contain something weird.

"Is this...the ingredient of the potion?" Percy put away his wand and said in surprise, "It seems that we just misunderstood Professor Snape."

"Why would Snape send something like this to Albert?" Fred raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, Harry and Ron also gathered around to see what was in the package. Percy had even reached out to pick up a piece of parchment on the package and looked at it carefully. There was a recipe for a potion recorded on it.

"Eh! Eh!"

Everyone who originally thought Snape had no ill intentions now understood what his ill intentions were. Look at what is in these glass jars.

There was a whole jar of cockroaches, and they were still alive. Another jar had a jar that looked like a brain, another jar had some kind of disgusting thing that looked like shit, and another jar contained a big, unblinking eye.

"How disgusting."

George took two steps back in disgust. He now understood that Snape's intentions were sinister. This was just plain disgusting.

Harry suddenly felt bad. He felt like the turkey and Christmas pudding he had eaten for lunch today were churning in his stomach. He felt like vomiting.

"It's all your fault for damaging the package."

Fred looked at Percy quite speechlessly. The latter was also a little embarrassed. He never thought that Snape would send such a purely disgusting thing.

"You guys put it away first, and I'll write a letter to Albert and tell him what's inside the package." Fred was about to leave.

In the end, Percy got a small box from somewhere and repackaged the things.

In the following time, everyone was criticizing Snape, and Harry suddenly thought of something, which made Fred ask Albert for this thing. He wanted to forward this Christmas gift to Malfoy.

This idea immediately gained everyone's support as soon as it was announced.

After reading Fred's letter, Albert agreed to hand over the gift to Harry.

So, that night, Draco Malfoy received a belated Christmas gift.

Lucius and Snape were old friends, and it was normal to send a Christmas gift to the son of an old friend.

At this moment, in Malfoy Manor, Draco Malfoy frowned at the late and suspicious Christmas gift in front of him. Just now, he had tested the package with an honesty detector and found nothing wrong with the package.

But receiving such a gift at this time is suspicious no matter how you look at it.

"Dobby, open the box."

Narcissa gave the order to her house elf. Naturally, she could not let her son open such a suspicious package.

After the house elf opened the package, a large number of cockroaches crawled out of the package. A series of screams were heard in the manor, and chickens were flying and eggs were flying.

After taking a long time to calm down, Malfoy looked at the contents of the package and almost became furious. He had already begun to guess who wanted to harm him.

Yes, there is nothing dangerous in this gift, but it is full of malice.

Malfoy soon discovered that his guess might be wrong, because there was a piece of parchment in the package, and he recognized the handwriting on it. It was Professor Snape's handwriting.

Is it really a Christmas gift sent to me by the dean?

How can this be!

Malfoy looked shocked.

Narcissa also frowned, looked at the parchment handed over by her son, and suggested: "Maybe, you should write a letter to Severus.

Soon after, Snape received a letter from Malfoy, and he also frowned. According to the description on the envelope, there was no doubt that the package was his Christmas gift to disgusting Albert.

Did Albert resend this Christmas gift?

But why did he send it to Malfoy?

No matter how you look at it, it's strange.

Snape wrote in his reply: "That is indeed a Christmas gift from me, but this gift is not for you, and I don't know why this gift was sent to you."

Snape never thought that Albert was not disgusted by his gift at all. After being manipulated by Harry, it was the Malfoys who were disgusted. The scene where the cockroach crawled out of the package was really disgusting.

It frightened them.

This chapter has been completed!
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